/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function process(ConsumerEvent $event) { $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy(array('id' => $event->getMessage()->getValue('pageId'))); if (!$page) { return; } // start a transaction $this->snapshotManager->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); // cleanup snapshots $this->snapshotManager->cleanup($page, $event->getMessage()->getValue('keepSnapshots')); // commit the changes $this->snapshotManager->getConnection()->commit(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getPageBy(SiteInterface $site = null, $fieldName, $value) { if ('id' == $fieldName) { $id = $value; } elseif (isset($this->pageReferences[$fieldName][$value])) { $id = $this->pageReferences[$fieldName][$value]; } else { $id = null; } if (null === $id || !isset($this->pages[$id])) { $this->pages[$id] = false; $parameters = array($fieldName => $value); if ($site) { $parameters['site'] = $site->getId(); } $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy($parameters); if (!$page) { throw new PageNotFoundException(sprintf('Unable to find the page : %s = %s', $fieldName, $value)); } $this->loadBlocks($page); $id = $page->getId(); if ($fieldName != 'id') { $this->pageReferences[$fieldName][$value] = $id; } $this->pages[$id] = $page; } return $this->pages[$id]; }
/** * Retrieves page with id $id or throws an exception if it doesn't exist. * * @param $id * * @return PageInterface * * @throws NotFoundHttpException */ protected function getPage($id) { $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy(array('id' => $id)); if (null === $page) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Page (%d) not found', $id)); } return $page; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function process(ConsumerEvent $event) { $pageId = $event->getMessage()->getValue('pageId'); $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy(array('id' => $pageId)); if (!$page) { return; } // start a transaction $this->snapshotManager->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); // creating snapshot $snapshot = $this->transformer->create($page); // update the page status $page->setEdited(false); $this->pageManager->save($page); // save the snapshot $this->snapshotManager->save($snapshot); $this->snapshotManager->enableSnapshots(array($snapshot)); // commit the changes $this->snapshotManager->getConnection()->commit(); }
/** * Updates site page routes with all routes available in Symfony router service * * @param SiteInterface $site A page bundle site instance * @param OutputInterface $output A Symfony console output * * @return void */ public function update(SiteInterface $site, OutputInterface $output = null) { $message = sprintf(" > <info>Updating core routes for site</info> : <comment>%s - %s</comment>", $site->getName(), $site->getUrl()); $this->writeln($output, array(str_repeat('=', strlen($message)), "", $message, "", str_repeat('=', strlen($message)))); $knowRoutes = array(); $root = $this->pageManager->getPageByUrl($site, '/'); // no root url for the given website, create one if (!$root) { $root = $this->pageManager->create(array('routeName' => PageInterface::PAGE_ROUTE_CMS_NAME, 'name' => 'Homepage', 'url' => '/', 'site' => $site, 'requestMethod' => isset($requirements['_method']) ? $requirements['_method'] : 'GET|POST|HEAD|DELETE|PUT', 'slug' => '/')); $this->pageManager->save($root); } // Iterate over declared routes from the routing mechanism foreach ($this->router->getRouteCollection()->all() as $name => $route) { $name = trim($name); $knowRoutes[] = $name; $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy(array('routeName' => $name, 'site' => $site->getId())); $routeHostRegex = $route->compile()->getHostRegex(); if (!$this->decoratorStrategy->isRouteNameDecorable($name) || !$this->decoratorStrategy->isRouteUriDecorable($route->getPath()) || null !== $routeHostRegex && !preg_match($routeHostRegex, $site->getHost())) { if ($page) { $page->setEnabled(false); $this->writeln($output, sprintf(' <error>DISABLE</error> <error>% -50s</error> %s', $name, $route->getPath())); } else { continue; } } $update = true; if (!$page) { $update = false; $requirements = $route->getRequirements(); $page = $this->pageManager->create(array('routeName' => $name, 'name' => $name, 'url' => $route->getPath(), 'site' => $site, 'requestMethod' => isset($requirements['_method']) ? $requirements['_method'] : 'GET|POST|HEAD|DELETE|PUT')); } if (!$page->getParent() && $page->getId() != $root->getId()) { $page->setParent($root); } $page->setSlug($route->getPath()); $page->setUrl($route->getPath()); $page->setRequestMethod(isset($requirements['_method']) ? $requirements['_method'] : 'GET|POST|HEAD|DELETE|PUT'); $this->pageManager->save($page); $this->writeln($output, sprintf(' <info>%s</info> % -50s %s', $update ? 'UPDATE ' : 'CREATE ', $name, $route->getPath())); } // Iterate over error pages foreach ($this->exceptionListener->getHttpErrorCodes() as $name) { $name = trim($name); $knowRoutes[] = $name; $page = $this->pageManager->findOneBy(array('routeName' => $name, 'site' => $site->getId())); if (!$page) { $params = array('routeName' => $name, 'name' => $name, 'decorate' => false, 'site' => $site); $page = $this->pageManager->create($params); $this->writeln($output, sprintf(' <info>%s</info> % -50s %s', 'CREATE ', $name, '')); } // an internal page or an error page should not have any parent (no direct access) $page->setParent(null); $this->pageManager->save($page); } $has = false; foreach ($this->pageManager->getHybridPages($site) as $page) { if (!$page->isHybrid() || $page->isInternal()) { continue; } if (!in_array($page->getRouteName(), $knowRoutes)) { if (!$has) { $has = true; $this->writeln($output, array('', 'Some hybrid pages does not exist anymore', str_repeat('-', 80))); } $this->writeln($output, sprintf(' <error>ERROR</error> %s', $page->getRouteName())); } } if ($has) { $this->writeln($output, <<<MSG <error> *WARNING* : Pages has been updated however some pages do not exist anymore. You must remove them manually. </error> MSG ); } }