  * Gets a request attribute.
  * @param string $name    HttpRequest attribute.
  * @param string $default Default value (not required)
  * @return mixed
 public function get($name, $default = "")
     $param = Arr::get($_REQUEST, $name, $default);
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" && is_string($param)) {
         $param = urldecode($param);
     return $param;
  * Is the next thing a speudo filter?
  * @return false|CssParserFilterPseudo
 protected function pseudoFilter()
     if (!$this->match("/^\\:/")) {
         return false;
     if (!(list($name) = $this->is("identifier"))) {
         throw new TextParserException("Invalid identifier", $this);
     $filter = Arr::get($this->_pseudoFilters, $name, null);
     if ($filter === null) {
         throw new TextParserException("Unknown pseudo-filter", $this);
     $input = "";
     if ($this->eq("(")) {
         if (!($input = $this->is($filter["entity"]))) {
             throw new TextParserException("Invalid input", $this);
         if (is_array($input)) {
             $input = $input[0];
         if (!$this->eq(")")) {
             throw new TextParserException("Invalid expression", $this);
     $pseudoFilter = CssParserFilterPseudoFactory::getInstance($filter["classname"], $input, $filter["user_def_function"]);
     return $pseudoFilter;
  * Gets a cookie.
  * @param string $name Cookie name
  * @return mixed
 public function getCookie($name)
     return Arr::get($_COOKIE, $name);
  * Constructor.
  * Example:
  * ```PHP
  * $uri = new Uri("http://*****:*****@host:8080/path/to/url?aaa=1&bbb=2#tagname");
  * echo $uri->getScheme() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getHost() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getPort() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getUsername() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getPassword() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getPath() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getQuery() . "\n";
  * echo $uri->getFragment() . "\n";
  * ```
  * @param string $uri URI
 public function __construct($uri)
     $this->_uri = $uri;
     // parses the uri
     $urlInfo = parse_url($uri);
     if ($urlInfo === false) {
         throw new UriException("The given URI is not well formed");
     // gets the uri info
     $this->_scheme = Arr::get($urlInfo, "scheme");
     $this->_host = Arr::get($urlInfo, "host");
     $this->_port = Arr::get($urlInfo, "port");
     $this->_username = Arr::get($urlInfo, "user");
     $this->_password = Arr::get($urlInfo, "pass");
     $this->_path = Arr::get($urlInfo, "path");
     $this->_query = Arr::get($urlInfo, "query");
     $this->_fragment = Arr::get($urlInfo, "fragment");
  * Fetches elements from an array.
  * This function is especially suitable for getting optional arguments.
  * For example:
  * ```php
  * function test($title, $message, $x, $y, $options) {
  *      $args = Arr::fetch(func_get_args(), array(
  *          // `title` is a required string
  *          "title" => "string",
  *          // `message` is an optional string and has a default value
  *          "message" => array(
  *              "type" => "string",
  *              "default" => "Default message ..."
  *          ),
  *          // `x` is an optional string or number and has a default value
  *          "x" => array(
  *              "type" => "string|number",
  *              "default" => 0
  *          ),
  *          // `y` is an optional string or number and has a default value
  *          "y" => array(
  *              "type" => "string|number",
  *              "default" => 0
  *          ),
  *          // `options` is an optional array
  *          "options" => array(
  *              "type"  => "array",
  *              required => false
  *          )
  *      );
  *      print_r($args);
  * }
  * // this throws an InvalidArgumentException, as 'title' is required.
  * test(120, 250);
  * ```
  * @param array $arr         Array of mixed elements
  * @param array $descriptors Associative array of descriptors.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array
 public static function fetch($arr, $descriptors)
     $args = new ArrArguments($arr);
     foreach ($descriptors as $name => $descriptor) {
         $types = array();
         $default = null;
         $required = false;
         if (is_string($descriptor)) {
             $types = explode("|", $descriptor);
         } elseif (is_array($descriptor)) {
             $types = explode("|", Arr::get($descriptor, "type"));
             $default = Arr::get($descriptor, "default");
             $required = Arr::get($descriptor, "required", !Arr::exist($descriptor, "default"));
         $desc = new ArrArgumentsDescriptor($types, $default, $required);
         $args->registerDescriptor($name, $desc);
     return $args->fetch();
  * Gets a 'form parameter'.
  * This function returns `null` if the parameter does not exist.
  * @param string $name Parameter name
  * @return HttpRequestFormData
 public function getFormParam($name)
     return Arr::get($this->formParams, $name);
  * Gets HTTP option.
  * @param string $name Option name
  * @return string
 public function getOption($name)
     return Arr::get($this->_options, $name);
  * Gets a request attribute.
  * @param string $name    Request attribute.
  * @param string $default Default value (not required)
  * @return mixed
 public function get($name, $default = "")
     return Arr::get($_COOKIE, $name, $default);
  * Gets a session attribute.
  * @param string $name Attribute name
  * @return mixed
 public function getSession($name)
     return Arr::get($_SESSION, $name);
  * Gets a request attribute.
  * @param string $name    Request attribute.
  * @param string $default Default value (not required)
  * @return mixed
 public function get($name, $default = "")
     return Arr::get($_SESSION, $name, $default);
  * Gets the upload error message.
  * When an error has occurred, this function returns the error message.
  * @return string
 public function getErrorMessage()
     $errno = $this->getErrorNumber();
     return Arr::get($this->_errors, $errno, "Unknown error");
  * Constructor.
  * For more information about parameters see:
  * http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php
  * Parameters:
  * ```text
  * $options["flags"]   : Flags(not required, default is ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401)
  * $options["encoding"]: Encoding (not required, default is ini_get("default_charset"))
  * $options["double_encode"]: Double encode (not required, default is true)
  * ```
  * Examples:
  * ```php
  * // the most simple way
  * $xml = new XmlEncoder();
  * echo $xml->encode("Rick & Morty");
  * // more elaborated way
  * $xml = new XmlEncoder([
  *      "flags" => ENT_QUOTES|ENT_XML1,
  *      "encoding" => "ISO-8859-1",
  *      "double_encode" => false
  * ]);
  * echo $xml->encode("Rick & Morty");
  * ```
  * @param array $options Options
 public function __construct($options = [])
     $this->_flags = Arr::get($options, "flags", ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401);
     $this->_encoding = Arr::get($options, "encoding", ini_get("default_charset"));
     $this->_doubleEncode = Arr::get($options, "double_encode", true);