public function securePost() { if ($this->isPost()) { $csrf = Session::get('skankydev.form.csrf'); $this->data = (object) $_POST; if ($csrf) { $token = $_POST['_token']; if (!$csrf->checkValue($token) || !$csrf->checkTime()) { throw new Exception("CRSF error", 500); //dont throw exeption in construct; } else { unset($this->data->_token); } } } }
/** * display flash message; * @return string the html; */ public function display() { $retour = ''; if (!empty($this->messages)) { foreach ($this->messages as $message) { $tag = $this->default['tags'][1]; if (isset($message['attr']['class'])) { $message['attr']['class'] .= ' flash-message'; } else { $message['attr']['class'] = 'flash-message'; } $retour .= $this->surround($message['messages'], $tag, $message['attr']); } $retour = $this->surround($retour, $this->default['tags'][0]); unset($this->messages); } Session::delete('FlashMessage'); return $retour; }
public function __construct() { try { Config::getConf(); Auth::loadClass(); //we c'est un peux de la triche Session::start(); EventManager::init(); $this->request = Request::getInstance(); $this->router = Router::getInstance(); $this->auth = Auth::getInstance(); include_once APP_FOLDER . DS . 'config' . DS . 'bootstrap.php'; $this->request->securePost(); $view = $this->router->execute(); $view->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->controller = new ErrorController($e); } }
/** * create the form balise * @param string $action the url for valide form * @param array $attr the attribute * @param string $method the method of form (default POST) * @param string $csrf active CSRF protection * @return string the balise form */ public function start($action, $attr = [], $method = 'POST', $csrf = true) { $retour = '<form action="' . $action . '" '; $attr = array_merge($this->formAttr, $attr); $retour .= $this->createAttr($attr); $retour .= 'method="' . $method . '">'; if ($csrf) { $token = new Token(); Session::set('skankydev.form.csrf', $token); $retour .= $this->input('_token', ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $token->value]); } return $retour; }
public function set($message, $attr = []) { $this->messages[] = ['messages' => $message, 'attr' => $attr]; Session::set('FlashMessage', $this->messages); }
public function setBackLink() { if (!Session::get('skankydev.backlink')) { Session::set('skankydev.backlink', $this->historique->comeFrom()); } }
/** * set the last * @return [type] [description] */ function notDirect() { $this->history[0]['direct'] = false; Session::set('', false); }