  * @inheritdoc
 public function getController(Request $request)
     $route = explode(':', $request->attributes->get('_route'));
     $module = $this->engine->getModule($route[0]);
     $method = sprintf(self::FORMAT_CONTROLLER_METHOD_NAME, NameUtilities::convertToCamelCase($route[1]));
     if (!method_exists($module, $method)) {
         $module = $this->engine->getModule($this->engine->config('engine.module-resolution.default-controller'));
         $method = sprintf(self::FORMAT_CONTROLLER_METHOD_NAME, $this->engine->config('engine.module-resolution.default-controller-method'));
     return array($module, $method);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function render(array &$output)
     $innerIdPrefix = sprintf('%s-%s', $this->getField()->getName(), $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_INNER_WRAPPER_ID_PREFIX));
     // Add the outer container element open tag.
     $output[] = sprintf('<%s%s>', $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_OUTER_WRAPPER_ELEMENT_NAME), HtmlUtilities::attributes($this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_OUTER_WRAPPER_ATTRIBUTES)));
     // Add a hidden field (note: using the raw field name always without [] appended) to reset the value each post.
     $output[] = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="" />', $this->getField()->getName());
     // Add the input elements and value labels, one for each available value.
     $value = $this->getFieldValue();
     foreach ($this->getField()->getValues() as $option) {
         // Add the input element itself.
         $optionId = sprintf('%s-%s', $innerIdPrefix, NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($option['value']));
         $optionAttributes = array_merge($this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_ATTRIBUTES), array('id' => $optionId, 'value' => $option['value'], 'type' => $this->getField()->getType(), 'class' => $this->getField()->getType()));
         if (is_array($value) && in_array($option['value'], $value)) {
             $optionAttributes['checked'] = 'checked';
         $input = sprintf('<input%s />', HtmlUtilities::attributes($optionAttributes));
         // Add the input label element.
         $inputLabelAttributes = array('for' => $optionId, 'class' => sprintf('multiple-input-label %s-label', $this->getField()->getType()));
         $inputLabel = sprintf('<label%s>%s</label>', HtmlUtilities::attributes($inputLabelAttributes), $option['label']);
         // Add the inner wrapper.
         $optionWrapperAttributes = $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_INNER_WRAPPER_ATTRIBUTES);
         $optionWrapperAttributes['id'] = sprintf('%s-container', $innerIdPrefix);
         $output[] = sprintf('<%s%s>', $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_INNER_WRAPPER_ELEMENT_NAME), HtmlUtilities::attributes($optionWrapperAttributes));
         if ($this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_LABELS_FIRST)) {
             $output[] = $inputLabel;
             $output[] = $input;
         } else {
             $output[] = $input;
             $output[] = $inputLabel;
         $output[] = sprintf('</%s>', $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_INNER_WRAPPER_ELEMENT_NAME));
     // Add the outer container element end tag.
     $output[] = sprintf('</%s>', $this->getRenderOption(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_OUTER_WRAPPER_ELEMENT_NAME));
  * @inheritdoc
  * This implementation returns the target name (in camelCase) plus 'Component'.
 public function getTargetController()
     return array($this->view()->getEngine()->getModule($this->getContextModule($this->request())), sprintf(self::FORMAT_COMPONENT_CONTROLLER_METHOD_NAME, NameUtilities::convertToCamelCase($this->view()->getTarget(\Sitegear\View\View::TARGET_LEVEL_METHOD))));
  * @param \Sitegear\Module\ModuleInterface $module
  * @param string $methodName
  * @param array|null $argumentDefaults
  * @param string|null $exceptionAction
 public function __construct(ModuleInterface $module, $methodName, array $argumentDefaults = null, $exceptionAction = null)
     parent::__construct($argumentDefaults, $exceptionAction);
     $this->module = $module;
     $this->methodName = NameUtilities::convertToCamelCase($methodName);
  * Initialise the routing for this Engine.
 protected function compileRouteCollection(Request $request)
     // Setup the request context.
     $context = new RequestContext();
     // Compile the collection.
     $this->compiledRouteCollection = new RouteCollection();
     foreach ($this->getRawRouteMap() as $urlMapEntry) {
         $module = $this->getModule($urlMapEntry['module']);
         /** @var \Sitegear\Module\MountableModuleInterface $module */
         $module->mount('/' . trim($urlMapEntry['root'], '/'), $context);
         $routes = $module->getRoutes();
         if (!empty($routes)) {
             $routeNamespace = NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($urlMapEntry['module']);
             foreach ($routes as $routeName => $routeObject) {
                 $this->compiledRouteCollection->add(sprintf('%s:%s', $routeNamespace, $routeName), $routeObject);
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testInvalidForm()
     NameUtilities::convert('Anything', 123);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function applyViewDefaults(ViewInterface $view, $viewType, $viewName)
     LoggerRegistry::debug('{class}::applyViewDefaults([view], {viewType}, {viewName})', array('class' => (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName(), 'viewType' => TypeUtilities::describe($viewType), 'viewName' => TypeUtilities::describe($viewName)));
     $this->applyConfigToView('common', $view);
     $this->applyConfigToView(sprintf('%s.%s', NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($viewType), NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($viewName)), $view);
  * @inheritdoc
  * This implementation allows the use of a simple syntax in view scripts to render nested view scripts.
  * $view->section()->[sectionName]()
  * $view->component()->[componentName]()
  * $view->[moduleName]()->[componentName]()
  * These all follow the same pattern; the first call specifies the source of the content, and the second call
  * specifies the exact target.  The special strings 'section', 'component' and 'template' can be used in the first
  * position.  The 'section' special string maps to the controller module; the 'component' and 'template' special
  * strings map to the Content module.
  * For every occurrence encountered of the above syntax patterns in a view script, a new View object is
  * created dynamically.  If the syntax is incorrect, e.g. if there are more or less than 2 chained method calls,
  * then an error message is output.
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     if (!$this->rendering) {
         // We are not rendering yet, so push a target onto the stack.
         $this->pushTarget(NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($name), $arguments);
     } else {
         // We are already rendering this view, and the view script is requesting a child view; create it and call
         // the requested method on it (which will set the new view's first target, because the child view is not
         // rendering).
         $childView = $this->getEngine()->getViewFactory()->buildView($this->getRequest(), $this);
         return call_user_func_array(array($childView, $name), $arguments);
     return $this;
  * Convert the given input (string) selector into an associative array with the relevant keys for internal use.
  * @param string $selector Selector as passed to a DiscreteDataModuleInterface method.
  * @return array Array containing 'entity-alias', 'entity-name', 'match-field-name', 'match-field-value' and
  *   'value-field-name'.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the selector has invalid syntax.
 protected function parseSelector($selector)
     $result = null;
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match(self::REGEX_PARSE_SELECTOR, $selector, $matches) && sizeof($matches) > 3) {
         $entityMatches = array();
         if (preg_match(self::REGEX_PARSE_ENTITY_NAME, $matches[1], $entityMatches) && sizeof($entityMatches) > 1) {
             $result = array('entity-alias' => sizeof($entityMatches) > 2 ? sprintf('%s:', NameUtilities::convertToStudlyCaps($entityMatches[1])) : '', 'entity-name' => NameUtilities::convertToStudlyCaps(sizeof($entityMatches) > 2 ? $entityMatches[2] : $entityMatches[1]), 'match-field-name' => is_numeric($matches[2]) ? 'id' : 'urlPath', 'match-field-value' => $matches[2], 'value-field-name' => $matches[3]);
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('DoctrineModule got invalid entity name format; required format is "entity" or "alias:entity", got "%s"', $matches[1]));
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('DoctrineModule got invalid selector format; required format is "entity/identifier/field", got "%s"', $selector));
     return $result;
  * Create a single condition for a single processor.
  * @param array $conditionDefinition
  * @return ConditionInterface
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function buildCondition(array $conditionDefinition)
     $conditionClass = TypeUtilities::firstExistingClass($this->getFormsModule()->registry()->getConditionNamespaces(), NameUtilities::convertToStudlyCaps($conditionDefinition['condition']) . 'Condition');
     if (is_null($conditionClass)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('FormBuilder could not find a condition class for the name "%s"', $conditionDefinition['condition']));
     return $conditionClass->newInstance($conditionDefinition['options']);
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function normaliseRenderOptions()
     return ArrayUtilities::combine(parent::normaliseRenderOptions(), array(self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_ELEMENT_NAME => 'fieldset', self::RENDER_OPTION_KEY_ATTRIBUTES => array('id' => sprintf('sitegear-fieldset-%s', NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($this->getFieldset()->getHeading())))));
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getSitePath($location, $resource, ModuleInterface $module = null)
     // Ensure the passed-in resource has no leading slashes and no surrounding whitespace
     $resource = ltrim(trim($resource), '/');
     switch ($location) {
         case ResourceLocations::RESOURCE_LOCATION_SITE:
             // For the site level, the module name must be inserted
             $root = $this->getSiteRoot();
             $resource = sprintf('%s/%s', NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($this->engine->getModuleName($module)), $resource);
         case ResourceLocations::RESOURCE_LOCATION_VENDOR:
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "vendor" location identifier cannot be used for site paths');
         case ResourceLocations::RESOURCE_LOCATION_MODULE:
             $root = sprintf('%s/%s', $module->getModuleRoot(), ResourceLocations::RESOURCES_DIRECTORY);
         case ResourceLocations::RESOURCE_LOCATION_ENGINE:
             $root = sprintf('%s/%s', $this->engine->getEngineRoot(), ResourceLocations::RESOURCES_DIRECTORY);
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot find site resource in unknown location "%s"', $location));
     return sprintf('%s/site/%s', $root, $resource);
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function createModule($name)
     LoggerRegistry::debug('AbstractConfigurableEngine::createModule({name})', array('name' => TypeUtilities::describe($name)));
     $module = parent::createModule($name);
     if ($module instanceof ConfigurableInterface) {
         $moduleConfigKey = sprintf('%s.%s', $this->getRootModuleOverrideConfigKey(), NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($name));
         $moduleConfig = $this->config($moduleConfigKey, array());
     return $module;
  * @inheritdoc
  * This implementation allows resources to be rendered by calling a method named for the resource type. For example
  * "$view->resources()->css()" renders the resources of type 'css'.  The method name will be converted to
  * dashed-lower form, so a call like "$view->resources()->someType()" will refer to the type "some-type".
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     return $this->render(NameUtilities::convertToDashedLower($name));
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getModuleClassName($name)
     $name = NameUtilities::convertToStudlyCaps($name);
     $classMap = $this->config('engine.modules.class-map', array());
     if (isset($classMap[$name])) {
         return $classMap[$name];
     } else {
         foreach ($this->config('engine.modules.namespaces', array()) as $namespace) {
             $prefix = $this->config('engine.modules.class-name-prefix');
             $suffix = $this->config('engine.modules.class-name-suffix');
             $className = sprintf('%s\\%s\\%s%s%s', $namespace, $name, $prefix, $name, $suffix);
             if (class_exists($className)) {
                 return $className;
     return null;
  * Send a simple plain-text notification email with the given data.  This is useful for contact form submissions as
  * the notification sent to the site owner.
  * @param string $subject
  * @param array[] $addresses
  * @param array $data
  * @param string $intro Text to display above the data list
  * @param string $outro Text to display below the data list
  * @param string|null $charset
  * @return boolean
 public function sendTextNotification($subject, $addresses, $data, $intro = null, $outro = null, $charset = null)
     LoggerRegistry::debug('SwiftMailerModule::sendTextNotification({subject}, {addresses}, {data}, intro[{introCount} characters], outro[{outroCount} characters], {charset})', array('subject' => TypeUtilities::describe($subject), 'addresses' => TypeUtilities::describe($addresses), 'data' => TypeUtilities::describe($data), 'introCount' => strlen($intro), 'outroCount' => strlen($outro), 'charset' => TypeUtilities::describe($charset)));
     $nl = "\r\n";
     $body = sprintf('** %s **', $subject) . $nl . $nl;
     $body .= ($intro ?: 'The following data was submitted:') . $nl . $nl;
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $body .= sprintf(' * %s: %s', NameUtilities::convertToTitleCase($key), $value) . $nl;
     $body .= $nl . ($outro ?: 'This message text was automatically generated.') . $nl . $nl;
     return $this->send($subject, $addresses, $body, 'text/plain', $charset);