addURLParameters() public static method

Add one or more query parameters to the given URL.
Author: Andreas Solberg, UNINETT AS (
Author: Olav Morken, UNINETT AS (
public static addURLParameters ( string $url, array $parameters ) : string
$url string The URL the query parameters should be added to.
$parameters array The query parameters which should be added to the url. This should be an associative array.
return string The URL with the new query parameters.
  * Attach the data to the token, and establish the Callback URL and verifier
  * @param $requestTokenKey RequestToken that was authorized
  * @param $data Data that is authorized and to be attached to the requestToken
  * @return array(string:url, string:verifier) ; empty verifier for 1.0-response
 public function authorize($requestTokenKey, $data)
     $url = null;
     $verifier = '';
     $version = $this->defaultversion;
     // See whether to remember values from the original requestToken request:
     $request_attributes = $this->store->get('requesttorequest', $requestTokenKey, '');
     // must be there ..
     if ($request_attributes['value']) {
         // establish version to work with
         $v = $request_attributes['value']['version'];
         if ($v) {
             $version = $v;
         // establish callback to use
         if ($request_attributes['value']['callback']) {
             $url = $request_attributes['value']['callback'];
     // Is there a callback registered? This is leading, even over a supplied oauth_callback-parameter
     $oConsumer = $this->lookup_consumer($request_attributes['value']['consumerKey']);
     if ($oConsumer && $oConsumer->callback_url) {
         $url = $oConsumer->callback_url;
     $verifier = SimpleSAML\Utils\Random::generateID();
     $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, array("oauth_verifier" => $verifier));
     $this->store->set('authorized', $requestTokenKey, $verifier, $data, $this->config->getValue('requestTokenDuration', 60 * 30));
     return array($url, $verifier);
  * Test SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters().
 public function testAddURLParameters()
     $url = '';
     $params = array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo');
     $this->assertEquals($url . '?foo=bar&bar=foo', HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $params));
     $url = '';
     $params = array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo');
     $this->assertEquals($url . 'foo=bar&bar=foo', HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $params));
     $url = '';
     $params = array('bar' => 'foo');
     $this->assertEquals($url . '&bar=foo', HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $params));
 * Gets the language navigation bar.
 * @param SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template $view The view object,
 * @param array $post The _POST array.
 * @return string Resulting html markup.
function simplesamlphp_get_languagebar(SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template $view, $params = array())
    if (!empty($params['post'])) {
        return '';
    if (isset($view->data['hideLanguageBar']) && $view->data['hideLanguageBar'] === TRUE) {
        return '';
    $languages = simplesamlphp_get_languages();
    $result = '<ul class="dropdown-menu">';
    $template = '<li><a href="!href">!name</a></li>';
    foreach ($languages as $lang => $name) {
        $href = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURL(), array($params['languageParameterName'] => $lang));
        $result .= strtr($template, array('!href' => $href, '!name' => $name));
    return $result . '</ul>';
  * Log-in using Twitter platform
  * @param array &$state  Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     /* We are going to need the authId in order to retrieve this authentication source later. */
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $stateID = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     $consumer = new sspmod_oauth_Consumer($this->key, $this->secret);
     // Get the request token
     $linkback = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleURL('authtwitter/linkback.php', array('AuthState' => $stateID));
     $requestToken = $consumer->getRequestToken('', array('oauth_callback' => $linkback));
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("Got a request token from the OAuth service provider [" . $requestToken->key . "] with the secret [" . $requestToken->secret . "]");
     $state['authtwitter:authdata:requestToken'] = $requestToken;
     SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     // Authorize the request token
     $url = '';
     if ($this->force_login) {
         $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, array('force_login' => 'true'));
     $consumer->getAuthorizeRequest($url, $requestToken);
  * Get absolute URL to a specified module resource.
  * This function creates an absolute URL to a resource stored under ".../modules/<module>/www/".
  * @param string $resource Resource path, on the form "<module name>/<resource>"
  * @param array  $parameters Extra parameters which should be added to the URL. Optional.
  * @return string The absolute URL to the given resource.
 public static function getModuleURL($resource, array $parameters = array())
     assert('$resource[0] !== "/"');
     $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getBaseURL() . 'module.php/' . $resource;
     if (!empty($parameters)) {
         $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $parameters);
     return $url;
 public function getAuthorizeRequest($url, $requestToken, $redirect = TRUE, $callback = NULL)
     $params = array('oauth_token' => $requestToken->key);
     if ($callback) {
         $params['oauth_callback'] = $callback;
     $authorizeURL = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $params);
     if ($redirect) {
     return $authorizeURL;
  * Helper function for sending CDC messages.
  * @param string $to  The URL the message should be delivered to.
  * @param string $parameter  The query parameter the message should be sent in.
  * @param array $message  The CDC message.
 private function send($to, $parameter, array $message)
     $message['timestamp'] = time();
     $message = json_encode($message);
     $message = base64_encode($message);
     $signature = $this->calcSignature($message);
     $params = array($parameter => $message, 'Signature' => $signature);
     $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($to, $params);
     if (strlen($url) < 2048) {
     } else {
         \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::submitPOSTData($to, $params);
  * @deprecated This method will be removed in SSP 2.0. Please use SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters() instead.
 public static function addURLparameter($url, $parameters)
     return \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $parameters);
if (isset($this->data['hideLanguageBar']) && $this->data['hideLanguageBar'] === TRUE) {
    $includeLanguageBar = FALSE;
if ($includeLanguageBar) {
    $languages = $this->getLanguageList();
    if (count($languages) > 1) {
        echo '<div id="languagebar">';
        $langnames = array('no' => 'Bokmål', 'nn' => 'Nynorsk', 'se' => 'Sámegiella', 'sam' => 'Åarjelh-saemien giele', 'da' => 'Dansk', 'en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'sv' => 'Svenska', 'fi' => 'Suomeksi', 'es' => 'Español', 'fr' => 'Français', 'it' => 'Italiano', 'nl' => 'Nederlands', 'lb' => 'Lëtzebuergesch', 'cs' => 'Čeština', 'sl' => 'Slovenščina', 'lt' => 'Lietuvių kalba', 'hr' => 'Hrvatski', 'hu' => 'Magyar', 'pl' => 'Język polski', 'pt' => 'Português', 'pt-br' => 'Português brasileiro', 'ru' => 'русский язык', 'et' => 'eesti keel', 'tr' => 'Türkçe', 'el' => 'ελληνικά', 'ja' => '日本語', 'zh' => '简体中文', 'zh-tw' => '繁體中文', 'ar' => 'العربية', 'fa' => 'پارسی', 'ur' => 'اردو', 'he' => 'עִבְרִית', 'id' => 'Bahasa Indonesia', 'sr' => 'Srpski', 'lv' => 'Latviešu', 'ro' => 'Românește', 'eu' => 'Euskara');
        $textarray = array();
        foreach ($languages as $lang => $current) {
            $lang = strtolower($lang);
            if ($current) {
                $textarray[] = $langnames[$lang];
            } else {
                $textarray[] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURL(), array($this->languageParameterName => $lang))) . '">' . $langnames[$lang] . '</a>';
        echo join(' | ', $textarray);
        echo '</div>';
	<div id="content">

if (!empty($this->data['htmlinject']['htmlContentPre'])) {
    foreach ($this->data['htmlinject']['htmlContentPre'] as $c) {
        echo $c;
            $site = $op[1];
            $site = pack("H*", $site);
            $server->removeTrustRoot($identity, $site);
if ($ownPage) {
    $trustedSites = $server->getTrustRoots($identity);
} else {
    $trustedSites = array();
$userBase = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('openidProvider/user.php');
$xrds = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('openidProvider/xrds.php');
if ($userId !== FALSE) {
    $xrds = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($xrds, array('user' => $userId));
$as = $server->getAuthSource();
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($globalConfig, 'openidProvider:user.tpl.php');
$t->data['identity'] = $identity;
$t->data['loggedInAs'] = $server->getUserId();
$t->data['loginURL'] = $as->getLoginURL($userBase);
$t->data['logoutURL'] = $as->getLogoutURL();
$t->data['ownPage'] = $ownPage;
$t->data['serverURL'] = $server->getServerURL();
$t->data['trustedSites'] = $trustedSites;
$t->data['userId'] = $userId;
$t->data['userIdURL'] = $userBase . '/' . $userId;
$t->data['xrdsURL'] = $xrds;
  * Receive an authentication request.
  * @param SimpleSAML_IdP $idp  The IdP we are receiving it for.
 public static function receiveAuthnRequest(SimpleSAML_IdP $idp)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['cookieTime'])) {
         $cookieTime = (int) $_REQUEST['cookieTime'];
         if ($cookieTime + 5 > time()) {
              * Less than five seconds has passed since we were
              * here the last time. Cookies are probably disabled.
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['providerId'])) {
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing providerId parameter.');
     $spEntityId = (string) $_REQUEST['providerId'];
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['shire'])) {
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing shire parameter.');
     $shire = (string) $_REQUEST['shire'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['target'])) {
         $target = $_REQUEST['target'];
     } else {
         $target = NULL;
     SimpleSAML\Logger::info('Shib1.3 - IdP.SSOService: Got incoming Shib authnRequest from ' . var_export($spEntityId, TRUE) . '.');
     $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
     $spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($spEntityId, 'shib13-sp-remote');
     $found = FALSE;
     foreach ($spMetadata->getEndpoints('AssertionConsumerService') as $ep) {
         if ($ep['Binding'] !== 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:profiles:browser-post') {
         if ($ep['Location'] !== $shire) {
         $found = TRUE;
     if (!$found) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid AssertionConsumerService for SP ' . var_export($spEntityId, TRUE) . ': ' . var_export($shire, TRUE));
     SimpleSAML_Stats::log('saml:idp:AuthnRequest', array('spEntityID' => $spEntityId, 'protocol' => 'saml1'));
     $sessionLostURL = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURL(), array('cookieTime' => time()));
     $state = array('Responder' => array('sspmod_saml_IdP_SAML1', 'sendResponse'), 'SPMetadata' => $spMetadata->toArray(), SimpleSAML_Auth_State::RESTART => $sessionLostURL, 'saml:shire' => $shire, 'saml:target' => $target, 'saml:AuthnRequestReceivedAt' => microtime(TRUE));

if (empty($_REQUEST['entityID'])) {
    throw new Exception('Missing parameter [entityID]');
if (empty($_REQUEST['return'])) {
    throw new Exception('Missing parameter [return]');
$djconfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getOptionalConfig('discojuice.php');
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
// EntityID
$entityid = $_REQUEST['entityID'];
// Return to...
$returnidparam = !empty($_REQUEST['returnIDParam']) ? $_REQUEST['returnIDParam'] : 'entityID';
$href = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($_REQUEST['return'], array($returnidparam => ''));
$hostedConfig = array($djconfig->getString('name', 'Service'), $entityid, SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('discojuice/response.html'), $djconfig->getArray('feeds', array('edugain')), $href);
	"a.signin", "Teest Demooo",
    "' . SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('discojuice/discojuice/discojuiceDiscoveryResponse.html') . '", ["kalmar"], ""
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'discojuice:central.tpl.php');
$t->data['hostedConfig'] = $hostedConfig;
$t->data['enableCentralStorage'] = $djconfig->getBoolean('enableCentralStorage', true);
$t->data['additionalFeeds'] = $djconfig->getArray('additionalFeeds', null);
 *  renew
 *  gateway
if (!array_key_exists('service', $_GET)) {
    throw new Exception('Required URL query parameter [service] not provided. (CAS Server)');
$service = $_GET['service'];
$forceAuthn = isset($_GET['renew']) && $_GET['renew'];
$isPassive = isset($_GET['gateway']) && $_GET['gateway'];
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$casconfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_casserver.php');
$legal_service_urls = $casconfig->getValue('legal_service_urls');
if (!checkServiceURL($service, $legal_service_urls)) {
    throw new Exception('Service parameter provided to CAS server is not listed as a legal service: [service] = ' . $service);
$auth = $casconfig->getValue('auth', 'saml2');
if (!in_array($auth, array('saml2', 'shib13'))) {
    throw new Exception('CAS Service configured to use [auth] = ' . $auth . ' only [saml2,shib13] is legal.');
$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($auth);
if (!$as->isAuthenticated()) {
    $params = array('ForceAuthn' => $forceAuthn, 'isPassive' => $isPassive);
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
$path = $casconfig->resolvePath($casconfig->getValue('ticketcache', '/tmp'));
$ticket = str_replace('_', 'ST-', SimpleSAML\Utils\Random::generateID());
storeTicket($ticket, $path, array('service' => $service, 'forceAuthn' => $forceAuthn, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'proxies' => array(), 'validbefore' => time() + 5));
\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($service, array('ticket' => $ticket)));
  * Save the state, and return a URL that can contain a reference to the state.
  * @param string $page  The name of the page.
  * @param array $state  The state array.
  * @return string  A URL with the state ID as a parameter.
 private function getStateURL($page, array $state)
     $stateId = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'openidProvider:resumeState');
     $stateURL = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('openidProvider/' . $page);
     $stateURL = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($stateURL, array('StateID' => $stateId));
     return $stateURL;
        if (!$idpmeta->hasValue('OrganizationURL')) {
            throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('If OrganizationName is set, OrganizationURL must also be set.');
        $metaArray['OrganizationURL'] = $idpmeta->getLocalizedString('OrganizationURL');
    $metaflat = '$metadata[' . var_export($idpentityid, true) . '] = ' . var_export($metaArray, true) . ';';
    $metaBuilder = new SimpleSAML_Metadata_SAMLBuilder($idpentityid);
    $metaBuilder->addContact('technical', \SimpleSAML\Utils\Config\Metadata::getContact(array('emailAddress' => $config->getString('technicalcontact_email', null), 'name' => $config->getString('technicalcontact_name', null), 'contactType' => 'technical')));
    $metaxml = $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptorText();
    // sign the metadata if enabled
    $metaxml = SimpleSAML_Metadata_Signer::sign($metaxml, $idpmeta->toArray(), 'Shib 1.3 IdP');
    if (array_key_exists('output', $_GET) && $_GET['output'] == 'xhtml') {
        $defaultidp = $config->getString('default-shib13-idp', null);
        $t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'metadata.php', 'admin');
        $t->data['clipboard.js'] = true;
        $t->data['header'] = 'shib13-idp';
        $t->data['metaurl'] = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURLNoQuery(), array('output' => 'xml'));
        $t->data['metadata'] = htmlspecialchars($metaxml);
        $t->data['metadataflat'] = htmlspecialchars($metaflat);
        $t->data['defaultidp'] = $defaultidp;
    } else {
        header('Content-Type: application/xml');
        echo $metaxml;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('METADATA', $exception);
  * Receive an authentication request.
  * @param SimpleSAML_IdP $idp  The IdP we are receiving it for.
 public static function receiveAuthnRequest(SimpleSAML_IdP $idp)
     $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
     $idpMetadata = $idp->getConfig();
     $supportedBindings = array(SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_POST);
     if ($idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sendartifact', FALSE)) {
         $supportedBindings[] = SAML2_Const::BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT;
     if ($idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.hok.assertion', FALSE)) {
         $supportedBindings[] = SAML2_Const::BINDING_HOK_SSO;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['spentityid'])) {
         /* IdP initiated authentication. */
         if (isset($_REQUEST['cookieTime'])) {
             $cookieTime = (int) $_REQUEST['cookieTime'];
             if ($cookieTime + 5 > time()) {
                  * Less than five seconds has passed since we were
                  * here the last time. Cookies are probably disabled.
         $spEntityId = (string) $_REQUEST['spentityid'];
         $spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($spEntityId, 'saml20-sp-remote');
         if (isset($_REQUEST['RelayState'])) {
             $relayState = (string) $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
         } else {
             $relayState = NULL;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['binding'])) {
             $protocolBinding = (string) $_REQUEST['binding'];
         } else {
             $protocolBinding = NULL;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['NameIDFormat'])) {
             $nameIDFormat = (string) $_REQUEST['NameIDFormat'];
         } else {
             $nameIDFormat = NULL;
         $requestId = NULL;
         $IDPList = array();
         $ProxyCount = NULL;
         $RequesterID = NULL;
         $forceAuthn = FALSE;
         $isPassive = FALSE;
         $consumerURL = NULL;
         $consumerIndex = NULL;
         $extensions = NULL;
         $allowCreate = TRUE;
         $idpInit = TRUE;
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SSOService: IdP initiated authentication: ' . var_export($spEntityId, TRUE));
     } else {
         $binding = SAML2_Binding::getCurrentBinding();
         $request = $binding->receive();
         if (!$request instanceof SAML2_AuthnRequest) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Message received on authentication request endpoint wasn\'t an authentication request.');
         $spEntityId = $request->getIssuer();
         if ($spEntityId === NULL) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Received message on authentication request endpoint without issuer.');
         $spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($spEntityId, 'saml20-sp-remote');
         sspmod_saml_Message::validateMessage($spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $request);
         $relayState = $request->getRelayState();
         $requestId = $request->getId();
         $IDPList = $request->getIDPList();
         $ProxyCount = $request->getProxyCount();
         if ($ProxyCount !== null) {
         $RequesterID = $request->getRequesterID();
         $forceAuthn = $request->getForceAuthn();
         $isPassive = $request->getIsPassive();
         $consumerURL = $request->getAssertionConsumerServiceURL();
         $protocolBinding = $request->getProtocolBinding();
         $consumerIndex = $request->getAssertionConsumerServiceIndex();
         $extensions = $request->getExtensions();
         $nameIdPolicy = $request->getNameIdPolicy();
         if (isset($nameIdPolicy['Format'])) {
             $nameIDFormat = $nameIdPolicy['Format'];
         } else {
             $nameIDFormat = NULL;
         if (isset($nameIdPolicy['AllowCreate'])) {
             $allowCreate = $nameIdPolicy['AllowCreate'];
         } else {
             $allowCreate = FALSE;
         $idpInit = FALSE;
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SSOService: incoming authentication request: ' . var_export($spEntityId, TRUE));
     SimpleSAML_Stats::log('saml:idp:AuthnRequest', array('spEntityID' => $spEntityId, 'idpEntityID' => $idpMetadata->getString('entityid'), 'forceAuthn' => $forceAuthn, 'isPassive' => $isPassive, 'protocol' => 'saml2', 'idpInit' => $idpInit));
     $acsEndpoint = self::getAssertionConsumerService($supportedBindings, $spMetadata, $consumerURL, $protocolBinding, $consumerIndex);
     $IDPList = array_unique(array_merge($IDPList, $spMetadata->getArrayizeString('IDPList', array())));
     if ($ProxyCount === null) {
         $ProxyCount = $spMetadata->getInteger('ProxyCount', null);
     if (!$forceAuthn) {
         $forceAuthn = $spMetadata->getBoolean('ForceAuthn', FALSE);
     $sessionLostParams = array('spentityid' => $spEntityId, 'cookieTime' => time());
     if ($relayState !== NULL) {
         $sessionLostParams['RelayState'] = $relayState;
     $sessionLostURL = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURLNoQuery(), $sessionLostParams);
     $state = array('Responder' => array('sspmod_saml_IdP_SAML2', 'sendResponse'), SimpleSAML_Auth_State::EXCEPTION_HANDLER_FUNC => array('sspmod_saml_IdP_SAML2', 'handleAuthError'), SimpleSAML_Auth_State::RESTART => $sessionLostURL, 'SPMetadata' => $spMetadata->toArray(), 'saml:RelayState' => $relayState, 'saml:RequestId' => $requestId, 'saml:IDPList' => $IDPList, 'saml:ProxyCount' => $ProxyCount, 'saml:RequesterID' => $RequesterID, 'ForceAuthn' => $forceAuthn, 'isPassive' => $isPassive, 'saml:ConsumerURL' => $acsEndpoint['Location'], 'saml:Binding' => $acsEndpoint['Binding'], 'saml:NameIDFormat' => $nameIDFormat, 'saml:AllowCreate' => $allowCreate, 'saml:Extensions' => $extensions, 'saml:AuthnRequestReceivedAt' => microtime(TRUE));
  * Uses the cas service validate, this provides additional attributes
  * @param string $ticket
  * @param string $service
  * @return list username and attributes
 private function casServiceValidate($ticket, $service)
     $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($this->_casConfig['serviceValidate'], array('ticket' => $ticket, 'service' => $service));
     $result = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch($url);
     $dom = DOMDocument::loadXML($result);
     $xPath = new DOMXpath($dom);
     $xPath->registerNamespace("cas", '');
     $success = $xPath->query("/cas:serviceResponse/cas:authenticationSuccess/cas:user");
     if ($success->length == 0) {
         $failure = $xPath->evaluate("/cas:serviceResponse/cas:authenticationFailure");
         throw new Exception("Error when validating CAS service ticket: " . $failure->item(0)->textContent);
     } else {
         $attributes = array();
         if ($casattributes = $this->_casConfig['attributes']) {
             # some has attributes in the xml - attributes is a list of XPath expressions to get them
             foreach ($casattributes as $name => $query) {
                 $attrs = $xPath->query($query);
                 foreach ($attrs as $attrvalue) {
                     $attributes[$name][] = $attrvalue->textContent;
         $casusername = $success->item(0)->textContent;
         return array($casusername, $attributes);
  * Initiate authentication. Returns a URL to redirect the user to.
  * @param string $app_url  The SSP URL to return to after authenticating (similar to an ACS).
 public function request_authentication($app_url)
     $res = $this->call_aselect('authenticate', array('app_id' => $this->app_id, 'app_url' => $app_url));
     $as_url = $res['as_url'];
     return \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($as_url, $res);
  * Generate an array for its use in the language bar, indexed by the ISO 639-2 codes of the languages available,
  * containing their localized names and the URL that should be used in order to change to that language.
  * @return array The array containing information of all available languages.
 private function generateLanguageBar()
     $languages = $this->translator->getLanguage()->getLanguageList();
     $langmap = null;
     if (count($languages) > 1) {
         $parameterName = $this->getTranslator()->getLanguage()->getLanguageParameterName();
         $langmap = array();
         foreach ($languages as $lang => $current) {
             $lang = strtolower($lang);
             $langname = $this->translator->getLanguage()->getLanguageLocalizedName($lang);
             $url = false;
             if (!$current) {
                 $url = htmlspecialchars(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters('', array($parameterName => $lang)));
             $langmap[$lang] = array('name' => $langname, 'url' => $url);
     return $langmap;