  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param int          $selectedPage
  * @throws LessThan1MaxPerPageException
  * @throws NotIntegerMaxPerPageException
  * @throws LessThan1CurrentPageException
  * @throws NotIntegerCurrentPageException
  * @throws OutOfRangeCurrentPageException
 protected function applyPager(QueryBuilder $qb, $selectedPage = null)
     if ($selectedPage) {
     $this->pager = new Pagerfanta(new DoctrineORMAdapter($qb));
  * @param Query      $query
  * @param SortConfig $sortConfig
 protected function applyESSort(Query $query, SortConfig $sortConfig)
     $column = $sortConfig->getColumn();
     if ($column) {
         $direction = $sortConfig->getDirection() ? 'desc' : 'asc';
         // null or false both default to ASC
         $query->addSort([$column => ['order' => $direction]]);
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param SortConfig   $sortConfig
 protected function applySort(QueryBuilder $qb, SortConfig $sortConfig)
     $column = $sortConfig->getColumn();
     if (!$column || !$this->family->hasAttribute($column)) {
         parent::applySort($qb, $sortConfig);
     $attribute = $this->family->getAttribute($column);
     $uid = uniqid('join');
     $fullColumnReference = $uid . '.' . $attribute->getType()->getDatabaseType();
     $qb->leftJoin($this->alias . '.values', $uid, Join::WITH, "({$uid}.data = {$this->alias}.id AND ({$uid}.attributeCode = '{$attribute->getCode()}' OR {$uid}.id IS NULL))");
     $direction = $sortConfig->getDirection() ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     // null or false both default to ASC
     $qb->addOrderBy($fullColumnReference, $direction);