function __initialize() { parent::__initialize(); $ds = model_datasource('system'); $ds->ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blog(id INTEGER,title VARCHAR(50),body TEXT,PRIMARY KEY(id))"); $this->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('blog', 'newpost'), 'New post')); }
function __initialize() { parent::__initialize(); if ($GLOBALS['CREATE_DATA']) { $ds = model_datasource('system'); $fn = array('John', 'Jane', 'Thomas', 'Marc', 'Jamie', 'Bob', 'Marie'); $ln = array('Doe', 'Murphy', 'Anderson', 'Smith'); $country_codes = array('DE', 'US', 'RU', 'FR', 'IT', 'SE'); $ds->ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE participants(name VARCHAR(50), country VARCHAR(5),age INTEGER,game_count INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY(name))"); foreach ($fn as $f) { foreach ($ln as $l) { $cc = $country_codes[rand(0, count($country_codes) - 1)]; $ds->ExecuteSql("INSERT INTO participants(name,country,age,game_count)VALUES(?,?,?,?)", array("{$f} {$l}", $cc, rand(18, 70), rand(0, 100))); } } $nums = array(); $ds->ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE numbers(number INTEGER,hit_count INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY(number))"); for ($i = 0; $i <= 36; $i++) { $nums[$i] = 0; $ds->ExecuteSql("INSERT INTO numbers(number,hit_count)VALUES(?,?)", array($i, 0)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 9999; $i++) { $rnd = rand(0, 36); $nums[$rnd]++; } foreach ($nums as $i => $c) { $ds->ExecuteSql("UPDATE numbers SET hit_count=? WHERE number=?", array($c, $i)); } } GoogleVisualization::$DefaultDatasource = model_datasource('system'); }
function __initialize($title = "", $body_class = false) { global $CONFIG; // sometimes state-/UI-less sites (like APIs) trickout the AJAX detection by setting this. // as we need UI this must be reset here unset($GLOBALS['result_of_system_is_ajax_call']); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); // overwrite previously set header to ensure we deliver HTML unset($CONFIG["use_compiled_js"]); unset($CONFIG["use_compiled_css"]); if (current_event(true) != 'login' && (!isset($_SESSION['admin_handler_username']) || !isset($_SESSION['admin_handler_password']) || $_SESSION['admin_handler_username'] != $CONFIG['system']['admin']['username'] || $_SESSION['admin_handler_password'] != $CONFIG['system']['admin']['password'])) { log_debug(current_event(true)); log_debug($_SESSION['admin_handler_username']); log_debug($_SESSION['admin_handler_password']); redirect('sysadmin', 'login'); } parent::__initialize("SysAdmin - {$title}", 'sysadmin'); $this->_translate = false; if (current_event(true) != 'login') { $nav = parent::content(new Control('div')); $nav->class = "navigation"; foreach ($CONFIG['system']['admin']['actions'] as $label => $def) { if (!class_exists(fq_class_name($def[0]))) { continue; } $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery($def[0], $def[1]), $label)); } $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cache'), 'Cache')); $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'phpinfo'), 'PHP info')); $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('translationadmin', 'newstrings'), 'Translations')); $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'testing'), 'Testing')); $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('', ''), 'Back to app')); $nav->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'logout'), 'Logout', 'logout')); $this->_subnav = parent::content(new Control('div')); } $this->_contentdiv = parent::content(new Control('div'))->addClass('content'); $copylink = new Anchor('', '© 2012-' . date('Y') . ' Scavix® Software Ltd. & Co. KG'); $copylink->target = '_blank'; $footer = parent::content(new Control('div'))->addClass('footer'); $footer->content("<br class='clearer'/>"); $footer->content($copylink); if (current_event() == strtolower($CONFIG['system']['default_event']) && !system_method_exists($this, current_event())) { redirect('sysadmin', 'index'); } }