public function editAction() { $platforms = array(); $governanceEnabledPlatforms = array(SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2, SERVER_PLATFORMS::CLOUDSTACK, SERVER_PLATFORMS::IDCF, SERVER_PLATFORMS::OPENSTACK, SERVER_PLATFORMS::NEBULA, SERVER_PLATFORMS::MIRANTIS, SERVER_PLATFORMS::VIO, SERVER_PLATFORMS::VERIZON, SERVER_PLATFORMS::CISCO, SERVER_PLATFORMS::HPCLOUD, SERVER_PLATFORMS::OCS, SERVER_PLATFORMS::RACKSPACENG_US, SERVER_PLATFORMS::AZURE); //intersection of enabled platforms and supported by governance foreach (array_intersect($this->getEnvironment()->getEnabledPlatforms(), $governanceEnabledPlatforms) as $platform) { //we only need ec2 locations at the moment $platforms[$platform] = $platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2 ? self::loadController('Platforms')->getCloudLocations($platform, false) : array(); } $chefServers = []; foreach (ChefServer::getList($this->user->getAccountId(), $this->getEnvironmentId()) as $chefServer) { $chefServers[] = ['id' => $chefServer->id, 'url' => $chefServer->url, 'scope' => $chefServer->getScope()]; } $governance = new Scalr_Governance($this->getEnvironmentId()); $this->response->page('ui/core/governance/edit.js', array('platforms' => $platforms, 'values' => $governance->getValues(), 'chef' => ['servers' => $chefServers], '' => \Scalr::config('')), array('ui/core/governance/lease.js'), array('ui/core/governance/edit.css')); }
/** * @param ChefServer $server */ private function getServerData($server) { $data = ['id' => $server->id, 'url' => $server->url, 'username' => $server->username, 'status' => $server->isInUse($this->user->getAccountId(), $this->getEnvironmentId(true), $this->request->getScope()), 'scope' => $server->getScope()]; if ($this->request->getScope() == $server->getScope()) { $data['authKey'] = $this->getCrypto()->decrypt($server->authKey); $data['vUsername'] = $server->vUsername; $data['vAuthKey'] = $this->getCrypto()->decrypt($server->vAuthKey); } return $data; }
/** * @param int $servId * @param string $chefEnv */ private function getChefClient($servId) { $criteria[] = ['id' => $servId]; if ($this->user->isAdmin()) { $criteria[] = ['accountId' => null]; $criteria[] = ['envId' => null]; $criteria[] = ['level' => ChefServer::LEVEL_SCALR]; } else { $criteria[] = ['$or' => [['$and' => [['accountId' => $this->user->getAccountId()], ['envId' => $this->getEnvironmentId(true)], ['level' => ChefServer::LEVEL_ENVIRONMENT]]], ['$and' => [['accountId' => $this->user->getAccountId()], ['envId' => null], ['level' => ChefServer::LEVEL_ACCOUNT]]], ['$and' => [['accountId' => null], ['envId' => null], ['level' => ChefServer::LEVEL_SCALR]]]]]; } $server = ChefServer::findOne($criteria); if (!$server) { throw new Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions(); } return Scalr_Service_Chef_Client::getChef($server->url, $server->username, $this->getCrypto()->decrypt($server->authKey)); }
public static function getList($accountId, $envId, $scope = self::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT) { $criteria = []; switch ($scope) { case self::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT: $criteria[] = ['$or' => [['$and' => [['accountId' => $accountId], ['envId' => $envId], ['level' => self::LEVEL_ENVIRONMENT]]], ['$and' => [['accountId' => $accountId], ['envId' => null], ['level' => self::LEVEL_ACCOUNT]]], ['$and' => [['accountId' => null], ['envId' => null], ['level' => self::LEVEL_SCALR]]]]]; break; case self::SCOPE_ACCOUNT: $criteria[] = ['$or' => [['$and' => [['accountId' => $accountId], ['envId' => null], ['level' => self::LEVEL_ACCOUNT]]], ['$and' => [['accountId' => null], ['envId' => null], ['level' => self::LEVEL_SCALR]]]]]; break; case self::SCOPE_SCALR: $criteria[] = ['level' => self::LEVEL_SCALR]; $criteria[] = ['envId' => null]; $criteria[] = ['accountId' => null]; break; } return ChefServer::result(ChefServer::RESULT_ENTITY_COLLECTION)->find($criteria); }
/** * Returns list of chef servers applying governance * * @return array */ public function xListServersAction() { $limits = null; if (!$this->user->isAdmin()) { $governance = new Scalr_Governance($this->getEnvironmentId(true)); $limits = $governance->getValue(Scalr_Governance::CATEGORY_GENERAL, Scalr_Governance::GENERAL_CHEF, null); } $list = []; foreach (ChefServer::getList($this->user->getAccountId(), $this->getEnvironmentId(true), $this->request->getScope()) as $server) { if (!$limits || isset($limits['servers'][(string) $server->id])) { $list[] = ['id' => (string) $server->id, 'url' => $server->url, 'username' => $server->username, 'scope' => $server->getScope()]; } } $this->response->data(['data' => $list]); }