/** * @ignore */ public static function init() { self::gatherConsoleData(); self::gatherFileData(); self::gatherMemoryData(); self::gatherQueryData(); self::gatherTimeData(); Views::viewFile('{core}views/pqp/display.php', self::$output); }
?> " class="prev" /> <input type="text" class="pagedisplay" readonly="readonly" /> <img src="<?php echo Http::url('scabbia-assets/jquery.tablesorter/images/next.png'); ?> " class="next" /> <img src="<?php echo Http::url('scabbia-assets/jquery.tablesorter/images/last.png'); ?> " class="last" /> <select class="pagesize"> <option value="10">10</option> <option selected="selected" value="25">25</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="100">100</option> </select> </form> </div> </div> <div class="bottomLine"></div> <div class="clear"></div> </td> <td id="pageMiddleExtra"> </td> </tr> </table> <?php Views::viewFile('{core}views/panel/footer.php');
/** * @ignore * * @throws \Exception */ public static function getDirectory($uSelectedDirectory, $uSubPath) { $tPath = rtrim(Io::translatePath($uSelectedDirectory['path']), '/'); foreach (explode('/', ltrim($uSubPath, '/')) as $tSubDirectory) { if (strlen($tSubDirectory) === 0 || $tSubDirectory[0] === '.') { break; } $tPath .= '/' . $tSubDirectory; } if (!file_exists($tPath)) { throw new \Exception('asset not found.'); } if (isset($uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/defaultPage'])) { if (is_dir($tPath)) { $tPath = rtrim($tPath, '/') . '/' . $uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/defaultPage']; } if (isset($uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/header'])) { Views::viewFile($uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/header']); } Views::viewFile($tPath); if (isset($uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/footer'])) { Views::viewFile($uSelectedDirectory['autoViewer/footer']); } return true; } if (is_dir($tPath)) { return false; } header('Content-Type: ' . Mime::getType(pathinfo($tPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), true); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', true); // header('ETag: "' . md5_file($tPath) . '"', true); readfile($tPath); return true; }
/** * @ignore */ public static function index() { Auth::checkRedirect('user'); $tVariables = array('message' => 'test'); Views::viewFile('{app}views/admin/test/index.cshtml', $tVariables); }
<div class="block_head"> <h2><?php echo I18n::_(Config::get('panel/loginTitle', 'Scabbia: Panel Login')); ?> </h2> </div> <div class="block_content"> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo Http::url('panel/' . Panel::LOGIN_MODULE_INDEX); ?> "> <fieldset> <div class="indent"> <?php Views::viewFile('{core}views/panel/sectionError.php'); ?> <label for="username"><?php echo I18n::_('Username:'******'Password:'); ?> </label>
/** * @ignore */ public static function edit($uAction, $uSlug) { Auth::checkRedirect('editor'); $tModule = AutoModels::get(Panel::$module); $tViewbag = array('module' => $tModule, 'fields' => array()); if (Request::$method === 'post') { //! todo: validations Validation::addRule('name')->isRequired()->errorMessage('Name shouldn\'t be blank.'); // Validation::addRule('slug')->isRequired()->errorMessage('Slug shouldn\'t be blank.'); if (Validation::validate($_POST)) { $tSlug = Request::post('slug', ""); if (strlen(rtrim($tSlug)) === 0) { $tSlug = Request::post('name', ""); } $tInput = array('type' => Request::post('type'), 'name' => Request::post('name'), 'slug' => String::slug(String::removeAccent($tSlug))); $tAutoModel = new AutoModel('categories'); $tAutoModel->update($uSlug, $tInput); Session::set('notification', array('info', 'ok-sign', 'Record modified.')); Http::redirect('panel/categories'); return; } Session::set('notification', array('error', 'remove-sign', Validation::getErrorMessages(true))); foreach ($tModule['fieldList'] as $tField) { $tIsView = array_key_exists('view', $tField['methods']); $tIsEdit = array_key_exists('edit', $tField['methods']); if ($tIsView || $tIsEdit) { if ($tField['type'] === 'enum') { $tTypes = array(); foreach ($tField['valueList'] as $tValue) { $tTypes[$tValue['name']] = $tValue['title']; } $tAttributes = array('name' => $tField['name'], 'class' => 'input-block-level input_' . $tField['type']); if (!$tIsEdit) { $tAttributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tTag = '<p>' . I18n::_($tField['title']) . ': ' . Html::tag('select', $tAttributes, Html::selectOptions($tTypes, Request::post($tField['name'], null))) . '</p>'; } else { $tAttributes = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => $tField['name'], 'value' => Request::post($tField['name'], ""), 'class' => 'input-block-level input_' . $tField['type']); if (!$tIsEdit) { $tAttributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tTag = '<p>' . I18n::_($tField['title']) . ': ' . Html::tag('input', $tAttributes) . '</p>'; } } $tViewbag['fields'][] = array('data' => $tField, 'html' => $tTag); } Views::viewFile('{core}views/panel/models/form.php', $tViewbag); return; } $tAutoModel = new AutoModel('categories'); $tCategory = $tAutoModel->getBySlug($tModule['name'], $uSlug); foreach ($tModule['fieldList'] as $tField) { $tIsView = array_key_exists('view', $tField['methods']); $tIsEdit = array_key_exists('edit', $tField['methods']); if ($tIsView || $tIsEdit) { if ($tField['type'] === 'enum') { $tTypes = array(); foreach ($tField['valueList'] as $tValue) { $tTypes[$tValue['name']] = $tValue['title']; } $tAttributes = array('name' => $tField['name'], 'class' => 'input-block-level input_' . $tField['type']); if (!$tIsEdit) { $tAttributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tTag = '<p>' . I18n::_($tField['title']) . ': ' . Html::tag('select', $tAttributes, Html::selectOptions($tTypes, $tCategory[$tField['name']])) . '</p>'; } else { $tAttributes = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => $tField['name'], 'value' => $tCategory[$tField['name']], 'class' => 'input-block-level input_' . $tField['type']); if (!$tIsEdit) { $tAttributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tTag = '<p>' . I18n::_($tField['title']) . ': ' . Html::tag('input', $tAttributes) . '</p>'; } } $tViewbag['fields'][] = array('data' => $tField, 'html' => $tTag); } Views::viewFile('{core}views/panel/models/form.php', $tViewbag); }
/** * @ignore */ public function xml($uModel = null) { Views::xml($uModel !== null ? $uModel : $this->vars); }
/** * @ignore */ public static function error($uErrorType, $uTitle = null, $uMessage = null) { if (!isset(self::$errorPages[$uErrorType])) { self::$errorPages[$uErrorType] = Config::get('http/errorPages/' . $uErrorType, '{core}views/shared/error.php'); } //! todo internalization. // maybe just include? Views::viewFile(self::$errorPages[$uErrorType], array('title' => $uTitle, 'message' => $uMessage)); Framework::end(1); }
/** * @ignore */ public static function debug() { Auth::checkRedirect('admin'); Views::viewFile('{core}views/panel/scabbia/debug.php'); }