  * Generic SamsonCMS table pagination handler
  * @param dbQuery 	$query	Query object
  * @param Pager 	$pager	Pagination object
 public function pagination(dbQuery &$query)
     // If pager is passed
     if (isset($this->pager)) {
         // Clone query for count request
         $count_query = clone $query;
         // Set originl query limit
         $query->limit($this->pager->start, $this->pager->end, true);
 public function searchMaterials($page = 1)
     // Create condition for searching
     $conditionOR = new Condition('OR');
     $conditionOR->add('Value', '%' . $this->key . '%', dbRelation::LIKE);
     $words = explode(' ', $this->key);
     // If we have many words in searching value
     if (sizeof($words) > 1) {
         $conditionAnd = new Condition('AND');
         foreach ($words as $word) {
             $conditionAnd->add('Value', '%' . $word . '%', dbRelation::LIKE);
     if (is_numeric($this->key)) {
         $conditionOR->add('numeric_value', intval($this->key));
     // Get collection of founded material identifiers
     $materialIds = dbQuery('materialfield')->cond($conditionOR)->cond('FieldID', $this->searchFields)->cond('Active', 1)->join('material')->cond('material.Active', 1)->cond('material.Published', 1)->cond('material.Draft', 0)->group_by('MaterialID');
     // Set external query handler
     if (isset($this->MatFieldExternalHandler)) {
     $foundedIds = dbQuery('\\samson\\cms\\CMSMaterial');
     // Try to get founded materials
     $arrayIds = array();
     if ($materialIds->fieldsNew('MaterialID', $arrayIds)) {
         $foundedIds = dbQuery('\\samson\\cms\\CMSMaterial')->cond('MaterialID', $arrayIds)->join('gallery');
         if (isset($this->structures)) {
             $foundedIds->join('\\samson\\cms\\CMSNavMaterial')->cond('structurematerial_StructureID', $this->structures);
     } else {
         // Create 100% empty condition
         $foundedIds->cond('MaterialID', 0);
     $foundedIds = $foundedIds->fieldsNew('MaterialID');
     if (sizeof($foundedIds)) {
         $result = dbQuery('material')->id($foundedIds);
         // Clone for count query
         $materialsCount = clone $result;
         // Create pager
         $this->pager = new \samson\pager\Pager($page, $this->itemsOnPage, $this->pagerPrefix, null, $this->getParams);
         $result->limit($this->pager->start, $this->pager->end);
         $response = dbQuery('\\samson\\cms\\CMSMaterial')->id($result->fieldsNew('MaterialID'));
         // Call external material handler
         if (isset($this->MaterialExternalHandler)) {
         // Return query result
         return $response->join('gallery')->exec();
     } else {
         return array();