  * Parses given number of points from native database value
  * @param string $native       native database value
  * @param int    $pos          position
  * @param int    $count        number of points to parse
  * @param bool   $allowSquare  whether square brackets [] are allowed around points
  * @return array
  * @throws TypeConversionException
 protected function parsePoints($native, &$pos, $count, $allowSquare = false)
     $hasDelimiters = $squareDelimiter = false;
     $char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
     if ('[' === $char) {
         if (!$allowSquare) {
             throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "'(' or numeric value", $native, $pos);
         $hasDelimiters = $squareDelimiter = true;
     } elseif ('(' === $char) {
         $nextPos = $pos + 1;
         if ($pos === call_user_func(self::$strrpos, $native, '(') || '(' === $this->nextChar($native, $nextPos)) {
             $hasDelimiters = true;
     $points = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $this->expectChar($native, $pos, ',');
         $points[] = $this->point->parseInput($native, $pos);
     if ($hasDelimiters) {
         $this->expectChar($native, $pos, $squareDelimiter ? ']' : ')');
     if ($allowSquare) {
         $points['open'] = $squareDelimiter;
     return $points;
 protected function parseInput($native, &$pos)
     $result = array();
     while (false !== ($char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos))) {
         $key = $this->_readString($native, $pos, '=', false);
         $this->expectChar($native, $pos, '=');
         // don't use expectChar as there can be no whitespace
         if ('>' !== $native[$pos]) {
             throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "'=>'", $native, $pos - 1);
         // skip possible whitespace before value
         $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
         $result[$key] = $this->_readString($native, $pos, ',', true);
         // skip one comma after the pair
         if (',' === $this->nextChar($native, $pos)) {
     return $result;
  * Throws an Exception if next non-whitespace character in input is not the given char
  * @param string $string
  * @param int    $pos
  * @param string $char
  * @throws TypeConversionException
 protected function expectChar($string, &$pos, $char)
     if ($char !== $this->nextChar($string, $pos)) {
         throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "'{$char}'", $string, $pos);
 protected function parseInput($native, &$pos)
     $result = array();
     $this->expectChar($native, $pos, '{');
     // Leading "{".
     while ('}' !== ($char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos))) {
         // require a comma delimiter between elements
         if (!empty($result)) {
             if (',' !== $char) {
                 throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "','", $native, $pos);
             $char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
         if ('{' === $char) {
             // parse sub-array
             $result[] = $this->parseInput($native, $pos);
         } elseif ('"' === $char) {
             // quoted string
             if (!preg_match('/"((?>[^"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*)"/As', $native, $m, 0, $pos)) {
                 throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'quoted string', $native, $pos);
             $result[] = $this->_item->input(stripcslashes($m[1]));
             $pos += call_user_func(self::$strlen, $m[0]);
         } else {
             // zero-length string can appear only quoted
             if (0 === ($len = strcspn($native, ",} \t\r\n", $pos))) {
                 throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'subarray, quoted or unquoted string', $native, $pos);
             $v = call_user_func(self::$substr, $native, $pos, $len);
             $result[] = strcasecmp($v, "null") ? $this->_item->input(stripcslashes($v)) : null;
             $pos += $len;
     // skip trailing "}"
     return $result;
 protected function parseInput($native, &$pos)
     $result = array();
     $unescape = array_flip($this->_escapes);
     $this->expectChar($native, $pos, '(');
     // Leading "("
     while (true) {
         /* @var $type TypeConverter */
         if (!(list($field, $type) = each($this->_items))) {
             // Check if we have more fields left.
             throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'end of input: no more fields left', $native, $pos);
         switch ($char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos)) {
             case ',':
             case ')':
                 // Comma or end of row instead of value: treat as NULL.
                 $result[$field] = null;
             case '"':
                 // Quoted string.
                 if (!preg_match('/"((?>[^"]+|"")*)"/As', $native, $m, 0, $pos)) {
                     throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'quoted string', $native, $pos);
                 $result[$field] = $type->input(strtr($m[1], $unescape));
                 $pos += call_user_func(self::$strlen, $m[0]);
                 $char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
                 // Unquoted string.
                 $len = strcspn($native, ',)', $pos);
                 $result[$field] = $type->input(call_user_func(self::$substr, $native, $pos, $len));
                 $pos += $len;
                 $char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
         switch ($char) {
             // Expect delimiter after value
             case ')':
                 break 2;
             case ',':
                 throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "',' or ')'", $native, $pos);
     if (list($field, ) = each($this->_items)) {
         // point error at preceding ')'
         throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, "value for '{$field}'", $native, $pos - 1);
     return $result;
  * Parses a native value into PHP variable from given position
  * @param string $native
  * @param int    $pos
  * @return Range
  * @throws TypeConversionException
 protected function parseInput($native, &$pos)
     $char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos);
     if (('e' === $char || 'E' === $char) && preg_match('/empty/Ai', $native, $m, 0, $pos)) {
         $pos += 5;
         return call_user_func(array($this->resultClass, 'createEmpty'));
     if ('(' === $char || '[' === $char) {
         $lowerInclusive = '[' === $char;
     } else {
         throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, '[ or (', $native, $pos);
     $lower = $this->_readRangeBound($native, $pos, ',)]');
     $this->expectChar($native, $pos, ',');
     $upper = $this->_readRangeBound($native, $pos, ',])');
     if (']' === $native[$pos]) {
         $upperInclusive = true;
     } elseif (')' === $native[$pos]) {
         $upperInclusive = false;
     } else {
         throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, '] or )', $native, $pos);
     return new $this->resultClass($this->_subtype->input($lower), $this->_subtype->input($upper), $lowerInclusive, $upperInclusive);
  * Creates a DateInterval object from 'iso_8601' format interval string
  * Unlike native DateInterval::__construct() this handles negative values
  * and fractional seconds. Only integer values are allowed for other units.
  * @param string $native
  * @return DateInterval
  * @throws TypeConversionException
 private function _parseISO8601($native)
     $interval = new DateInterval('PT0S');
     $pos = 1;
     $length = call_user_func(self::$strlen, $native);
     $isTime = false;
     while ($pos < $length) {
         if ('T' === $native[$pos]) {
             $isTime = true;
         $numpos = $pos;
         $value = $this->getStrspn($native, '0123456789-.', $pos);
         if (!is_numeric($value)) {
             throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'numeric value', $native, $pos);
         $unit = $native[$pos];
         if ($isTime && isset($this->_iso8601TimeUnits[$unit])) {
             $intervalKey = $this->_iso8601TimeUnits[$unit];
         } elseif (!$isTime && isset($this->_iso8601DateUnits[$unit])) {
             $intervalKey = $this->_iso8601DateUnits[$unit];
         } else {
             throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'ISO 8601 interval unit', $native, $pos);
         if (false === strpos($value, '.')) {
             $interval->{$intervalKey} = (int) $value;
         } else {
             if ('s' !== $intervalKey) {
                 throw TypeConversionException::parsingFailed($this, 'integer value', $native, $numpos);
             $value = (double) $value;
             $interval->s = $value > 0 ? (int) floor($value) : (int) -floor(-$value);
             $interval->fsec = $value - $interval->s;
     return $interval;