  * Filter an image's URL to enforce restrictions on its dimensions
  * @see bbcode_firstpass::bbcode_img()
  * @param  string  $url        Original URL
  * @param  array   $url_config Config used by the URL filter
  * @param  Logger  $logger
  * @param  integer $max_height Maximum height allowed
  * @param  integer $max_width  Maximum width allowed
  * @return string|bool         Original value if valid, FALSE otherwise
 public static function filter_img_url($url, array $url_config, Logger $logger, $max_height, $max_width)
     // Validate the URL
     $url = BuiltInFilters::filterUrl($url, $url_config, $logger);
     if ($url === false) {
         return false;
     if ($max_height || $max_width) {
         $imagesize = new \FastImageSize\FastImageSize();
         $size_info = $imagesize->getImageSize($url);
         if ($size_info === false) {
             return false;
         if ($max_height && $max_height < $size_info['height']) {
             $logger->err('MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED', array('max_height' => $max_height));
             return false;
         if ($max_width && $max_width < $size_info['width']) {
             $logger->err('MAX_IMG_WIDTH_EXCEEDED', array('max_width' => $max_width));
             return false;
     return $url;
  * @testdox filterUrl() can be called without a logger
 public function testUrlNoLogger()
     $urlConfig = ['allowedSchemes' => '/^https?$/', 'disallowedHosts' => '/evil/'];
     $urls = ['http://example.org' => 'http://example.org', 'http://evil.org' => false, 'hax://example.org' => false];
     foreach ($urls as $original => $expected) {
         $this->assertSame($expected, BuiltInFilters::filterUrl($original, $urlConfig));