  * @testdox minify() tests
  * @dataProvider getMinifyTests
 public function testMinify($original, $expected)
     if ($expected instanceof Exception) {
         $this->setExpectedException(get_class($expected), $expected->getMessage());
     $this->assertSame($expected, XPathHelper::minify($original));
  * Remove extraneous space in XPath expressions used in XSL elements
  * @param  DOMElement $template <xsl:template/> node
  * @return void
 public function normalize(DOMElement $template)
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($template->ownerDocument);
     // Get all the "match", "select" and "test" attributes of XSL elements, whose value contains
     // a space
     $query = '//xsl:*/@*[contains(., " ")][contains("matchselectest", name())]';
     foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $attribute) {
         $attribute->parentNode->setAttribute($attribute->nodeName, XPathHelper::minify($attribute->nodeValue));
     // Get all the attributes of non-XSL elements, whose value contains a space
     $query = '//*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"]' . '/@*[contains(., " ")]';
     foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $attribute) {
         AVTHelper::replace($attribute, function ($token) {
             if ($token[0] === 'expression') {
                 $token[1] = XPathHelper::minify($token[1]);
             return $token;
  * Generate the dynamic template that renders all emoticons
  * @return string
 public function getTemplate()
     // Build the <xsl:choose> node
     $xsl = '<xsl:choose>';
     // First, test whether the emoticon should be rendered as text if applicable
     if (!empty($this->notIfCondition)) {
         $xsl .= '<xsl:when test="' . htmlspecialchars($this->notIfCondition) . '">' . '<xsl:value-of select="."/>' . '</xsl:when>' . '<xsl:otherwise>' . '<xsl:choose>';
     // Iterate over codes, create an <xsl:when> for each emote
     foreach ($this->collection as $code => $template) {
         $xsl .= '<xsl:when test=".=' . htmlspecialchars(XPathHelper::export($code)) . '">' . $template . '</xsl:when>';
     // Finish it with an <xsl:otherwise> that displays the unknown codes as text
     $xsl .= '<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>';
     // Close the emote switch
     $xsl .= '</xsl:choose>';
     // Close the "notIf" condition if applicable
     if (!empty($this->notIfCondition)) {
         $xsl .= '</xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>';
     return $xsl;
 public function getTemplate()
     $xsl = '<xsl:choose>';
     if (!empty($this->notIfCondition)) {
         $xsl .= '<xsl:when test="' . \htmlspecialchars($this->notIfCondition) . '"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:choose>';
     foreach ($this->collection as $code => $template) {
         $xsl .= '<xsl:when test=".=' . \htmlspecialchars(XPathHelper::export($code)) . '">' . $template . '</xsl:when>';
     $xsl .= '<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>';
     $xsl .= '</xsl:choose>';
     if (!empty($this->notIfCondition)) {
         $xsl .= '</xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>';
     return $xsl;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function isExpressionSafe($expr)
     return XPathHelper::isExpressionNumeric($expr);
  * Return a list of parameters in use in given XSL
  * @param  string $xsl XSL source
  * @return array       Alphabetically sorted list of unique parameter names
 public static function getParametersFromXSL($xsl)
     $paramNames = [];
     // Wrap the XSL in boilerplate code because it might not have a root element
     $xsl = '<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '">' . '<xsl:template>' . $xsl . '</xsl:template>' . '</xsl:stylesheet>';
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     // Start by collecting XPath expressions in XSL elements
     $query = '//xsl:*/@match | //xsl:*/@select | //xsl:*/@test';
     foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $attribute) {
         foreach (XPathHelper::getVariables($attribute->value) as $varName) {
             // Test whether this is the name of a local variable
             $varQuery = 'ancestor-or-self::*/' . 'preceding-sibling::xsl:variable[@name="' . $varName . '"]';
             if (!$xpath->query($varQuery, $attribute)->length) {
                 $paramNames[] = $varName;
     // Collecting XPath expressions in attribute value templates
     $query = '//*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"]' . '/@*[contains(., "{")]';
     foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $attribute) {
         $tokens = AVTHelper::parse($attribute->value);
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if ($token[0] !== 'expression') {
             foreach (XPathHelper::getVariables($token[1]) as $varName) {
                 // Test whether this is the name of a local variable
                 $varQuery = 'ancestor-or-self::*/' . 'preceding-sibling::xsl:variable[@name="' . $varName . '"]';
                 if (!$xpath->query($varQuery, $attribute)->length) {
                     $paramNames[] = $varName;
     // Dedupe and sort names
     $paramNames = array_unique($paramNames);
     return $paramNames;