protected function importTheme($classname, &$text)
     $themeFile = $classname;
     $themeFile = str_replace('\\', '/', $themeFile);
     $themeFile = str_replace('Themes', 'themes', $themeFile);
     $themeFile .= ".php";
     if (file_exists($themeFile)) {
         $fixtures = new Fixtures($this->entityManager);
         $text .= '<info>Theme class “' . $themeFile . '” has been installed…</info>' . PHP_EOL;
         // install fixtures
         $array = explode('\\', $classname);
         $themeRoot = ROADIZ_ROOT . "/themes/" . $array[count($array) - 2];
         $yaml = new YamlConfiguration($themeRoot . "/config.yml");
         $data = $yaml->getConfiguration();
         if (false !== $data && isset($data["importFiles"])) {
             if (isset($data["importFiles"]['roles'])) {
                 foreach ($data["importFiles"]['roles'] as $filename) {
                     \RZ\Roadiz\CMS\Importers\RolesImporter::importJsonFile(file_get_contents($themeRoot . "/" . $filename), $this->entityManager);
                     $text .= '     — <info>Theme file “' . $themeRoot . "/" . $filename . '” has been imported.</info>' . PHP_EOL;
             if (isset($data["importFiles"]['groups'])) {
                 foreach ($data["importFiles"]['groups'] as $filename) {
                     \RZ\Roadiz\CMS\Importers\GroupsImporter::importJsonFile(file_get_contents($themeRoot . "/" . $filename), $this->entityManager);
                     $text .= '     — <info>Theme file “' . $themeRoot . "/" . $filename . '” has been imported..</info>' . PHP_EOL;
             if (isset($data["importFiles"]['settings'])) {
                 foreach ($data["importFiles"]['settings'] as $filename) {
                     \RZ\Roadiz\CMS\Importers\SettingsImporter::importJsonFile(file_get_contents($themeRoot . "/" . $filename), $this->entityManager);
                     $text .= '     — <info>Theme files “' . $themeRoot . "/" . $filename . '” has been imported.</info>' . PHP_EOL;
             if (isset($data["importFiles"]['nodetypes'])) {
                 foreach ($data["importFiles"]['nodetypes'] as $filename) {
                     \RZ\Roadiz\CMS\Importers\NodeTypesImporter::importJsonFile(file_get_contents($themeRoot . "/" . $filename), $this->entityManager);
                     $text .= '     — <info>Theme file “' . $themeRoot . "/" . $filename . '” has been imported.</info>' . PHP_EOL;
             $text .= 'You should do a <info>bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --force</info> to apply your themes into database.' . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $text .= '<info>Theme class “' . $themeFile . '” has no data to import.</info>' . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         $text .= '<error>Theme class “' . $themeFile . '” does not exist.</error>' . PHP_EOL;