/** * Adds the rate limit headers to the response * @param Response $response * @param integer $limit the maximum number of allowed requests during a period * @param integer $remaining the remaining number of allowed requests within the current period * @param integer $reset the number of seconds to wait before having maximum number of allowed requests again */ public function addHeaders(Response $response, $limit, $remaining, $reset) { if ($this->sendHeaders) { $response->getHeaders()->set('X-Rate-Limit-Limit', $limit)->set('X-Rate-Limit-Remaining', $remaining)->set('X-Rate-Limit-Reset', $reset); $response->setStatusCode(429); } }
/** * Formats the specified response. * @param Response $response the response to be formatted. */ public function format(Response $response) { $charset = $this->encoding === null ? $response->charset : $this->encoding; if (stripos($this->contentType, 'charset') === false) { $this->contentType .= '; charset=' . $charset; } $response->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', $this->contentType); $data = $response->data; if (isset($data['language'])) { $this->_feedWriter->setChannelElement('language', $data['language']); } if (!isset($data['pubDate'])) { $this->_feedWriter->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time())); } if (isset($data['title'])) { $this->_feedWriter->setTitle($data['title']); } if (isset($data['link'])) { $this->_feedWriter->setLink($data['link']); } if (isset($data['description'])) { $this->_feedWriter->setDescription($data['description']); } if (isset($data['items']) && is_array($data['items'])) { if ($data['items']) { foreach ($data['items'] as $item) { $newItem = $this->_feedWriter->createNewItem(); $newItem->addElementArray($item); $this->_feedWriter->addItem($newItem); } } } $response->content = $this->_feedWriter->generateFeed(); }
/** * Formats the specified response. * @param Response $response the response to be formatted. */ public function format($response) { if (stripos($this->contentType, 'charset') === false) { $this->contentType .= '; charset=' . $response->charset; } $response->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', $this->contentType); $response->content = $response->data; }
/** * Formats response data in JSONP format. * * @param Response $response * @throws ResponseException */ protected function formatJsonp($response) { $response->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8'); if (is_array($response->data) && isset($response->data['data'], $response->data['callback'])) { $response->content = sprintf('%s(%s);', $response->data['callback'], Json::encode($response->data['data'])); } else { $response->content = ''; throw new ResponseException("The 'jsonp' response requires that the data be an array consisting of both 'data' and 'callback' elements."); } }
/** * Formats the specified response. * @param Response $response the response to be formatted. */ public function format(Response $response) { $charset = $this->encoding === null ? $response->charset : $this->encoding; if (stripos($this->contentType, 'charset') === false) { $this->contentType .= '; charset=' . $charset; } $response->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', $this->contentType); foreach ($response->data as $value) { $this->_sitemap->add($value['loc'], Helper::getValue($value['lastmod']), Helper::getValue($value['changefreq']), isset($value['priority']) ? $value['priority'] : null); } $response->content = $this->_sitemap->toString(); }
/** * Formats the specified response. * @param Response $response the response to be formatted. */ public function format($response) { $charset = $this->encoding === null ? $response->charset : $this->encoding; if (stripos($this->contentType, 'charset') === false) { $this->contentType .= '; charset=' . $charset; } $response->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', $this->contentType); $dom = new DOMDocument($this->version, $charset); $root = new DOMElement($this->rootTag); $dom->appendChild($root); $this->buildXml($root, $response->data); $response->content = trim($dom->saveXML()); }
public function init() { $this->request = Instance::ensure($this->request, Request::className()); $this->response = Instance::ensure($this->response, Response::className()); $this->calculateData(); $handlers = $this->defaultRESTHandlers(); $this->RESTHandlers = empty($this->RESTHandlers) ? $handlers : array_merge($handlers, $this->RESTHandlers); }
/** * Match by Custom * * @param array $rule array data of access * @return bool */ protected function matchCustom(array $rule) { $rule['custom'][1] = Helper::getValue($rule['custom'][1], [], true); list($function, $args) = $rule['custom']; $result = (bool) call_user_func($function, array_merge(['owner' => $this->owner], $args)); if (!$result && $this->sendHeaders && $this->response instanceof \rock\response\Response) { $this->response->status403(); } return $result; }
protected function convertResponse(ResponseInterface $psrResponse, Request $request) { $request->setContentType($psrResponse->getHeaderLine('Content-Type')); $this->response->request = $request; $this->response->version = $psrResponse->getProtocolVersion(); $this->response->setStatusCode($psrResponse->getStatusCode(), $psrResponse->getReasonPhrase()); foreach ($psrResponse->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { $this->response->getHeaders()->setDefault($name, $value); } $this->response->content = $psrResponse->getBody()->getContents(); return $this->response; }
return !Rock::$app->user->isGuest(); } return \rock\helpers\ArrayHelper::getValue(Rock::$app->user->getAll(), $keys); }, 'call' => function (array $call, array $params = [], Template $template) { if (!isset($call[1])) { $call[1] = null; } list($class, $method) = $call; if ($class === 'context') { $object = $template->context; $function = [$object, $method]; } elseif (function_exists($class) && !$class instanceof \Closure) { return call_user_func_array($class, $params); } else { $object = \rock\di\Container::load($class); if (!method_exists($object, $method)) { throw new \rock\base\BaseException(\rock\base\BaseException::UNKNOWN_METHOD, ['method' => "{$class}::{$method}"]); } $function = [$object, $method]; } return call_user_func_array($function, $params); }], 'title' => 'Demo', 'metaTags' => ['charset' => '<meta charset="' . Rock::$app->charset . '" />'], 'linkTags' => ['favicon' => '<link rel="Shortcut Icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico?10">'], 'snippets' => ['request.get' => ['class' => \rock\snippets\request\Get::className()], 'request.post' => ['class' => \rock\snippets\request\Post::className()], 'csrf' => ['class' => \rock\snippets\CSRF::className()], 'captchaView' => ['class' => \rock\snippets\CaptchaView::className()], 'activeForm' => ['class' => \rock\snippets\ActiveForm::className()]]], 'execute' => ['class' => \rock\execute\CacheExecute::className()], 'i18n' => ['class' => \rock\i18n\i18n::className(), 'pathsDicts' => ['ru' => ['@rock/messages/ru/lang.php', '@rock/messages/ru/validate.php'], 'en' => ['@rock/messages/en/lang.php', '@rock/messages/en/validate.php']], 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale']], 'date' => ['class' => \rock\date\DateTime::className(), 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale'], 'formats' => ['dmy' => function (\rock\date\DateTime $dateTime) { $nowYear = date('Y'); $lastYear = $dateTime->format('Y'); return $nowYear > $lastYear ? $dateTime->format('j F Y') : $dateTime->format('d F'); }, 'dmyhm' => function (\rock\date\DateTime $dateTime) { $nowYear = date('Y'); $lastYear = $dateTime->format('Y'); return $nowYear > $lastYear ? $dateTime->format('j F Y H:i') : $dateTime->format('j F H:i'); }]], 'mail' => ['class' => \rock\mail\Mail::className(), 'From' => 'support@' . (new \rock\request\Request())->getHost(), 'FromName' => 'Rock Framework'], 'url' => ['class' => \rock\url\Url::className()], 'request' => ['class' => \rock\request\Request::className(), 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale']], 'response' => ['class' => \rock\response\Response::className(), 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale']], 'htmlResponseFormatter' => ['class' => \rock\response\HtmlResponseFormatter::className()], 'jsonResponseFormatter' => ['class' => \rock\response\JsonResponseFormatter::className()], 'xmlResponseFormatter' => ['class' => \rock\response\XmlResponseFormatter::className()], 'rssResponseFormatter' => ['class' => \rock\response\RssResponseFormatter::className()], 'session' => ['class' => \rock\session\Session::className(), 'cookieParams' => ['httponly' => true, 'lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 60, 'setUseCookies' => \rock\session\Session::USE_ONLY_COOKIES]], 'cookie' => ['class' => \rock\cookie\Cookie::className()], 'security' => ['class' => Security::className()], 'sanitize' => ['class' => \rock\sanitize\Sanitize::className()], 'validate' => ['class' => \rock\validate\Validate::className(), 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale']], 'csrf' => ['class' => \rock\csrf\CSRF::className()], 'captcha' => ['class' => \rock\captcha\Captcha::className(), 'length' => 0, 'whiteNoiseDensity' => 1 / 6, 'blackNoiseDensity' => 1 / 30], 'user' => ['class' => \rock\user\User::className(), 'container' => 'user'], 'rbac' => ['class' => \rock\rbac\DBManager::className()], 'log' => ['class' => \rock\log\Log::className()], Role::className() => ['class' => Role::className()], Permission::className() => ['class' => Permission::className()]], require __DIR__ . '/widgets.php');
/** * Returns image captcha. * * @param bool $session * @param Response $response * @return null */ public function getImage($session = true, Response $response) { if (!($data = $this->generate($session))) { return null; } $response->getHeaders()->set('Pragma', 'public')->set('Expires', '0')->set('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0')->set('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary')->set('Content-type', $data['mimeType']); return $data['image']; }
/** * Redirects the browser to the last visited page. * * You can use this method in an action by returning the {@see \rock\response\Response} directly: * * ```php * // stop executing this action and redirect to last visited page * return $this->goBack(); * ``` * * For this function to work you have to {@see \rock\user\User::setReturnUrl()} in appropriate places before. * * @param string|array $defaultUrl the default return URL in case it was not set previously. * If this is null and the return URL was not set previously, {@see \rock\request\Request::$homeUrl} will be redirected to. * Please refer to {@see \rock\user\User::setReturnUrl()} on accepted format of the URL. * @return Response the current response object * @see User::getReturnUrl() */ public function goBack($defaultUrl = null) { return $this->response->redirect(Rock::$app->user->getReturnUrl($defaultUrl)); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { $this->request = Instance::ensure($this->request, Request::className()); $this->response = Instance::ensure($this->response, Response::className()); }
/** * Run mode debug. * * @param Response $response * @return Run */ protected static function debuger(Response $response = null) { $run = new Run(); if (isset($response)) { switch ($response->format) { case Response::FORMAT_JSON: $handler = new JsonResponseHandler(); break; case Response::FORMAT_XML: $handler = new XmlResponseHandler(); break; default: $request = new Request(); if ($request->isAjax() || $request->isCORS()) { $handler = new JsonResponseHandler(); } else { $handler = new PrettyPageHandler(); } } $run->setSendHttpCode(500); $response->setStatusCode(500); $response->send(); } else { $handler = new PrettyPageHandler(); } $run->pushHandler($handler); //$run->register(); return $run; }
/** * Adds the CORS headers to the response * @param Response $response * @param array CORS headers which have been computed */ public function addCorsHeaders($response, $headers) { if (!empty($headers)) { $responseHeaders = $response->getHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $field => $value) { $responseHeaders->set($field, $value); } } }