public function deleteAction() { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $element = Mediumtypes::findFirstByUid($this->request->getPost('uid')); $element->deleted = 1; $element->save(); } }
public function requestInitialize($controllerName) { $this->view->setTemplateAfter('main'); $this->view->setVars(array('version' => $this->config->application->version)); if ($this->config->application->debug) { $baseUrl = $this->config->application->development->baseUri; } else { $baseUrl = $this->config->application->production->baseUri; } /** * Docs path and CDN url */ $lang = $this->getUriParameter('language'); $lang = $lang ? $lang : 'de'; /** * Find the languages available */ $languages = $this->config->languages; $languagesAvailable = ''; $selected = ''; $url = $this->request->getScheme() . '://' . $this->request->getHttpHost() . $baseUrl; $uri = $this->router->getRewriteUri(); foreach ($languages as $key => $value) { $selected = $key == $lang ? " selected='selected'" : ''; $href = $url . str_replace("/{$lang}", "{$key}", $uri); $languagesAvailable .= "<option value='{$href}'{$selected}>{$value}</option>"; } $projectTypes = Projecttypes::find(array('conditions' => 'deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0', 'order' => 'tstamp ASC')); $mediumtypes = Mediumtypes::find(array('conditions' => 'deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0')); $this->lang = $lang; $this->view->setVar('mediumtypes', $mediumtypes); $this->view->setVar('projecttypes', $projectTypes); $this->view->setVar('controller', $controllerName); $this->view->setVar('language', $this->lang); $this->view->setVar('baseurl', $baseUrl); $this->view->setVar('languages_available', $languagesAvailable); $this->host = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $this->view->setVar('host', $this->host); }
public function updateAction() { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $mediumUid = $this->request->hasPost('uid') ? $this->request->getPost('uid') : 0; $medium = Medium::findFirstByUid($mediumUid); if ($medium) { $medium->assign(array('tstamp' => time(), 'title' => $this->request->hasPost('title') ? $this->request->getPost('title') : '', 'description' => $this->request->hasPost('description') ? $this->request->getPost('description') : '', 'mediumtype' => $this->request->getPost('mediumtype'), 'reach' => $this->request->getPost('reach'), 'mediumstatus' => $this->request->getPost('status'))); if (!$medium->update()) { $this->flashSession->error($medium->getMessages()); } else { $medium->icon = $this->littlehelpers->saveImages($this->request->getUploadedFiles(), 'medium', $medium->uid); $medium->update(); $this->flashSession->success($this->translate('successUpdate')); } } } else { $mediumUid = $this->dispatcher->getParam("uid") ? $this->dispatcher->getParam("uid") : 0; } $medium = Medium::findFirstByUid($mediumUid); $mediumtypes = Mediumtypes::find(array('conditions' => 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0')); $this->view->setVar('mediumtypes', $mediumtypes); $this->view->setVar('medium', $medium); }
private function getData() { $currentyear = $this->littlehelpers->getCurrentYear(); $bindArray = array(); $aColumns = array('projecttitle', 'projecttopic', 'mediumtitle', 'mediumtype', 'reach', 'publicationdate', 'clippingtype', 'filelink', 'projectdate'); $aColumnsSelect = array('clippingtype', 'filelink'); $aColumnsFilter = array('projects.title', 'projects.topic', 'medium.title', 'clipping.title'); $time = time(); /* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */ $sIndexColumn = "clipping.uid"; /* DB table to use */ $sTable = "reportingtool\\Models\\Clippings as clipping LEFT JOIN reportingtool\\Models\\Medium as medium ON clipping.mediumuid = medium.uid LEFT JOIN reportingtool\\Models\\Projects as projects ON projects.uid ="; /* * Paging */ $sLimit = ""; if (isset($_POST['iDisplayStart']) && $_POST['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') { $sLimit = "LIMIT " . intval($_POST['iDisplayStart']) . ", " . intval($_POST['iDisplayLength']); } /* * Ordering */ $sOrder = ""; if (isset($_POST['iSortCol_0'])) { $dateSort = false; $sOrder = "ORDER BY "; for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_POST['iSortingCols']); $i++) { if ($_POST['bSortable_' . intval($_POST['iSortCol_' . $i])] == "true") { $sOrder .= $aColumns[intval($_POST['iSortCol_' . $i])] . " " . ($_POST['sSortDir_' . $i] === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . ", "; if ('date' == $aColumns[intval($_POST['iSortCol_' . $i])]) { $dateSort = true; } } } $sOrder = substr($sOrder, 0, -2) . ' '; } /* * Filtering * NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency * on very large tables, and MySQL's regex functionality is very limited */ $sWhere = "WHERE clipping.deleted=0 AND clipping.hidden=0 AND clipping.tstamp >= :starttstamp: AND clipping.tstamp <= :endtstamp: AND projects.deleted=0 AND projects.hidden =0 AND clipping.usergroup = :usergroup: "; if (isset($_POST['sSearch']) && $_POST['sSearch'] != "") { $sWhere .= " AND ("; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumnsFilter); $i++) { $sWhere .= "" . $aColumnsFilter[$i] . " LIKE :searchTerm: OR "; //$_POST['sSearch'] } $sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, "", -3); $sWhere .= ')'; } $filterArray = array('topics' => array('colname' => 'projects.topic', 'type' => 4), 'startdate' => array('colname' => 'projects.starttime', 'type' => 2), 'enddate' => array('colname' => 'projects.endtime', 'type' => 3), 'projects' => array('colname' => 'projects.uid', 'type' => 1), 'projecttype' => array('colname' => 'projects.projecttype', 'type' => 1)); foreach ($filterArray as $postname => $columnname) { if ($this->request->hasPost($postname) && $this->request->getPost($postname)) { if (is_array($this->request->getPost($postname)) && count($this->request->getPost($postname)) > 1) { switch ($columnname['type']) { case 1: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . " IN (" . implode(',', $this->request->getPost($postname)) . ')'; break; case 4: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . ' IN ("' . implode('","', $this->request->getPost($postname)) . '")'; break; } } else { switch ($columnname['type']) { case 1: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . " = " . implode(',', $this->request->getPost($postname)) . ''; break; case 2: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . " > " . $this->littlehelpers->processDateOnly($this->request->getPost($postname)); break; case 3: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . " < " . $this->littlehelpers->processDateOnly($this->request->getPost($postname)); break; case 4: $sWhere .= " AND " . $columnname['colname'] . " LIKE '" . $this->request->getPost($postname)[0] . "'"; break; } } } } /* * SQL queries * Get data to display */ $phql = "SELECT " . str_replace(" , ", " ", implode(", ", $aColumnsSelect)) . ", clipping.uid as clippinguid, medium.title AS mediumtitle,mediumtype,reach,clipping.tstamp as publicationdate, clipping.title AS clippingtitle, clipping.url as clippingurl, projects.title AS projecttitle, projects.starttime AS projectdate,projects.topic as projecttopic FROM {$sTable} " . $sWhere . " " . $sOrder . " " . $sLimit; $bindArray['usergroup'] = $this->session->get('auth')['usergroup']; $bindArray['starttstamp'] = $currentyear[0]; $bindArray['endtstamp'] = $currentyear[1]; if ($this->request->getPost('sSearch') != '') { $bindArray['searchTerm'] = '%' . $this->request->getPost('sSearch') . '%'; } $sQuery = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($phql); $rResults = $sQuery->execute($bindArray); $resultSet = array(); $clippingtypes = array('online', 'print', 'newsletter'); foreach ($rResults as $aRow) { $row = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) { /* General output */ $rowArray = (array) $aRow; if ($aColumns[$i] == 'publicationdate') { $row[] = date('d/m/Y', $rowArray[$aColumns[$i]]); } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == 'clippingtype') { $row[] = $clippingtypes[$rowArray[$aColumns[$i]]]; } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == 'filelink') { $row[] = '<a href="' . $this->host . $this->baseUri . $rowArray[$aColumns[$i]] . '" target="_blank">Download</a>'; } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == 'projectdate') { $row[] = date('d/m/Y', $rowArray[$aColumns[$i]]); } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == 'mediumtype') { $mediumtype = \reportingtool\Models\Mediumtypes::findFirstByUid($rowArray[$aColumns[$i]]); $row[] = $mediumtype->title; } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == 'reach' && $rowArray[$aColumns[$i]] == 0) { $row[] = 'k.A.'; } else { $row[] = $rowArray[$aColumns[$i]]; } } $resultSet[] = $row; } /* Data set length after filtering */ $rResultFilterTotal = count($resultSet); /* Total data set length */ $lphql = "SELECT COUNT(" . $sIndexColumn . ") AS countids FROM {$sTable}\t" . $sWhere; $lQuery = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($lphql); $rResultTotal = $lQuery->execute($bindArray); foreach ($rResultTotal as $aRow) { $iTotal = (array) $aRow; } $iTotal = $iTotal['countids']; //$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($rResultTotal); /* * Output */ $output = array("sEcho" => intval($_POST['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotal, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iTotal, "aaData" => $resultSet); return $output; }