public function index() { $perPage = 999999; $page = @$_GET['page'] ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $start = ($page - 1) * $perPage; $where = []; $where[] = 1; $queryParam = []; if (!empty($_GET['type'])) { $where[] = "type = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['type']; } if (!empty($_GET['porcelain_type'])) { $where[] = "porcelain_type = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['porcelain_type']; } if (!empty($_GET['size'])) { $where[] = "size = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['size']; } if (!empty($_GET['size_unit'])) { $where[] = "size_unit = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['size_unit']; } if (!empty($_GET['style'])) { $where[] = "style = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['style']; } if (!empty($_GET['company'])) { $where[] = "company = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['company']; } if (!empty($_GET['is_group'])) { $where[] = "company = ?"; $queryParam[] = $_GET['company']; } if (!empty($_GET['pattern_id'])) { $pattern = R::findOne("room_pattern", "id=?", [$_GET['pattern_id']]); if (isset($pattern["product_use"])) { $ids = trim($pattern["product_use"], ","); $ids = explode(",", $ids); } else { $ids = [0]; } $where[] = "id IN (" . R::genSlots($ids) . ")"; $queryParam = array_merge($queryParam, $ids); } $where = implode(" AND ", $where); $queryParam[] = $start; $queryParam[] = $perPage; $items = R::getAll('SELECT product.* FROM product WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY is_hot DESC, is_new DESC, created_at DESC LIMIT ?,?', $queryParam); $count = R::count('product', $where, array_slice($queryParam, 0, -2)); $maxPage = floor($count / $perPage) + ($count % $perPage == 0 ? 0 : 1); // $itemsExport = R::exportAll($items); $this->builds($items); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(['items' => $items, 'page' => $page, 'maxPage' => $maxPage, 'total' => $count], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); exit; }
/** * Insert or Update a bean * * @param OODBBean $bean * @param $data array * @return Result */ private function saveBean($bean, $data) { // Handle File Field that may not in the $data, because Filename always go into $_FILES. foreach ($_FILES as $fieldName => $file) { $data[$fieldName] = $file["name"]; } // Store Showing fields only $fields = $this->getShowFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { // Check is unique if ($field->isUnique()) { // Try to find duplicate beans $fieldName = $field->getName(); $duplicateBeans = R::find($bean->getMeta('type'), " {$fieldName} = ? ", [$data[$field->getName()]]); if (count($duplicateBeans) > 0) { $validateResult = "Email 已存在!"; } } if ($field->getFieldRelation() == Field::MANY_TO_MANY) { // 1. Many to many // $keyName = "shared" . ucfirst($field->getName()) . "List"; // Clear the current list (tableB_tableA) try { $tableName = $this->getTableName() . "_" . $field->getName(); $idName = $this->getTableName() . "_id"; R::exec("DELETE FROM {$tableName} WHERE {$idName} = ?", [$bean->id]); } catch (\Exception $ex) { } // Clear the current list (tableA_tableB) try { $tableName = $field->getName() . "_" . $this->getTableName(); $idName = $this->getTableName() . "_id"; R::exec("DELETE FROM {$tableName} WHERE {$idName} = ?", [$bean->id]); } catch (\Exception $ex) { } // If User have checked a value in checkbox if (isset($data[$field->getName()])) { $valueList = $data[$field->getName()]; $slots = R::genSlots($valueList); $relatedBeans = R::find($field->getName(), " id IN ({$slots})", $valueList); foreach ($relatedBeans as $relatedBean) { $bean->{$keyName}[] = $relatedBean; } } } else { if ($field->getFieldRelation() == Field::ONE_TO_MANY) { // TODO One to many } else { if (!$field->isStorable()) { // 2. If not storable, skip continue; } elseif ($field->getFieldRelation() == Field::NORMAL) { // 3.Normal data field $value = $field->getStoreValue($data); if ($value == LouisCRUD::NULL) { $value = null; } // Validate the value if ($field->isStorable()) { $validateResult = $field->validate($value, $data); } else { // TODO: check non-storable? $validateResult = true; } // If validate failed, return result object. if ($validateResult !== true) { $result = new Result(); $result->id = @$bean->id; $result->msg = $validateResult; $result->fieldName = $field->getName(); $result->class = "callout-danger"; return $result; } // Set the value to the current bean directly $bean->{$field->getName()} = $value; } } } } // Store // TODO: Return result object $id = R::store($bean); $result = new Result(); $result->id = $id; return $result; }
public function stat() { $perPage = 10; $page = @$_GET['page'] ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $start = ($page - 1) * $perPage; $where = []; $where[] = 1; $where = implode(" AND ", $where); $queryParam[] = $start; $queryParam[] = $perPage; $form = []; $form['room'] = ''; $sub = 'SELECT SUM(product_room.view_count) FROM product_room WHERE product_room.product_id ='; $items = []; $count = 0; $maxPage = 0; if (!empty($_GET["room"])) { $form["room"] = $_GET["room"]; $ids = R::getCol('SELECT product_id FROM product_room WHERE room_name = :room_name', [':room_name' => $_GET["room"]]); if (!empty($ids)) { $ids = array_unique($ids); $room = $_GET["room"]; $sub .= " AND product_room.room_name = '{$room}' "; $where = ' id IN (' . R::genSlots($ids) . ')'; $queryParam = array_merge($ids, $queryParam); $sql = 'SELECT *,(' . $sub . ') as total_room FROM product WHERE ' . $where . ' LIMIT ?,?'; $items = R::getAll($sql, $queryParam); $count = R::count('product', $where, array_slice($queryParam, 0, -2)); $maxPage = floor($count / $perPage) + ($count % $perPage == 0 ? 0 : 1); } else { } } $items = array_map(function ($item) { if (is_null($item["total_room"])) { $item["total_room"] = 0; } return $item; }, $items); $this->slim->render("room/stat_view.php", ['items' => $items, 'page' => $page, 'maxPage' => $maxPage, 'form' => $form]); }