/** * Set the pre-fetch limits for this connection. * * @recoil-coroutine * * The pre-fetch count is the maximum number of unacknowledged messages that * are delivered to this connection. * * The pre-fetch limit is the maximum total size of unacknowledge messages * (in bytes) that is delivered to this connection. * * This feature is incompatible with the "per_consumer_qos" broker * capability. * * RabbitMQ does not support per-connection limits (current as of v3.5.6). * * @param int|null $count The pre-fetch count limit (null = unlimited). * @param int|null $size The pre-fetch size limit (null = unlimited). * @param Channel|null $channel The application-managed channel to use (null = auto-managed). * * @throws NotSupportedException The broker does not support this feature. * @throws ConnectionException The connection is closed. */ public function setQosLimits(int $count = null, int $size = null, Channel $channel = null) : Generator { assert($size === null || $size > 0); assert($count === null || $count > 0); if ($this->connectionManager === null) { throw SingleConnectionException::notOpen($this->options); } elseif ($this->features->perConsumerQos) { throw NotSupportedException::incompatibleCapability('per-connection QoS limits', 'per_consumer_qos'); } elseif ($size !== null && !$this->features->qosSizeLimits) { throw NotSupportedException::unsupportedFeature('pre-fetch size limits'); } $channelManager = (yield $this->connectionManager->acquireChannel($channel)); try { (yield $channelManager->call(BasicQosFrame::create($size ?: 0, $count ?: 0, true), BasicQosOkFrame::METHOD_ID)); } finally { if ($channel === null) { $channelManager->release(); } } }
/** * Set the pre-fetch limits for consumers on this channel. * * @recoil-coroutine * * Only consumers created after setting the limits are affected. * * The pre-fetch count is the maximum number of unacknowledged messages that * are delivered to each consumer on this channel. * * The pre-fetch limit is the maximum total size of unacknowledge messages * (in bytes) that is delivered to this channel. * * This feature requires the "per_consumer_qos" broker capability. * * RabbitMQ does not support pre-fetch size limits (current as of v3.5.6). * * @param int|null $count The pre-fetch count limit (null = unlimited). * @param int|null $size The pre-fetch size limit (null = unlimited). * * @throws NotSupportedException The broker does not support this feature. * @throws ConnectionException The connection is closed. * @throws ChannelException The channel is closed. */ public function setConsumerQosLimits(int $count = null, int $size = null) : Generator { assert($size === null || $size > 0); assert($count === null || $count > 0); if ($this->channelManager === null) { throw ChannelException::notOpen($this->channelId); } elseif (!$this->features->perConsumerQos) { throw NotSupportedException::missingCapability('per-consumer QoS limits', 'per_consumer_qos'); } elseif ($size !== null && !$this->features->qosSizeLimits) { throw NotSupportedException::unsupportedFeature('pre-fetch size limits'); } $this->channelManager->setDirty(); (yield $this->channelManager->call(BasicQosFrame::create($size ?: 0, $count ?: 0, false), BasicQosOkFrame::METHOD_ID)); }
/** * Open the consumer. * * @recoil-coroutine * * While a consumer is open, it will consume messages from the queue. * Messages are read by using the consumer as a readable channel. * * The consumer may be reopened after it has been closed. * * @throws ResourceLockedException Another connection has exclusive access to the queue. * @throws ResourceNotFoundException The queue does not exist. * @throws ConnectionException The connection is closed. * @throws ChannelException The channel is closed. */ public function open() : Generator { assert($this->state === self::STATE_CLOSED); try { $this->state = self::STATE_OPENING; $this->channelManager = (yield $this->connectionManager->acquireChannel($this->channel)); if ($this->preFetchCount !== null || $this->preFetchSize !== null) { $this->channelManager->setDirty(); (yield $this->channelManager->call(BasicQosFrame::create($this->preFetchSize, $this->preFetchCount, false), BasicQosOkFrame::METHOD_ID)); } try { $frame = (yield $this->channelManager->call(BasicConsumeFrame::create($this->queue->name(), $this->tag, $this->options->noLocal, $this->options->noAck, $this->options->exclusive), BasicConsumeOkFrame::METHOD_ID)); } catch (AmqpException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === Constants::ACCESS_REFUSED) { throw ResourceLockedException::queueHasExclusiveConsumer($this->queue->name(), $e); } elseif ($e->getCode() === Constants::NOT_FOUND) { throw ResourceNotFoundException::queueNotFound($this->queue->name(), $e); } else { throw $e; } } $this->tag = $frame->consumerTag; $this->state = self::STATE_OPEN; $this->channelManager->addDeliverListener($this->tag, $this); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->cleanup(); throw $e; } }