  * Get all the form contents for rendering
  * @return type renderable array
 public function getForm($form, &$form_state, $disabled, $myvalues)
     $oUser = $this->m_oContext->getUserInfo();
     $localmsg = NULL;
     if (!$oUser->getPrivilegeSetting('SP1')) {
         $disabled = TRUE;
         //Do not let this user edit the schedule information.
         $localmsg = 'Your account does not have privileges to edit the schedule information.';
     $form['data_entry_area1'] = array('#prefix' => "\n<section id='raptor-admin-container' class='user-profile-dataentry'>\n", '#suffix' => "\n</section>\n", '#disabled' => $disabled);
     //Hidden values
     $form['hiddenthings']['tid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $myvalues['tid']);
     $form['hiddenthings']['procName'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $myvalues['procName']);
     $form['hiddenthings']['suggested_alreadyset_uid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $myvalues['suggested_alreadyset_uid']);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['heading'] = array('#markup' => '<table id="raptor-schedule-table"><tbody>' . '<tr><th>Tracking ID</th><td>' . $myvalues['tid'] . '</td>' . '<th>Patient Name</th><td>' . $myvalues['PatientName'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><th>Study</th><td>' . $myvalues['procName'] . '</td>' . '<th>Patient DOB</th><td>' . $myvalues['PatientDOB'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><th>Requested Date</th><td>' . $myvalues['RequestedDate'] . '</td>' . '<th>Urgency</th><td>' . $myvalues['Urgency'] . '</td></tr>' . '</tbody></table>');
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['location_tx'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Location'), '#default_value' => $myvalues['location_tx'], '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 20, '#required' => FALSE);
     if ($disabled || !is_array($myvalues['rooms'])) {
     } else {
         $htmlroomoptions = '<ul>';
         $aRooms = $myvalues['rooms'];
         foreach ($aRooms as $aRoom) {
             $htmlroomoptions .= '<li><span class="location-option selectable-text"><a href="javascript:setTextboxByName(' . "'location_tx','" . $aRoom[0] . "' )" . '"' . ' title="' . $aRoom[1] . '" >' . $aRoom[0] . '</a></span>';
         $htmlroomoptions .= '</ul>';
         $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['rooms'] = array('#markup' => $htmlroomoptions);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['event_date_tx'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Event Date'), '#default_value' => $myvalues['event_date_tx'], '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 20, '#required' => FALSE, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('datepicker')));
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['event_starttime_tx'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Start Time'), '#default_value' => $myvalues['event_starttime_tx'], '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 20, '#required' => FALSE);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['duration_am'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Duration (minutes)'), '#default_value' => $myvalues['duration_am'], '#size' => 3, '#maxlength' => 3, '#required' => FALSE);
     //Provide clickable duration options on same row as duration field
     if ($disabled) {
         $myvalues['durations'] = array();
         //Empty list of minutes
     } else {
         if (!isset($myvalues['durations']) || !is_array($myvalues['durations']) || count($myvalues['durations']) == 0) {
             //Default hardcoded list.
             $myvalues['durations'] = array('10', '15', '20', '30', '45', '60');
     $htmldurations = '<ul>';
     $aDurations = $myvalues['durations'];
     foreach ($aDurations as $aDuration) {
         $htmldurations .= '<li><span class="duration-option selectable-text"><a href="javascript:setTextboxByName(' . "'duration_am','" . $aDuration . "' )" . '"' . ' title="' . $aDuration . ' minutes" >' . $aDuration . '</a></span>';
     $htmldurations .= '</ul>';
     $form['data_entry_area1']['toppart']['durations'] = array('#markup' => $htmldurations);
     $optionsConfirmed = array(0 => t('No'), 1 => t('Yes' . (isset($myvalues['confirmed_by_patient_dt']) ? ' (' . $myvalues['confirmed_by_patient_dt'] . ')' : '')));
     $form['data_entry_area1']['middlepart']['confirmed_by_patient_yn'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Confirmed by patient'), '#default_value' => isset($myvalues['confirmed_by_patient_dt']) ? 1 : 0, '#options' => $optionsConfirmed, '#description' => t('Has the patient confirmed this appointment?'));
     $mdwsDao = $this->m_oContext->getMdwsClient();
     $aCancelOptions = \raptor\MdwsUtils::getRadiologyCancellationReasons($mdwsDao);
     $fulloptionlist = array();
     $fulloptionlist[] = '';
     foreach ($aCancelOptions as $option) {
         $fulloptionlist[] = $option;
     $form['data_entry_area1']['middlepart']['canceled_reason_tx'] = array("#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Reason for cancelation (If canceled)"), "#options" => $fulloptionlist, '#default_value' => $myvalues['canceled_reason_tx'], "#description" => t("Select reason for canceling this procedure." . (isset($myvalues['canceled_dt']) ? ' ( Canceled ' . $myvalues['canceled_dt'] . ' )' : '')), "#required" => FALSE);
     if (is_array($myvalues['assignment_options'])) {
         $options = $myvalues['assignment_options'];
     } else {
         $options[''] = '';
     $form['data_entry_area1']['middlepart']['suggested_uid'] = array("#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Attention of suggestion"), "#options" => $options, '#default_value' => $myvalues['suggested_uid'], "#description" => t('Suggested for the attention of a specific Resident or Radiologist' . ($myvalues['suggested_alreadyset_note'] != NULL ? ' (' . $myvalues['suggested_alreadyset_note'] . ')' : '')), "#required" => FALSE);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['bottom']['notes_tx'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Scheduler Notes'), '#rows' => 3, '#disabled' => $disabled, '#default_value' => $myvalues['notes_tx']);
     $optionsConfirmed = array(0 => t('No'), 1 => t('Yes'));
     $form['data_entry_area1']['bottom']['notes_critical_yn'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Notes contain patient care information?'), '#default_value' => isset($myvalues['notes_critical_yn']) ? $myvalues['notes_critical_yn'] : 0, '#options' => $optionsConfirmed, '#description' => t('Should system ask Radiologist and Technologist to confirm reading the note?'));
     if ($localmsg != NULL) {
         $form['data_entry_area1']['bottom']['buttonmsg'] = array('#markup' => '<p class="action-button-message">' . $localmsg . '</p>');
     if (!$disabled) {
         $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['schedule'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('simple-action-button')), '#value' => t('Save Settings'), '#disabled' => $disabled);
         $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['addnewschedule'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('simple-action-button')), '#value' => t('Save these Settings and Add Another Schedule Event for Same Ticket'), '#disabled' => $disabled);
     $form['data_entry_area1']['action_buttons']['cancel'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '<input class="raptor-dialog-cancel" type="button" value="Cancel">');
     return $form;