  * @depends test_createUser
 public function test_createComp($User)
     $Comp = new Competition();
     $Comp->title = "Test competition";
     $Comp->theme = "Test comp theme";
     $Comp->SubmissionsDateOpen = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
     $Comp->SubmissionsDateClose = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P3D"));
     $Comp->VotingDateOpen = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P5D"));
     $Comp->VotingDateClose = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P10D"));
     $Comp = new Competition($Comp->id);
     $this->assertEquals(Competitions::STATUS_CLOSED, $Comp->status);
     $this->assertFalse(!filter_var($Comp->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT));
     $Comp->SubmissionsDateOpen = (new DateTime())->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"));
     $Comp->SubmissionsDateClose = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P3D"));
     $Comp->VotingDateOpen = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P5D"));
     $Comp->VotingDateClose = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P10D"));
     $Comp->status = Competitions::STATUS_OPEN;
     $DummyUser = new User();
     return $Comp;
  * Notify participants that this competition is open for voting
  * @since Version 3.9.1
  * @return \Railpage\Images\Competition
  * @todo Check recipient preferences for email notifications
 private function notifyVotingOpen()
      * Return if we're not within the voting bounds
     if (!Utility\CompetitionUtility::isVotingWindowOpen($this)) {
         return $this;
     $body = sprintf("Hi [username],\n\nWe wanted to let you know that the <a href='%s'>%s</a> photo competition is open for voting until %s.\n\nYou've received this email because you've participated in a previous photo competition.\n\nThanks\nThe Railpage team.", $this->url->email, $this->title, $this->VotingDateClose->format("F jS"));
     $notificationOptions = array("flag" => __FUNCTION__, "subject" => sprintf("Voting open: %s", $this->title), "body" => $body);
     Utility\CompetitionUtility::sendNotification($this, $notificationOptions);
     return $this;