  * Create a new AssessmentItemSession object. 
  * * The built-in response variables 'numAttempts' and 'duration' will be created and set up with appropriate default values, respectively Integer(0) and Duration('PT0S').
  * * The built-in outcome variable 'completionStatus' will be created and set up with an appropriate default value of  String('not_attempted').
  * * The item session is set up with a default ItemSessionControl object. If you want a specific ItemSessionControl object to rule the session, use the setItemSessionControl() method.
  * * The item session is set up with no TimeLimits object. If you want to set a a specfici TimeLimits object to rule the session, use the setTimeLimits() method.
  * @param \qtism\data\IAssessmentItem $assessmentItem The description of the item that the session handles.
  * @param integer $navigationMode (optional) A value from the NavigationMode enumeration.
  * @param integer $submissionMode (optional) A value from the SubmissionMode enumeration.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $navigationMode or $submission is not a value from the NavigationMode/SubmissionMode enumeration.
  * @see \qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSession::setItemSessionControl() The setItemSessionControl() method.
  * @see \qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSession::setTimeLimits() The setTimeLimits() method.
 public function __construct(IAssessmentItem $assessmentItem, $navigationMode = NavigationMode::LINEAR, $submissionMode = SubmissionMode::INDIVIDUAL)
     $this->setItemSessionControl(new ItemSessionControl());
     // -- Create the built-in response variables.
     $this->setVariable(new ResponseVariable('numAttempts', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::INTEGER, new QtiInteger(0)));
     $this->setVariable(new ResponseVariable('duration', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::DURATION, new QtiDuration('PT0S')));
     // -- Create the built-in outcome variables.
     $this->setVariable(new OutcomeVariable('completionStatus', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::IDENTIFIER, new QtiIdentifier(self::COMPLETION_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED)));
     // -- Create item specific outcome, response and template variables.
     foreach ($assessmentItem->getOutcomeDeclarations() as $outcomeDeclaration) {
         $outcomeVariable = OutcomeVariable::createFromDataModel($outcomeDeclaration);
     foreach ($this->getAssessmentItem()->getResponseDeclarations() as $responseDeclaration) {
         $responseVariable = ResponseVariable::createFromDataModel($responseDeclaration);
     foreach ($assessmentItem->getTemplateDeclarations() as $templateDeclaration) {
         $templateVariable = TemplateVariable::createFromDataModel($templateDeclaration);
     // -- Perform choice shuffling for interactions by creating the Shuffling States for this item session.
     $shufflingStates = new ShufflingCollection();
     foreach ($assessmentItem->getShufflings() as $shuffling) {
         $shufflingStates[] = $shuffling->shuffle();
  * Create a new AssessmentTestSession object.
  * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest The AssessmentTest object which represents the assessmenTest the context belongs to.
  * @param AbstractSessionManager $sessionManager The manager to be used to create new AssessmentItemSession objects.
  * @param Route $route The sequence of items that has to be taken for the session.
 public function __construct(AssessmentTest $assessmentTest, AbstractSessionManager $sessionManager, Route $route)
     $this->setAssessmentItemSessionStore(new AssessmentItemSessionStore());
     $this->setLastOccurenceUpdate(new SplObjectStorage());
     $this->setPendingResponseStore(new PendingResponseStore());
     $durationStore = new DurationStore();
     // Take the outcomeDeclaration objects of the global scope.
     // Instantiate them with their defaults.
     foreach ($this->getAssessmentTest()->getOutcomeDeclarations() as $globalOutcome) {
         $variable = OutcomeVariable::createFromDataModel($globalOutcome);
  * Create a new AssessmentItemSession object.
  * * Unless provided in the $variables array, the built-in response/outcome variables 'numAttempts', 'duration' and
  * 'completionStatus' will be created and set to an appropriate default value automatically.
  * * The AssessmentItemSession object is set up with a default ItemSessionControl object. If you want a specific ItemSessionControl object to rule the session, use the setItemSessionControl() method.
  * @param IAssessmentItem $assessmentItem The description of the item that the session handles.
  * @param AbstractSessionManager $sessionManager
  * @param integer $navigationMode The current navigation mode. Default is LINEAR.
  * @param integer $submissionMode The current submission mode. Default is INDIVIDUAL.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $navigationMode is not a value from the NavigationMode enumeration.
 public function __construct(IAssessmentItem $assessmentItem, AbstractSessionManager $sessionManager, $navigationMode = NavigationMode::LINEAR, $submissionMode = SubmissionMode::INDIVIDUAL)
     $this->setItemSessionControl(new ItemSessionControl());
     // -- Create the built-in response variables.
     $this->setVariable(new ResponseVariable('numAttempts', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::INTEGER, new Integer(0)));
     $this->setVariable(new ResponseVariable('duration', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::DURATION, new Duration('PT0S')));
     // -- Create the built-in outcome variables.
     $this->setVariable(new OutcomeVariable('completionStatus', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::IDENTIFIER, new Identifier(self::COMPLETION_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED)));