  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace_recursive(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     if (!isset($options['path'])) {
         $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/path-mappings.json';
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['optimize'], 'The "optimize" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::isArray($options['change-stream'], 'The "change-stream" option should be an array. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $relBaseDir = Path::makeRelative($options['root-dir'], $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $escPath = '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true);
     $escBaseDir = $relBaseDir ? '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relBaseDir, true) : '__DIR__';
     if ($options['optimize']) {
         $streamGenerator = $generatorRegistry->getServiceGenerator(GeneratorRegistry::CHANGE_STREAM, $options['change-stream']['type']);
         $streamOptions = $options['change-stream'];
         $streamOptions['root-dir'] = $options['root-dir'];
         $streamGenerator->generateNewInstance('stream', $targetMethod, $generatorRegistry, $streamOptions);
         $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\OptimizedJsonRepository'));
         $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new OptimizedJsonRepository(%s, %s, false, $stream);', $varName, $escPath, $escBaseDir));
     } else {
         $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\JsonRepository'));
         $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonRepository(%s, %s, true);', $varName, $escPath, $escBaseDir));
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
        Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
        $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
        if (!isset($options['path'])) {
            $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/repository';
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
        Assert::boolean($options['symlink'], 'The "symlink" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
        $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
        $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
        $escPath = $relPath ? '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true) : '__DIR__';
        if ($relPath) {
if (!file_exists({$escPath})) {
    mkdir({$escPath}, 0777, true);

        $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\FilesystemRepository'));
        $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new FilesystemRepository(%s, %s);', $varName, $escPath, var_export($options['symlink'], true)));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['serialize-strings'], 'The "serialize-strings" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['serialize-arrays'], 'The "serialize-arrays" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['escape-slash'], 'The "escape-slash" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['pretty-print'], 'The "pretty-print" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $flags = array();
     if (!$options['serialize-strings']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_SERIALIZE_STRINGS';
     if (!$options['serialize-arrays']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_SERIALIZE_ARRAYS';
     if (!$options['serialize-arrays']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_ESCAPE_SLASH';
     if ($options['pretty-print']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::PRETTY_PRINT';
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Webmozart\\KeyValueStore\\JsonFileStore'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonFileStore(%s%s%s);', $varName, $flags ? "\n    " : '', '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true), $flags ? ",\n    " . implode("\n        | ", $flags) . "\n" : ''));
  * Creates the mapping.
  * @param string $glob       A glob for resources in the repository.
  * @param string $targetName The name of the install target.
  * @param string $webPath    The web path of the resource in the install
  *                           target.
  * @param Uuid   $uuid       The UUID of the mapping.
 public function __construct($glob, $targetName, $webPath, Uuid $uuid = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($glob, 'The glob must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($targetName, 'The target name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::string($webPath, 'The web path must be a string. Got: %s');
     $this->uuid = $uuid ?: Uuid::uuid4();
     $this->glob = $glob;
     $this->targetName = $targetName;
     $this->webPath = '/' . trim($webPath, '/');
  * Creates the mapping.
  * @param string $glob       A glob for resources in the repository.
  * @param string $serverName The name of the asset server.
  * @param string $serverPath The path of the resource in the document root
  *                           of the server.
  * @param Uuid   $uuid       The UUID of the mapping.
 public function __construct($glob, $serverName, $serverPath, Uuid $uuid = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($glob, 'The glob must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($serverName, 'The server name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::string($serverPath, 'The public path must be a string. Got: %s');
     $this->uuid = $uuid ?: Uuid::uuid4();
     $this->glob = $glob;
     $this->serverName = $serverName;
     $this->serverPath = '/' . trim($serverPath, '/');
  * Creates a new server.
  * @param string $name            The name of the server.
  * @param string $installerName   The name of the used installer.
  * @param string $documentRoot    The document root of the server.
  * @param string $urlFormat       The format of the generated resource URLs.
  *                                Include the placeholder "%s" for the
  *                                resource path relative to the document
  *                                root.
  * @param array  $parameterValues Values for the parameters defined by the
  *                                installer descriptor.
 public function __construct($name, $installerName, $documentRoot, $urlFormat = self::DEFAULT_URL_FORMAT, array $parameterValues = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The server name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($installerName, 'The installer name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($documentRoot, 'The server location must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($urlFormat, 'The URL format must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->installerName = $installerName;
     $this->documentRoot = $documentRoot;
     $this->urlFormat = $urlFormat;
     $this->parameterValues = $parameterValues;
  * Creates a new installer descriptor.
  * @param string               $name        The installer name.
  * @param string               $className   The fully-qualified class name
  *                                          of the installer.
  * @param string|null          $description The description of the installer.
  * @param InstallerParameter[] $parameters  The installer parameters.
 public function __construct($name, $className, $description = null, array $parameters = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The installer name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($className, 'The installer class must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrStringNotEmpty($description, 'The installer description must be a non-empty string or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::allIsInstanceOf($parameters, __NAMESPACE__ . '\\InstallerParameter');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->className = $className;
     $this->description = $description;
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         $this->parameters[$parameter->getName()] = $parameter;
  * Creates the import statement.
  * @param string      $className The fully-qualified imported class name.
  * @param string|null $alias     If not `null`, the class will be imported
  *                               with the given alias.
 public function __construct($className, $alias = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($className, 'The imported class name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrStringNotEmpty($className, 'The import alias must be a non-empty string or null. Got: %s');
     $pos = strrpos($className, '\\');
     if (false === $pos) {
         $this->namespaceName = '';
         $this->shortClassName = $className;
     } else {
         $this->namespaceName = substr($className, 0, $pos);
         $this->shortClassName = substr($className, $pos + 1);
     $this->alias = $alias;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     if (!isset($options['path'])) {
         $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/change-stream.json';
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $escPath = '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true);
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\ChangeStream\\JsonChangeStream'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonChangeStream(%s);', $varName, $escPath));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     if (!isset($options['path'])) {
         $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/bindings.json';
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $escPath = '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true);
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Discovery\\JsonDiscovery'));
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Discovery\\Binding\\Initializer\\ResourceBindingInitializer'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf("\$%s = new JsonDiscovery(%s, array(\n    new ResourceBindingInitializer(\$repo),\n));", $varName, $escPath));
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
        $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['host'], 'The "host" option must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
        Assert::integer($options['port'], 'The "port" option must be an integer. Got: %s');
        $escHost = var_export($options['host'], true);
        $escPort = var_export($options['port'], true);
        $targetMethod->getClass()->addImports(array(new Import('Redis'), new Import('Webmozart\\KeyValueStore\\PhpRedisStore')));
\$client = new Redis();
\$client->connect({$escHost}, {$escPort});
\${$varName} = new PhpRedisStore(\$client);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace_recursive(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::isArray($options['store'], 'The "store" option should be an array. Got: %s');
     if (!isset($options['store']['path'])) {
         $options['store']['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/change-stream.json';
     $kvsGenerator = $generatorRegistry->getServiceGenerator(GeneratorRegistry::KEY_VALUE_STORE, $options['store']['type']);
     $kvsOptions = $options['store'];
     $kvsOptions['root-dir'] = $options['root-dir'];
     $kvsGenerator->generateNewInstance('store', $targetMethod, $generatorRegistry, $kvsOptions);
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\ChangeStream\\KeyValueStoreChangeStream'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new KeyValueStoreChangeStream($store);', $varName));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace_recursive(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::isArray($options['store'], 'The "store" option should be an array. Got: %s');
     if (!isset($options['store']['path'])) {
         $options['store']['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/bindings.json';
     $kvsGenerator = $generatorRegistry->getServiceGenerator(GeneratorRegistry::KEY_VALUE_STORE, $options['store']['type']);
     $kvsOptions = $options['store'];
     $kvsOptions['root-dir'] = $options['root-dir'];
     $kvsGenerator->generateNewInstance('store', $targetMethod, $generatorRegistry, $kvsOptions);
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Discovery\\KeyValueStoreDiscovery'));
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Discovery\\Binding\\Initializer\\ResourceBindingInitializer'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf("\$%s = new KeyValueStoreDiscovery(\$store, array(\n    new ResourceBindingInitializer(\$repo),\n));", $varName));
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
        Assert::keyExists($options, 'bucket', 'The "bucket" option is missing.');
        $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['bucket'], 'The "bucket" option must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['host'], 'The "host" option must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
        Assert::integer($options['port'], 'The "port" option must be an integer. Got: %s');
        $escBucket = var_export($options['bucket'], true);
        $escHost = var_export($options['host'], true);
        $escPort = var_export($options['port'], true);
        $targetMethod->getClass()->addImports(array(new Import('Basho\\Riak\\Riak'), new Import('Webmozart\\KeyValueStore\\RiakStore')));
\$client = new Riak({$escHost}, {$escPort});
\${$varName} = new RiakStore({$escBucket}, \$client);
  * Creates a new install target.
  * @param string $name            The name of the target.
  * @param string $installerName   The name of the used installer.
  * @param string $location        The location where resources are installed.
  * @param string $urlFormat       The format of the generated resource URLs. Include the placeholder "%s" for the resource path relative to the target location.
  * @param array  $parameterValues Values for the parameters defined by the installer descriptor.
 public function __construct($name, $installerName, $location, $urlFormat = self::DEFAULT_URL_FORMAT, array $parameterValues = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The target name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($installerName, 'The installer name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEq($name, self::DEFAULT_TARGET, 'The target name must not be "' . self::DEFAULT_TARGET . '".');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($location, 'The target location must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($urlFormat, 'The target URL format must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->installerName = $installerName;
     $this->location = $location;
     $this->urlFormat = $urlFormat;
     $this->parameterValues = $parameterValues;