protected function addFixLevels(&$script) { $objectClassName = $this->objectClassName; $queryClassName = $this->queryClassName; $tableMapClassName = $this->tableMapClassName; $useScope = $this->behavior->useScope(); $script .= "\n/**\n * Update the tree to allow insertion of a leaf at the specified position\n *"; if ($useScope) { $script .= "\n * @param integer \$scope scope column value"; } $script .= "\n * @param ConnectionInterface \$con Connection to use.\n */\nstatic public function fixLevels(" . ($useScope ? "\$scope, " : "") . "ConnectionInterface \$con = null)\n{\n \$c = new Criteria();"; if ($useScope) { $script .= "\n \$c->add({$objectClassName}::SCOPE_COL, \$scope, Criteria::EQUAL);"; } $script .= "\n \$c->addAscendingOrderByColumn({$objectClassName}::LEFT_COL);\n \$dataFetcher = {$queryClassName}::create(null, \$c)->setFormatter(ModelCriteria::FORMAT_STATEMENT)->find(\$con);\n "; if (!$this->table->getChildrenColumn()) { $script .= "\n // set the class once to avoid overhead in the loop\n \$cls = {$tableMapClassName}::getOMClass(false);"; } $script .= "\n \$level = null;\n // iterate over the statement\n while (\$row = \$dataFetcher->fetch()) {\n\n // hydrate object\n \$key = {$tableMapClassName}::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow(\$row, 0);\n /** @var \$obj {$objectClassName} */\n if (null === (\$obj = {$tableMapClassName}::getInstanceFromPool(\$key))) {"; if ($this->table->getChildrenColumn()) { $script .= "\n // class must be set each time from the record row\n \$cls = {$tableMapClassName}::getOMClass(\$row, 0);\n \$cls = substr('.'.\$cls, strrpos('.'.\$cls, '.') + 1);\n " . $this->builder->buildObjectInstanceCreationCode('$obj', '$cls') . "\n \$obj->hydrate(\$row);\n {$tableMapClassName}::addInstanceToPool(\$obj, \$key);"; } else { $script .= "\n " . $this->builder->buildObjectInstanceCreationCode('$obj', '$cls') . "\n \$obj->hydrate(\$row);\n {$tableMapClassName}::addInstanceToPool(\$obj, \$key);"; } $script .= "\n }\n\n // compute level\n // Algorithm shamelessly stolen from sfPropelActAsNestedSetBehaviorPlugin\n // Probably authored by Tristan Rivoallan\n if (\$level === null) {\n \$level = 0;\n \$i = 0;\n \$prev = array(\$obj->getRightValue());\n } else {\n while (\$obj->getRightValue() > \$prev[\$i]) {\n \$i--;\n }\n \$level = ++\$i;\n \$prev[\$i] = \$obj->getRightValue();\n }\n\n // update level in node if necessary\n if (\$obj->getLevel() !== \$level) {\n \$obj->setLevel(\$level);\n \$obj->save(\$con);\n }\n }\n \$dataFetcher->close();\n}\n"; }
public function testAddColumn() { $table = new Table('books'); $column = $this->getColumnMock('created_at'); $this->assertInstanceOf('Propel\\Generator\\Model\\Column', $table->addColumn($column)); $this->assertNull($table->getChildrenColumn()); $this->assertTrue($table->requiresTransactionInPostgres()); $this->assertTrue($table->hasColumn($column)); $this->assertTrue($table->hasColumn('CREATED_AT', true)); $this->assertSame($column, $table->getColumnByPhpName('CreatedAt')); $this->assertCount(1, $table->getColumns()); $this->assertSame(1, $table->getNumColumns()); }