  * Executes the cronjob task
  * @param mixed $pid
  * @param mixed $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     // Foreach page, throw the war url in question at the Resque task
     $data = json_decode($app->cURL->getData("https://public-crest.eveonline.com/wars/", 0), true);
     $pageCount = $data["pageCount"];
     $currPage = 1;
     while ($currPage <= $pageCount) {
         // Get the data for the current page
         $data = json_decode($app->cURL->getData("https://public-crest.eveonline.com/wars/?page=" . $currPage, 0), true);
         foreach ($data["items"] as $war) {
             // Figure out if it's already inserted, and if it has ended (or has zero kills)
             $inserted = $app->wars->getWarByID($war["id"]);
             // If nothing is inserted we'll update
             if (empty($inserted)) {
                 \Resque::enqueue("default", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\populateWars", array("url" => $war["href"]));
             $date = new DateTime("+36 hour");
             $dateIn36Hours = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             if (!empty($inserted) && $inserted["lastUpdated"] > $dateIn36Hours) {
                 \Resque::enqueue("default", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\populateWars", array("url" => $war["href"]));
         // Increment the currentPage variable, so we can fetch the next set of wars
     // Keep this at the bottom, to make sure the fork exits
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $data = $app->EVEEVEAllianceList->getData();
     if (isset($data["result"]["alliances"])) {
         foreach ($data["result"]["alliances"] as $alliance) {
             $output->writeln("Updating/Adding: " . $alliance["name"]);
             // Update all the corporations in the alliance.. maybe we missed one?
             foreach ($alliance["memberCorporations"] as $corporation) {
                 \Resque::enqueue("default", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updateCorporation", array("corporationID" => $corporation["corporationID"]));
             $allianceID = $alliance["allianceID"];
             $allianceName = $alliance["name"];
             $allianceTicker = $alliance["shortName"];
             $memberCount = $alliance["memberCount"];
             $executorCorporationID = $alliance["executorCorpID"];
             $information = json_decode($app->cURL->getData("https://public-crest.eveonline.com/alliances/{$allianceID}/"), true)["description"];
             $app->alliances->updateAllianceDetails($allianceID, $allianceName, $allianceTicker, $memberCount, $executorCorporationID, $information);
             $app->alliances->setLastUpdated($allianceID, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $run = true;
     $oldKillID = 0;
     do {
         $p = \RedisQ\Action::listen("redisq.zkillboard.com");
         if ($p["killID"] > $oldKillID) {
             // Get the killmail data.
             $k = $app->CrestFunctions->generateFromCREST($p);
             // Poke statsd
             // Now lets make the json and hash
             $json = json_encode($k, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
             $hash = $app->CrestFunctions->generateCRESTHash($k);
             //$hash = hash("sha256", ":" . $k["killTime"] . ":" . $k["solarSystemID"] . ":" . $k["moonID"] . "::" . $k["victim"]["characterID"] . ":" . $k["victim"]["shipTypeID"] . ":" . $k["victim"]["damageTaken"] . ":");
             // Lets insert the killmail!
             $insert = $app->killmails->insertIntoKillmails($p["killID"], 0, $hash, "zkillboardRedisQ", $json);
             // Upgrade it
             if ($insert > 0) {
                 \Resque::enqueue("turbo", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\upgradeKillmail", array("killID" => $p["killID"]));
         $oldKillID = $p["killID"];
     } while ($run == true);
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $run = true;
     $oldKillID = 0;
     do {
         $p = \RedisQ\Action::listen("redisq.zkillboard.com");
         if ($p["killID"] > $oldKillID) {
             // Get the killmail data.
             $k = $app->killmails->generateFromCREST($p);
             // Poke statsd
             // Now lets make the json and hash
             $json = json_encode($k, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
             $hash = hash("sha256", ":" . $k["killTime"] . ":" . $k["solarSystemID"] . ":" . $k["moonID"] . "::" . $k["victim"]["characterID"] . ":" . $k["victim"]["shipTypeID"] . ":" . $k["victim"]["damageTaken"] . ":");
             // Push it over zmq to the websocket
             $context = new ZMQContext();
             $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH, "rena");
             // Lets insert the killmail!
             $app->killmails->insertKillmail($p["killID"], 0, $hash, "zkillboardRedisQ", $json);
         $oldKillID = $p["killID"];
     } while ($run == true);
  * @param $pid
  * @param $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     if ($app->Storage->get("Api904") >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
     \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updateAlliances");
  * Executes the cronjob task
  * @param mixed $pid
  * @param mixed $md5
  * @internal param RenaApp $app
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $toUpgrade = $app->Db->query("SELECT killID FROM killmails WHERE upgraded = 0 AND processed != 1 ORDER BY dateAdded ASC LIMIT 100", array(), 1);
     if ($toUpgrade) {
         foreach ($toUpgrade as $kill) {
             \Resque::enqueue("turbo", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\upgradeKillmail", array("killID" => $kill["killID"]));
     // Keep this at the bottom, to make sure the fork exits
  * @param $pid
  * @param $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     if ($app->Storage->get("Api904") >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
     $toFetch = $app->Db->query("SELECT * FROM apiKeyCharacters WHERE cachedUntil < now() OR lastChecked < date_sub(now(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR) ORDER BY lastChecked LIMIT 500", array(), 1);
     if ($toFetch) {
         foreach ($toFetch as $apiFetches) {
             \Resque::enqueue("important", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\killMailFetcher", array("fetchData" => serialize($apiFetches)));
     // Keep this at the bottom, to make sure the fork exits
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     // Setup the url and cache path
     $url = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/";
     $cache = __DIR__ . "/../../cache/update";
     // Create the cache dir if it doesn't exist
     if (!file_exists($cache)) {
     // Fetch the md5
     $md5file = "mysql-latest.tar.bz2.md5";
     $md5 = explode(" ", $app->cURL->getData($url . $md5file, 0))[0];
     $lastSeenMD5 = $app->Storage->get("ccpdataMD5");
     if ($lastSeenMD5 !== $md5 || !$input->getOption("force") === false) {
         $output->writeln("Updating to latest CCP data dump");
         $dbFiles = array("dgmAttributeCategories", "dgmAttributeTypes", "dgmEffects", "dgmTypeAttributes", "dgmTypeEffects", "invFlags", "invGroups", "invTypes", "mapDenormalize", "mapRegions", "mapSolarSystems", "mapConstellations");
         $type = ".sql.bz2";
         foreach ($dbFiles as $file) {
             $output->writeln("Updating {$file}");
             $dataURL = $url . "latest/" . $file . $type;
             try {
                 file_put_contents("{$cache}/{$file}{$type}", $app->cURL->getData($dataURL, 0));
                 $sqlData = bzopen("{$cache}/{$file}{$type}", "r");
                 // Open the BZip data
                 // Read the BZip data and append it to data
                 $data = "";
                 while (!feof($sqlData)) {
                     $data .= bzread($sqlData, 4096);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
             // Since rena uses tokuDB, we'll replace InnoDB with TokuDB here, just because we can..
             $data = str_replace("ENGINE=InnoDB", "ENGINE=TokuDB", $data);
             $dataParts = explode(";\n", $data);
             foreach ($dataParts as $qry) {
                 $query = $qry . ";";
             // Remove the stored BZip file from the drive - no need to store it..
         $app->Storage->set("ccpdataMD5", $md5);
  * @param $pid
  * @param $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     if ($app->Storage->get("Api904") >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
     $apiKeys = $app->Db->query("SELECT keyID, vCode FROM apiKeys WHERE lastValidation < date_sub(now(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR) ORDER BY lastValidation DESC LIMIT 500", array(), 0);
     if ($apiKeys) {
         foreach ($apiKeys as $api) {
             $keyID = $api["keyID"];
             $vCode = $api["vCode"];
             // Update the lastValidation to in ten minutes, just so we don't insert it again and again
             \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updateApiKeys", array("keyID" => $keyID, "vCode" => $vCode));
  * @param $pid
  * @param $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     if ($app->Storage->get("Api904") >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
     $characters = $app->Db->query("SELECT characterID FROM characters WHERE lastUpdated < date_sub(now(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND characterID != 0 ORDER BY lastUpdated LIMIT 500", array(), 0);
     if ($characters) {
         foreach ($characters as $character) {
             // Get the characterID to update
             $characterID = $character["characterID"];
             // Throw the ID after Resque which will update the characters information
             \Resque::enqueue("default", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updateCharacter", array("characterID" => $characterID));
  * Executes the cronjob task
  * @param mixed $pid
  * @param mixed $md5
 public static function execute($pid, $md5)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $typeIDs = $app->Db->query("SELECT typeID FROM invTypes WHERE published = 1 AND marketGroupID != 0");
     $cnt = 0;
     $fetchIDs = array();
     foreach ($typeIDs as $row) {
         $typeID = $row["typeID"];
         $fetchIDs[] = $typeID;
         if ($cnt == 20) {
             \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updatePrices", array("typeIDs" => $fetchIDs));
             $fetchIDs = array();
             $cnt = 0;
     // Keep this at the bottom, to make sure the fork exits
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     // Check if composer is in the dir
     if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../../composer.phar")) {
         $output->writeln("Composer doesn't exist, downloading it");
         $composer = $app->cURL->getData("https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar", 0);
         file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../composer.phar", $composer);
     $output->writeln("Updating composer");
     exec("php " . __DIR__ . "/../../composer.phar update -o");
     // Generate an optimized loader
     $output->writeln("Generating Optimized Loader");
     $loaderCode = $this->generateOptimizedLoader($app);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../OptimizedLoader.php", $loaderCode);
     // Update RenaApp
     $renaAppCode = $this->generateRenaApp();
     $output->writeln("Generating RenaApp");
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../RenaApp.php", $renaAppCode);
     // Do more stuff (Clear cache?)
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $startTime = time() + 3600;
     // Current time + 60 minutes
     $run = true;
     $stomp = new \Stomp($app->baseConfig->getConfig("server", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("username", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("password", "stomp"));
     $stomp->subscribe("/topic/kills", array("id" => "projectRena", "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
     do {
         $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
         if (!empty($frame)) {
             $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
             if (!empty($killdata)) {
                 if (isset($killdata["_stringValue"])) {
                 // Fix the killID
                 $killdata["killID"] = (int) $killdata["killID"];
                 $json = json_encode($killdata, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
                 $hash = hash("sha256", ":" . $killdata["killTime"] . ":" . $killdata["solarSystemID"] . ":" . $killdata["moonID"] . "::" . $killdata["victim"]["characterID"] . ":" . $killdata["victim"]["shipTypeID"] . ":" . $killdata["victim"]["damageTaken"] . ":");
                 $inserted = $app->Db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) VALUES (:killID, :hash, :source, :kill_json)", array(":killID" => $killdata["killID"], ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => "stomp", ":kill_json" => $json));
                 if ($inserted > 0) {
                     // Push it over zmq to the websocket
                     $context = new ZMQContext();
                     $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH, "rena");
         // Kill it after an hour
         if ($startTime <= time()) {
             $run = false;
     } while ($run == true);
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     // Setup the url and cache path
     $url = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/";
     $cache = __DIR__ . "/../../cache/update";
     // Create the cache dir if it doesn't exist
     if (!file_exists($cache)) {
     // Fetch the md5
     $md5file = "mysql-latest.tar.bz2.md5";
     $md5 = explode(" ", $app->cURL->getData($url . $md5file, 0))[0];
     $lastSeenMD5 = $app->Storage->get("ccpdataMD5");
     if ($lastSeenMD5 != $md5) {
         $output->writeln("Updating to latest CCP data dump");
         $dbFiles = array("dgmAttributeCategories", "dgmAttributeTypes", "dgmEffects", "dgmTypeAttributes", "dgmTypeEffects", "invFlags", "invGroups", "invTypes", "mapDenormalize", "mapRegions", "mapSolarSystems");
         $type = ".sql.bz2";
         foreach ($dbFiles as $file) {
             $dataURL = $url . "latest/" . $file . $type;
             try {
                 exec("wget -q {$dataURL} -O {$cache}/{$file}{$type}");
                 exec("bzip2 -q -d {$cache}/{$file}{$type}");
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 echo "Error";
             $data = file_get_contents($cache . "/" . $file . ".sql");
             $data = str_replace("ENGINE=InnoDB", "ENGINE=TokuDB", $data);
             $dataParts = explode(";\n", $data);
             foreach ($dataParts as $qry) {
                 $query = $qry . ";";
         $app->Storage->set("ccpdataMD5", $md5);
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $startTime = time() + 3600;
     // Current time + 60 minutes
     $run = true;
     $stomp = new \Stomp($app->baseConfig->getConfig("server", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("username", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("password", "stomp"));
     $stomp->subscribe("/topic/kills", array("id" => $app->baseConfig->getConfig("queueName", "stomp", "projectRena"), "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
     do {
         $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
         if (!empty($frame)) {
             $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
             if (!empty($killdata)) {
                 if (isset($killdata["_stringValue"])) {
                 // Fix the killID
                 $killdata["killID"] = (int) $killdata["killID"];
                 $json = json_encode($killdata, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
                 $hash = $app->CrestFunctions->generateCRESTHash($killdata);
                 $inserted = $app->killmails->insertIntoKillmails($killdata["killID"], 0, $hash, "stomp", $json);
                 if ($inserted > 0) {
                     \Resque::enqueue("turbo", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\upgradeKillmail", array("killID" => $killdata["killID"]));
         // Kill it after an hour
         if ($startTime <= time()) {
             $run = false;
     } while ($run == true);
 public function __construct()
     $this->app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $this->stomp = new Stomp($this->app->baseConfig->getConfig("server", "stomp"), $this->app->baseConfig->getConfig("username", "stomp"), $this->app->baseConfig->getConfig("password", "stomp"));
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // Enable the garbage collector since this is a long running process
     // Get the slim instance
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $run = true;
     $cnt = 0;
     $cronjobs = scandir(__DIR__ . '/Cronjobs/');
     do {
         if ($cnt > 50) {
             $cnt = 0;
         foreach ($cronjobs as $key => $cron) {
             // Unset anything that isn't .php!
             if (!preg_match('/^(.+)\\.php$/', $cron, $match)) {
             if (isset($match[1])) {
                 $name = $match[1];
                 $md5 = md5($name);
                 // If the script is currently running, skip to the next script
                 if ($app->Cache->get($md5 . '_pid') !== false) {
                     $pid = $app->Cache->get($md5 . '_pid');
                     $status = pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status, WNOHANG);
                     if ($status == -1) {
                         $app->Cache->delete($md5 . '_pid');
                 // Get last time this cronjob ran
                 $lastRan = $app->Cache->get($md5) > 0 ? $app->Cache->get($md5) : 0;
                 // Current Time
                 $currentTime = time();
                 // Load the cronjobs class and get the information needed
                 $import = '\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Cronjobs\\' . $name;
                 $class = new $import();
                 $interval = $class->getRunTimes();
                 // If the current time is larger than the lastRunTime and Interval, then we run it again!
                 if ($currentTime > $lastRan + $interval) {
                     $time = time();
                     $output->writeln("Time: {$time}: Running {$name} (Interval: {$interval})");
                     try {
                         // Time to fork it all!
                         $pid = pcntl_fork();
                         if ($pid === 0) {
                             // Get the PID
                             $pid = getmypid();
                             // Tell the cache that we're running the cronjobs will automatically remove it from the cache once they're done
                             $app->Cache->set($md5 . '_pid', $pid);
                             // Execute the cronjob
                             $class->execute($pid, $md5);
                         // Tell the cache when we ran last!
                         $app->Cache->set($md5, time());
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         $output->writeln("ERROR!! (pid: " . getmypid() . ") " . $e->getMessage());
                         $run = false;
                         posix_kill(getmygid(), 9);
             // Sleep for 500 milliseconds, so we don't go nuts with CPU
     } while ($run === true);
 public function setUp()
     $this->app = \ProjectRena\RenaApp::getInstance();
  * Sets up the task (Setup $this->crap and such here)
 public function setUp()
     $this->app = RenaApp::getInstance();
 * Quick access to rendering templates, json, xml and probably more down the line.
 * @param string $templateFile
 * @param array $dataArray
 * @param null $status
 * @param string $contentType
function render($templateFile, $dataArray = array(), $status = null, $contentType = null)
    $app = \ProjectRena\RenaApp::getInstance();
    $app->out->render($templateFile, $dataArray, $status, $contentType);
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $table = prompt("Table to create model for");
     $this->description["description"] = prompt("Description");
     if (!$table) {
         $output->writeln("Error, table name is not supplied.");
     // Setup the path and make sure it doesn't already exist
     $path = __DIR__ . "/../Model/Database/{$table}.php";
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return $output->writeln("Error, file already exists");
     // Load app
     $app = \ProjectRena\RenaApp::getInstance();
     // Load the table, if it exists in the first place
     $tableColums = $app->Db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table}");
     // Generate the start of the model code
     $class = new PhpClass();
     $class->setQualifiedName("ProjectRena\\Model\\Database\\{$table}")->setProperty(PhpProperty::create("app")->setVisibility("private")->setDescription("The Slim Application"))->setProperty(PhpProperty::create("db")->setVisibility("private")->setDescription("The database connection"))->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("__construct")->addParameter(PhpParameter::create("app")->setType("RenaApp"))->setBody("\$this->app = \$app;\n\r\n                \$this->db = \$app->Db;\n"))->setDescription($this->description)->declareUse("ProjectRena\\RenaApp");
     $nameFields = array();
     $idFields = array();
     foreach ($tableColums as $get) {
         // This is for the getByName selector(s)
         if (stristr($get["Field"], "name")) {
             $nameFields[] = $get["Field"];
         // This is for the getByID selector(s)
         if (strstr($get["Field"], "ID")) {
             $idFields[] = $get["Field"];
     // Get generator
     foreach ($nameFields as $name) {
         // get * by Name
         $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("getAllBy" . ucfirst($name))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($name))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("return \$this->db->query(\"SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$name} = :{$name}\", array(\":{$name}\" => \${$name}));"));
     foreach ($idFields as $id) {
         // get * by ID,
         $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("getAllBy" . ucfirst($id))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($id)->setType("int"))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("return \$this->db->query(\"SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$id} = :{$id}\", array(\":{$id}\" => \${$id}));"));
     foreach ($nameFields as $name) {
         foreach ($tableColums as $get) {
             // If the fields match, skip it.. no reason to get/set allianceID where allianceID = allianceID
             if ($get["Field"] == $name) {
             // Skip the id field
             if ($get["Field"] == "id") {
             $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("get" . ucfirst($get["Field"]) . "By" . ucfirst($name))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($name))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("return \$this->db->queryField(\"SELECT {$get["Field"]} FROM {$table} WHERE {$name} = :{$name}\", \"{$get["Field"]}\", array(\":{$name}\" => \${$name}));"));
     foreach ($idFields as $id) {
         foreach ($tableColums as $get) {
             // If the fields match, skip it.. no reason to get/set allianceID where allianceID = allianceID
             if ($get["Field"] == $id) {
             // Skip the id field
             if ($get["Field"] == "id") {
             $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("get" . ucfirst($get["Field"]) . "By" . ucfirst($id))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($id))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("return \$this->db->queryField(\"SELECT {$get["Field"]} FROM {$table} WHERE {$id} = :{$id}\", \"{$get["Field"]}\", array(\":{$id}\" => \${$id}));"));
     // Update generator
     foreach ($nameFields as $name) {
         foreach ($tableColums as $get) {
             // If the fields match, skip it.. no reason to get/set allianceID where allianceID = allianceID
             if ($get["Field"] == $name) {
             // Skip the id field
             if ($get["Field"] == "id") {
             $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("update" . ucfirst($get["Field"]) . "By" . ucfirst($name))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($get["Field"]))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($name))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("\$exists = \$this->db->queryField(\"SELECT {$get["Field"]} FROM {$table} WHERE {$name} = :{$name}\", \"{$get["Field"]}\", array(\":{$name}\" => \${$name}));\r\n                     if(!empty(\$exists)){\r\n                        \$this->db->execute(\"UPDATE {$table} SET {$get["Field"]} = :{$get["Field"]} WHERE {$name} = :{$name}\", array(\":{$name}\" => \${$name}, \":{$get["Field"]}\" => \${$get["Field"]}));}\r\n                    "));
     foreach ($idFields as $id) {
         foreach ($tableColums as $get) {
             // If the fields match, skip it.. no reason to get/set allianceID where allianceID = allianceID
             if ($get["Field"] == $id) {
             // Skip the id field
             if ($get["Field"] == "id") {
             $class->setMethod(PhpMethod::create("update" . ucfirst($get["Field"]) . "By" . ucfirst($id))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($get["Field"]))->addParameter(PhpParameter::create($id))->setVisibility("public")->setBody("\$exists = \$this->db->queryField(\"SELECT {$get["Field"]} FROM {$table} WHERE {$id} = :{$id}\", \"{$get["Field"]}\", array(\":{$id}\" => \${$id}));\r\n                     if(!empty(\$exists))\r\n                     {\r\n                        \$this->db->execute(\"UPDATE {$table} SET {$get["Field"]} = :{$get["Field"]} WHERE {$id} = :{$id}\", array(\":{$id}\" => \${$id}, \":{$get["Field"]}\" => \${$get["Field"]}));}\r\n                    "));
     // Global insert generator (Yes it's ugly as shit..)
     $inserter = "public function insertInto" . ucfirst($table) . "(";
     foreach ($tableColums as $field) {
         // Skip the ID field
         if ($field["Field"] == "id") {
         $inserter .= "\${$field["Field"]}, ";
     $inserter = rtrim(trim($inserter), ",") . ")";
     $inserter .= "{";
     $inserter .= "\$this->db->execute(\"INSERT INTO {$table} (";
     foreach ($tableColums as $field) {
         if ($field["Field"] == "id") {
         $inserter .= $field["Field"] . ", ";
     $inserter = rtrim(trim($inserter), ",") . ") ";
     $inserter .= "VALUES (";
     foreach ($tableColums as $field) {
         if ($field["Field"] == "id") {
         $inserter .= ":" . $field["Field"] . ", ";
     $inserter = rtrim(trim($inserter), ",") . ")\", ";
     $inserter .= "array(";
     foreach ($tableColums as $field) {
         if ($field["Field"] == "id") {
         $inserter .= "\":" . $field["Field"] . "\" => \${$field["Field"]}, ";
     $inserter = rtrim(trim($inserter), ",") . "));";
     $inserter .= "}}";
     $generator = new CodeFileGenerator();
     $code = $generator->generate($class);
     $code = rtrim(trim($code), "}");
     $code .= $inserter;
     $formatter = new Formatter();
     $code = $formatter->format($code);
     file_put_contents($path, $code);
     chmod($path, 0777);
     $output->writeln("Model created: {$path}");