public function findLoginsByPerson(PersonInterface $person, $limit = null) { $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('l')->where('l.userId = :person_id')->setParameter('person_id', $person->getId())->orderBy('l.createdAt', 'DESC'); if ($limit > 0) { $query->setMaxResults($limit); } return $query->getQuery()->getResult(); }
public function get($id) { $notification = $this->handler->get($id); if ($notification->getPerson()->getId() !== $this->person->getId()) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException(); } return $this->handler->get($id); }
public function getTargetPersonLevel(PersonInterface $person) { $roles = $person->getRoles(); $level = 0; foreach ($this->getRoleMapping() as $role => $lvl) { if (in_array($role, $roles)) { $level = $lvl; break; } } return $level; }
public function getTargetPersonLevel(PersonInterface $person) { $roles = $person->getRoles(); $level = 0; if (in_array('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN', $roles)) { $level = self::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN; } elseif (in_array('ROLE_ADMIN', $roles)) { $level = self::ROLE_ADMIN; } elseif (in_array('ROLE_SUPER', $roles)) { $level = self::ROLE_SUPER_USER; } elseif (in_array('ROLE_DEV', $roles)) { $level = self::ROLE_DEV; } elseif (in_array('ROLE_USER', $roles)) { $level = self::ROLE_USER; } return $level; }
public static function populateCountryStateCity(PersonInterface $person, FormInterface $form) { $country = $person->getCountry(); $state = $person->getState(); $city = $person->getCity(); $countryName = ''; if ($country) { $countryName = $country->getName(); } $form->add('country', 'text', array('required' => true, 'mapped' => false, 'read_only' => true, 'data' => $countryName)); $stateName = ''; if ($state) { $stateName = $state->getName(); } $form->add('state', 'text', array('required' => true, 'read_only' => 'true', 'mapped' => false, 'read_only' => true, 'data' => $stateName)); $cityName = ''; if ($city) { $cityName = $city->getName(); } $form->add('city', 'text', array('required' => true, 'read_only' => 'true', 'mapped' => false, 'read_only' => true, 'data' => $cityName)); return $form; }
public function getAuthenticatedHandler(PersonInterface $person) { $id = $person->getId(); if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->authenticatedHandlers)) { $this->authenticatedHandlers[$id] = new AuthenticatedNotificationHandler($person, $this); } return $this->authenticatedHandlers[$id]; }
protected function validateNotificationCore(ClientInterface $sender, PersonInterface $person, Request $request) { $notificationPerson = (int) $request->get('person'); $notificationClient = (int) $request->get('sender'); if ($notificationClient !== $sender->getId()) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("This application cannot impersonate other applications when sending notifications."); } if ($person->getId() !== $notificationPerson) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("You don't have permission to send notifications to this person."); } $scopes = $this->getClientScope($person, $sender); if (!is_array($scopes) || array_search('notifications', $scopes) === false) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("This person didn't allow you to send notifications."); } $categories = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('PROCERGSLoginCidadaoNotificationBundle:Category'); $notificationCategory = $categories->find($request->get('category')); if ($notificationCategory->getClient()->getId() !== $sender->getId()) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("Invalid category."); } return true; }
protected function removeBackupCodes(EntityManager $em, PersonInterface $person) { $backupCodes = $person->getBackupCodes(); foreach ($backupCodes as $backupCode) { $em->remove($backupCode); } }
public function registerLogin(Request $request, PersonInterface $person, array $controllerAction) { $auditUsername = $this->auditConfig->getCurrentUsername(); $actionType = ActionLog::TYPE_LOGIN; $log = $this->initLog($request, $actionType, $controllerAction, $auditUsername); $log->setUserId($person->getId()); $this->em->persist($log); $this->em->flush($log); }