public static function started($walkDirectoryTreeUp = false) { $base = realpath('.'); $filename = ''; for (;;) { $candidate = FS::join($base, $filename); if (file_exists($candidate)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($candidate), true); $data['pidDirectory'] = $base; $data['pidFile'] = $candidate; if (\djfm\Process\Process::runningByUPID($data['pid'])) { return $data; } else { unlink($candidate); } } elseif (dirname($base) !== $base) { // This condition checks we're not at the filesystem root $base = dirname($base); } else { break; } if (!$walkDirectoryTreeUp) { break; } } return false; }
public function changeHtaccessPhysicalURI($uri) { $htaccess_path = FS::join($this->getShop()->getFilesystemPath(), '.htaccess'); if (file_exists($htaccess_path)) { $htaccess = file_get_contents($htaccess_path); $rewrite_exp = '/(^\\s*RewriteRule\\s+\\.\\s+-\\s+\\[\\s*E\\s*=\\s*REWRITEBASE\\s*:)\\/[^\\/]+\\/([^\\]]*\\]\\s*$)/mi'; $htaccess = preg_replace($rewrite_exp, '${1}' . $uri . '${2}', $htaccess); $errdoc_exp = '/(^\\s*ErrorDocument\\s+\\w+\\s+)\\/[^\\/]+\\/(.*?$)/mi'; $htaccess = preg_replace($errdoc_exp, '${1}' . $uri . '${2}', $htaccess); file_put_contents($htaccess_path, $htaccess); } return $this; }
/** * Returns a key that may represent a relative path * relative to $this->path as an absolute path * @param boolean $ensure_exists throw exception if final path does not exist * @return string */ public function getAsAbsolutePath($key, $ensure_exists = true) { $path = $this->get($key); if (!$path) { throw new \Exception("Configuration key `{$key}` not found in `{$this->path}`."); } if (!FS::isAbsolutePath($path)) { $path = realpath(FS::join(dirname($this->path), $path)); } if ($ensure_exists && !file_exists($path)) { throw new \Exception("File or folder `{$path}` doesn't exist!"); } return $path; }
public function getSecrets() { $path = FS::join($this->getTestPath(), $this->getSecretsName() . '.secrets.json'); $override = $this->getSecretsName() . '.secrets.json'; $secrets = []; if (file_exists($path)) { $secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true); } if (file_exists($override)) { $suppl = json_decode(file_get_contents($override), true); // TODO: do this recursively, but not with array_merge_recursive $secrets = array_merge($secrets, $suppl); } return $secrets; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $reporterRoot = FS::join(__DIR__, '..', '..', 'vendor', 'djfm', 'ftr', 'reporting'); $output->writeln('<info>Updating reporting tool if needed... (npm install)</info>'); $dir = getcwd(); chdir($reporterRoot); passthru('npm install'); chdir($dir); $output->writeln("<info>And start!</info>\n"); $reporterPath = realpath(FS::join($reporterRoot, 'server', 'index.js')); if (!$reporterPath) { $output->writeLn('<error>Report server not found.</error>'); return; } $command = implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', ['node', $reporterPath, '--port=' . $input->getOption('port')])); passthru($command); }
/** * @maxattempts 1 */ public function testUpgrade() { $before = $this->beforeUpgrade(); $sourceFolder = static::getShopManager()->getNewConfiguration()->getAsAbsolutePath('shop.filesystem_path'); // If we put an autoupgrade module in the source of the target version, use this one. $autoupgradeSourceFolder = FS::join($sourceFolder, 'modules', 'autoupgrade'); if (FS::exists($autoupgradeSourceFolder)) { $autoupgradeTargetFolder = FS::join($this->shop->getFilesystemPath(), 'modules', 'autoupgrade'); $this->shop->getFileManager()->webCopyShopFiles($autoupgradeSourceFolder, $autoupgradeTargetFolder); } // Install autoupgrade $this->shop->getBackOfficeNavigator()->installModule('autoupgrade'); // Copy files from the target version $targetFolder = FS::join($this->shop->getBackOfficeFolderPath(), 'autoupgrade', 'latest', 'prestashop'); // copy via a script executed by the browser to go around permissions issues $this->shop->getFileManager()->webCopyShopFiles($sourceFolder, $targetFolder); $this->shop->getBrowser()->click('#currentConfiguration input[type="submit"]')->click('input[value*=Expert]')->select('[name="channel"]', 'directory')->fillIn('[name="directory_num"]', '')->click('[name="submitConf-channel"]')->acceptAlert()->click('#upgradeNow')->waitFor("{xpath}//h3[contains(., 'Upgrade Complete!')]", 120); $this->afterUpgrade($before); }
protected function guessShopSettings($folder) { $guessed = []; if (is_readable($path = FS::join($folder, 'config', ''))) { $exp = '/\\bdefine\\s*\\(\\s*([\'"])(.*?)\\1\\s*,\\s*([\'"])(.*?)\\3\\s*\\)/'; $m = []; $n = preg_match_all($exp, file_get_contents($path), $m); $options = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $options[$m[2][$i]] = $m[4][$i]; } if (isset($options['_DB_SERVER_'])) { $hp = explode(':', $options['_DB_SERVER_']); $guessed['mysql_host'] = $hp[0]; $guessed['mysql_port'] = isset($hp[1]) ? $hp[1] : '3306'; } $map = ['_DB_NAME_' => 'mysql_database', '_DB_USER_' => 'mysql_user', '_DB_PASSWD_' => 'mysql_pass', '_DB_PREFIX_' => 'database_prefix', '_PS_VERSION_' => 'prestashop_version']; foreach ($map as $native => $name) { if (isset($options[$native])) { $guessed[$name] = $options[$native]; } } } $back_office_folder_name = false; $install_folder_name = false; foreach (scandir($folder) as $entry) { if ($entry[0] !== '.' && is_dir(FS::join($folder, $entry))) { if (FS::exists($folder, $entry, 'index_cli.php')) { $install_folder_name = $entry; } elseif (FS::exists($folder, $entry, 'ajax-tab.php')) { $back_office_folder_name = $entry; } } } if ($back_office_folder_name !== false) { $guessed['back_office_folder_name'] = $back_office_folder_name; } if ($install_folder_name !== false) { $guessed['install_folder_name'] = $install_folder_name; } return $guessed; }
public static function cleanDirectory($dir = '.') { foreach (scandir($dir) as $entry) { $path = FS::join($dir, $entry); $m = []; if (preg_match('/pstaf\\.(\\w+)\\.istate\\.shop/', $entry, $m)) { echo "Removing cached shop {$entry}...\n"; FS::rmR($path); $lock = "pstaf.{$m[1]}.istate.lock"; if (file_exists($lock)) { echo "Removing useless lock file {$lock}...\n"; unlink($lock); } } elseif (preg_match('/\\.png$/', $entry)) { echo "Removing screenshot {$entry}...\n"; unlink($path); } elseif ($entry === 'selenium.log') { echo "Cleaning selenium log file {$entry}...\n"; file_put_contents($entry, ''); } elseif ($entry === 'php_errors.log') { echo "Cleaning local php error log file {$entry}...\n"; file_put_contents($path, ''); } elseif ($entry === 'test-results') { echo "Removing test results folder {$entry}...\n"; FS::rmR($path, true); } elseif ($entry === 'test-history') { foreach (scandir($path) as $nestedEntry) { if ($nestedEntry[0] === '.') { continue; } $nested = FS::join($path, $nestedEntry); if (is_dir($nested)) { FS::rmR($nested); } elseif ($nestedEntry === '') { file_put_contents($nested, ''); } else { unlink($nested); } } } elseif ($entry === '' && !SeleniumManager::isSeleniumStarted()) { echo "Removing stale pid file {$entry}...\n"; unlink($path); } } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if (!SeleniumManager::isSeleniumStarted()) { SeleniumManager::spawnSelenium($input->getOption('headless')); } $runners = ['phpunit', 'paratest', 'ptest', 'ftr']; $parallel = max(1, (int) $input->getOption('parallel')); $runner = $input->getOption('runner'); if (!in_array($runner, $runners)) { $output->writeln('<error>Unsupported runner! Available runners are: phpunit, paratest and ptsest.</error>'); return; } if ($parallel > 1 && $runner === 'phpunit') { $output->writeln('<error>The PHPUnit runner can\'t run tests in parallel.</error>'); return; } $info = $input->getOption('info'); if ($info && $runner !== 'ptest' && $runner !== 'ftr') { $output->writeln('<error>The info option is only supported by the ptest runner.</error>'); return; } $runner_path = realpath(FS::join(__DIR__, '/../../vendor/bin/', $runner)); if (!$runner_path) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Could not find runner executable (%s). Did you run composer install?</error>', $runner)); return; } if ($input->getArgument('test_name') && $input->getOption('all')) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Cannot specify both a test name / folder and the "all" option.</error>')); return; } $domain = $input->getOption('domain'); $tests_directory = realpath(FS::join(__DIR__, '..', '..', $domain)); if (!$tests_directory) { $output->writeln('<error>Couldn\'t find directory containing tests.</error>'); return; } if ($input->getOption('all')) { $tests_path = $tests_directory; } elseif (($test_name = $input->getArgument('test_name')) && !preg_match('/\\.php$/', $test_name)) { $tests_path = realpath(FS::join($tests_directory, $test_name . 'Test.php')); } elseif ($test_name) { $tests_path = realpath($test_name); } else { $rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tests_directory, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $rii = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi); $tests = []; foreach ($rii as $path => $info) { if ($info->getExtension() === 'php' && preg_match('/Test$/', $info->getBaseName('.php'))) { $tests[] = substr($path, strlen($tests_directory) + 1, -strlen('Test.php')); } } $question = new Question('Which test do you want to run? '); $question->setAutocompleterValues($tests); $helper = $this->getHelperSet()->get('question'); $tests_path = realpath(FS::join($tests_directory, $helper->ask($input, $output, $question) . 'Test.php')); } if (!$tests_path) { $output->writeln('<error>Could not find requested test.</error>'); } $arguments = []; $options = []; if ($runner === 'ptest' || $runner === 'ftr') { $arguments[] = 'run'; } if ($info) { $options['-i'] = ''; } $arguments[] = $tests_path; if ($runner === 'ptest' || $runner === 'paratest' || $runner === 'ftr') { $options['-p'] = $parallel; } $filter = $input->getOption('filter'); if ($filter) { $options['--filter'] = $filter; } $z = $input->getOption('data-provider-filter'); if (!empty($z)) { foreach ($z as $opt) { $options['--data-provider-filter'] = $opt; if ($runner === 'ftr') { break; // this one supports only one filter } } } if ($runner === 'ftr') { $arguments[] = '--shallow'; } $process = new \djfm\Process\Process($runner_path, $arguments, $options, ['wait' => true]); $process->setEnv('SELENIUM_HOST', SeleniumManager::getHost()); if ($input->getOption('inplace')) { echo "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "- Warning, running test inplace (as asked). -\n"; echo "- Initial states will not be changed, nor restored. -\n"; echo "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "\n"; $process->setEnv('PSTAF_INPLACE', 1); } if ($input->getOption('no-screenshots')) { $process->setEnv('NO_SCREENSHOTS', 1); } $process->run(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR); }
public function getBackOfficeFolderPath() { return FS::join($this->filesystem_path, $this->back_office_folder_name); }
public function aboutToStart($methodName, array $arguments = null) { $shortName = $methodName; if (!empty($arguments)) { $shortName .= ' - ' . implode(' ', array_map([$this, 'makeFileNameCompatibleRepresentation'], $arguments)); } $this->shortName = $shortName; $dir = $this->getArtefactsDir(); $screenshotsDir = FS::join($dir, 'screenshots'); if (is_dir($screenshotsDir)) { foreach (scandir($screenshotsDir) as $entry) { if ($entry[0] === '.') { continue; } unlink(FS::join($screenshotsDir, $entry)); } } else { mkdir($screenshotsDir, 0777, true); } static::getBrowser()->setArtefactsDir($this->getArtefactsDir()); if (!getenv('NO_SCREENSHOTS')) { static::getBrowser()->setRecordScreenshots(); } }