/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function count(array $sources) { call_user_func_array([$this->redis, 'zunionstore'], array_merge([$key = sha1(microtime()), count($sources)], array_map(function ($source) { return "aggregator:sources:{$source}"; }, $sources))); $count = $this->redis->zcard($key); $this->redis->del($key); return $count; }
/** * @param CriteriaInterface $criteria * * @throws InvalidCriteriaException * * @return array */ public function findIdsBy(CriteriaInterface $criteria, $countOnly = false) { $resultKey = $this->getResults($criteria->getRestrictions(), self::OP_INTERSECT); if ($countOnly) { return $this->redis->zcard($resultKey); } return $this->redis->zrange($resultKey, 0, -1); }
/** * @param CriteriaInterface $criteria * @throws InvalidCriteriaException * @return array */ public function findIdsBy(CriteriaInterface $criteria, $countOnly = false) { $keys = array(); $rangeQueries = array(); $restrictions = $criteria->getRestrictions(); if ($restrictions->count() == 0) { throw new InvalidCriteriaException('Criteria must have at least 1 restriction, found 0.'); } foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction instanceof EqualToInterface) { $keys[] = $this->keyNamingStrategy->getKeyName(array($restriction->getKey(), $restriction->getValue())); } elseif ($restriction instanceof LessThanInterface) { $key = $restriction->getKey(); $query = isset($rangeQueries[$key]) ? $rangeQueries[$key] : new ZRangeByScore($key); $query->setMax($restriction->getValue()); $rangeQueries[$key] = $query; } elseif ($restriction instanceof GreaterThanInterface) { $key = $restriction->getKey(); $query = isset($rangeQueries[$key]) ? $rangeQueries[$key] : new ZRangeByScore($key); $query->setMin($restriction->getValue()); $rangeQueries[$key] = $query; } elseif ($restriction instanceof LessThanXDaysAgoInterface) { $key = $restriction->getKey(); $query = isset($rangeQueries[$key]) ? $rangeQueries[$key] : new ZRangeByScore($key); $value = strtotime($restriction->getValue()); if (false === $value) { throw new InvalidRestrictionValue(sprintf('The value "%s" is not a valid format. Must be similar to "5 days ago" or "1 month 15 days ago".', $restriction->getValue())); } $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $value); $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $query->setMin($date->format('U')); $rangeQueries[$key] = $query; } elseif ($restriction instanceof GreaterThanXDaysAgoInterface) { $key = $restriction->getKey(); $query = isset($rangeQueries[$key]) ? $rangeQueries[$key] : new ZRangeByScore($key); $value = strtotime($restriction->getValue()); if (false === $value) { throw new InvalidRestrictionValue(sprintf('The value "%s" is not a valid format. Must be similar to "5 days ago" or "1 month 15 days ago".', $restriction->getValue())); } $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $value); $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $query->setMax($date->format('U')); $rangeQueries[$key] = $query; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Either the given restriction is of an invalid type, or the restriction type "%s" has not been implemented.', get_class($restriction))); } } if (count($rangeQueries) == 0) { if ($countOnly) { $tmpKey = 'redis-orm:cache:' . md5(time() . $criteria->__toString()); array_unshift($keys, $tmpKey); call_user_func_array(array($this->redis, 'sinterstore'), $keys); $this->redis->expire($tmpKey, 1200); return $this->redis->scard($tmpKey); } return call_user_func_array(array($this->redis, 'sinter'), $keys); } $tmpKey = 'redis-orm:cache:' . md5(time() . $criteria->__toString()); $rangeKeys = $this->handleRangeQueries($rangeQueries, $tmpKey); //$keys = array_merge($keys, array_keys($rangeQueries)); $keys = array_merge($keys, $rangeKeys); array_unshift($keys, $tmpKey, count($keys)); array_push($keys, 'AGGREGATE', 'MAX'); call_user_func_array(array($this->redis, 'zinterstore'), $keys); //$this->handleRangeQueries($rangeQueries, $tmpKey); $this->redis->expire($tmpKey, 1200); if ($countOnly) { return $this->redis->zcard($tmpKey); } return $this->redis->zrange($tmpKey, 0, -1); }
/** * 有序集合是否存在 * @param $key * @return bool */ public function existsZSet($key) { return $this->redis->zcard($key) > 0; }