/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConnection(CommandInterface $command) { $connection = $this->getConnectionInternal($command); if (!$connection->isConnected()) { // When we do not have any available slave in the pool we can expect // read-only operations to hit the master server. $expectedRole = $this->strategy->isReadOperation($command) && $this->slaves ? 'slave' : 'master'; $this->assertConnectionRole($connection, $expectedRole); } return $connection; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConnectionByCommand(CommandInterface $command) { if (!$this->current) { if ($this->strategy->isReadOperation($command) && ($slave = $this->pickSlave())) { $this->current = $slave; } else { $this->current = $this->getMasterOrDie(); } return $this->current; } if ($this->current === ($master = $this->getMasterOrDie())) { return $master; } if (!$this->strategy->isReadOperation($command) || !$this->slaves) { $this->current = $master; } return $this->current; }
table.insert(hashes, redis.call('hgetall', key)) end return hashes LUA; public function getScript() { return self::BODY; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $parameters = array('tcp://', 'tcp://'); $options = array('profile' => function ($options, $option) { $profile = $options->getDefault($option); $profile->defineCommand('hmgetall', 'HashMultipleGetAll'); return $profile; }, 'replication' => function () { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $strategy->setScriptReadOnly(HashMultipleGetAll::BODY); $replication = new MasterSlaveReplication($strategy); return $replication; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $client = new Predis\Client($parameters, $options); // Execute the following commands on the master server using redis-cli: // $ ./redis-cli HMSET metavars foo bar hoge piyo // $ ./redis-cli HMSET servers master host1 slave host2 $hashes = $client->hmgetall('metavars', 'servers'); $replication = $client->getConnection(); $stillOnSlave = $replication->getCurrent() === $replication->getConnectionById('slave'); echo "Is still on slave? ", $stillOnSlave ? 'YES!' : 'NO!', PHP_EOL; var_export($hashes);
/** * @group disconnected */ public function testSetLuaScriptAsReadOperationWorksWithScriptedCommandAndCallableCheck() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\\Command\\ScriptedCommand', array('getScript')); $command->expects($this->any())->method('getScript')->will($this->returnValue($script = 'return true')); $command->setArguments(array('trigger', false)); $strategy->setScriptReadOnly($script, true); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); }