  * Convert data from Magento format to Odoo API format. Select additional data from DB.
  * @param \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface $mageOrder
  * @return \Praxigento\Odoo\Data\Odoo\SaleOrder
 public function getSaleOrder(\Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface $mageOrder)
     $result = $this->_manObj->create(\Praxigento\Odoo\Data\Odoo\SaleOrder::class);
     /* Collect order data */
     // id_mage
     $orderIdMage = (int) $mageOrder->getId();
     // warehouse_id_odoo
     $warehouseIdOdoo = (int) $this->_extractWarehouseIdOdoo($mageOrder);
     // number
     $number = $mageOrder->getIncrementId();
     // date (will be below)
     // customer
     $customer = $this->getSaleOrderCustomer($mageOrder);
     // addr_billing
     $addrBilling = $this->getAddressBilling($mageOrder);
     // addr_shipping
     $addrShipping = $this->getAddressShipping($mageOrder);
     // price_currency
     $priceCurrency = $mageOrder->getBaseCurrencyCode();
     // pv_total (with date paid)
     $pvOrder = $this->_repoPvSale->getById($orderIdMage);
     $pvTotal = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($pvOrder->getTotal());
     $datePaid = $pvOrder->getDatePaid();
     // lines
     $lines = $this->getSaleOrderLines($mageOrder);
     // shipping
     $shipping = $this->getSaleOrderShipping($mageOrder);
     // payments
     $payments = $this->getSaleOrderPayments($mageOrder);
     /* calculate totals */
     $totals = $this->_getLinesTotals($lines);
     // price_total
     $priceTotal = $totals[self::AMOUNT] + $shipping->getPriceAmountTotal();
     $priceTotal = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($priceTotal);
     // $priceTotal = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($mageOrder->getBaseGrandTotal());
     // price_tax
     $priceTax = $totals[self::TAX] + $shipping->getPriceTaxAmount();
     $priceTax = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($priceTax);
     // $priceTax = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($mageOrder->getBaseTaxAmount());
     // price_discount
     $priceDiscount = $totals[self::DISCOUNT] + $shipping->getPriceDiscount();
     $priceDiscount = $this->_manFormat->toNumber($priceDiscount);
     /* populate Odoo Data Object */
     return $result;
 public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)
     /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice $invoice */
     $invoice = $observer->getData(self::DATA_INVOICE);
     $state = $invoice->getState();
     if ($state == \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice::STATE_PAID) {
         /* update date_paid in the PV registry */
         /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order $order */
         $order = $invoice->getOrder();
         $orderId = $order->getEntityId();
         if ($orderId) {
             $datePaid = $this->_toolDate->getUtcNowForDb();
             $this->_logger->debug("Update paid date in PV registry on sale order (#{$orderId}) is paid.");
             $data = [ESale::ATTR_DATE_PAID => $datePaid];
             $this->_repoSale->updateById($orderId, $data);
             /* transfer PV to customer account */
 public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)
     /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice $invoice */
     $invoice = $observer->getData(self::DATA_INVOICE);
     $state = $invoice->getState();
     if ($state == \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice::STATE_PAID) {
         try {
             /* update date_paid in the PV registry */
             /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order $order */
             $order = $invoice->getOrder();
             $orderId = $order->getEntityId();
             $datePaid = $this->_toolDate->getUtcNowForDb();
             $this->_logger->debug("Update paid date in PV registry on sale order (#{$orderId}) is paid.");
             $data = [ESale::ATTR_DATE_PAID => $datePaid];
             $this->_repoSale->updateById($orderId, $data);
             /* transfer PV to customer account */
         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
             /* catch all exceptions and steal them */
             $msg = 'Some error is occurred on update of the paid date in PV register. Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
  * Save PV data on sale order save.
  * @param Request\Save $req
  * @return Response\Save
 public function save(Request\Save $req)
     $result = new Response\Save();
     $orderId = $req->getSaleOrderId();
     $datePaid = $req->getSaleOrderDatePaid();
     $items = $req->getOrderItems();
     $this->_logger->info("Save PV attributes for sale order #{$orderId}.");
     $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
     try {
         /* for all items get PV data by warehouse */
         $orderTotal = 0;
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $prodId = $item->getProductId();
             $stockId = $item->getStockId();
             $itemId = $item->getItemId();
             $pv = $this->_repoStockItem->getPvByProductAndStock($prodId, $stockId);
             $qty = $item->getQuantity();
             $total = $pv * $qty;
             $eItem = new \Praxigento\Pv\Data\Entity\Sale\Item();
             $orderTotal += $total;
         /* save order data */
         $eOrder = new \Praxigento\Pv\Data\Entity\Sale();
         $this->_logger->info("PV attributes for sale order #{$orderId} are saved.");
     } finally {
     return $result;