/** * Creates a navigation button. * It creates a {@link TButton}, {@link TLinkButton}, or {@link TImageButton}, * depending on the given parameters. * @param TWizardNavigationButtonStyle button style * @param boolean whether the button should cause validation * @param string command name for the button's OnCommand event * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the button type is not recognized */ protected function createNavigationButton($buttonStyle, $causesValidation, $commandName) { switch ($buttonStyle->getButtonType()) { case TWizardNavigationButtonType::Button: $button = new TButton(); break; case TWizardNavigationButtonType::Link: $button = new TLinkButton(); break; case TWizardNavigationButtonType::Image: $button = new TImageButton(); $button->setImageUrl($buttonStyle->getImageUrl()); break; default: throw new TInvalidDataValueException('wizard_buttontype_unknown', $buttonStyle->getButtonType()); } $button->setText($buttonStyle->getButtonText()); $button->setCausesValidation($causesValidation); $button->setCommandName($commandName); return $button; }
/** * Initializes the specified cell to its initial values. * This method overrides the parent implementation. * It creates a command button within the cell. * @param TTableCell the cell to be initialized. * @param integer the index to the Columns property that the cell resides in. * @param string the type of cell (Header,Footer,Item,AlternatingItem,EditItem,SelectedItem) */ public function initializeCell($cell, $columnIndex, $itemType) { if ($itemType === TListItemType::Item || $itemType === TListItemType::AlternatingItem || $itemType === TListItemType::SelectedItem || $itemType === TListItemType::EditItem) { $buttonType = $this->getButtonType(); if ($buttonType === TButtonColumnType::LinkButton) { $button = new TLinkButton(); } else { if ($buttonType === TButtonColumnType::PushButton) { $button = new TButton(); } else { $button = new TImageButton(); $button->setImageUrl($this->getImageUrl()); $button->setToolTip($this->getText()); } } $button->setText($this->getText()); $button->setCommandName($this->getCommandName()); $button->setCausesValidation($this->getCausesValidation()); $button->setValidationGroup($this->getValidationGroup()); if ($this->getDataTextField() !== '' || $buttonType === TButtonColumnType::ImageButton && $this->getDataImageUrlField() !== '') { $button->attachEventHandler('OnDataBinding', array($this, 'dataBindColumn')); } $cell->getControls()->add($button); $cell->registerObject('Button', $button); } else { parent::initializeCell($cell, $columnIndex, $itemType); } }
/** * Initializes the header cell. * * This method attempts to use {@link getHeaderRenderer HeaderRenderer} to * instantiate the header cell. If that is not available, it will populate * the cell with an image or a text string, depending on {@link getHeaderImageUrl HeaderImageUrl} * and {@link getHeaderText HeaderText} property values. * * If the column allows sorting, image or text will be created as * a button which issues <b>Sort</b> command upon user click. * * @param TTableCell the cell to be initialized * @param integer the index to the Columns property that the cell resides in. */ protected function initializeHeaderCell($cell, $columnIndex) { $text = $this->getHeaderText(); if (($classPath = $this->getHeaderRenderer()) !== '') { $control = Prado::createComponent($classPath); $cell->getControls()->add($control); if ($control instanceof \Prado\IDataRenderer) { if ($control instanceof IItemDataRenderer) { $item = $cell->getParent(); $control->setItemIndex($item->getItemIndex()); $control->setItemType($item->getItemType()); } $control->setData($text); } } else { if ($this->getAllowSorting()) { $sortExpression = $this->getSortExpression(); if (($url = $this->getHeaderImageUrl()) !== '') { $button = new TImageButton(); $button->setImageUrl($url); $button->setCommandName(TDataGrid::CMD_SORT); $button->setCommandParameter($sortExpression); if ($text !== '') { $button->setAlternateText($text); } $button->setCausesValidation(false); $cell->getControls()->add($button); } else { if ($text !== '') { $button = new TLinkButton(); $button->setText($text); $button->setCommandName(TDataGrid::CMD_SORT); $button->setCommandParameter($sortExpression); $button->setCausesValidation(false); $cell->getControls()->add($button); } else { $cell->setText(' '); } } } else { if (($url = $this->getHeaderImageUrl()) !== '') { $image = new TImage(); $image->setImageUrl($url); if ($text !== '') { $image->setAlternateText($text); } $cell->getControls()->add($image); } else { if ($text !== '') { $cell->setText($text); } else { $cell->setText(' '); } } } } }
/** * Creates a button and initializes its properties. * The button type is determined by {@link getButtonType ButtonType}. * @param string command name associated with the button * @param string button caption * @param boolean whether the button should cause validation * @param string the validation group that the button belongs to * @return mixed the newly created button. */ protected function createButton($commandName, $text, $causesValidation, $validationGroup) { if ($this->getButtonType() === TButtonColumnType::LinkButton) { $button = new TLinkButton(); } else { if ($this->getButtonType() === TButtonColumnType::PushButton) { $button = new TButton(); } else { $button = new TImageButton(); if (strcasecmp($commandName, 'Update') === 0) { $url = $this->getUpdateImageUrl(); } else { if (strcasecmp($commandName, 'Cancel') === 0) { $url = $this->getCancelImageUrl(); } else { $url = $this->getEditImageUrl(); } } $button->setImageUrl($url); } } $button->setText($text); $button->setCommandName($commandName); $button->setCausesValidation($causesValidation); $button->setValidationGroup($validationGroup); return $button; }