private function contributor_form($form_args, $contributor, $action) { $general_fields = ['realname' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Real name', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input required podlove-contributor-field'))], 'publicname' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Public name', 'podlove'), 'description' => 'The Public Name will be used for public mentions. E.g. the Web Player. If left blank, it defaults to the "real name".', 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field'))], 'nickname' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Nickname', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field'))], 'gender' => ['field_type' => 'select', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Gender', 'podlove'), 'options' => array('female' => 'Female', 'male' => 'Male', 'none' => 'Not attributed'))], 'privateemail' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Contact email', 'podlove'), 'description' => 'The provided email will be used for internal purposes only.', 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-contributor-field podlove-check-input', 'data-podlove-input-type' => 'email'))], 'avatar' => ['field_type' => 'avatar', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Avatar', 'podlove'), 'description' => 'Either a Gravatar email adress or a URL.', 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-contributor-field podlove-check-input', 'data-podlove-input-type' => 'avatar'))], 'slug' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('ID', 'podlove'), 'description' => 'The ID will be used as in internal identifier for e.g. shortcodes.', 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input required podlove-contributor-field'))], 'guid' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('URI', 'podlove'), 'description' => __('An URI acts as a globally unique ID to identify contributors across podcasts on the internet.', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field'))], 'visibility' => ['field_type' => 'radio', 'field_options' => array('label' => __('Visibility', 'podlove'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Yes, the contributor’s information will be visible for the public (e.g. displayed in the Contributor Table).<br />', '0' => 'No, the contributor’s information will be private and not visible for anybody.'), 'default' => '1')]]; $general_fields = apply_filters('podlove_contributors_general_fields', $general_fields); $affiliation_fields = ['organisation' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => ['label' => __('Organisation', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field')]], 'department' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => ['label' => __('Department', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field')]], 'jobtitle' => ['field_type' => 'string', 'field_options' => ['label' => __('Job Title', 'podlove'), 'html' => array('class' => 'podlove-check-input podlove-contributor-field')]]]; $affiliation_fields = apply_filters('podlove_contributors_affiliation_fields', $affiliation_fields); $form_sections = ['general' => ['title' => __('General', 'podlove'), 'fields' => $general_fields], 'affiliation' => ['title' => __('Affiliation', 'podlove'), 'fields' => $affiliation_fields]]; $form_sections = apply_filters('podlove_contributor_settings_sections', $form_sections); $contributor = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::find_by_id($_REQUEST['contributor']); switch ($_GET["action"]) { case 'new': $action = 'create'; break; case 'edit': $action = 'save'; break; default: $action = 'delete'; break; } \Podlove\Form\build_for($contributor, $form_args, function ($form) use($form_sections) { $wrapper = new \Podlove\Form\Input\TableWrapper($form); $contributor = $form->object; foreach ($form_sections as $form_section) { $wrapper->subheader($form_section['title']); foreach ($form_section['fields'] as $field_name => $field) { call_user_func_array([$wrapper, $field['field_type']], [$field_name, $field['field_options']]); } } }); }
public static function byGroupAndRole($groupSlug = null, $roleSlug = null) { global $wpdb; if (!$groupSlug && !$roleSlug) { return self::all(); } if ($groupSlug && !$roleSlug) { return self::byGroup($groupSlug); } if (!$groupSlug && $roleSlug) { return self::byRole($roleSlug); } $sql = ' SELECT contributor_id FROM ' . EpisodeContribution::table_name() . ' WHERE role_id = (SELECT id FROM ' . ContributorRole::table_name() . ' WHERE slug = %s) AND group_id = (SELECT id FROM ' . ContributorGroup::table_name() . ' WHERE slug = %s) GROUP BY contributor_id '; $contributor_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare($sql, $roleSlug, $groupSlug)); if (is_array($contributor_ids) && count($contributor_ids) > 0) { return Contributor::all('WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $contributor_ids) . ')'); } else { return array(); } }
public function prepare_items() { global $wpdb; // number of items per page $per_page = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'podlove_contributors_per_page', true); if (empty($per_page)) { $per_page = 10; } // define column headers $this->_column_headers = $this->get_column_info(); // look for order options if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . esc_sql($_GET['orderby']); } else { $orderby = 'ORDER BY contributioncount'; } // look how to sort if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'order') === 'ASC') { $order = 'ASC'; } else { $order = 'DESC'; } // retrieve data if (!isset($_POST['s']) || empty($_POST['s'])) { $data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::all($orderby . ' ' . $order); } else { $search = \Podlove\esc_like($_POST['s']); $search = '%' . $search . '%'; $search_columns = ['slug', 'gender', 'organisation', 'slug', 'department', 'jobtitle', 'privateemail', 'realname', 'publicname', 'guid']; $search_columns = apply_filters('podlove_contributor_list_table_search_db_columns', $search_columns); $like_searches = implode(' OR ', array_map(function ($column) use($search) { return '`' . $column . '` LIKE \'' . $search . '\''; }, $search_columns)); $data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::all('WHERE ' . $like_searches . ' ' . $orderby . ' ' . $order); } // get current page $current_page = $this->get_pagenum(); // get total items $total_items = count($data); // extrage page for current page only $data = array_slice($data, ($current_page - 1) * $per_page, $per_page); // add items to table $this->items = $data; // register pagination options & calculations $this->set_pagination_args(array('total_items' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total_pages' => ceil($total_items / $per_page))); // Search box $this->search_form(); }
public function getContributor() { return Contributor::find_by_id($this->contributor_id); }
/** * Find and run migration for given version number. * * @todo move migrations into separate files * * @param int $version */ function run_migrations_for_version($version) { global $wpdb; switch ($version) { case 10: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `summary` TEXT', \Podlove\Model\Episode::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 11: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `downloadable` INT', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 12: $sql = sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET `downloadable` = 1', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 13: $opus = array('name' => 'Opus Audio', 'type' => 'audio', 'mime_type' => 'audio/opus', 'extension' => 'opus'); $f = new \Podlove\Model\FileType(); foreach ($opus as $key => $value) { $f->{$key} = $value; } $f->save(); break; case 14: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` RENAME TO `%s`', $wpdb->prefix . 'podlove_medialocation', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 15: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE `media_location_id` `episode_asset_id` INT', \Podlove\Model\MediaFile::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 16: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE `media_location_id` `episode_asset_id` INT', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 17: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` RENAME TO `%s`', $wpdb->prefix . 'podlove_mediaformat', \Podlove\Model\FileType::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 18: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE `media_format_id` `file_type_id` INT', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 19: \Podlove\Model\Template::build(); break; case 20: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `suffix` VARCHAR(255)', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `url_template`', \Podlove\Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 21: $podcast = Model\Podcast::get(); $podcast->url_template = '%media_file_base_url%%episode_slug%%suffix%.%format_extension%'; $podcast->save(); break; case 22: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `redirect_http_status` INT AFTER `redirect_url`', Model\Feed::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 23: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `show_description`', Model\Feed::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 24: $podcast = Model\Podcast::get(); update_option('podlove_asset_assignment', array('image' => $podcast->supports_cover_art, 'chapters' => $podcast->chapter_file)); break; case 25: // rename meta podlove_guid to _podlove_guid $episodes = Model\Episode::all(); foreach ($episodes as $episode) { $post = get_post($episode->post_id); // skip revisions if ($post->post_status == 'inherit') { continue; } $guid = get_post_meta($episode->post_id, 'podlove_guid', true); if (!$guid) { $guid = $post->guid; } delete_post_meta($episode->post_id, 'podlove_guid'); update_post_meta($episode->post_id, '_podlove_guid', $guid); } break; case 26: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` MODIFY COLUMN `subtitle` TEXT', Model\Episode::table_name())); break; case 27: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `record_date` DATETIME AFTER `chapters`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `publication_date` DATETIME AFTER `record_date`', Model\Episode::table_name())); break; case 28: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `position` FLOAT AFTER `downloadable`', Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET position = id', Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name())); break; case 29: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `embed_content_encoded` INT AFTER `limit_items`', Model\Feed::table_name())); break; case 30: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` MODIFY `autoinsert` VARCHAR(255)', Model\Template::table_name())); break; case 32: flush_rewrite_rules(); break; case 33: $apd = array('name' => 'Auphonic Production Description', 'type' => 'metadata', 'mime_type' => 'application/json', 'extension' => 'json'); $f = new \Podlove\Model\FileType(); foreach ($apd as $key => $value) { $f->{$key} = $value; } $f->save(); break; case 34: $options = get_option('podlove', array()); if (!array_key_exists('episode_archive', $options)) { $options['episode_archive'] = 'on'; } if (!array_key_exists('episode_archive_slug', $options)) { $options['episode_archive_slug'] = '/podcast/'; } if (!array_key_exists('use_post_permastruct', $options)) { $options['use_post_permastruct'] = 'off'; } if (!array_key_exists('custom_episode_slug', $options)) { $options['custom_episode_slug'] = '/podcast/%podcast%/'; } else { $options['custom_episode_slug'] = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', '/' . str_replace('#', '', $options['custom_episode_slug'])); } update_option('podlove', $options); break; case 35: Model\Feed::build_indices(); Model\FileType::build_indices(); Model\EpisodeAsset::build_indices(); Model\MediaFile::build_indices(); Model\Episode::build_indices(); Model\Template::build_indices(); break; case 36: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `etag` VARCHAR(255)', Model\MediaFile::table_name())); break; case 37: \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('asset_validation'); break; case 38: \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('logging'); break; case 39: // migrate previous template autoinsert settings $assignments = Model\TemplateAssignment::get_instance(); $results = $wpdb->get_results(sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s`', Model\Template::table_name())); foreach ($results as $template) { if ($template->autoinsert == 'beginning') { $assignments->top = $template->id; } elseif ($template->autoinsert == 'end') { $assignments->bottom = $template->id; } } $assignments->save(); // remove template autoinsert column $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `autoinsert`', \Podlove\Model\Template::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 40: $wpdb->query(sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET position = id WHERE position IS NULL', Model\EpisodeAsset::table_name())); break; case 41: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `position` FLOAT AFTER `slug`', Model\Feed::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET position = id', Model\Feed::table_name())); break; case 42: $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM `' . $wpdb->options . '` WHERE option_name LIKE "%podlove_chapters_string_%"'); break; case 43: $podlove_options = get_option('podlove', array()); $podlove_website = array('merge_episodes' => isset($podlove_options['merge_episodes']) ? $podlove_options['merge_episodes'] : false, 'hide_wp_feed_discovery' => isset($podlove_options['hide_wp_feed_discovery']) ? $podlove_options['hide_wp_feed_discovery'] : false, 'use_post_permastruct' => isset($podlove_options['use_post_permastruct']) ? $podlove_options['use_post_permastruct'] : false, 'custom_episode_slug' => isset($podlove_options['custom_episode_slug']) ? $podlove_options['custom_episode_slug'] : '/episode/%podcast%', 'episode_archive' => isset($podlove_options['episode_archive']) ? $podlove_options['episode_archive'] : false, 'episode_archive_slug' => isset($podlove_options['episode_archive_slug']) ? $podlove_options['episode_archive_slug'] : '/podcast/', 'url_template' => isset($podlove_options['url_template']) ? $podlove_options['url_template'] : '%media_file_base_url%%episode_slug%%suffix%.%format_extension%'); $podlove_metadata = array('enable_episode_record_date' => isset($podlove_options['enable_episode_record_date']) ? $podlove_options['enable_episode_record_date'] : false, 'enable_episode_publication_date' => isset($podlove_options['enable_episode_publication_date']) ? $podlove_options['enable_episode_publication_date'] : false); $podlove_redirects = array('podlove_setting_redirect' => isset($podlove_options['podlove_setting_redirect']) ? $podlove_options['podlove_setting_redirect'] : array()); add_option('podlove_website', $podlove_website); add_option('podlove_metadata', $podlove_metadata); add_option('podlove_redirects', $podlove_redirects); break; case 44: $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM `' . $wpdb->postmeta . '` WHERE meta_key = "last_validated_at"'); break; case 45: delete_transient('podlove_auphonic_user'); delete_transient('podlove_auphonic_presets'); break; case 46: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { // manually trigger activation if the old module was active $module = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Contributors::instance(); $module->was_activated('contributors'); // then, migrate existing contributors // register old taxonomy so it can be queried $args = array('hierarchical' => false, 'labels' => array(), 'show_ui' => true, 'show_tagcloud' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'contributor')); register_taxonomy('podlove-contributors', 'podcast', $args); $contributor_settings = get_option('podlove_contributors', array()); $contributors = get_terms('podlove-contributors', array('hide_empty' => 0)); if ($contributors && !is_wp_error($contributors) && \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::count() == 0) { foreach ($contributors as $contributor) { // create new contributor $new = new \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor(); $new->publicname = $contributor->name; $new->realname = $contributor->name; $new->slug = $contributor->slug; $new->showpublic = true; if (isset($contributor_settings[$contributor->term_id]['contributor_email'])) { $email = $contributor_settings[$contributor->term_id]['contributor_email']; if ($email) { $new->privateemail = $email; $new->avatar = $email; } } $new->save(); // create contributions $query = new \WP_Query(array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'podcast', 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'podlove-contributors', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $contributor->slug)))); while ($query->have_posts()) { $post = $query->next_post(); $contribution = new \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\EpisodeContribution(); $contribution->contributor_id = $new->id; $contribution->episode_id = Model\Episode::find_one_by_post_id($post->ID)->id; $contribution->save(); } } } } break; case 47: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `protected` TINYINT(1) NULL', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `protection_type` TINYINT(1)', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `protection_user` VARCHAR(60)', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `protection_password` VARCHAR(64)', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); break; case 48: $podcast = Model\Podcast::get(); $podcast->limit_items = '-1'; $podcast->save(); break; case 49: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `explicit` TINYINT', Model\Episode::table_name())); break; case 50: $podcast = Model\Podcast::get(); $podcast->license_type = 'other'; $podcast->save(); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_type` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `publication_date`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_name` TEXT AFTER `license_type`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_url` TEXT AFTER `license_name`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_cc_allow_modifications` TEXT AFTER `license_url`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_cc_allow_commercial_use` TEXT AFTER `license_cc_allow_modifications`', Model\Episode::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `license_cc_license_jurisdiction` TEXT AFTER `license_cc_allow_commercial_use`', Model\Episode::table_name())); break; case 51: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorGroup::build(); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `group_id` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `role_id`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\EpisodeContribution::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `group_id` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `role_id`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ShowContribution::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `paypal` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `flattr`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `bitcoin` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `paypal`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `litecoin` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `bitcoin`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `permanentcontributor`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `role`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); } break; case 52: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `jobtitle` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `department`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); } break; case 53: // set all Episode as published (fix for ADN Module) $episodes = Model\Episode::all(); foreach ($episodes as $episode) { $post = get_post($episode->post_id); if ($post->post_status == 'publish') { update_post_meta($episode->post_id, '_podlove_episode_was_published', true); } } break; case 54: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `googleplus` TEXT AFTER `ADN`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE COLUMN `showpublic` `visibility` TINYINT(1)', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); } break; case 55: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\DefaultContribution::build(); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `comment` TEXT AFTER `position`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\EpisodeContribution::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `comment` TEXT AFTER `position`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ShowContribution::table_name())); } break; case 56: // migrate Podcast Contributors to Default Contributors if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { $podcast_contributors = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ShowContribution::all(); foreach ($podcast_contributors as $podcast_contributor_key => $podcast_contributor) { $new = new \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\DefaultContribution(); $new->contributor_id = $podcast_contributor->contributor_id; $new->group_id = $podcast_contributor->group_id; $new->role_id = $podcast_contributor->role_id; $new->position = $podcast_contributor->positon; $new->save(); } } break; case 57: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `append_name_to_podcast_title` TINYINT(1) NULL AFTER `embed_content_encoded`', \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); break; case 58: // if contributors module is active, activate social module if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('contributors')) { \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('social'); } break; case 59: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('bitlove')) { $wpdb->query(sprintf("ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `bitlove` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'", \Podlove\Model\Feed::table_name())); } break; case 60: \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('oembed'); \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('feed_validation'); break; case 61: $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN `publication_date`', Model\Episode::table_name())); break; case 62: // rename column $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE COLUMN `record_date` `recording_date` DATETIME', Model\Episode::table_name())); // update settings $meta = get_option('podlove_metadata'); if (isset($meta['enable_episode_publication_date'])) { unset($meta['enable_episode_publication_date']); } if (isset($meta['enable_episode_record_date'])) { $meta['enable_episode_recording_date'] = $meta['enable_episode_record_date']; unset($meta['enable_episode_record_date']); } update_option('podlove_metadata', $meta); break; case 63: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $tumblr_service = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::find_one_by_property('title', 'Tumblr'); $tumblr_service->url_scheme = ''; $tumblr_service->save(); } break; case 64: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $services = array(array('title' => '500px', 'type' => 'social', 'description' => '500px Account', 'logo' => '500px-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => '', 'type' => 'social', 'description' => ' Account', 'logo' => 'lastfm-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => 'OpenStreetMap', 'type' => 'social', 'description' => 'OpenStreetMap Account', 'logo' => 'openstreetmap-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => 'Soup', 'type' => 'social', 'description' => 'Soup Account', 'logo' => 'soup-128.png', 'url_scheme' => '')); foreach ($services as $service_key => $service) { $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = $service['title']; $c->type = $service['type']; $c->description = $service['description']; $c->logo = $service['logo']; $c->url_scheme = $service['url_scheme']; $c->save(); } } break; case 65: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $flattr_service = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::find_one_by_where("`title` = 'Flattr' AND `type` = 'donation'"); if ($flattr_service) { $contributor_flattr_donations_accounts = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\ContributorService::find_all_by_property('service_id', $flattr_service->id); foreach ($contributor_flattr_donations_accounts as $contributor_flattr_donations_account) { $contributor = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::find_by_id($contributor_flattr_donations_account->contributor_id); if ($contributor && is_null($contributor->flattr)) { $contributor->flattr = $contributor_flattr_donations_account->value; $contributor->save(); } $contributor_flattr_donations_account->delete(); } $flattr_service->delete(); } } break; case 66: // Temporary add license_type and CC license fields to episode model \Podlove\Model\Episode::property('license_type', 'VARCHAR(255)'); \Podlove\Model\Episode::property('license_cc_allow_modifications', 'VARCHAR(255)'); \Podlove\Model\Episode::property('license_cc_allow_commercial_use', 'VARCHAR(255)'); \Podlove\Model\Episode::property('license_cc_license_jurisdiction', 'VARCHAR(255)'); $podcast = \Podlove\Model\Podcast::get(); $episodes = \Podlove\Model\Episode::all(); // Migration for Podcast if ($podcast->license_type == 'cc' && $podcast->license_cc_allow_commercial_use !== '' && $podcast->license_cc_allow_modifications !== '' && $podcast->license_cc_license_jurisdiction !== '') { $license = array('version' => '3.0', 'commercial_use' => $podcast->license_cc_allow_commercial_use, 'modification' => $podcast->license_cc_allow_modifications, 'jurisdiction' => $podcast->license_cc_license_jurisdiction); $podcast->license_url = \Podlove\Model\License::get_url_from_license($license); $podcast->license_name = \Podlove\Model\License::get_name_from_license($license); $podcast->save(); } // Migration for Episodes foreach ($episodes as $episode) { if ($episode->license_type == 'other' || $episode->license_cc_allow_commercial_use == '' || $episode->license_cc_allow_modifications == '' || $episode->license_cc_license_jurisdiction == '') { continue; } $license = array('version' => '3.0', 'commercial_use' => $episode->license_cc_allow_commercial_use, 'modification' => $episode->license_cc_allow_modifications, 'jurisdiction' => $episode->license_cc_license_jurisdiction); $episode->license_url = \Podlove\Model\License::get_url_from_license($license); $episode->license_name = \Podlove\Model\License::get_name_from_license($license); $episode->save(); } break; case 67: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $instagram_service = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::find_one_by_where("`title` = 'Instagram' AND `type` = 'social'"); if ($instagram_service) { $instagram_service->url_scheme = ''; $instagram_service->save(); } } break; case 68: // Do that ADN module fix again, as we forgot to mark all episodes as published if the ADN module is activated $episodes = Model\Episode::all(); foreach ($episodes as $episode) { $post = get_post($episode->post_id); if ($post->post_status == 'publish' && !get_post_meta($episode->post_id, '_podlove_episode_was_published', true)) { update_post_meta($episode->post_id, '_podlove_episode_was_published', true); } } break; case 69: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('app_dot_net')) { $adn = \Podlove\Modules\AppDotNet\App_Dot_Net::instance(); if ($adn->get_module_option('adn_auth_key')) { $adn->update_module_option('adn_automatic_announcement', 'on'); } } break; case 70: \Podlove\Model\DownloadIntent::build(); \Podlove\Model\UserAgent::build(); break; case 71: // update for everyone, so even those with inactive service tables get updated $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE COLUMN `type` `category` VARCHAR(255)', \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_name())); $wpdb->query(sprintf("ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `type` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `category`", \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_name())); $services = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::all(); foreach ($services as $service) { $service->type = strtolower($service->title); $service->save(); } break; case 72: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $services = array(array('title' => 'Vimeo', 'type' => 'vimeo', 'category' => 'social', 'description' => 'Vimeo Account', 'logo' => 'vimeo-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => '', 'type' => '', 'category' => 'social', 'description' => ' Account', 'logo' => 'aboutme-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => 'Gittip', 'type' => 'gittip', 'category' => 'donation', 'description' => 'Gittip Account', 'logo' => 'gittip-128.png', 'url_scheme' => '')); foreach ($services as $service_key => $service) { $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = $service['title']; $c->type = $service['type']; $c->category = $service['category']; $c->description = $service['description']; $c->logo = $service['logo']; $c->url_scheme = $service['url_scheme']; $c->save(); } } break; case 73: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $jabber_service = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::find_one_by_where("`type` = 'jabber' AND `category` = 'social'"); if ($jabber_service) { $jabber_service->url_scheme = 'jabber:%account-placeholder%'; $jabber_service->save(); } } break; case 74: Model\GeoArea::build(); Model\GeoAreaName::build(); \Podlove\Geo_Ip::register_updater_cron(); break; case 75: $tracking = get_option('podlove_tracking'); $tracking['mode'] = 0; update_option('podlove_tracking', $tracking); break; case 76: set_transient('podlove_needs_to_flush_rewrite_rules', true); break; case 77: // delete empty user agents $userAgentTable = Model\UserAgent::table_name(); $downloadIntentTable = Model\DownloadIntent::table_name(); $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t{$downloadIntentTable} di\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {$userAgentTable} ua ON = di.user_agent_id\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tua.user_agent IS NULL"; $ids = $wpdb->get_col($sql); if (is_array($ids) && count($ids)) { $sql = "UPDATE {$downloadIntentTable} SET user_agent_id = NULL WHERE id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"; $wpdb->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$userAgentTable} WHERE user_agent IS NULL"; $wpdb->query($sql); } break; case 78: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = 'Auphonic Credits'; $c->category = 'donation'; $c->type = 'auphonic credits'; $c->description = 'Auphonic Account'; $c->logo = 'auphonic-128.png'; $c->url_scheme = ''; $c->save(); } break; case 79: set_transient('podlove_needs_to_flush_rewrite_rules', true); $cache = \Podlove\Cache\TemplateCache::get_instance(); $cache->setup_purge(); break; case 80: $sql = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `httprange` VARCHAR(255)', \Podlove\Model\DownloadIntent::table_name()); $wpdb->query($sql); break; case 81: // remove all caches with old namespace $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE \"_transient_podlove_cache%\""); break; case 82: // set all redirect entries to active $redirect_settings = \Podlove\get_setting('redirects', 'podlove_setting_redirect'); foreach ($redirect_settings as $index => $data) { $redirect_settings[$index]['active'] = 'active'; } update_option('podlove_redirects', array('podlove_setting_redirect' => $redirect_settings)); break; case 83: \Podlove\Model\DownloadIntentClean::build(); $alterations = array('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `bot` TINYINT', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_name` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_version` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_type` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `os_name` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `os_version` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `device_brand` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `device_model` VARCHAR(255)'); foreach ($alterations as $sql) { $wpdb->query(sprintf($sql, Model\UserAgent::table_name())); } Model\UserAgent::reparse_all(); break; case 84: delete_option('podlove_tpl_cache_keys'); break; case 85: add_option('podlove_tracking_delete_head_requests', 1); break; case 86: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('social')) { $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = 'Foursquare'; $c->category = 'social'; $c->type = 'foursquare'; $c->description = 'Foursquare Account'; $c->logo = 'foursquare-128.png'; $c->url_scheme = ''; $c->save(); $services = array(array('title' => 'ResearchGate', 'name' => 'researchgate', 'category' => 'social', 'description' => 'ResearchGate URL', 'logo' => 'researchgate-128.png', 'url_scheme' => '%account-placeholder%'), array('title' => 'ORCiD', 'name' => 'orcid', 'category' => 'social', 'description' => 'ORCiD', 'logo' => 'orcid-128.png', 'url_scheme' => ''), array('title' => 'Scopus', 'name' => 'scous', 'category' => 'social', 'description' => 'Scopus Author ID', 'logo' => 'scopus-128.png', 'url_scheme' => '')); foreach ($services as $service_key => $service) { $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = $service['title']; $c->category = $service['category']; $c->type = $service['name']; $c->description = $service['description']; $c->logo = $service['logo']; $c->url_scheme = $service['url_scheme']; $c->save(); } } break; case 87: if (\Podlove\Modules\Base::is_active('app_dot_net')) { $adn = \Podlove\Modules\AppDotNet\App_Dot_Net::instance(); if ($adn->get_module_option('adn_auth_key')) { $adn->update_module_option('adn_poster_image_fallback', 'on'); } } break; case 88: $service = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $service->title = 'Email'; $service->category = 'social'; $service->type = 'email'; $service->description = 'Email'; $service->logo = 'email-128.png'; $service->url_scheme = 'mailto:%account-placeholder%'; $service->save(); break; case 89: $email_service = \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::find_one_by_type('email'); foreach (\Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::all() as $contributor) { if (!$contributor->publicemail) { continue; } $contributor_service = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\ContributorService(); $contributor_service->contributor_id = $contributor->id; $contributor_service->service_id = $email_service->id; $contributor_service->value = $contributor->publicemail; $contributor_service->save(); } break; case 90: \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('subscribe_button'); break; case 91: $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = 'Miiverse'; $c->category = 'social'; $c->type = 'miiverse'; $c->description = 'Miiverse Account'; $c->logo = 'miiverse-128.png'; $c->url_scheme = ''; $c->save(); break; case 92: $c = new \Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service(); $c->title = 'Prezi'; $c->category = 'social'; $c->type = 'prezi'; $c->description = 'Prezis'; $c->logo = 'prezi-128.png'; $c->url_scheme = ''; $c->save(); break; case 93: // podlove_init_user_agent_refresh(); // do nothing instead, because see 94 below break; case 94: // this is a duplicate of migration 83 but it looks like that didn't work. Model\DownloadIntentClean::build(); $alterations = array('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `bot` TINYINT', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_name` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_version` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `client_type` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `os_name` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `os_version` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `device_brand` VARCHAR(255)', 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `device_model` VARCHAR(255)'); foreach ($alterations as $sql) { $wpdb->query(sprintf($sql, Model\UserAgent::table_name())); } podlove_init_user_agent_refresh(); // manually trigger intent cron after user agents are parsed // parameter to make sure WP does not skip it due to 10 minute rule wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 120, 'podlove_cleanup_download_intents', ['really' => true]); // manually trigger average cron after intents are calculated wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 240, 'recalculate_episode_download_average', ['really' => true]); break; case 95: // add missing flattr column $wpdb->query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `flattr` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `avatar`', \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::table_name())); break; case 96: \Podlove\DeleteHeadRequests::init(); break; case 97: // recalculate all downloads average data $wpdb->query(sprintf('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE "_podlove_eda%%"', $wpdb->postmeta)); break; case 98: delete_transient('podlove_dashboard_stats_contributors'); break; case 99: // Activate network module for migrating users. // Core modules are automatically activated for _new_ setups and // whenever modules change. Since this can't be guaranteed for // existing setups, it must be triggered manually. \Podlove\Modules\Networks\Networks::instance()->was_activated(); break; case 101: // add patreon if (\Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_exists()) { \Podlove\Modules\Social\RepairSocial::fix_missing_services(); } break; case 102: // update logos if (\Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_exists()) { \Podlove\Modules\Social\Social::update_existing_services(); } break; case 103: $assignment = get_option('podlove_template_assignment', []); if ($assignment['top'] && is_numeric($assignment['top'])) { $assignment['top'] = Model\Template::find_by_id($assignment['top'])->title; } if ($assignment['bottom'] && is_numeric($assignment['bottom'])) { $assignment['bottom'] = Model\Template::find_by_id($assignment['bottom'])->title; } update_option('podlove_template_assignment', $assignment); break; case 104: \Podlove\unschedule_events(\Podlove\Cache\TemplateCache::CRON_PURGE_HOOK); break; case 105: // activate flattr plugin \Podlove\Modules\Base::activate('flattr'); // migrate flattr data $podcast = Model\Podcast::get(); $settings = get_option('podlove_flattr', []); $settings['account'] = $podcast->flattr; $settings['contributor_shortcode_default'] = 'yes'; update_option('podlove_flattr', $settings); break; case 106: podlove_init_user_agent_refresh(); break; case 107: // skipped break; case 108: podlove_init_user_agent_refresh(); break; case 109: \podlove_init_capabilities(); break; case 110: if (\Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_exists()) { \Podlove\Modules\Social\Social::update_existing_services(); \Podlove\Modules\Social\Social::build_missing_services(); } break; case 111: if (\Podlove\Modules\Social\Model\Service::table_exists()) { \Podlove\Modules\Social\Social::update_existing_services(); \Podlove\Modules\Social\Social::build_missing_services(); } break; } }
public static function contributors_form_table($current_contributions = array(), $form_base_name = 'episode_contributor') { $contributors_roles = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorRole::selectOptions(); $contributors_groups = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorGroup::selectOptions(); $cjson = array(); // only valid contributions $current_contributions = array_filter($current_contributions, function ($c) { return $c->contributor_id > 0; }); $has_roles = count($contributors_roles) > 0; $has_groups = count($contributors_groups) > 0; $can_be_commented = $form_base_name == 'podlove_contributor_defaults[contributor]' ? 0 : 1; foreach (\Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::all() as $contributor) { $show_contributions = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ShowContribution::all("WHERE `contributor_id` = " . $contributor->id); if (empty($show_contributions)) { $cjson[$contributor->id] = array('id' => $contributor->id, 'slug' => $contributor->slug, 'role' => '', 'group' => '', 'realname' => $contributor->realname, 'avatar' => $contributor->avatar()->setWidth(45)->image()); } else { foreach ($show_contributions as $show_contribution) { $role_data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorRole::find_one_by_id($show_contribution->role_id); $role_data == "" ? $role = '' : ($role = $role_data->id); $group_data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorGroup::find_one_by_id($show_contribution->group_id); $group_data == "" ? $group = '' : ($group = $group_data->id); $cjson[$contributor->id] = array('id' => $contributor->id, 'slug' => $contributor->slug, 'role' => $role, 'group' => $group, 'realname' => $contributor->realname, 'avatar' => $contributor->avatar()->setWidth(45)->image()); } } } // override contributor roles and groups with scoped roles foreach ($current_contributions as $contribution_key => $current_contribution) { if ($role = $current_contribution->getRole()) { $cjson[$current_contribution->contributor_id]['role'] = $role->slug; } if ($group = $current_contribution->getGroup()) { $cjson[$current_contribution->contributor_id]['group'] = $group->slug; } } $contributors = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::all(); $existing_contributions = array_filter(array_map(function ($c) { // Set default role $role_data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorRole::find_by_id($c->role_id); if (isset($role_data)) { $role = $role_data->slug; } else { if (empty($c->role)) { $role = ''; } else { $role = $c->role->slug; } } // Set default group $group_data = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\ContributorGroup::find_by_id($c->group_id); if (isset($group_data)) { $group = $group_data->slug; } else { if (empty($c->group)) { $group = ''; } else { $group = $c->group->slug; } } if (is_object(\Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Model\Contributor::find_by_id($c->contributor_id))) { return array('id' => $c->contributor_id, 'role' => $role, 'group' => $group, 'comment' => $c->comment); } return ''; }, $current_contributions)); \Podlove\load_template('lib/modules/contributors/views/form_table', compact('has_groups', 'has_roles', 'can_be_commented', 'form_base_name', 'existing_contributions', 'cjson', 'contributors', 'contributors_groups', 'contributors_roles')); }
public function __construct() { global $wpdb; $sql = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\, ec.role_id, ec.group_id, \n\t\t\t(case when c.gender = 'male' then 1 else 0 end) AS male,\n\t\t\t(case when c.gender = 'female' then 1 else 0 end) AS female,\n\t\t\t(case when c.gender NOT IN ('male', 'female') then 1 else 0 end) AS notattributed\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t`" . EpisodeContribution::table_name() . "` ec\n\t\t\tJOIN `" . Episode::table_name() . "` e ON = ec.episode_id\n\t\t\tJOIN `" . $wpdb->posts . "` p ON p.ID = e.`post_id` AND p.post_status IN ('publish', 'private')\n\t\t\tJOIN `" . Contributor::table_name() . "` c ON ec.`contributor_id` =\n\t\t"; $this->contributions = $wpdb->get_results($sql); }
/** * List of podcast contributors. * * **Examples** * * Iterating over a list of contributors * * ```jinja * {% for contributor in podcast.contributors({scope: "podcast"}) %} * {{ }} * {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} * {% endfor %} * ``` * * Iterating over a grouped list of contributors * * ```jinja * {% for contributorGroup in podcast.contributors({scope: "podcast", groupby: "group"}) %} * <strong>{{ }}:</strong> * {% for contributor in contributorGroup.contributors %} * {{ }} * {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} * {% endfor %} * {% endfor %} * ``` * * **Parameters** * * - **id:** Fetch one contributor by its id. * Example: `podcast.contributors({id: 'james'}).name` * - **scope:** Either "global", "global-active" or "podcast". * - "global" returns all contributors. * - "global-active" returns all contributors with * at least one contribution in a published episode. * - "podcast" returns the contributors configured in podcast settings. * Default: "global-active". * - **group:** filter by group slug. Defaults to "all", which does not filter. * - **role:** filter by role slug. Defaults to "all", which does not filter. * - **groupby:** group or role slug. Group by "group" or "role". * If used, the returned data is has another layer for the groups. * See examples for more details. * - **order:** Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter. Defaults to 'DESC'. * - 'ASC' - ascending order from lowest to highest values (1, 2, 3; a, b, c). * - 'DESC' - descending order from highest to lowest values (3, 2, 1; c, b, a). * - **orderby:** Sort contributors by parameter. Defaults to 'name'. * - 'name' - Order by public name. * * @accessor * @dynamicAccessor podcast.contributors */ public static function accessorPodcastContributors($return, $method_name, $podcast, $args = array()) { return $podcast->with_blog_scope(function () use($podcast, $args) { $args = shortcode_atts(array('id' => null, 'scope' => 'global-active', 'group' => 'all', 'role' => 'all', 'groupby' => null, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'name'), $args); if ($args['id']) { return new Template\Contributor(Contributor::find_one_by_slug($args['id'])); } $scope = in_array($args['scope'], array('global', 'global-active', 'podcast')) ? $args['scope'] : 'global-active'; $contributors = array(); if (in_array($scope, array("global", "global-active"))) { // fetch by group and/or role. defaults to *all* contributors // if no role or group are given $group = $args['group'] !== 'all' ? $args['group'] : null; $role = $args['role'] !== 'all' ? $args['role'] : null; $contributors = Contributor::byGroupAndRole($group, $role); if ($scope == 'global-active') { $contributors = array_filter($contributors, function ($contributor) { return $contributor->getPublishedContributionCount() > 0; }); } $contributors = array_map(function ($contributor) { return new Template\Contributor($contributor); }, $contributors); } else { $contributions = ShowContribution::all(); $contributors = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Contributors::filterContributions($contributions, $args); } // sort if ($args['groupby'] == 'group') { foreach ($contributors as $group_id => $group) { usort($contributors[$group_id]['contributors'], function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a->name(), $b->name()); }); if (strtoupper($args['order']) == 'DESC') { $contributors[$group_id]['contributors'] = array_reverse($contributors[$group_id]['contributors']); } } } else { usort($contributors, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a->name(), $b->name()); }); if (strtoupper($args['order']) == 'DESC') { $contributors = array_reverse($contributors); } } return $contributors; }); }