public function onCombust(EntityCombustEvent $event) { if ($event instanceof EntityCombustByBlockEvent) { if ($this->purgeStarted) { return; } if ($event->getEntity() instanceof Player and $event->getCombuster() instanceof Fire) { $event->setCancelled(); } } }
/** * @param Entity $combuster * @param Entity $combustee * @param int $duration */ public function __construct(Entity $combuster, Entity $combustee, $duration) { parent::__construct($combustee, $duration); $this->combuster = $combuster; }
public function onCombust(EntityCombustEvent $event) { if ($event instanceof EntityCombustByBlockEvent) { if ($event->getEntity() instanceof Player and $event->getCombuster() instanceof Fire) { $area = $this->db[$event->getEntity()->getLevel()->getFolderName()]->getArea($event->getEntity()->x, $event->getEntity()->z); if ($area != null) { if (!$this->db[$event->getEntity()->getLevel()->getFolderName()]->isPvpAllow($area["ID"])) { $event->setCancelled(); } } } } }
/** * @param EntityCombustEvent $event * @priority HIGHEST * @ignoreCancelled true */ public function onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent $event) { if (($player = $event->getEntity()) instanceof Player) { if (!$this->plugin->getStorage()->getShield($player->getLevel())->isAllowed(Shield::BURNING)) { $event->setCancelled(true); } } }
/** * @param Block $combuster * @param Entity $combustee * @param int $duration * @param int $ProtectLevel */ public function __construct(Block $combuster, Entity $combustee, $duration, $ProtectLevel = 0) { parent::__construct($combustee, $duration, $ProtectLevel); $this->combuster = $combuster; }