getCommonRaw() public static method

$params['myparam'] = 'myvalue'; $params['db'] = 'mysql'; $params['table'] = 'rights'; note the missing ? echo 'script.php' . URL::getCommon($params); produces with cookies enabled: script.php?myparam=myvalue&db=mysql&table=rights with cookies disabled: script.php?server=1&lang=en&myparam=myvalue&db=mysql &table=rights note the missing ? echo 'script.php' . URL::getCommon(); produces with cookies enabled: script.php with cookies disabled: script.php?server=1&lang=en
public static getCommonRaw ( mixed $params = [], string $divider = '?' ) : string
$params mixed optional, Contains an associative array with url params
$divider string optional character to use instead of '?'
return string string with URL parameters
  * Test for URL::getCommon with alternate divider
  * @return void
 public function testWithAlternateDivider()
     $GLOBALS['server'] = 'x';
     $GLOBALS['collation_connection'] = 'x';
     $GLOBALS['cfg']['ServerDefault'] = 'y';
     $separator = URL::getArgSeparator();
     $expected = 'server=x' . $separator . 'lang=en' . $separator . 'collation_connection=x';
     $expected = '#ABC#db=db' . $separator . 'table=table' . $separator . $expected;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, URL::getCommonRaw(array('db' => 'db', 'table' => 'table'), '#ABC#'));
if (!isset($is_db) || !$is_db) {
    if (strlen($db) > 0) {
        $is_db = $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db);
        // This "Command out of sync" 2014 error may happen, for example
        // after calling a MySQL procedure; at this point we can't select
        // the db but it's not necessarily wrong
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError() && $GLOBALS['errno'] == 2014) {
            $is_db = true;
    } else {
        $is_db = false;
    // Not a valid db name -> back to the welcome page
    $uri = './index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw(array()) . (isset($message) ? '&message=' . urlencode($message) : '') . '&reload=1';
    if (strlen($db) === 0 || !$is_db) {
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        if ($response->isAjax()) {
            $response->addJSON('message', Message::error(__('No databases selected.')));
        } else {
// end if (ensures db exists)
 * Changes database charset if requested by the user
  * Returns, as an array, a list of parameters
  * used on the client side
  * @return array
 public function getJsParams()
     $db = !empty($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : '';
     $table = !empty($GLOBALS['table']) ? $GLOBALS['table'] : '';
     $pftext = !empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['pftext']) ? $_SESSION['tmpval']['pftext'] : '';
     // not sure when this happens, but it happens
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['collation_connection'])) {
         $GLOBALS['collation_connection'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
     $params = array('common_query' => URL::getCommonRaw(), 'opendb_url' => Util::getScriptNameForOption($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database'), 'safari_browser' => PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI' ? 1 : 0, 'collation_connection' => $GLOBALS['collation_connection'], 'lang' => $GLOBALS['lang'], 'server' => $GLOBALS['server'], 'table' => $table, 'db' => $db, 'token' => $_SESSION[' PMA_token '], 'text_dir' => $GLOBALS['text_dir'], 'show_databases_navigation_as_tree' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree'], 'pma_text_default_tab' => Util::getTitleForTarget($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable']), 'pma_text_left_default_tab' => Util::getTitleForTarget($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable']), 'pma_text_left_default_tab2' => Util::getTitleForTarget($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2']), 'LimitChars' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'], 'pftext' => $pftext, 'confirm' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['Confirm'], 'LoginCookieValidity' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity'], 'logged_in' => isset($GLOBALS['userlink']) ? true : false, 'PMA_VERSION' => PMA_VERSION);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']) && isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['auth_type'])) {
         $params['auth_type'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['auth_type'];
         if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'])) {
             $params['user'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'];
     return $params;
 * Redirects after saving new user preferences
 * @param string $file_name Filename
 * @param array  $params    URL parameters
 * @param string $hash      Hash value
 * @return void
function PMA_userprefsRedirect($file_name, $params = null, $hash = null)
    // redirect
    $url_params = array('saved' => 1);
    if (is_array($params)) {
        $url_params = array_merge($params, $url_params);
    if ($hash) {
        $hash = '#' . urlencode($hash);
    PMA_sendHeaderLocation('./' . $file_name . URL::getCommonRaw($url_params) . $hash);
    $form_param = array_shift($forms_keys);
$form_display = new FormDisplay($cf);
foreach ($forms[$form_param] as $form_name => $form) {
    // skip Developer form if no setting is available
    if ($form_name == 'Developer' && !$GLOBALS['cfg']['UserprefsDeveloperTab']) {
    $form_display->registerForm($form_name, $form, 1);
if (isset($_POST['revert'])) {
    // revert erroneous fields to their default values
    // redirect
    $url_params = array('form' => $form_param);
    PMA_sendHeaderLocation('./prefs_forms.php' . URL::getCommonRaw($url_params));
$error = null;
if ($form_display->process(false) && !$form_display->hasErrors()) {
    // save settings
    $result = PMA_saveUserprefs($cf->getConfigArray());
    if ($result === true) {
        // reload config
        $tabHash = isset($_POST['tab_hash']) ? $_POST['tab_hash'] : null;
        $hash = ltrim($tabHash, '#');
        PMA_userprefsRedirect('prefs_forms.php', array('form' => $form_param), $hash);
    } else {
        $error = $result;
 * Prints javascript for upload with plugin, upload process bar
 * @param int $upload_id The selected upload id
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForImportWithPlugin($upload_id)
    //some variable for javascript
    $ajax_url = "import_status.php?id=" . $upload_id . "&" . URL::getCommonRaw(array('import_status' => 1));
    $promot_str = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('The file being uploaded is probably larger than ' . 'the maximum allowed size or this is a known bug in webkit ' . 'based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) browsers.'), false);
    $statustext_str = Sanitize::escapeJsString(__('%s of %s'));
    $upload_str = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('Uploading your import file…'), false);
    $second_str = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('%s/sec.'), false);
    $remaining_min = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('About %MIN min. %SEC sec. remaining.'), false);
    $remaining_second = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('About %SEC sec. remaining.'), false);
    $processed_str = Sanitize::jsFormat(__('The file is being processed, please be patient.'), false);
    $import_url = URL::getCommonRaw(array('import_status' => 1));
    //start output
    $html = 'var finished = false; ';
    $html .= 'var percent  = 0.0; ';
    $html .= 'var total    = 0; ';
    $html .= 'var complete = 0; ';
    $html .= 'var original_title = ' . 'parent && parent.document ? parent.document.title : false; ';
    $html .= 'var import_start; ';
    $html .= 'var perform_upload = function () { ';
    $html .= 'new $.getJSON( ';
    $html .= '        "' . $ajax_url . '", ';
    $html .= '        {}, ';
    $html .= '        function(response) { ';
    $html .= '            finished = response.finished; ';
    $html .= '            percent = response.percent; ';
    $html .= '            total =; ';
    $html .= '            complete = response.complete; ';
    $html .= '            if (total==0 && complete==0 && percent==0) { ';
    $img_tag = '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'ajax_clock_small.gif"';
    $html .= '                $("#upload_form_status_info").html(\'' . $img_tag . ' width="16" height="16" alt="ajax clock" /> ' . $promot_str . '\'); ';
    $html .= '                $("#upload_form_status").css("display", "none"); ';
    $html .= '            } else { ';
    $html .= '                var now = new Date(); ';
    $html .= '                now = Date.UTC( ';
    $html .= '                    now.getFullYear(), ';
    $html .= '                    now.getMonth(), ';
    $html .= '                    now.getDate(), ';
    $html .= '                    now.getHours(), ';
    $html .= '                    now.getMinutes(), ';
    $html .= '                    now.getSeconds()) ';
    $html .= '                    + now.getMilliseconds() - 1000; ';
    $html .= '                var statustext = PMA_sprintf(';
    $html .= '                    "' . $statustext_str . '", ';
    $html .= '                    formatBytes( ';
    $html .= '                        complete, 1, PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator';
    $html .= '                    ), ';
    $html .= '                    formatBytes(';
    $html .= '                        total, 1, PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator';
    $html .= '                    ) ';
    $html .= '                ); ';
    $html .= '                if ($("#importmain").is(":visible")) { ';
    // show progress UI
    $html .= '                    $("#importmain").hide(); ';
    $html .= '                    $("#import_form_status") ';
    $html .= '                    .html(\'<div class="upload_progress">' . '<div class="upload_progress_bar_outer"><div class="percentage">' . '</div><div id="status" class="upload_progress_bar_inner">' . '<div class="percentage"></div></div></div><div>' . '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'ajax_clock_small.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="ajax clock" /> ' . $upload_str . '</div><div id="statustext"></div></div>\') ';
    $html .= '                    .show(); ';
    $html .= '                    import_start = now; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                else if (percent > 9 || complete > 2000000) { ';
    // calculate estimated time
    $html .= '                    var used_time = now - import_start; ';
    $html .= '                    var seconds = ' . 'parseInt(((total - complete) / complete) * used_time / 1000); ';
    $html .= '                    var speed = PMA_sprintf("' . $second_str . '"';
    $html .= '                       , formatBytes(complete / used_time * 1000, 1,' . ' PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator)); ';
    $html .= '                    var minutes = parseInt(seconds / 60); ';
    $html .= '                    seconds %= 60; ';
    $html .= '                    var estimated_time; ';
    $html .= '                    if (minutes > 0) { ';
    $html .= '                        estimated_time = "' . $remaining_min . '"';
    $html .= '                            .replace("%MIN", minutes)';
    $html .= '                            .replace("%SEC", seconds); ';
    $html .= '                    } ';
    $html .= '                    else { ';
    $html .= '                        estimated_time = "' . $remaining_second . '"';
    $html .= '                        .replace("%SEC", seconds); ';
    $html .= '                    } ';
    $html .= '                    statustext += "<br />" + speed + "<br /><br />" ' . '+ estimated_time; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                var percent_str = Math.round(percent) + "%"; ';
    $html .= '                $("#status").animate({width: percent_str}, 150); ';
    $html .= '                $(".percentage").text(percent_str); ';
    // show percent in window title
    $html .= '                if (original_title !== false) { ';
    $html .= '                    parent.document.title ';
    $html .= '                        = percent_str + " - " + original_title; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                else { ';
    $html .= '                    document.title ';
    $html .= '                        = percent_str + " - " + original_title; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                $("#statustext").html(statustext); ';
    $html .= '            }  ';
    $html .= '            if (finished == true) { ';
    $html .= '                if (original_title !== false) { ';
    $html .= '                    parent.document.title = original_title; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                else { ';
    $html .= '                    document.title = original_title; ';
    $html .= '                } ';
    $html .= '                $("#importmain").hide(); ';
    // loads the message, either success or mysql error
    $html .= '                $("#import_form_status") ';
    $html .= '                .html(\'<img src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'ajax_clock_small.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="ajax clock" /> ' . $processed_str . '\')';
    $html .= '                .show(); ';
    $html .= '                $("#import_form_status").load("import_status.php?' . 'message=true&' . $import_url . '"); ';
    $html .= '                PMA_reloadNavigation(); ';
    // if finished
    $html .= '            } ';
    $html .= '            else { ';
    $html .= '              setTimeout(perform_upload, 1000); ';
    $html .= '         } ';
    $html .= '}); ';
    $html .= '}; ';
    $html .= 'setTimeout(perform_upload, 1000); ';
    return $html;
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            if ($response->isAjax()) {
                $response->addJSON('message', Message::error(__('No databases selected.')));
            } else {
                $url_params = array('reload' => 1);
                if (isset($message)) {
                    $url_params['message'] = $message;
                if (!empty($sql_query)) {
                    $url_params['sql_query'] = $sql_query;
                if (isset($show_as_php)) {
                    $url_params['show_as_php'] = $show_as_php;
                PMA_sendHeaderLocation('./index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw($url_params));
// end if (ensures db exists)
if (empty($is_table) && !defined('PMA_SUBMIT_MULT') && !defined('TABLE_MAY_BE_ABSENT')) {
    // Not a valid table name -> back to the db_sql.php
    if (strlen($table) > 0) {
        $is_table = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getCachedTableContent(array($db, $table), false);
        if (!$is_table) {
            $_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . '\';', null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
            $is_table = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($_result);
  * Returns the url of the current page
  * @return string
 public function getSelfUrl()
     $db = !empty($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : '';
     $table = !empty($GLOBALS['table']) ? $GLOBALS['table'] : '';
     $target = !empty($_REQUEST['target']) ? $_REQUEST['target'] : '';
     $params = array('db' => $db, 'table' => $table, 'server' => $GLOBALS['server'], 'target' => $target);
     // needed for server privileges tabs
     if (isset($_REQUEST['viewing_mode']) && in_array($_REQUEST['viewing_mode'], array('server', 'db', 'table'))) {
         $params['viewing_mode'] = $_REQUEST['viewing_mode'];
      * @todo    coming from server_privileges.php, here $db is not set,
      *          add the following condition below when that is fixed
      *          && $_REQUEST['checkprivsdb'] == $db
     if (isset($_REQUEST['checkprivsdb'])) {
         $params['checkprivsdb'] = $_REQUEST['checkprivsdb'];
      * @todo    coming from server_privileges.php, here $table is not set,
      *          add the following condition below when that is fixed
      *          && $_REQUEST['checkprivstable'] == $table
     if (isset($_REQUEST['checkprivstable'])) {
         $params['checkprivstable'] = $_REQUEST['checkprivstable'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['single_table']) && in_array($_REQUEST['single_table'], array(true, false))) {
         $params['single_table'] = $_REQUEST['single_table'];
     return basename(PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')) . URL::getCommonRaw($params);
  * Stores user credentials after successful login.
  * @return void|bool
 public function storeUserCredentials()
     global $cfg;
     // Name and password cookies need to be refreshed each time
     // Duration = one month for username
     // Duration = as configured
     // Do not store password cookie on password change as we will
     // set the cookie again after password has been changed
     if (!isset($_POST['change_pw'])) {
     // Set server cookies if required (once per session) and, in this case,
     // force reload to ensure the client accepts cookies
     if (!$GLOBALS['from_cookie']) {
         // URL where to go:
         $redirect_url = './index.php';
         // any parameters to pass?
         $url_params = array();
         if (strlen($GLOBALS['db']) > 0) {
             $url_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
         if (strlen($GLOBALS['table']) > 0) {
             $url_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table'];
         // any target to pass?
         if (!empty($GLOBALS['target']) && $GLOBALS['target'] != 'index.php') {
             $url_params['target'] = $GLOBALS['target'];
          * Clear user cache.
         PMA_sendHeaderLocation($redirect_url . URL::getCommonRaw($url_params), true);
         if (!defined('TESTSUITE')) {
         } else {
             return false;
     // end if
     return true;
 * handle control requests
 * @return NULL
function PMA_handleControlRequest()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['sr_take_action'])) {
        $refresh = false;
        $result = false;
        $messageSuccess = null;
        $messageError = null;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['slave_changemaster'])) {
            $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveChangeMaster();
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sr_slave_server_control'])) {
            $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveServerControl();
            $refresh = true;
            switch ($_REQUEST['sr_slave_action']) {
                case 'start':
                    $messageSuccess = __('Replication started successfully.');
                    $messageError = __('Error starting replication.');
                case 'stop':
                    $messageSuccess = __('Replication stopped successfully.');
                    $messageError = __('Error stopping replication.');
                case 'reset':
                    $messageSuccess = __('Replication resetting successfully.');
                    $messageError = __('Error resetting replication.');
                    $messageSuccess = __('Success.');
                    $messageError = __('Error.');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sr_slave_skip_error'])) {
            $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveSkipError();
        if ($refresh) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            if ($response->isAjax()) {
                $response->addJSON('message', $result ? Message::success($messageSuccess) : Message::error($messageError));
            } else {
                PMA_sendHeaderLocation('./server_replication.php' . URL::getCommonRaw($GLOBALS['url_params']));
        $state = 'config_not_saved';
    } else {
        $state = 'config_saved';
    header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw() . '&action_done=' . $state);
} elseif (PMA_ifSetOr($_POST['submit_load'], '')) {
    // Load config file from the server
    header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw());
} elseif (PMA_ifSetOr($_POST['submit_delete'], '')) {
    // Delete config file on the server
    header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw());
} else {
    // Show generated config file in a <textarea>
    header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw() . '&page=config');
 * Generate header for 303
 * @return void
function PMA_generateHeader303()
    // drop post data
    header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw());
    if (!defined('TESTSUITE')) {
 * Core libraries.
require_once './setup/lib/form_processing.lib.php';
require './libraries/config/setup.forms.php';
$mode = isset($_GET['mode']) ? $_GET['mode'] : null;
$id = PMA_isValid($_GET['id'], 'numeric') ? intval($_GET['id']) : null;
/** @var ConfigFile $cf */
$cf = $GLOBALS['ConfigFile'];
$server_exists = !empty($id) && $cf->get("Servers/{$id}") !== null;
if ($mode == 'edit' && $server_exists) {
    $page_title = __('Edit server') . ' ' . $id . ' <small>(' . htmlspecialchars($cf->getServerDSN($id)) . ')</small>';
} elseif ($mode == 'remove' && $server_exists) {
    header('Location: index.php' . URL::getCommonRaw());
} elseif ($mode == 'revert' && $server_exists) {
    // handled by process_formset()
} else {
    $page_title = __('Add a new server');
    $id = 0;
if (isset($page_title)) {
    echo '<h2>', $page_title . '</h2>';
$form_display = new FormDisplay($cf);
foreach ($forms['Servers'] as $form_name => $form) {
    $form_display->registerForm($form_name, $form, $id);
  * Get delete and kill links
  * @param string  $where_clause     the where clause of the sql
  * @param boolean $clause_is_unique the unique condition of clause
  * @param string  $url_sql_query    the analyzed sql query
  * @param string  $del_lnk          the delete link of current row
  * @param array   $row              the current row
  * @return  array                       3 element array
  *                                      $del_url, $del_str, $js_conf
  * @access  private
  * @see     _getTableBody()
 private function _getDeleteAndKillLinks($where_clause, $clause_is_unique, $url_sql_query, $del_lnk, $row)
     $goto = $this->__get('goto');
     if ($del_lnk == self::DELETE_ROW) {
         // delete row case
         $_url_params = array('db' => $this->__get('db'), 'table' => $this->__get('table'), 'sql_query' => $url_sql_query, 'message_to_show' => __('The row has been deleted.'), 'goto' => empty($goto) ? 'tbl_sql.php' : $goto);
         $lnk_goto = 'sql.php' . URL::getCommonRaw($_url_params);
         $del_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . Util::backquote($this->__get('table')) . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause . ($clause_is_unique ? '' : ' LIMIT 1');
         $_url_params = array('db' => $this->__get('db'), 'table' => $this->__get('table'), 'sql_query' => $del_query, 'message_to_show' => __('The row has been deleted.'), 'goto' => $lnk_goto);
         $del_url = 'sql.php' . URL::getCommon($_url_params);
         $js_conf = 'DELETE FROM ' . Sanitize::jsFormat($this->__get('table')) . ' WHERE ' . Sanitize::jsFormat($where_clause, false) . ($clause_is_unique ? '' : ' LIMIT 1');
         $del_str = $this->_getActionLinkContent('b_drop.png', __('Delete'));
     } elseif ($del_lnk == self::KILL_PROCESS) {
         // kill process case
         $_url_params = array('db' => $this->__get('db'), 'table' => $this->__get('table'), 'sql_query' => $url_sql_query, 'goto' => 'index.php');
         $lnk_goto = 'sql.php' . URL::getCommonRaw($_url_params);
         $kill = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getKillQuery($row[0]);
         $_url_params = array('db' => 'mysql', 'sql_query' => $kill, 'goto' => $lnk_goto);
         $del_url = 'sql.php' . URL::getCommon($_url_params);
         $js_conf = $kill;
         $del_str = Util::getIcon('b_drop.png', __('Kill'));
     } else {
         $del_url = $del_str = $js_conf = null;
     return array($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf);