protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $id = $input->getArgument('collection'); $idmodule = $input->getArgument('module'); $dbname = $input->getArgument('dbname'); $usermail = $input->getArgument('usermail'); if ($id && $idmodule && $dbname && $usermail) { $orphans = array(); $error = ''; $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager'); $dm->getConfiguration()->setDefaultDB($dbname); $configuration = $dm->getConnection()->getConfiguration(); $configuration->setLoggerCallable(null); \MongoCursor::$timeout = -1; $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); if (!$module) { $error = 'Unable to find Module entity.'; } if ($module->getType() == 'text') { $error = 'Module entity: Wrong type.'; } if (empty($error)) { /* * Open the uploaded csv */ $csvfile = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/uploads/' . $module->getCollection()->getAlias() . '/' . $module->getAlias() . '.csv'; $handle = fopen($csvfile, "r"); /* * Get the module properties */ $columns = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";"); $fields = array(); $attributes = $module->getProperties(); foreach ($attributes as $field) { $fields[] = $field; } $s = microtime(true); $batchSize = 100; $size = 0; $rowCount = 0; $errorCount = 0; if ($module->getType() == 'image') { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== false) { $num = count($data); $image = new Image(); $attributes = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { $value = trim($this->data_encode($data[$c])); //check for int or float value if (is_numeric($value)) { $tmp_value = intval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } else { $tmp_value = floatval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } } } // $attributes[$fields[$c]->getId()] = $value; switch ($fields[$c]->getType()) { case 'file': $image->setPath($value . ''); break; case 'copyright': $image->setCopyright($value . ''); break; case 'idparent': $image->setIdparent($value . ''); break; case 'idmodule': $image->setIdentifier($value . ''); break; } } $image->setProperty($attributes); $image->setModule($module); $parent = null; if ($module->getParent()) { $parent_q = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->field('')->equals($module->getParent()->getId())->field('identifier')->equals($image->getIdparent())->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($parent_q as $p) { $parent = $p; } } if ($parent) { $image->setPlantunit($parent); $image->setTitle1($parent->getTitle1()); $image->setTitle2($parent->getTitle2()); $image->setTitle3($parent->getTitle3()); $dm->persist($image); $rowCount++; $size++; if (!$parent->getHasimages()) { $parent->setHasimages(true); $dm->persist($parent); $size++; } //update Taxons $taxons = $parent->getTaxonsrefs(); if (count($taxons)) { foreach ($taxons as $taxon) { if (!$taxon->getHasimages()) { $taxon->setHasimages(true); $dm->persist($taxon); $size++; } if ($taxon->getIssynonym()) { $taxon_valid = $taxon->getChosen(); if (!$taxon_valid->getHasimages()) { $taxon_valid->setHasimages(true); $dm->persist($taxon_valid); $size++; } $parent_taxon_valid = $taxon_valid->getParent(); while ($parent_taxon_valid) { if (!$parent_taxon_valid->getHasimages()) { $parent_taxon_valid->setHasimages(true); $dm->persist($parent_taxon_valid); $size++; } $parent_taxon_valid = $parent_taxon_valid->getParent(); } } } } if ($size >= $batchSize) { $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); $size = 0; } } else { $orphans[$image->getIdparent()] = $image->getIdparent(); $errorCount++; $dm->detach($image); } } $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); } elseif ($module->getType() == 'locality') { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== false) { $geo_error = false; $num = count($data); $location = new Location(); $coordinates = new Coordinates(); $attributes = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { $value = trim($this->data_encode($data[$c])); //check for int or float value if (is_numeric($value)) { $tmp_value = intval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } else { $tmp_value = floatval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } } } // $attributes[$fields[$c]->getId()] = $value; switch ($fields[$c]->getType()) { case 'lon': if (strlen($value) == 0) { $geo_error = true; } $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); $value = floatval($value); $location->setLongitude($value); $coordinates->setX($value); break; case 'lat': if (strlen($value) == 0) { $geo_error = true; } $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); $value = floatval($value); $location->setLatitude($value); $coordinates->setY($value); break; case 'idparent': $location->setIdparent($value . ''); break; case 'idmodule': $location->setIdentifier($value . ''); break; } } if (!$geo_error) { $location->setCoordinates($coordinates); $location->setProperty($attributes); $location->setModule($module); $parent = null; if ($module->getParent()) { $parent_q = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->field('')->equals($module->getParent()->getId())->field('identifier')->equals($location->getIdparent())->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($parent_q as $p) { $parent = $p; } } if ($parent) { $location->setPlantunit($parent); $location->setTitle1($parent->getTitle1()); $location->setTitle2($parent->getTitle2()); $location->setTitle3($parent->getTitle3()); $dm->persist($location); $rowCount++; $size++; if (!$parent->getHaslocations()) { $parent->setHaslocations(true); $dm->persist($parent); $size++; } //update Taxons $taxons = $parent->getTaxonsrefs(); if (count($taxons)) { foreach ($taxons as $taxon) { if (!$taxon->getHaslocations()) { $taxon->setHaslocations(true); $dm->persist($taxon); $size++; } if ($taxon->getIssynonym()) { $taxon_valid = $taxon->getChosen(); if (!$taxon_valid->getHaslocations()) { $taxon_valid->setHaslocations(true); $dm->persist($taxon_valid); $size++; } $parent_taxon_valid = $taxon_valid->getParent(); while ($parent_taxon_valid) { if (!$parent_taxon_valid->getHaslocations()) { $parent_taxon_valid->setHaslocations(true); $dm->persist($parent_taxon_valid); } $parent_taxon_valid = $parent_taxon_valid->getParent(); } } } } if ($size >= $batchSize) { $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); $size = 0; } } else { $orphans[$location->getIdparent()] = $location->getIdparent(); $errorCount++; $dm->detach($location); } } else { $orphans[$location->getIdparent()] = $location->getIdparent(); $errorCount++; $dm->detach($location); } } $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); } elseif ($module->getType() == 'other') { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== false) { $num = count($data); $other = new Other(); $attributes = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { $value = trim($this->data_encode($data[$c])); //check for int or float value if (is_numeric($value)) { $tmp_value = intval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } else { $tmp_value = floatval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } } } // $attributes[$fields[$c]->getId()] = $value; switch ($fields[$c]->getType()) { case 'idparent': $other->setIdparent($value . ''); break; case 'idmodule': $other->setIdentifier($value . ''); break; } } $other->setProperty($attributes); $other->setModule($module); $parent = null; if ($module->getParent()) { $parent_q = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->field('')->equals($module->getParent()->getId())->field('identifier')->equals($other->getIdparent())->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($parent_q as $p) { $parent = $p; } } if ($parent) { $other->setPlantunit($parent); $dm->persist($other); $rowCount++; $size++; if ($size >= $batchSize) { $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); $size = 0; } } else { $orphans[$other->getIdparent()] = $other->getIdparent(); $errorCount++; $dm->detach($other); } } $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); } fclose($handle); $module->setNbrows($rowCount); $module->setUpdating(false); $dm->persist($module); $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); $e = microtime(true); echo ' Inserted ' . $rowCount . ' objects in ' . ($e - $s) . ' seconds' . PHP_EOL; if (file_exists($csvfile)) { unlink($csvfile); } $message = 'Importation Success: ' . $rowCount . ' objects imported in ' . ($e - $s) . ' seconds'; $message .= "\n"; $message .= 'Importation Error: ' . $errorCount; if (count($orphans)) { $message .= "\n" . 'These "id parent" do not exist:' . "\n"; $message .= implode(', ', $orphans); } } else { $message = $error; } $message_mail = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('Publish : task ended')->setFrom($this->getContainer()->getParameter('from_email_adress'))->setTo($usermail)->setBody($message . $this->getContainer()->get('templating')->render('PlantnetDataBundle:Backend\\Mail:task.txt.twig')); $this->getContainer()->get('mailer')->send($message_mail); $spool = $this->getContainer()->get('mailer')->getTransport()->getSpool(); $transport = $this->getContainer()->get('swiftmailer.transport.real'); $spool->flushQueue($transport); // $connection = new \MongoClient(); $db = $connection->{$dbname}; $db->Module->update(array('_id' => new \MongoId($idmodule)), array('$set' => array('updating' => false))); } }
private function update_locality($dm, $module) { \MongoCursor::$timeout = -1; $idmodule = $module->getId(); $parent_to_update = null; if ($module->getType() == 'image' || $module->getType() == 'locality') { if ($module->getParent() && $module->getParent()->getDeleting() === false) { $parent_to_update = $module->getParent()->getId(); $this->reset_taxo($dm, $module->getParent()); } } if ($parent_to_update == null) { return $module; } //remove old data $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Location')->remove()->field('module')->references($module)->getQuery()->execute(); $module_parent = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($parent_to_update); if ($module_parent) { $has_loc_child = false; $loc_child_ids = array(); $tmp_children = $module_parent->getChildren(); if (count($tmp_children)) { foreach ($tmp_children as $tmp_child) { if ($tmp_child->getType() == 'locality' && $tmp_child->getId() != $idmodule) { $has_loc_child = true; $loc_child_ids[] = $tmp_child->getId(); } } } //locations \MongoCursor::$timeout = -1; if ($has_loc_child) { //Punit with locations $ids_with_loc = array(); $punits = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->hydrate(false)->select('_id')->field('module')->references($module_parent)->field('haslocations')->equals(true)->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($punits as $id) { $ids_with_loc[] = $id['_id']->{'$id'}; } $punits = null; unset($punits); //Punit ids in locations $ids_in_loc = array(); $punits = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Location')->hydrate(false)->select('plantunit')->field('')->in($loc_child_ids)->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($punits as $id) { $ids_in_loc[] = $id['plantunit']['$id']->{'$id'}; } $punits = null; unset($punits); //Punits without locations $punit_ids_without_locations = array_diff($ids_with_loc, $ids_in_loc); if (count($punit_ids_without_locations)) { $tabs_to_update = array_chunk($punit_ids_without_locations, 100); foreach ($tabs_to_update as $sub_tab) { $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->update()->multiple(true)->field('module')->references($module_parent)->field('id')->in($sub_tab)->field('haslocations')->set(false)->getQuery()->execute(); } } $dm->clear(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); $module_parent = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($parent_to_update); } else { $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->update()->multiple(true)->field('module')->references($module_parent)->field('haslocations')->equals(true)->field('haslocations')->set(false)->getQuery()->execute(); } } //add new data $csvfile = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/uploads/' . $module->getCollection()->getAlias() . '/' . $module->getAlias() . '.csv'; $handle = fopen($csvfile, "r"); $columns = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";"); $fields = array(); $attributes = $module->getProperties(); foreach ($attributes as $field) { $fields[] = $field; } $batchSize = 100; $size = 0; $rowCount = 0; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== false) { $geo_error = false; $num = count($data); $location = new Location(); $coordinates = new Coordinates(); $attributes = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { $value = trim($this->data_encode($data[$c])); //check for int or float value if (is_numeric($value)) { $tmp_value = intval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } else { $tmp_value = floatval($value); if ($value == $tmp_value) { $value = $tmp_value; } } } // $attributes[$fields[$c]->getId()] = $value; switch ($fields[$c]->getType()) { case 'lon': if (strlen($value) == 0) { $geo_error = true; } $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); $value = floatval($value); $location->setLongitude($value); $coordinates->setX($value); break; case 'lat': if (strlen($value) == 0) { $geo_error = true; } $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); $value = floatval($value); $location->setLatitude($value); $coordinates->setY($value); break; case 'idparent': $location->setIdparent($value . ''); break; case 'idmodule': $location->setIdentifier($value . ''); break; } } if (!$geo_error) { $location->setCoordinates($coordinates); $location->setProperty($attributes); $location->setModule($module); $parent = null; if ($module->getParent()) { $parent_q = $dm->createQueryBuilder('PlantnetDataBundle:Plantunit')->field('')->equals($module->getParent()->getId())->field('identifier')->equals($location->getIdparent())->getQuery()->execute(); foreach ($parent_q as $p) { $parent = $p; } } if ($parent) { $location->setPlantunit($parent); $location->setTitle1($parent->getTitle1()); $location->setTitle2($parent->getTitle2()); $location->setTitle3($parent->getTitle3()); $dm->persist($location); $rowCount++; $size++; if (!$parent->getHaslocations()) { $parent->setHaslocations(true); $dm->persist($parent); $size++; } if ($size >= $batchSize) { $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); $size = 0; } } else { $dm->detach($location); } } else { $dm->detach($location); } } fclose($handle); $module->setNbrows($rowCount); $dm->persist($module); $dm->flush(); $dm->clear(); gc_collect_cycles(); $module = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Module')->find($idmodule); return $module; }