  * @param bool $standalone When set to true, the Top controls will be hidden to provide better full screen view
  * @param bool $fetch
  * @param bool|string $segmentOverride
  * @return string
 public function realtimeMap($standalone = false, $fetch = false, $segmentOverride = false)
     $idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int');
     $token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $view = new View('@UserCountryMap/realtimeMap');
     $view->mapIsStandaloneNotWidget = $standalone;
     $view->metrics = $this->getMetrics($idSite, 'range', self::REAL_TIME_WINDOW, $token_auth);
     $view->defaultMetric = 'nb_visits';
     $liveRefreshAfterMs = (int) Config::getInstance()->General['live_widget_refresh_after_seconds'] * 1000;
     $goals = APIGoals::getInstance()->getGoals($idSite);
     $site = new Site($idSite);
     $hasGoals = !empty($goals) || $site->isEcommerceEnabled();
     // maximum number of visits to be displayed in the map
     $maxVisits = Common::getRequestVar('filter_limit', 100, 'int');
     // some translations
     $locale = array('nb_actions' => Piwik::translate('VisitsSummary_NbActionsDescription'), 'local_time' => Piwik::translate('VisitTime_ColumnLocalTime'), 'from' => Piwik::translate('General_FromReferrer'), 'seconds' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_Seconds'), 'seconds_ago' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_SecondsAgo'), 'minutes' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_Minutes'), 'minutes_ago' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_MinutesAgo'), 'hours' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_Hours'), 'hours_ago' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_HoursAgo'), 'days_ago' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_DaysAgo'), 'actions' => Piwik::translate('VisitsSummary_NbPageviewsDescription'), 'searches' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_Searches'), 'goal_conversions' => Piwik::translate('UserCountryMap_GoalConversions'));
     $segment = $segmentOverride ?: Request::getRawSegmentFromRequest() ?: '';
     $params = array('period' => 'range', 'idSite' => $idSite, 'segment' => $segment, 'token_auth' => $token_auth);
     $realtimeWindow = Common::getRequestVar('realtimeWindow', self::REAL_TIME_WINDOW, 'string');
     if ($realtimeWindow != 'false') {
         // handle special value
         $params['date'] = $realtimeWindow;
     $reqParams = $this->getEnrichedRequest($params, $encode = false);
     $view->config = array('metrics' => array(), 'svgBasePath' => $view->piwikUrl . 'plugins/UserCountryMap/svg/', 'liveRefreshAfterMs' => $liveRefreshAfterMs, '_' => $locale, 'reqParams' => $reqParams, 'siteHasGoals' => $hasGoals, 'maxVisits' => $maxVisits, 'changeVisitAlpha' => Common::getRequestVar('changeVisitAlpha', true, 'int'), 'removeOldVisits' => Common::getRequestVar('removeOldVisits', true, 'int'), 'showFooterMessage' => Common::getRequestVar('showFooterMessage', true, 'int'), 'showDateTime' => Common::getRequestVar('showDateTime', true, 'int'), 'doNotRefreshVisits' => Common::getRequestVar('doNotRefreshVisits', false, 'int'), 'enableAnimation' => Common::getRequestVar('enableAnimation', true, 'int'), 'forceNowValue' => Common::getRequestVar('forceNowValue', false, 'int'));
     return $view->render();
 public function widget()
     $view = new View('@Live/index');
     $view->idSite = $this->idSite;
     $view = $this->setCounters($view);
     $view->liveRefreshAfterMs = (int) Config::getInstance()->General['live_widget_refresh_after_seconds'] * 1000;
     $view->visitors = $this->getLastVisitsStart($fetchPlease = true);
     $view->liveTokenAuth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     return $this->render($view);
  * Returns a HTML page containing help for all the successfully loaded APIs.
  *  For each module it will return a mini help with the method names, parameters to give,
  * links to get the result in Xml/Csv/etc
  * @param bool $outputExampleUrls
  * @param string $prefixUrls
  * @return string
 public function getAllInterfaceString($outputExampleUrls = true, $prefixUrls = '')
     if (!empty($prefixUrls)) {
         $prefixUrls = 'http://demo.piwik.org/';
     $str = $toc = '';
     $token_auth = "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $parametersToSet = array('idSite' => Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int'), 'period' => Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string'), 'date' => Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string'));
     foreach (Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info) {
         $moduleName = Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
         if (in_array($moduleName, $this->modulesToHide)) {
         $toc .= "<a href='#{$moduleName}'>{$moduleName}</a><br/>";
         $str .= "\n<a  name='{$moduleName}' id='{$moduleName}'></a><h2>Module " . $moduleName . "</h2>";
         $str .= "<div class='apiDescription'> " . $info['__documentation'] . " </div>";
         foreach ($info as $methodName => $infoMethod) {
             if ($methodName == '__documentation') {
             $params = $this->getParametersString($class, $methodName);
             $str .= "\n <div class='apiMethod'>- <b>{$moduleName}.{$methodName} </b>" . $params . "";
             $str .= '<small>';
             if ($outputExampleUrls) {
                 // we prefix all URLs with $prefixUrls
                 // used when we include this output in the Piwik official documentation for example
                 $str .= "<span class=\"example\">";
                 $exampleUrl = $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
                 if ($exampleUrl !== false) {
                     $lastNUrls = '';
                     if (preg_match('/(&period)|(&date)/', $exampleUrl)) {
                         $exampleUrlRss1 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last10', 'period' => 'day') + $parametersToSet);
                         $exampleUrlRss2 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last5', 'period' => 'week') + $parametersToSet);
                         $lastNUrls = ",\tRSS of the last <a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrlRss1}&format=rss{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>10 days</a>";
                     $exampleUrl = $prefixUrls . $exampleUrl;
                     $str .= " [ Example in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=xml{$token_auth}'>XML</a>,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=JSON{$token_auth}'>Json</a>,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=Tsv{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>Tsv (Excel)</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lastNUrls}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t]";
                 } else {
                     $str .= " [ No example available ]";
                 $str .= "</span>";
             $str .= '</small>';
             $str .= "</div>\n";
         $str .= '<div style="margin:15px;"><a href="#topApiRef">↑ Back to top</a></div>';
     $str = "<h2 id='topApiRef' name='topApiRef'>Quick access to APIs</h2>\n\t\t\t\t{$toc}\n\t\t\t\t{$str}";
     return $str;
 public function testAllSizes()
     $view = new View('@ImageGraph/testAllSizes');
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string');
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string');
     $_GET['token_auth'] = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $availableReports = APIPlugins::getInstance()->getReportMetadata($this->idSite, $period, $date);
     $view->availableReports = $availableReports;
     $view->graphTypes = array('');
     $view->graphSizes = array(array(null, null), array(460, 150), array(300, 150), array(240, 150), array(800, 150), array(600, 300, $fontSize = 18, 300, 150));
     return $view->render();
 public function oneClickUpdate()
     $view = new OneClickDone(Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth());
     $useHttps = Common::getRequestVar('https', 1, 'int');
     try {
         $messages = $this->updater->updatePiwik($useHttps);
     } catch (ArchiveDownloadException $e) {
         $view->httpsFail = $useHttps;
         $view->error = $e->getMessage();
         $messages = $e->getUpdateLogMessages();
     } catch (UpdaterException $e) {
         $view->error = $e->getMessage();
         $messages = $e->getUpdateLogMessages();
     $view->feedbackMessages = $messages;
     return $view->render();
    function getKeywordsForPage()
        $requestUrl = '&date=previous1' . '&period=week' . '&idSite=' . $this->idSite;
        $topPageUrlRequest = $requestUrl . '&method=Actions.getPageUrls' . '&filter_limit=50' . '&format=original';
        $request = new Request($topPageUrlRequest);
        $request = $request->process();
        /** @var $request Map */
        $tables = $request->getDataTables();
        $topPageUrl = false;
        $first = key($tables);
        if (!empty($first)) {
            $topPageUrls = $tables[$first];
            $topPageUrls = $topPageUrls->getRowsMetadata('url');
            $tmpTopPageUrls = array_values($topPageUrls);
            $topPageUrl = current($tmpTopPageUrls);
        if (empty($topPageUrl)) {
            $topPageUrl = $this->site->getMainUrl();
        $url = $topPageUrl;
        // HTML
        $api = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl() . '?module=API&method=Referrers.getKeywordsForPageUrl' . '&format=php' . '&filter_limit=10' . '&token_auth=' . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
        $api .= $requestUrl;
        $code = '
// This function will call the API to get best keyword for current URL.
// Then it writes the list of best keywords in a HTML list
function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "")
	// Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
	@ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
	// Get the Keywords data
	$url = empty($url) ? "http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
	$api = "' . $api . '&url=" . urlencode($url);
	$keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
	if($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
		// DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
		// echo "Error while fetching the <a href=\'$api\'>Top Keywords from Piwik</a>";

	// Display the list in HTML
	$url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
	$output = "<h2>Top Keywords for <a href=\'$url\'>$url</a></h2><ul>";
	foreach($keywords as $keyword) {
		$output .= "<li>". $keyword . "</li>";
	if(empty($keywords)) { $output .= "Nothing yet..."; }
	$output .= "</ul>";
	echo $output;
        $jsonRequest = str_replace('format=php', 'format=json', $api);
        echo "<p>This widget is designed to work in your website directly.\n\t\tThis widget makes it easy to use Piwik to <i>automatically display the list of Top Keywords</i>, for each of your website Page URLs.</p>\n\t\t<p>\n\t\t<b>Example API URL</b> - For example if you would like to get the top 10 keywords, used last week, to land on the page <a target='_blank' href='{$topPageUrl}'>{$topPageUrl}</a>,\n\t\tin format JSON: you would dynamically fetch the data using <a target='_blank' href='{$jsonRequest}&url=" . urlencode($topPageUrl) . "'>this API request URL</a>. Make sure you encode the 'url' parameter in the URL.</p>\n\n\t\t<p><b>PHP Function ready to use!</b> - If you use PHP on your website, we have prepared a small code snippet that you can copy paste in your Website PHP files. You can then simply call the function <code>DisplayTopKeywords();</code> anywhere in your template, at the bottom of the content or in your blog sidebar.\n\t\tIf you run this code in your page {$topPageUrl}, it would output the following:";
        echo "<div style='width:400px;margin-left:20px;padding:10px;border:1px solid black;'>";
        function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "", $api)
            // Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
            @ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
            // Get the Keywords data
            $url = empty($url) ? "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
            $api = $api . "&url=" . urlencode($url);
            $keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
            if ($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
                // DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
                //echo "Error while fetching the <a href=\'".$api."\'>Top Keywords from Piwik</a>";
            // Display the list in HTML
            $url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
            $output = "<h2>Top Keywords for <a href=\\'{$url}\\'>{$url}</a></h2><ul>";
            foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                $output .= "<li>" . $keyword . "</li>";
            if (empty($keywords)) {
                $output .= "Nothing yet...";
            $output .= "</ul>";
            echo $output;
        DisplayTopKeywords($topPageUrl, $api);
        echo "</div><br/>\n\t\t<p>Here is the PHP function that you can paste in your pages:</P>\n\t\t<textarea cols=60 rows=8>&lt;?php\n" . htmlspecialchars($code) . "\n DisplayTopKeywords();</textarea>\n\t\t";
        echo "\n\t\t<p><strong>Notes</strong>: You can for example edit the code to to make the Top search keywords link to your Website search result pages.\n\t\t<br/>On medium to large traffic websites, we recommend to cache this data, as to minimize the performance impact of calling the Piwik API on each page view.\n\t\t</p>\n\t\t";
 public function oneClickUpdate()
     $this->newVersion = $this->checkNewVersionIsAvailableOrDie();
     $url = self::getLatestZipUrl($this->newVersion);
     $steps = array(array('oneClick_Download', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_DownloadingUpdateFromX', $url)), array('oneClick_Unpack', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_UnpackingTheUpdate')), array('oneClick_Verify', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_VerifyingUnpackedFiles')), array('oneClick_CreateConfigFileBackup', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_CreatingBackupOfConfigurationFile', self::CONFIG_FILE_BACKUP)));
     $incompatiblePlugins = $this->getIncompatiblePlugins($this->newVersion);
     if (!empty($incompatiblePlugins)) {
         $namesToDisable = array();
         foreach ($incompatiblePlugins as $incompatiblePlugin) {
             $namesToDisable[] = $incompatiblePlugin->getPluginName();
         $steps[] = array('oneClick_DisableIncompatiblePlugins', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_DisablingIncompatiblePlugins', implode(', ', $namesToDisable)));
     $steps[] = array('oneClick_Copy', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_InstallingTheLatestVersion'));
     $steps[] = array('oneClick_Finished', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully'));
     $errorMessage = false;
     $messages = array();
     foreach ($steps as $step) {
         try {
             $method = $step[0];
             $message = $step[1];
             $messages[] = $message;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
     $view = new OneClickDone(Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth());
     $view->coreError = $errorMessage;
     $view->feedbackMessages = $messages;
     return $view->render();
  * Checks that the token_auth in the URL matches the currently logged-in user's token_auth.
  * This is a protection against CSRF and should be used in all controller
  * methods that modify Piwik or any user settings.
  * **The token_auth should never appear in the browser's address bar.**
  * @throws \Piwik\NoAccessException If the token doesn't match.
  * @api
 protected function checkTokenInUrl()
     $tokenRequest = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false);
     $tokenUser = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     if (empty($tokenRequest) && empty($tokenUser)) {
         // UI tests
     if ($tokenRequest !== $tokenUser) {
         throw new NoAccessException(Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidToken'));
文件: View.php 项目: diosmosis/piwik
  * Renders the current view. Also sends the stored 'Content-Type' HTML header.
  * See {@link setContentType()}.
  * @return string Generated template.
 public function render()
     try {
         $this->currentModule = Piwik::getModule();
         $this->currentAction = Piwik::getAction();
         $this->url = Common::sanitizeInputValue(Url::getCurrentUrl());
         $this->token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $this->userHasSomeAdminAccess = Piwik::isUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
         $this->userIsAnonymous = Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous();
         $this->userIsSuperUser = Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess();
         $this->latest_version_available = UpdateCheck::isNewestVersionAvailable();
         $this->disableLink = Common::getRequestVar('disableLink', 0, 'int');
         $this->isWidget = Common::getRequestVar('widget', 0, 'int');
         $piwikAds = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\\ProfessionalServices\\Advertising');
         $this->areAdsForProfessionalServicesEnabled = $piwikAds->areAdsForProfessionalServicesEnabled();
         if (Development::isEnabled()) {
             $cacheBuster = rand(0, 10000);
         } else {
             $cacheBuster = UIAssetCacheBuster::getInstance()->piwikVersionBasedCacheBuster();
         $this->cacheBuster = $cacheBuster;
         $this->loginModule = Piwik::getLoginPluginName();
         $user = APIUsersManager::getInstance()->getUser($this->userLogin);
         $this->userAlias = $user['alias'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // can fail, for example at installation (no plugin loaded yet)
     Common::sendHeader('Content-Type: ' . $this->contentType);
     // always sending this header, sometimes empty, to ensure that Dashboard embed loads
     // - when calling sendHeader() multiple times, the last one prevails
     Common::sendHeader('X-Frame-Options: ' . (string) $this->xFrameOptions);
     return $this->renderTwigTemplate();
 public function oneClickUpdate()
     $this->newVersion = $this->checkNewVersionIsAvailableOrDie();
     $url = self::getLatestZipUrl($this->newVersion);
     $steps = array(array('oneClick_Download', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_DownloadingUpdateFromX', $url)), array('oneClick_Unpack', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_UnpackingTheUpdate')), array('oneClick_Verify', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_VerifyingUnpackedFiles')), array('oneClick_CreateConfigFileBackup', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_CreatingBackupOfConfigurationFile', self::CONFIG_FILE_BACKUP)), array('oneClick_Copy', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_InstallingTheLatestVersion')), array('oneClick_Finished', Piwik::translate('CoreUpdater_PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully')));
     $errorMessage = false;
     $messages = array();
     foreach ($steps as $step) {
         try {
             $method = $step[0];
             $message = $step[1];
             $messages[] = $message;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
     // this is a magic template to trigger the Piwik_View_Update
     $view = new OneClickDone(Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth());
     $view->coreError = $errorMessage;
     $view->feedbackMessages = $messages;
     return $view->render();
 private function getMethodString($moduleName, $class, $parametersToSet, $outputExampleUrls, $prefixUrls, $methodName)
     $str = '';
     $token_auth = "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $params = $this->getParametersString($class, $methodName);
     $str .= "\n <div class='apiMethod'>- <b>{$moduleName}.{$methodName} </b>" . $params . "";
     $str .= '<small>';
     if ($outputExampleUrls) {
         // we prefix all URLs with $prefixUrls
         // used when we include this output in the Piwik official documentation for example
         $str .= "<span class=\"example\">";
         $exampleUrl = $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
         if ($exampleUrl !== false) {
             $lastNUrls = '';
             if (preg_match('/(&period)|(&date)/', $exampleUrl)) {
                 $exampleUrlRss = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last10', 'period' => 'day') + $parametersToSet);
                 $lastNUrls = ",\tRSS of the last <a target='_blank' href='{$exampleUrlRss}&format=rss{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>10 days</a>";
             $exampleUrl = $prefixUrls . $exampleUrl;
             $str .= " [ Example in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target='_blank' href='{$exampleUrl}&format=xml{$token_auth}'>XML</a>,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target='_blank' href='{$exampleUrl}&format=JSON{$token_auth}'>Json</a>,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target='_blank' href='{$exampleUrl}&format=Tsv{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>Tsv (Excel)</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lastNUrls}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t]";
         } else {
             $str .= " [ No example available ]";
         $str .= "</span>";
     $str .= '</small>';
     $str .= "</div>\n";
     return $str;
  * Renders the current view. Also sends the stored 'Content-Type' HTML header.
  * See {@link setContentType()}.
  * @return string Generated template.
 public function render()
     try {
         $this->currentModule = Piwik::getModule();
         $this->currentAction = Piwik::getAction();
         $this->url = Common::sanitizeInputValue(Url::getCurrentUrl());
         $this->token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $this->userHasSomeAdminAccess = Piwik::isUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
         $this->userIsSuperUser = Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess();
         $this->latest_version_available = UpdateCheck::isNewestVersionAvailable();
         $this->disableLink = Common::getRequestVar('disableLink', 0, 'int');
         $this->isWidget = Common::getRequestVar('widget', 0, 'int');
         $this->cacheBuster = UIAssetCacheBuster::getInstance()->piwikVersionBasedCacheBuster();
         $this->loginModule = Piwik::getLoginPluginName();
         $user = APIUsersManager::getInstance()->getUser($this->userLogin);
         $this->userAlias = $user['alias'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // can fail, for example at installation (no plugin loaded yet)
     try {
         $this->totalTimeGeneration = Registry::get('timer')->getTime();
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = Profiler::getQueryCount();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = 0;
     @header('Content-Type: ' . $this->contentType);
     // always sending this header, sometimes empty, to ensure that Dashboard embed loads (which could call this header() multiple times, the last one will prevail)
     @header('X-Frame-Options: ' . (string) $this->xFrameOptions);
     return $this->renderTwigTemplate();
  * Renders the current view. Also sends the stored 'Content-Type' HTML header.
  * See {@link setContentType()}.
  * @return string Generated template.
 public function render()
     try {
         $this->currentModule = Piwik::getModule();
         $this->currentAction = Piwik::getAction();
         $userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
         $this->userLogin = $userLogin;
         $count = SettingsPiwik::getWebsitesCountToDisplay();
         $sites = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess($count);
         usort($sites, function ($site1, $site2) {
             return strcasecmp($site1["name"], $site2["name"]);
         $this->sites = $sites;
         $this->url = Common::sanitizeInputValue(Url::getCurrentUrl());
         $this->token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $this->userHasSomeAdminAccess = Piwik::isUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
         $this->userIsSuperUser = Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser();
         $this->latest_version_available = UpdateCheck::isNewestVersionAvailable();
         $this->disableLink = Common::getRequestVar('disableLink', 0, 'int');
         $this->isWidget = Common::getRequestVar('widget', 0, 'int');
         if (Config::getInstance()->General['autocomplete_min_sites'] <= count($sites)) {
             $this->show_autocompleter = true;
         } else {
             $this->show_autocompleter = false;
         $this->loginModule = Piwik::getLoginPluginName();
         $user = APIUsersManager::getInstance()->getUser($userLogin);
         $this->userAlias = $user['alias'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // can fail, for example at installation (no plugin loaded yet)
     try {
         $this->totalTimeGeneration = Registry::get('timer')->getTime();
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = Profiler::getQueryCount();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = 0;
     @header('Content-Type: ' . $this->contentType);
     // always sending this header, sometimes empty, to ensure that Dashboard embed loads (which could call this header() multiple times, the last one will prevail)
     @header('X-Frame-Options: ' . (string) $this->xFrameOptions);
     return $this->renderTwigTemplate();
  * The "User Settings" admin UI screen view
 public function userSettings()
     $view = new View('@UsersManager/userSettings');
     $userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
     $user = Request::processRequest('UsersManager.getUser', array('userLogin' => $userLogin));
     $view->userAlias = $user['alias'];
     $view->userEmail = $user['email'];
     $view->userTokenAuth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $view->ignoreSalt = $this->getIgnoreCookieSalt();
     $userPreferences = new UserPreferences();
     $defaultReport = $userPreferences->getDefaultReport();
     if ($defaultReport === false) {
         $defaultReport = $userPreferences->getDefaultWebsiteId();
     $view->defaultReport = $defaultReport;
     if ($defaultReport == 'MultiSites') {
         $defaultSiteId = $userPreferences->getDefaultWebsiteId();
         $reportOptionsValue = $defaultSiteId;
         $view->defaultReportIdSite = $defaultSiteId;
         $view->defaultReportSiteName = Site::getNameFor($defaultSiteId);
     } else {
         $reportOptionsValue = $defaultReport;
         $view->defaultReportIdSite = $defaultReport;
         $view->defaultReportSiteName = Site::getNameFor($defaultReport);
     $view->defaultReportOptions = array(array('key' => 'MultiSites', 'value' => Piwik::translate('General_AllWebsitesDashboard')), array('key' => $reportOptionsValue, 'value' => Piwik::translate('General_DashboardForASpecificWebsite')));
     $view->defaultDate = $this->getDefaultDateForUser($userLogin);
     $view->availableDefaultDates = $this->getDefaultDates();
     $languages = APILanguagesManager::getInstance()->getAvailableLanguageNames();
     $languageOptions = array();
     foreach ($languages as $language) {
         $languageOptions[] = array('key' => $language['code'], 'value' => $language['name']);
     $view->languageOptions = $languageOptions;
     $view->currentLanguageCode = LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
     $view->currentTimeformat = (int) LanguagesManager::uses12HourClockForCurrentUser();
     $view->ignoreCookieSet = IgnoreCookie::isIgnoreCookieFound();
     $view->piwikHost = Url::getCurrentHost();
     $view->timeFormats = array('1' => Piwik::translate('General_12HourClock'), '0' => Piwik::translate('General_24HourClock'));
     return $view->render();
     * A report is usually completely automatically rendered for you but you can render the report completely
     * customized if you wish. Just overwrite the method and make sure to return a string containing the content of the
     * report. Don't forget to create the defined twig template within the templates folder of your plugin in order to
     * make it work. Usually you should NOT have to overwrite this render method.
     * @return string
    public function render()
        $view = new View('@ExposureResearchTools/GetExposureResearchTools');
        $view->myData = array();
        return $view->render();
        $aLimit = (int) \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('vlimit', 100, 'int');
        if ($aLimit === 0) {
            $aLimit = 100;
        $getVar = (string) \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('casevar', 'num', 'string');
        if ($send === 'yes') {
        	$api = \Piwik\Plugins\ExposureResearchTools\API::getInstance();
        	        $data = $api->getExposureResearchTools(
        } else {
        // Copy all parameters
        $params = '';
        foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
        	if (in_array($key, array('vlimit', 'casevar', 'format'))) {
        	$monkey = "\r\n".'<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlspecialchars($key).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'" />';
        return '<form action="index.php" method="GET">
					<input type="hidden" name="module" value="API" />
					<input type="hidden" name="method" value="ExposureResearchTools.getData" />
					<input type="hidden" name="idSite" value="' . \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('idSite') . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="date" value="' . \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('date') . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="period" value="' . \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('period') . '" />
					<!-- <input type="hidden" name="segment" value="' . \Piwik\Common::getRequestVar('segment', '') . '" /> -->
					<input type="hidden" name="token_auth" value="' . \Piwik\Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth() . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="format" value="csv" />
					<input type="hidden" name="filter_limit" value="-1" />
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
					<td style="padding-right: 1em">Limit activities per visit:</td>
					<td><input type="text" name="vlimit" value="' . $aLimit . '" style="width: 64px" /></td>
					<td style="padding-right: 1em">Read subject ID from GET variable:</td>
					<td><input type="text" name="casevar" value="' . htmlspecialchars($getVar) . '" style="width: 180px" /></td>
					<td style="padding-right: 1em">Data structure:</td>
						<select name="structure" size="1" style="max-width: 100%">
							<option value="case">Per participant (many variables, few rows)</option>
							<option value="page">Per page view (few variables, may rows)</option>
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"><label>
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggregate" value="yes" checked="checked" />
						Include aggregate reading times per page (sum per page)<br>
						<span style="font-size: 85%">(applicable in per-participant structure, only)</span>
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"><label>
						<input type="checkbox" name="server" value="yes" />
						Retain domain name in URLs
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"><label>
						<input type="checkbox" name="noclip" value="yes" />
						Retain extension and query string in URLs (anything after the file name)
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"><label>
						<input type="checkbox" name="disindex" value="yes" />
						Distinguish index.html, index.htm, index.php, and homepage (/)
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"><label>
						<input type="checkbox" name="skipid" value="yes" />
						Skip visits without subject ID (only applicable if GET variable for subject ID is set)
					<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em">
						<strong>Note:</strong> All available data will be exported, regardless of the period defined above.
				<div style="margin-top: 1em">
					<button type="submit">Download CSV</button>

				<h2>File Structure</h2>
				<p>Depending on the file structure selected above, the variables in the result will be:</p>
				<ul style="list-style: circle; padding-left: 24px; margin-bottom: 30px">
					<li>Case identification (both structures)
						<ul style="list-style: circle; padding-left: 24px">
							<li><strong style="width: 60px; display: inline-block">id</strong> Piwik\'s ID for the visit</li>
							<li><strong style="width: 60px; display: inline-block">CASE</strong> Case ID retrieved from the URL (see setting GET variable)</li>
					<li>Structured &quot;per participant&quot;
						<ul style="list-style: circle; padding-left: 24px">
							<li><strong style="width: 60px; display: inline-block">T0</strong> Date and time when the first page was retrieved</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>A1</strong>&ndash;<strong>A<i>n</i></strong></span> Activities performed (pages viewed) during the visit: ID of the first viewed page stored in A1, etc.</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>T1</strong>&ndash;<strong>T<i>n</i></strong></span> Times spent per activity (time between retrieving one page and the following one): T1 is the time for A1 in seconds, etc.</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>AT</strong></span> Times spent during the visit overall.</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>AT_<i>xyz</i></strong></span> Aggregate time spent per activity <i>xyz</i> (e.g., page <i>xyz</i>), in seconds. This block of variables will only be available, if &quot;Include aggregate reading times&quot; has been checked above.</li>
					<li>Structured &quot;per action&quot;
						<ul style="list-style: circle; padding-left: 24px">
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>pos</strong></span> Order of actions (page views) during the visit</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>aID</strong></span> Unique ID for the action (page)</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>url</strong></span> Description of the action (page URL, usually shortend)</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>time</strong></span> Time spent on the action (page)</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>ontime</strong></span> Beginning of action [sec], relative to the visit\'s first page retrieval</li>
							<li><span style="width: 60px; display: inline-block"><strong>astime</strong></span> Absolute timestamp of the action (page view)</li>
				<p><strong>Note:</strong> Piwik will not record the time spent on the most recent page (activity). This affects <strong>T<i>n</i></strong>, <strong>AT</strong>, <strong>AT_<i>xyz</i></strong>, and <strong>time</strong>.</p>
				<p><strong>Note:</strong> If Excel won\'t open the file correctly (all data in one cell), download the CSV file to disk,
					then start Excel and open via menu &rarr; file &rarr; open. OpenOffice Calc will cause less trouble.</p>
				<h2>Additional Information</h2>
				<p>If you\'re interested in doing selective exposure research with this tool, the following may be helpful:</p>
				<ul style="list-style: circle; padding-left: 24px; margin-bottom: 30px">
						<p>We published a paper about this tool and how to collect SE data with Piwik:</p>
						<p>Leiner, D. J., Scherr, S., Bartsch, A. (forthcoming). Using Open Source Tools to Measure Online Selective Exposure in Naturalistic Settings. Communication Methods and Measures.</p>
						<p>There are additional resources on the <a href="https://github.com/BurninLeo/ExposureResearchTools" target="_blank">Plugin Website</a> (on GitHub).</p>
						<p>Specifically, there\'s a template for SoSci Survey to embed a stimulus presentation (via pop-up) between a pre and post questionnaire.
							The template takes care of transmitting the respondent ID, so that it appears in the SE data,
							and to store the times when the pop-up was opened and closed.</p>
  * Checks that the token_auth in the URL matches the currently logged-in user's token_auth.
  * This is a protection against CSRF and should be used in all controller
  * methods that modify Piwik or any user settings.
  * **The token_auth should never appear in the browser's address bar.**
  * @throws \Piwik\NoAccessException If the token doesn't match.
  * @api
 protected function checkTokenInUrl()
     if (Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false) != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) {
         throw new NoAccessException(Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidToken'));