public function execute() { $isPiwikInstalling = !Config::getInstance()->existsLocalConfig(); if ($isPiwikInstalling) { // Skip the diagnostic if Piwik is being installed return array(); } $label = $this->translator->translate('Installation_DatabaseAbilities'); $optionTable = Common::prefixTable('option'); $testOptionNames = array('test_system_check1', 'test_system_check2'); $loadDataInfile = false; $errorMessage = null; try { $loadDataInfile = Db\BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($optionTable, array('option_name', 'option_value'), array(array($testOptionNames[0], '1'), array($testOptionNames[1], '2')), $throwException = true); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $errorMessage = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $ex->getMessage()); } // delete the temporary rows that were created Db::exec("DELETE FROM `{$optionTable}` WHERE option_name IN ('" . implode("','", $testOptionNames) . "')"); if ($loadDataInfile) { return array(DiagnosticResult::singleResult($label, DiagnosticResult::STATUS_OK, 'LOAD DATA INFILE')); } $comment = sprintf('LOAD DATA INFILE<br/>%s<br/>%s', $this->translator->translate('Installation_LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp', array('LOAD DATA INFILE', 'FILE')), $this->translator->translate('Installation_LoadDataInfileRecommended')); if ($errorMessage) { $comment .= sprintf('<br/><strong>%s:</strong> %s<br/>%s', $this->translator->translate('General_Error'), $errorMessage, 'Troubleshooting: <a target="_blank" href="?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=">FAQ on</a>'); } return array(DiagnosticResult::singleResult($label, DiagnosticResult::STATUS_WARNING, $comment)); }
/** * Testing plain inserts (BLOB) * @group Core */ public function testTableInsertBatchIterateBlob() { $dateLabel = '2011-03-31'; $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable(Date::factory($dateLabel)); $data = $this->_getBlobDataInsert(); BatchInsert::tableInsertBatchIterate($table, array('idarchive', 'name', 'idsite', 'date1', 'date2', 'period', 'ts_archived', 'value'), $data); $this->_checkTableIsExpectedBlob($table, $data); // If we insert AGAIN, expect to throw an error because the primary key already exist try { BatchInsert::tableInsertBatchIterate($table, array('idarchive', 'name', 'idsite', 'date1', 'date2', 'period', 'ts_archived', 'value'), $data, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = false); } catch (Exception $e) { // However if we insert with keyword REPLACE, then the new data should be saved BatchInsert::tableInsertBatchIterate($table, array('idarchive', 'name', 'idsite', 'date1', 'date2', 'period', 'ts_archived', 'value'), $data, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true); $this->_checkTableIsExpectedBlob($table, $data); return; } $this->fail('Exception expected'); }
static function update() { $returningMetrics = array('nb_visits_returning', 'nb_actions_returning', 'max_actions_returning', 'sum_visit_length_returning', 'bounce_count_returning', 'nb_visits_converted_returning', 'nb_uniq_visitors_returning'); $now = Date::factory('now')->getDatetime(); $archiveNumericTables = Db::get()->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%archive_numeric%'"); // for each numeric archive table, copy *_returning metrics to VisitsSummary metrics w/ the appropriate // returning visit segment foreach ($archiveNumericTables as $table) { // get archives w/ *._returning $sql = "SELECT idarchive, idsite, period, date1, date2\n FROM {$table}\n WHERE name IN ('" . implode("','", $returningMetrics) . "')\n GROUP BY idarchive"; $idArchivesWithReturning = Db::fetchAll($sql); // get archives for visitssummary returning visitor segment $sql = "SELECT idarchive, idsite, period, date1, date2\n FROM {$table}\n WHERE name = ?\n GROUP BY idarchive"; $visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsOnePlugin(new Segment(VisitFrequencyApi::RETURNING_VISITOR_SEGMENT, $idSites = array()), 'VisitsSummary'); $idArchivesWithVisitReturningSegment = Db::fetchAll($sql, array($visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone)); // collect info for new visitssummary archives have to be created to match archives w/ *._returning // metrics $missingIdArchives = array(); $idArchiveMappings = array(); foreach ($idArchivesWithReturning as $row) { $withMetricsIdArchive = $row['idarchive']; foreach ($idArchivesWithVisitReturningSegment as $segmentRow) { if ($row['idsite'] == $segmentRow['idsite'] && $row['period'] == $segmentRow['period'] && $row['date1'] == $segmentRow['date1'] && $row['date2'] == $segmentRow['date2']) { $idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $segmentRow['idarchive']; } } if (!isset($idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive])) { $missingIdArchives[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $row; } } // if there are missing idarchives, fill out new archive row values if (!empty($missingIdArchives)) { $newIdArchiveStart = Db::fetchOne("SELECT MAX(idarchive) FROM {$table}") + 1; foreach ($missingIdArchives as $withMetricsIdArchive => &$rowToInsert) { $idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $newIdArchiveStart; $rowToInsert['idarchive'] = $newIdArchiveStart; $rowToInsert['ts_archived'] = $now; $rowToInsert['name'] = $visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone; $rowToInsert['value'] = ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK; ++$newIdArchiveStart; } // add missing archives try { $params = array(); foreach ($missingIdArchives as $missingIdArchive) { $params[] = array_values($missingIdArchive); } BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($table, array_keys(reset($missingIdArchives)), $params, $throwException = false); } catch (\Exception $ex) { Updater::handleQueryError($ex, "<batch insert>", false, __FILE__); } } // update idarchive & name columns in rows with *._returning metrics $updateSqlPrefix = "UPDATE {$table}\n SET idarchive = CASE idarchive "; $updateSqlSuffix = " END, name = CASE name "; foreach ($returningMetrics as $metric) { $newMetricName = substr($metric, 0, strlen($metric) - strlen(VisitFrequencyApi::COLUMN_SUFFIX)); $updateSqlSuffix .= "WHEN '{$metric}' THEN '" . $newMetricName . "' "; } $updateSqlSuffix .= " END WHERE idarchive IN (%s)\n AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $returningMetrics) . "')"; // update only 1000 rows at a time so we don't send too large an SQL query to MySQL foreach (array_chunk($missingIdArchives, 1000, $preserveKeys = true) as $chunk) { $idArchives = array(); $updateSql = $updateSqlPrefix; foreach ($chunk as $withMetricsIdArchive => $row) { $updateSql .= "WHEN {$withMetricsIdArchive} THEN {$row['idarchive']} "; $idArchives[] = $withMetricsIdArchive; } $updateSql .= sprintf($updateSqlSuffix, implode(',', $idArchives)); Updater::executeMigrationQuery($updateSql, false, __FILE__); } } }
private static function checkLoadDataInfile(&$result) { // check if LOAD DATA INFILE works $optionTable = Common::prefixTable('option'); $testOptionNames = array('test_system_check1', 'test_system_check2'); $result['load_data_infile_available'] = false; try { $result['load_data_infile_available'] = \Piwik\Db\BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($optionTable, array('option_name', 'option_value'), array(array($testOptionNames[0], '1'), array($testOptionNames[1], '2')), $throwException = true); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $result['load_data_infile_error'] = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $ex->getMessage()); } // delete the temporary rows that were created Db::exec("DELETE FROM `{$optionTable}` WHERE option_name IN ('" . implode("','", $testOptionNames) . "')"); }
protected function insertBulkRecords($records) { // Using standard plain INSERT if there is only one record to insert if ($DEBUG_DO_NOT_USE_BULK_INSERT = false || count($records) == 1) { foreach ($records as $record) { $this->insertRecord($record[0], $record[1]); } return true; } $bindSql = $this->getInsertRecordBind(); $values = array(); $valueSeen = false; foreach ($records as $record) { // don't record zero if (empty($record[1])) { continue; } $bind = $bindSql; $bind[] = $record[0]; // name $bind[] = $record[1]; // value $values[] = $bind; $valueSeen = $record[1]; } if (empty($values)) { return true; } $tableName = $this->getTableNameToInsert($valueSeen); $fields = $this->getInsertFields(); BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values); return true; }
public function exec() { Db\BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($this->table, $this->columnNames, $this->values, $this->throwException, $this->charset); }