public function runAppInit($cleanCache = false) { if ($cleanCache) { ensure_cache(PIECRUST_BENCHMARKS_CACHE_DIR, true); } $pc = new PieCrust(array('cache' => (bool) $this->cacheDir, 'root' => $this->rootDir)); $pc->setCacheDir($this->cacheDir); $pc->getConfig(); return $pc; }
/** * @dataProvider urlFormatsDataProvider */ public function testUrlFormats($prettyUrls, $trailingSlash, $expectedContents) { $fs = MockFileSystem::create(); $fs->withPage('test_page', array('layout' => 'none', 'format' => 'none'), <<<'EOD' Normal: {{pcurl('normal')}} Normal in folder: {{pcurl('somewhere/normal')}} Ext: {{pcurl('foo.ext')}} Ext in folder: {{pcurl('somewhere/foo.ext')}} EOD ); $fs->withPage('', array('layout' => 'none', 'format' => 'none'), "THIS IS FOO!"); $app = new PieCrust(array('cache' => false, 'root' => $fs->url('kitchen'))); $app->getConfig()->setValue('site/pretty_urls', $prettyUrls); if ($trailingSlash) { $app->getConfig()->setValue('baker/trailing_slash', true); } $baker = new PieCrustBaker($app); $baker->bake(); $otherPagePath = ''; if ($prettyUrls) { $otherPagePath = ''; } $this->assertFileExists($fs->url('kitchen/_counter/' . $otherPagePath)); $this->assertEquals("THIS IS FOO!", file_get_contents($fs->url('kitchen/_counter/' . $otherPagePath))); $fileName = $prettyUrls ? 'test_page/index.html' : 'test_page.html'; $this->assertFileExists($fs->url('kitchen/_counter/' . $fileName)); $this->assertEquals($expectedContents, file_get_contents($fs->url('kitchen/_counter/' . $fileName))); }
protected function prebake($server = null, $path = null) { // Things like the plugin loader will add paths to the PHP include path. // Let's save it and restore it later. $includePath = get_include_path(); $pieCrust = new PieCrust(array('root' => $this->rootDir, 'cache' => $this->options['cache']), $server); $parameters = $pieCrust->getConfig()->getValue('baker'); if ($parameters == null) { $parameters = array(); } $parameters = array_merge(array('smart' => true, 'mounts' => array(), 'processors' => '*', 'skip_patterns' => array(), 'force_patterns' => array()), $parameters); $dirBaker = new DirectoryBaker($pieCrust, $this->bakeCacheDir, array('smart' => $parameters['smart'], 'mounts' => $parameters['mounts'], 'processors' => $parameters['processors'], 'skip_patterns' => $parameters['skip_patterns'], 'force_patterns' => $parameters['force_patterns']), $this->logger); $dirBaker->bake($path); // Restore the include path. set_include_path($includePath); return $dirBaker->getBakedFiles(); }
/** * Runs Chef given some command-line arguments. */ public function runUnsafe($userArgc = null, $userArgv = null) { // Get the arguments. if ($userArgc == null || $userArgv == null) { $getopt = new \Console_Getopt(); $userArgv = $getopt->readPHPArgv(); // `readPHPArgv` returns a `PEAR_Error` (or something like it) if // it can't figure out the CLI arguments. if (!is_array($userArgv)) { throw new PieCrustException($userArgv->getMessage()); } $userArgc = count($userArgv); } // Find if whether the `--root` or `--config` parameters were given. $rootDir = null; $isThemeSite = false; $configVariant = null; for ($i = 1; $i < count($userArgv); ++$i) { $arg = $userArgv[$i]; if (substr($arg, 0, strlen('--root=')) == '--root=') { $rootDir = substr($arg, strlen('--root=')); if (substr($rootDir, 0, 1) == '~') { $rootDir = getenv("HOME") . substr($rootDir, 1); } } elseif ($arg == '--root') { $rootDir = $userArgv[$i + 1]; ++$i; } elseif (substr($arg, 0, strlen('--config=')) == '--config=') { $configVariant = substr($arg, strlen('--config=')); } elseif ($arg == '--config') { $configVariant = $userArgv[$i + 1]; ++$i; } elseif ($arg == '--theme') { $isThemeSite = true; } else { if ($arg[0] != '-') { // End of the global arguments sections. This is // the command name. break; } } } if ($rootDir == null) { // No root given. Find it ourselves. $rootDir = PathHelper::getAppRootDir(getcwd(), $isThemeSite); } else { // The root was given. $rootDir = trim($rootDir, " \""); if (!is_dir($rootDir)) { throw new PieCrustException("The given root directory doesn't exist: " . $rootDir); } } // Build the appropriate app. if ($rootDir == null) { $pieCrust = new NullPieCrust(); } else { $environment = new ChefEnvironment(); $pieCrust = new PieCrust(array('root' => $rootDir, 'cache' => !in_array('--no-cache', $userArgv), 'environment' => $environment, 'theme_site' => $isThemeSite)); } // Pre-load the correct config variant if any was specified. if ($configVariant != null) { // You can't apply a config variant if there's no website. if ($rootDir == null) { $cwd = getcwd(); throw new PieCrustException("No PieCrust website in '{$cwd}' ('_content/config.yml' not found!)."); } $configVariant = trim($configVariant, " \""); $pieCrust->getConfig()->applyVariant('variants/' . $configVariant); } // Set up the command line parser. $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'chef', 'description' => 'The PieCrust chef manages your website.', 'version' => PieCrustDefaults::VERSION)); $parser->renderer = new ChefCommandLineRenderer($parser); $this->addCommonOptionsAndArguments($parser); // Sort commands by name. $sortedCommands = $pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands(); usort($sortedCommands, function ($com1, $com2) { return strcmp($com1->getName(), $com2->getName()); }); // Add commands to the parser. foreach ($sortedCommands as $command) { $commandParser = $parser->addCommand($command->getName()); $command->setupParser($commandParser, $pieCrust); } // Parse the command line. try { $result = $parser->parse($userArgc, $userArgv); } catch (Exception $e) { $parser->displayError($e->getMessage(), false); return 3; } // If no command was given, use `help`. if (empty($result->command_name)) { $result = $parser->parse(2, array('chef', 'help')); } // Create the log. $debugMode = $result->options['debug']; $quietMode = $result->options['quiet']; if ($debugMode && $quietMode) { $parser->displayError("You can't specify both --debug and --quiet.", false); return 1; } $log = new ChefLog('Chef'); // Log to a file. if ($result->options['log']) { $log->addFileLog($result->options['log']); } // Make the log available to PieCrust. if ($rootDir != null) { $environment->setLog($log); } // Make the log available for debugging purposes. $GLOBALS['__CHEF_LOG'] = $log; // Run the command. foreach ($pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands() as $command) { if ($command->getName() == $result->command_name) { try { if ($rootDir == null && $command->requiresWebsite()) { $cwd = getcwd(); throw new PieCrustException("No PieCrust website in '{$cwd}' ('_content/config.yml' not found!)."); } if ($debugMode) { $log->debug("PieCrust v." . PieCrustDefaults::VERSION); $log->debug(" Website: {$rootDir}"); } $context = new ChefContext($pieCrust, $result, $log); $context->setVerbosity($debugMode ? 'debug' : ($quietMode ? 'quiet' : 'default')); $command->run($context); return; } catch (Exception $e) { $log->exception($e, $debugMode); return 1; } } } }
/** * Runs Chef given some command-line arguments. */ public function runUnsafe($userArgc = null, $userArgv = null) { // Get the arguments. if ($userArgc == null || $userArgv == null) { $getopt = new \Console_Getopt(); $userArgv = $getopt->readPHPArgv(); // `readPHPArgv` returns a `PEAR_Error` (or something like it) if // it can't figure out the CLI arguments. if (!is_array($userArgv)) { throw new PieCrustException($userArgv->getMessage()); } $userArgc = count($userArgv); } // Find whether the '--root' parameter was given. $rootDir = null; foreach ($userArgv as $arg) { if (substr($arg, 0, strlen('--root=')) == '--root=') { $rootDir = substr($arg, strlen('--root=')); break; } } if ($rootDir == null) { // No root given. Find it ourselves. $rootDir = PathHelper::getAppRootDir(getcwd()); } else { // The root was given. $rootDir = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($rootDir); if (!is_dir($rootDir)) { throw new PieCrustException("The given root directory doesn't exist: " . $rootDir); } } // Build the appropriate app. if ($rootDir == null) { $pieCrust = new NullPieCrust(); } else { $pieCrust = new PieCrust(array('root' => $rootDir, 'cache' => !in_array('--no-cache', $userArgv))); } // Set up the command line parser. $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'chef', 'description' => 'The PieCrust chef manages your website.', 'version' => PieCrustDefaults::VERSION)); // Sort commands by name. $sortedCommands = $pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands(); usort($sortedCommands, function ($c1, $c2) { return strcmp($c1->getName(), $c2->getName()); }); // Add commands to the parser. foreach ($sortedCommands as $command) { $commandParser = $parser->addCommand($command->getName()); $command->setupParser($commandParser, $pieCrust); $this->addCommonOptionsAndArguments($commandParser); } // Parse the command line. try { $result = $parser->parse($userArgc, $userArgv); } catch (Exception $e) { $parser->displayError($e->getMessage()); return 1; } // If no command was given, use `help`. if (empty($result->command_name)) { $result = $parser->parse(2, array('chef', 'help')); } // Create the log. $debugMode = $result->command->options['debug']; $quietMode = $result->command->options['quiet']; if ($debugMode && $quietMode) { $parser->displayError("You can't specify both --debug and --quiet."); return 1; } $log = \Log::singleton('console', 'Chef', '', array('lineFormat' => '%{message}')); // Make the log available for debugging purposes. $GLOBALS['__CHEF_LOG'] = $log; // Handle deprecated stuff. if ($result->command->options['no_cache_old']) { $log->warning("The `--nocache` option has been renamed `--no-cache`."); $result->command->options['no_cache'] = true; } // Run the command. foreach ($pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands() as $command) { if ($command->getName() == $result->command_name) { try { if ($rootDir == null && $command->requiresWebsite()) { $cwd = getcwd(); throw new PieCrustException("No PieCrust website in '{$cwd}' ('_content/config.yml' not found!)."); } $context = new ChefContext($pieCrust, $result, $log); $context->setVerbosity($debugMode ? 'debug' : ($quietMode ? 'quiet' : 'default')); $command->run($context); return; } catch (Exception $e) { $log->emerg(self::getErrorMessage($e, $debugMode)); return 1; } } } }