public function getTextFrom($path)
     $path = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($path, $this->pieCrust->getRootDir());
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         throw new PieCrustException("Invalid path for 'text_from': {$path}");
     return file_get_contents($path);
 public function run(ChefContext $context)
     $logger = $context->getLog();
     $pieCrust = $context->getApp();
     $result = $context->getResult();
     // Get some options.
     $exact = $result->command->options['exact'];
     $fullPath = $result->command->options['full_path'];
     // If no type filters are given, return all types.
     $returnAllTypes = ($result->command->options['pages'] == false and $result->command->options['posts'] == false and $result->command->options['templates'] == false);
     // Validate the argument.
     $pattern = $result->command->args['pattern'];
     if ($exact) {
         // Check we have a path to match, and get its absolute value.
         if (!$pattern) {
             throw new PieCrustException("You need to specify a path when using the `--exact` option.");
         $pattern = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($pattern);
     } else {
         // If a pattern was given, get the Regex'd version.
         if ($pattern) {
             $pattern = PathHelper::globToRegex($pattern);
     $result->command->args['pattern'] = $pattern;
     $foundAny = false;
     // Find pages.
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['pages']) {
         $pages = PageHelper::getPages($pieCrust);
         $foundAny |= $this->findPages($context, $pages);
     // Find posts.
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['posts']) {
         $blogKeys = $pieCrust->getConfig()->getValue('site/blogs');
         if ($result->command->options['blog']) {
             $blogKeys = array($result->command->options['blog']);
         foreach ($blogKeys as $blogKey) {
             $pages = PageHelper::getPosts($pieCrust, $blogKey);
             $pagesIterator = new \ArrayIterator($pages);
             $sorter = new DateSortIterator($pagesIterator);
             $pages = iterator_to_array($sorter);
             $foundAny |= $this->findPages($context, $pages, $blogKey);
     // Find templates.
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['templates']) {
         $templatesDirs = $pieCrust->getTemplatesDirs();
         foreach ($templatesDirs as $dir) {
             $foundAny |= $this->findTemplates($context, $dir);
     if (!$foundAny) {
         $pattern = $result->command->args['pattern'];
         $logger->info("No match found for '{$pattern}'.");
     return 0;
 public function run(ChefContext $context)
     $logger = $context->getLog();
     $pieCrust = $context->getApp();
     $result = $context->getResult();
     // Get some options.
     $exact = $result->command->options['exact'];
     $fullPath = $result->command->options['full_path'];
     // If no type filters are given, return all types.
     $returnAllTypes = ($result->command->options['pages'] == false and $result->command->options['posts'] == false and $result->command->options['templates'] == false);
     // Validate the argument.
     $pattern = $result->command->args['pattern'];
     if ($exact) {
         // Check we have a path to match, and get its absolute value.
         if (!$pattern) {
             throw new PieCrustException("You need to specify a path when using the `--exact` option.");
         $pattern = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($pattern);
     } else {
         // If a pattern was given, get the Regex'd version.
         if ($pattern) {
             $pattern = PathHelper::globToRegex($pattern);
     // Get the pages and posts.
     $pages = array();
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['pages']) {
         $pages = PageHelper::getPages($pieCrust);
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['posts']) {
         $blogKeys = $pieCrust->getConfig()->getValue('site/blogs');
         if ($result->command->options['blog']) {
             $blogKeys = array($result->command->options['blog']);
         foreach ($blogKeys as $blogKey) {
             $pages = array_merge($pages, PageHelper::getPosts($pieCrust, $blogKey));
     // Get some other stuff.
     $returnComponents = $result->command->options['page_components'];
     // Get a regex for the posts file-naming convention.
     $fs = FileSystem::create($pieCrust);
     $pathComponentsRegex = preg_quote($fs->getPostPathFormat(), '/');
     $pathComponentsRegex = str_replace(array('%year%', '%month%', '%day%', '%slug%'), array('(\\d{4})', '(\\d{2})', '(\\d{2})', '(.+)'), $pathComponentsRegex);
     $pathComponentsRegex = '/' . $pathComponentsRegex . '/';
     // Print the matching pages.
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         if ($result->command->options['no_special']) {
             // Skip special pages.
             if ($page->getUri() == PieCrustDefaults::CATEGORY_PAGE_NAME or $page->getUri() == PieCrustDefaults::TAG_PAGE_NAME) {
         if ($exact) {
             // Match the path exactly, or pass.
             if (str_replace('\\', '/', $pattern) != str_replace('\\', '/', $page->getPath())) {
         } else {
             if ($pattern) {
                 // Match the regex, or pass.
                 if (!preg_match($pattern, $page->getUri())) {
         $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $page->getPath());
         if (!$fullPath) {
             $path = PieCrustHelper::getRelativePath($pieCrust, $path);
         if ($returnComponents) {
             $components = array('path' => $path, 'type' => 'page', 'uri' => $page->getUri(), 'slug' => $page->getUri());
             if (PageHelper::isPost($page)) {
                 $matches = array();
                 if (preg_match($pathComponentsRegex, str_replace('\\', '/', $path), $matches) !== 1) {
                     throw new PieCrustException("Can't extract path components from path: {$path}");
                 $components['type'] = 'post';
                 $components['year'] = $matches[1];
                 $components['month'] = $matches[2];
                 $components['day'] = $matches[3];
                 $components['slug'] = $matches[4];
             $str = '';
             foreach ($components as $k => $v) {
                 $str .= $k . ': ' . $v . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
     // Get the template files and print them.
     if ($returnAllTypes or $result->command->options['templates']) {
         $templatesDirs = $pieCrust->getTemplatesDirs();
         foreach ($templatesDirs as $dir) {
             $dirIt = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
             $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIt);
             foreach ($it as $path) {
                 if ($it->isDot()) {
                 $relativePath = PieCrustHelper::getRelativePath($pieCrust, $path->getPathname());
                 if ($exact) {
                     // Match the path exactly, or pass.
                     if (str_replace('\\', '/', $pattern) != str_replace('\\', '/', $path->getPathname())) {
                 } else {
                     if ($pattern) {
                         // Match the regex, or pass.
                         if (!preg_match($pattern, $relativePath)) {
                 // Get the path to print.
                 $finalPath = $relativePath;
                 if ($fullPath) {
                     $finalPath = $path->getPathname();
                 $finalPath = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $finalPath);
                 // Print the information!
                 if ($returnComponents) {
                     $logger->info("path: {$finalPath}");
                     $logger->info("type: template");
                 } else {
     return 0;
  * Adds a directory that contains some user plugins.
 public function addPluginsDir($dir)
     // Ensure defaults are created.
     if (!is_array($dir)) {
         $dir = array($dir);
     foreach ($dir as $d) {
         $absolute = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($d, $this->getRootDir());
         if (is_dir($absolute) === false) {
             throw new PieCrustException("The specified plugins directory doesn't exist: " . $absolute);
         $this->pluginsDirs[] = rtrim($absolute, '/\\') . '/';
  * Runs Chef given some command-line arguments.
 public function runUnsafe($userArgc = null, $userArgv = null)
     // Get the arguments.
     if ($userArgc == null || $userArgv == null) {
         $getopt = new \Console_Getopt();
         $userArgv = $getopt->readPHPArgv();
         // `readPHPArgv` returns a `PEAR_Error` (or something like it) if
         // it can't figure out the CLI arguments.
         if (!is_array($userArgv)) {
             throw new PieCrustException($userArgv->getMessage());
         $userArgc = count($userArgv);
     // Find whether the '--root' parameter was given.
     $rootDir = null;
     foreach ($userArgv as $arg) {
         if (substr($arg, 0, strlen('--root=')) == '--root=') {
             $rootDir = substr($arg, strlen('--root='));
     if ($rootDir == null) {
         // No root given. Find it ourselves.
         $rootDir = PathHelper::getAppRootDir(getcwd());
     } else {
         // The root was given.
         $rootDir = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($rootDir);
         if (!is_dir($rootDir)) {
             throw new PieCrustException("The given root directory doesn't exist: " . $rootDir);
     // Build the appropriate app.
     if ($rootDir == null) {
         $pieCrust = new NullPieCrust();
     } else {
         $pieCrust = new PieCrust(array('root' => $rootDir, 'cache' => !in_array('--no-cache', $userArgv)));
     // Set up the command line parser.
     $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'chef', 'description' => 'The PieCrust chef manages your website.', 'version' => PieCrustDefaults::VERSION));
     // Sort commands by name.
     $sortedCommands = $pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands();
     usort($sortedCommands, function ($c1, $c2) {
         return strcmp($c1->getName(), $c2->getName());
     // Add commands to the parser.
     foreach ($sortedCommands as $command) {
         $commandParser = $parser->addCommand($command->getName());
         $command->setupParser($commandParser, $pieCrust);
     // Parse the command line.
     try {
         $result = $parser->parse($userArgc, $userArgv);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 1;
     // If no command was given, use `help`.
     if (empty($result->command_name)) {
         $result = $parser->parse(2, array('chef', 'help'));
     // Create the log.
     $debugMode = $result->command->options['debug'];
     $quietMode = $result->command->options['quiet'];
     if ($debugMode && $quietMode) {
         $parser->displayError("You can't specify both --debug and --quiet.");
         return 1;
     $log = \Log::singleton('console', 'Chef', '', array('lineFormat' => '%{message}'));
     // Make the log available for debugging purposes.
     $GLOBALS['__CHEF_LOG'] = $log;
     // Handle deprecated stuff.
     if ($result->command->options['no_cache_old']) {
         $log->warning("The `--nocache` option has been renamed `--no-cache`.");
         $result->command->options['no_cache'] = true;
     // Run the command.
     foreach ($pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands() as $command) {
         if ($command->getName() == $result->command_name) {
             try {
                 if ($rootDir == null && $command->requiresWebsite()) {
                     $cwd = getcwd();
                     throw new PieCrustException("No PieCrust website in '{$cwd}' ('_content/config.yml' not found!).");
                 $context = new ChefContext($pieCrust, $result, $log);
                 $context->setVerbosity($debugMode ? 'debug' : ($quietMode ? 'quiet' : 'default'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $log->emerg(self::getErrorMessage($e, $debugMode));
                 return 1;