public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $this->addPageTitle(__(Config::get('view.admin.title_suffix'))); $this->view->setLayout(Config::get('view.admin.layout')); $this->view->isAdmin(true); }
public static function register(Di $di) { $environment = isset($_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_ENV']) ? $_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_ENV'] : 'production'; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (is_file($cacheFile = storagePath('cache/config-' . $environment . '.php'))) { static::$config = (include $cacheFile); Config::get('app.cache_config') or static::clearCache(); return; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $defaultFiles = glob($_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_CONFIG_PATH'] . '/*.php'); $environmentFiles = glob($_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_CONFIG_PATH'] . '/' . $environment . '/*.php'); $config = new PhalconConfig(static::loadFiles($defaultFiles)); $environmentSettings = static::loadFiles($environmentFiles); $environmentSettings['environment'] = $environment; $environmentConfig = new PhalconConfig($environmentSettings); $config->merge($environmentConfig); $di->remove('config'); $di->setShared('config', $config); static::$config = $config->toArray(); Config::get('database.default') and static::loadDb($config); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (Config::get('app.cache_config')) { is_dir($cacheDir = dirname($cacheFile)) or mkdir($cacheDir, 0777, true); fileSaveArray($cacheFile, static::$config, function ($content) { $replacement = <<<'EOF' $_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_ROOT_PATH'] . ' EOF; return str_replace("'{$_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_ROOT_PATH']}", $replacement, $content); }); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; static::$config = Config::get('auth'); $di->setShared('auth', function () { $di = static::$di; $config = static::$config; $class = $config['adapter']; $options = $config['options']; strpos($class, '\\') === false and $class = 'Phwoolcon\\Auth\\Adapter\\' . $class; if ($di->has($class)) { $class = $di->getRaw($class); } if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new Exception('Admin auth adapter class should implement ' . AdapterInterface::class); } /* @var Security $hasher */ $hasher = static::$di->getShared('security'); $hasher->setDefaultHash($options['security']['default_hash']); $hasher->setWorkFactor($options['security']['work_factor']); $adapter = new $class($options, $hasher, $di); if (!$adapter instanceof AdapterInterface) { throw new Exception('Auth adapter class should implement ' . AdapterInterface::class); } return $adapter; }); static::addPhwoolconJsOptions(); }
public static function register(Di $di) { $app = new Application(Config::get(''), Config::get('app.version')); foreach (Config::get('commands') as $name => $class) { $app->add(new $class($name, $di)); } return $app; }
public static function register(Di $di) { if ($aliases = Config::get('app.class_aliases')) { foreach ($aliases as $alias => $class) { class_exists($alias, false) or class_alias($class, $alias); } } }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->remove('payment'); static::$instance = null; $di->setShared('payment', function () { return new static(Config::get('payment')); }); }
protected function keyList() { $keys = []; foreach (Config::get() as $key => $value) { if (is_array(fnGet($value, '_black_list')) || is_array(fnGet($value, '_white_list'))) { $keys[$key] = static::getKeyLabel($key); } } ksort($keys); return $keys; }
public function __construct($options) { parent::__construct($options); $cacheType = Config::get('cache.default'); if ($cacheType == 'redis' || $cacheType == 'memcached') { $realAdapter = Cache::class; $this->realOptions = Config::get('counter.drivers.cache.options'); } else { $realAdapter = Rds::class; $this->realOptions = Config::get('counter.drivers.rds.options'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->realCounter = new $realAdapter($this->realOptions); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->remove('counter'); static::$adapter = null; $di->setShared('counter', function () { $default = Config::get('counter.default'); $config = Config::get('counter.drivers.' . $default); $class = $config['adapter']; $options = $config['options']; strpos($class, '\\') === false and $class = 'Phwoolcon\\Util\\Counter\\' . $class; return new $class($options); }); }
public function testUrl() { $baseUrl = Config::get('app.url'); $uri = 'test/done'; $expected = rtrim($baseUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/'); $this->assertEquals($expected, url($uri), 'Bad url() result'); $expected = rtrim($baseUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/') . '?k=v'; $this->assertEquals($expected, url($uri, ['k' => 'v']), 'Bad url() result on queries'); Config::set('app.enable_https', true); $expected = str_replace('http:', 'https:', rtrim($baseUrl, '/')) . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/') . '?k=v'; $this->assertEquals($expected, url($uri, ['k' => 'v'], true), 'Bad url() result on https'); $expected = $uri = ''; $this->assertEquals($expected, url($uri), 'Bad url() result on external links'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(false); static::$runningUnitTest = Config::runningUnitTest(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ($this->_sitePathPrefix = Config::get('app.site_path')) { $this->_uriSource = self::URI_SOURCE_GET_URL; $this->_sitePathLength = strlen($this->_sitePathPrefix); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->removeExtraSlashes(true); $routes = is_file($file = $_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_ROOT_PATH'] . '/app/routes.php') ? include $file : []; is_array($routes) and $this->addRoutes($routes); $this->cookies = static::$di->getShared('cookies'); $this->response = static::$di->getShared('response'); $this->response->setStatusCode(200); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$hostname = gethostname(); $di->remove('log'); static::$logger = null; $di->setShared('log', function () { $filePath = storagePath('logs'); is_dir($filePath) or mkdir($filePath, 0777, true); $filePath .= '/' . Config::get('app.log.file', 'phwoolcon.log'); $logger = new File($filePath); $formatter = $logger->getFormatter(); if ($formatter instanceof Line) { $formatter->setDateFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $formatter->setFormat('[%date%]{host}[%type%] {request} %message%'); } return $logger; }); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->remove('cache'); static::$cache = null; $di->setShared('cache', function () { $frontend = new Data(['lifetime' => static::TTL_ONE_DAY]); $default = Config::get('cache.default'); $config = Config::get('cache.drivers.' . $default); $class = $config['adapter']; $options = $config['options']; strpos($class, '\\') === false and $class = 'Phalcon\\Cache\\Backend\\' . $class; isset($options['cacheDir']) and $options['cacheDir'] = storagePath($options['cacheDir']) . '/'; /* @var Backend $backend */ $backend = new $class($frontend, $options); return $backend; }); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->set('Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie', 'Phwoolcon\\Http\\Cookie'); static::$cookies = static::$di->getShared('cookies'); static::$cookies->reset(); static::$options = $options = Config::get('cookies'); static::$cookies->useEncryption($encrypt = $options['encrypt']); $encrypt and static::$di->getShared('crypt')->setKey($options['encrypt_key'])->setPadding(Crypt::PADDING_ZERO); /* @var \Phalcon\Http\Response $response */ if ($response = $di->getShared('response')) { $response->setCookies(static::$cookies); } Events::attach('view:generatePhwoolconJsOptions', function (Event $event) { $options = $event->getData() ?: []; $options['cookies'] = ['domain' => static::$options['domain'], 'path' => static::$options['path']]; $event->setData($options); return $options; }); }
public function testGetCurrentConfig() { $key = 'white_listed'; $currentConfig = $this->configTrait->getCurrentConfig($key); // foo should be visible because it is in white list $this->assertEquals(fnGet($currentConfig, 'foo'), Config::get($key . '.foo')); // hello should be invisible because it is not in white list $this->assertNotEquals(fnGet($currentConfig, 'hello'), Config::get($key . '.hello')); $key = 'black_listed'; $currentConfig = $this->configTrait->getCurrentConfig($key); // foo should be invisible because it is in black list $this->assertNotEquals(fnGet($currentConfig, 'foo'), Config::get($key . '.foo')); // hello should be visible because it is not in black list $this->assertEquals(fnGet($currentConfig, 'hello'), Config::get($key . '.hello')); $e = false; $key = 'protected'; try { $this->configTrait->getCurrentConfig($key); } catch (Exception $e) { } $this->assertInstanceOf(ValidationException::class, $e); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->remove('modelsMetadata'); $di->setShared('modelsMetadata', function () { return new InCache(); }); $di->setShared('dbManager', function () { return new static(Config::get('database')); }); $di->setShared('db', function () { return static::connection(); }); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0); ini_set('session.cache_limiter', ''); $di->remove('session'); static::$session = null; $di->setShared('session', function () { $default = Config::get('session.default'); $config = Config::get('session.drivers.' . $default); $class = $config['adapter']; $options = $config['options']; $options += Config::get('session.options'); $options['cookies'] += Config::get('cookies'); session_name($options['cookies']['name']); strpos($class, '\\') === false and $class = 'Phwoolcon\\Session\\Adapter\\' . $class; $session = new $class($options); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$session instanceof AdapterInterface) { throw new SessionException('Session class should implement ' . AdapterInterface::class); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $session; }); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->remove('service'); $di->setShared('service', function () { return new static(Config::get('service')); }); }
public function __construct(array $options = []) { $options = array_merge(Config::get('cache.drivers.redis.options'), $options); parent::__construct($options); $this->_redis = new RedisCache(new FrontendNone(), $options); }
function url($path, $queries = [], $secure = null) { if (isHttpUrl($path)) { return $path; } $path = trim($path, '/'); if (Config::get('app.enable_https')) { Text::startsWith($path, 'admin', false) and $secure = true; $secure === null && null !== ($configValue = Config::get('app.secure_routes.' . $path)) and $secure = $configValue; // TODO Detection https via proxy $secure === null and $secure = Di::getDefault()['request']->getScheme() === 'https'; } else { $secure = false; } $protocol = $secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $host = fnGet($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST') ?: parse_url(Config::get('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST); $base = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $base = trim(dirname($base), '/'); $base and $base .= '/'; $url = $protocol . $host . '/' . $base; $url .= $path; if ($queries && is_array($queries)) { $queries = http_build_query($queries); } $queries && is_string($queries) and $url .= '?' . str_replace('?', '', $queries); return $url; }
use Phwoolcon\Aliases; use Phwoolcon\Cache; use Phwoolcon\Config; use Phwoolcon\Cookies; use Phwoolcon\Db; use Phwoolcon\DiFix; use Phwoolcon\Events; use Phwoolcon\I18n; use Phwoolcon\Log; use Phwoolcon\Queue; use Phwoolcon\Router; use Phwoolcon\Session; use Phwoolcon\Util\Counter; use Phwoolcon\View; $_SERVER['PHWOOLCON_PHALCON_VERSION'] = Version::getId(); Events::register($di); DiFix::register($di); Db::register($di); Cache::register($di); Log::register($di); Config::register($di); Counter::register($di); Aliases::register($di); Router::register($di); I18n::register($di); Cookies::register($di); Session::register($di); View::register($di); Queue::register($di); $loader->registerNamespaces(Config::get('app.autoload.namespaces', []), true);
public function testAvailableLocales() { $this->assertEquals(Config::get('i18n.available_locales'), I18n::getAvailableLocales(), 'Bad locales list'); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; static::$runningUnitTest = Config::runningUnitTest(); $di->setShared('view', function () { return new static(Config::get('view')); }); }
public function __construct(array $options = []) { $options = array_merge(Config::get('cache.drivers.memcached.options'), $options); parent::__construct($options); }
public function initialize() { $this->pageTitles = [__(Config::get('view.title_suffix'))]; isset($this->view) and $this->view->reset(); }
public static function register(Di $di) { static::$di = $di; $di->setShared('i18n', function () { return new static(Config::get('i18n')); }); Events::attach('view:generatePhwoolconJsOptions', function (Event $event) { $options = $event->getData() ?: []; $options['locale'] = static::getCurrentLocale(); $event->setData($options); return $options; }); }