<?php use gries\Pokebot\Command\PokemathCommand; use PhpSlackBot\Bot; require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $bot = new Bot(); $bot->setToken('token'); $bot->loadCommand(new PokemathCommand()); $bot->run();
<?php namespace Flyingcoder\Bots; use PhpSlackBot\Bot; use Flyingcoder\TimeCommand; /** * */ // class Oras extends Bot // { // } $bot = new Bot(); $bot->setToken('xoxb-19972036567-itTiAcgQZUDlzkmQ5zdW8c5X'); // Get your token here https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot $bot->loadCommand(new TimeCommand()); $bot->run();
continue; } if ($status != $invoices[$i]["status"] && $status != "*") { continue; } $selected_invoices[] = $invoices[$i]; } if ($current_page < $total_pages) { $req_page++; } else { break; } } while (1); $out_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($selected_invoices); $i++) { $out_msg = $out_msg . $selected_invoices[$i]["btc_address"] . " | <" . $selected_invoices[$i]["description"] . "> | *" . $selected_invoices[$i]["status"] . "*\n"; } $out_msg = trim($out_msg); if (strlen($out_msg) > 0) { $out_msg = "\n" . $out_msg; } else { $out_msg = "No invoices found, sorry :("; } $this->send($this->getCurrentChannel(), $this->initiator, $out_msg); } } $bot = new Bot(); $bot->setToken($bot_token); // Get your token here https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot $bot->loadCommand(new BtcCommand()); $bot->run();
if ($channel != 'bo-dev') { return false; } $msg = $data['text']; if (stristr($msg, 'profit')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "I will count profit for the day, later.. maybe tomorrow."); } if (stristr($msg, 'help')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "Don't worry, - I'm not able to help you :))"); } if (stristr($msg, 'че там по звонкам')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "Нормально всё, чё"); } if (stristr($msg, 'че там по продажам')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "Конверсия гавно, но вроде капает"); } if (stristr($msg, 'че там по продажам')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "Конверсия гавно, но вроде капает"); } if (stristr($msg, 'че там по деньгам')) { $this->send($data['channel'], $username, "считаем..."); } } } } $bot = new Bot(); $bot->setToken('xxxxxxxx'); // Get your token here https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot //$bot->loadCatchAllCommand(new SuperCommand()); $bot->loadCommand(new \PhpSlackBot\Command\WhyCommand()); $bot->run();