put() public method

By default, \phpseclib\Net\SFTP::put() does not read from the local filesystem. $data is dumped directly into $remote_file. So, for example, if you set $data to 'filename.ext' and then do \phpseclib\Net\SFTP::get(), you will get a file, twelve bytes long, containing 'filename.ext' as its contents. Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE will change the above behavior. With self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE, $remote_file will contain as many bytes as filename.ext does on your local filesystem. If your filename.ext is 1MB then that is how large $remote_file will be, as well. Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_CALLBACK will use $data as callback function, which gets only one parameter -- number of bytes to return, and returns a string if there is some data or null if there is no more data If $data is a resource then it'll be used as a resource instead. Currently, only binary mode is supported. As such, if the line endings need to be adjusted, you will need to take care of that, yourself. $mode can take an additional two parameters - self::RESUME and self::RESUME_START. These are bitwise AND'd with $mode. So if you want to resume upload of a 300mb file on the local file system you'd set $mode to the following: self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE | self::RESUME If you wanted to simply append the full contents of a local file to the full contents of a remote file you'd replace self::RESUME with self::RESUME_START. If $mode & (self::RESUME | self::RESUME_START) then self::RESUME_START will be assumed. $start and $local_start give you more fine grained control over this process and take precident over self::RESUME when they're non-negative. ie. $start could let you write at the end of a file (like self::RESUME) or in the middle of one. $local_start could let you start your reading from the end of a file (like self::RESUME_START) or in the middle of one. Setting $local_start to > 0 or $mode | self::RESUME_START doesn't do anything unless $mode | self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE.
public put ( string $remote_file, string | resource $data, integer $mode = self::SOURCE_STRING, integer $start, integer $local_start, callable | null $progressCallback = null ) : boolean
$remote_file string
$data string | resource
$mode integer
$start integer
$local_start integer
$progressCallback callable | null
return boolean
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function send()
     $sent = true;
     $files = $this->backup->getFilesTobackup();
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file => $name) {
             $upload = $this->connection->put($this->folder . '/' . $name, $file, LibSFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);
             if (!$upload) {
                 $sent = false;
                 echo 'SFTP upload manqu�e de ' . $file . ' vers ' . $this->folder . $name;
     $streams = $this->backup->getStreamsTobackup();
     if (!empty($streams)) {
         foreach ($streams as $name => $stream) {
             $upload = $this->connection->put($this->folder . '/' . $name, $stream);
             if (!$upload) {
                 echo 'SFTP upload manqu�e de ' . $name . ' vers ' . $this->folder . $name;
                 $sent = false;
     if (!$sent) {
         throw new \Exception('At least an upload didnt work.');
     return $sent;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function putFile($sourceFilename, $destinationFilename)
     if ($this->isConnected()) {
         return $this->connection->put($destinationFilename, $sourceFilename, SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);
     return false;
 public function uploadFile($File)
     if (!$this->Connection->put(basename($File), file_get_contents($File))) {
         throw new ComponentException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed');
     return $this;
  * Upload file to remote account.
  * @param string $absolutePathRemoteFile The absolute path to remote file (new)
  * @param string $absolutePathLocalFile  The absolute path to local file
  * @return SftpInterface The current instance
  * @api
 public function uploadFile(string $absolutePathRemoteFile, string $absolutePathLocalFile) : SftpInterface
      * Common stream source types:
      *    - static::SOURCE_STRING
      *    - static::SOURCE_CALLBACK
      *    - static::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE
     file_exists($absolutePathLocalFile) && is_readable($absolutePathLocalFile) ? $this->netSftp->put($absolutePathRemoteFile, $absolutePathLocalFile, static::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) : $this->logError('AbstractSftp::uploadFile()', 'cannot read/find local file (check local path): ' . $absolutePathLocalFile, 'E085');
     $this->checkForSameFileSize($absolutePathRemoteFile, $absolutePathLocalFile);
     return $this;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function upload($local, $remote)
     $dir = dirname($remote);
     if (!isset($this->directories[$dir])) {
         $this->sftp->mkdir($dir, -1, true);
         $this->directories[$dir] = true;
     if (!$this->sftp->put($remote, $local, SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(implode($this->sftp->getSFTPErrors(), "\n"));
 public function putContent($content, $dest)
     if (false === $this->isConnected()) {
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(TransporterEvents::TRANSPORTER_PUT_CONTENT, new TransporterEvent($this, array('dest' => $dest, 'content' => $content)));
     $success = $this->sftp->put($dest, $content, PhpseclibSFTP::SOURCE_STRING);
     if (!$success) {
         // maybe the parent directory doesnt exist; try to create it and try again
         $pwd = dirname($dest);
         if (false === $this->exists($pwd)) {
             // retry try to put
             $success = $this->sftp->put($dest, $content, PhpseclibSFTP::SOURCE_STRING);
             if (!$success) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Something went wrong: ' . "\n" . implode("\n", $this->sftp->getSFTPErrors()));
  * (non-PHPDoc)
  * @see    \phpbu\App\Backup\Sync::sync()
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Backup\Target $target
  * @param  \phpbu\App\Result        $result
  * @throws \phpbu\App\Backup\Sync\Exception
 public function sync(Target $target, Result $result)
     // silence phpseclib
     $old = error_reporting(0);
     $sftp = new phpseclib\Net\SFTP($this->host);
     if (!$sftp->login($this->user, $this->password)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('authentication failed for %s@%s%s', $this->user, $this->host, empty($this->password) ? '' : ' with password ****'));
     $remoteFilename = $target->getFilename();
     $localFile = $target->getPathname();
     if ('' !== $this->remotePath) {
         $remoteDirs = explode('/', $this->remotePath);
         foreach ($remoteDirs as $dir) {
             if (!$sftp->is_dir($dir)) {
                 $result->debug(sprintf('creating remote dir \'%s\'', $dir));
             $result->debug(sprintf('change to remote dir \'%s\'', $dir));
     $result->debug(sprintf('store file \'%s\' as \'%s\'', $localFile, $remoteFilename));
     $result->debug(sprintf('last error \'%s\'', $sftp->getLastSFTPError()));
     /** @noinspection PhpInternalEntityUsedInspection */
     if (!$sftp->put($remoteFilename, $localFile, phpseclib\Net\SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('error uploading file: %s - %s', $localFile, $sftp->getLastSFTPError()));
  * Executes the PushDbViaSsh Task.
  * @return Robo\Result
 public function run()
     // Login to the remote server
     $this->printTaskInfo('Logging into remote server - <info>ssh://' . $this->sshUser . '@' . $this->sshHost . '/</info>');
     $ssh = new SFTP($this->sshHost);
     // Do we use password or a key
     if (file_exists($this->sshKey) && empty($this->sshPass)) {
         $key = new RSA();
         if (!$ssh->login($this->sshUser, $key)) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Failed to login via SSH using Key Based Auth.');
     } else {
         if (!$ssh->login($this->sshUser, $this->sshPass)) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Failed to login via SSH using Password Based Auth.');
     // Create our dump filename
     $dump_name = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'dump');
     // Create our dump locally
     $cmd = 'mysqldump' . ' -h' . $this->localDbHost . ' -u' . $this->localDbUser . ' ' . (empty($this->localDbPass) ? '' : '-p' . $this->localDbPass) . ' ' . $this->localDbName . ' > ' . $dump_name;
     $this->printTaskInfo('Dumping db on local server - <info>' . $cmd . '</info>');
     if (!$this->taskExec($cmd)->run()->wasSuccessful()) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to create dump locally.' . 'HINT: Is the `mysqldump` binary in your "PATH"?');
     // Compress the dump
     $this->printTaskInfo('Compressing dump on local server - <info>' . $cmd . '</info>');
     if ($fp_out = gzopen($dump_name . '.gz', 'wb9')) {
         if ($fp_in = fopen($dump_name, 'rb')) {
             while (!feof($fp_in)) {
                 gzwrite($fp_out, fread($fp_in, 1024 * 512));
         } else {
             throw new RuntimeException('Failed to open source dump file for reading.');
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to open destination compressed dump file for writing.');
     // Copy it up
     $this->printTaskInfo('Transfering dump to remote.');
     $dump_name_remote = '/tmp/' . $this->remoteDbName . '-' . time() . '.sql';
     if (!$ssh->put($dump_name_remote . '.gz', $dump_name, SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to upload db dump.');
     // Decompress dump on remote
     $cmd = 'gzip -d ' . $dump_name_remote . '.gz';
     $this->printTaskInfo('Decompressing dump on remote server - <info>' . $cmd . '</info>');
     $results = $ssh->exec($cmd);
     if ($ssh->getExitStatus() > 0) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to decompress dump on remote.');
     // Import db remotely
     $cmd = 'mysql' . ' -h' . $this->remoteDbHost . ' -u' . $this->remoteDbUser . ' ' . (empty($this->remoteDbPass) ? '' : '-p' . $this->remoteDbPass) . ' ' . $this->remoteDbName . ' < ' . $dump_name_remote;
     $this->printTaskInfo('Importing dump remotely - <info>' . $cmd . '</info>');
     $results = $ssh->exec($cmd);
     if ($ssh->getExitStatus() > 0) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to import dump on remote.');
     // Delete dump from remote server
     $this->printTaskInfo('Removing dump from remote server. - <info>' . $dump_name_remote . '</info>');
     if (!$ssh->delete($dump_name_remote)) {
         return Result::error($this, 'Failed to delete dump on remote.');
     // Remove the dump from the local server
     $this->printTaskInfo('Removing dump from local server. - <info>' . $dump_name . '</info>');
     if (!unlink($dump_name)) {
         return Result::error($this, 'Failed to delete dump from local.');
     // If we get to here assume everything worked
     return Result::success($this);
  * sync local directory with ftp directory
  * @param string        $src
  * @param string        $dst
  * @param callable|null $syncop
  * @throws GlSyncFtpException
 public function syncDirectory($src, $dst, callable $syncop = null)
     $files = [];
     $dirs = [];
     $this->getFiles($dst, "", $files, $dirs);
     // delete on ftp server, files not present in local directory
     foreach ($files as $name => $raw) {
         if (!file_exists($src . $name)) {
             $filepathFtp = $dst . strtr($name, ["\\" => "/"]);
             if ($syncop) {
                 $syncop(self::DELETE_FILE, $filepathFtp);
     // delete on ftp server, unknowns directories
     $dirs = array_reverse($dirs);
     foreach ($dirs as $name => $raw) {
         if (!file_exists($src . $name)) {
             $filepathFtp = $dst . strtr($name, ["\\" => "/"]);
             if ($syncop) {
                 $syncop(self::DELETE_DIR, $filepathFtp);
     // create new directories
     $finderdir = new Finder();
      * @var SplFileInfo $dir
     foreach ($finderdir as $dir) {
         $dirpathFtp = $dst . "/" . strtr($dir->getRelativePathname(), ["\\" => "/"]);
         $stat = $this->sftp->stat($dirpathFtp);
         if (!$stat) {
             if ($syncop) {
                 $syncop(self::CREATE_DIR, $dirpathFtp);
             $this->sftp->mkdir($dirpathFtp, $dir->getRealPath(), SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);
             $this->sftp->chmod(0755, $dirpathFtp, $dir->getRealPath());
     // copy new files or update if younger
     $finderdir = new Finder();
      * @var SplFileInfo $file
     foreach ($finderdir as $file) {
         $filepathFtp = $dst . "/" . strtr($file->getRelativePathname(), ["\\" => "/"]);
         $stat = $this->sftp->stat($filepathFtp);
         if (!$stat) {
             if ($syncop) {
                 $syncop(self::NEW_FILE, $filepathFtp);
             $this->sftp->put($filepathFtp, $file->getRealPath(), SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);
         } else {
             $size = $this->sftp->size($filepathFtp);
             if ($file->getMTime() > $stat['mtime'] || $file->getSize() != $size) {
                 if ($syncop) {
                     $syncop(self::UPDATE_FILE, $filepathFtp);
                 $this->sftp->put($filepathFtp, $file->getRealPath(), SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);
  * Executes the SftpSync Task.
  * @return Robo\Result
 public function run()
     // Tell the world whats happening
     $this->printTaskInfo('Logging into server - ' . '<info>' . 'sftp://' . $this->sftpUser . ':' . (empty($this->sftpPass) ? $this->sftpKey : $this->sftpPass) . '@' . $this->sftpHost . '</info>');
     // Intialise our sftp connection
     $sftp = new SFTP($this->sftpHost);
     // Do we use password or a key
     if (file_exists($this->sftpKey) && empty($this->sshPass)) {
         $key = new RSA();
         if (!$sftp->login($this->sshUser, $key)) {
             return Result::error($this, 'Failed to login via SFTP using Key Based Auth.');
     } else {
         if (!$sftp->login($this->sftpUser, $this->sftpPass)) {
             return Result::error($this, 'Failed to login via SFTP using Password Based Auth.');
     // Check to see if a .htaccess file exists
     if ($sftp->stat($this->remotePath . '/.htaccess')) {
         // It does so lets rename it, just in case it messes with out helper script
         $this->printTaskInfo('Renaming .htaccess file');
         if (!$sftp->rename($this->remotePath . '/.htaccess', $this->remotePath . '/disabled.htaccess')) {
             return Result::error($this, 'Failed to rename .htaccess file');
     // Upload helper script
     $this->printTaskInfo('Uploading sftp helper script.');
     if (!$sftp->put($this->remotePath . '/sftp-upload-helper.php', $this->sftp_upload_helper())) {
         return Result::error($this, 'UPLOAD OF HELPER SCRIPT FAILED');
     // Get the local and remote file arrays
     $this->printTaskInfo('Get a list of files on the local and remote servers.');
     $local_files = $this->get_local_file_hashes($this->localPath);
     $remote_files = $this->get_remote_files();
     // Delete helper script
     $this->printTaskInfo('Deleting sftp helper script.');
     if (!$sftp->delete($this->remotePath . '/sftp-upload-helper.php')) {
         return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO DELETE HELPER SCRIPT');
     // Rename htaccess file back
     if ($sftp->stat($this->remotePath . '/disabled.htaccess')) {
         // It does so lets rename it, just in case it messes with out helper script
         $this->printTaskInfo('Renaming .htaccess file back to original');
         if (!$sftp->rename($this->remotePath . '/disabled.htaccess', $this->remotePath . '/.htaccess')) {
             return Result::error($this, 'Failed to rename .htaccess file back to original. OH SNAP... better fix this ASAP!');
     $this->printTaskInfo('Comparing files between local and remote servers.');
     // Create some arrays
     $files_to_ignore = [];
     $files_to_upload = [];
     $files_to_delete = [];
     $folders_to_create = [];
     $folders_to_delete = [];
     // Merge in our own ignores
     $files_to_ignore = array_merge($files_to_ignore, $this->ignore);
     // Remove any double ups in our ignore array
     $files_to_ignore = array_unique($files_to_ignore);
     // Remove a few extra items
     foreach ($files_to_ignore as $key => $value) {
         // We don't want to ignore the vendor dir
         if ($value == './vendor') {
         // We can't ignore everything
         if ($value == './') {
     // Loop through the local files array looking for files that
     // don't exist or are different on the remote server.
     // ie: Files to upload
     foreach ($local_files as $path => $hash) {
         if (isset($remote_files[$path])) {
             if ($hash != $remote_files[$path]) {
                 if (!in_array($path, $files_to_ignore)) {
                     $files_to_upload[] = $path;
         } else {
             if (!in_array($path, $files_to_ignore)) {
                 if ($hash == 'dir') {
                     $folders_to_create[] = $path;
                 } else {
                     $files_to_upload[] = $path;
     // Loop through the remote files array looking for
     // files that don't exist on the local server.
     // ie: Files to delete
     foreach ($remote_files as $path => $hash) {
         if (!isset($local_files[$path])) {
             if (!in_array($path, $files_to_ignore)) {
                 if ($hash == 'dir') {
                     $folders_to_delete[] = $path;
                 } else {
                     $files_to_delete[] = $path;
     // We need to delete the children first
     $folders_to_delete = array_reverse($folders_to_delete);
     // Perform a double check of our files to ignore array
     foreach ($files_to_ignore as $path) {
         foreach ($files_to_upload as $key => $file) {
             if (strpos($file, $path) !== false) {
         foreach ($files_to_delete as $key => $file) {
             if (strpos($file, $path) !== false) {
         foreach ($folders_to_create as $key => $file) {
             if (strpos($file, $path) !== false) {
         foreach ($folders_to_delete as $key => $file) {
             if (strpos($file, $path) !== false) {
     // Check the dry run option
     if (!$this->dryRun) {
         // Create any needed folders
         foreach ($folders_to_create as $file) {
             $remotepath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->remotePath . substr($file, 1));
             if (!$sftp->mkdir($remotepath)) {
                 return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO CREATE FOLDER: ' . $remotepath);
             $this->printTaskInfo('Folder Created: ' . $file);
         // Upload our files
         foreach ($files_to_upload as $file) {
             $this->printTaskInfo('Uploading: ' . $file);
             $localpath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->localPath . substr($file, 1));
             $remotepath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->remotePath . substr($file, 1));
             if (!$sftp->put($remotepath, $localpath, NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE)) {
                 return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO UPLOAD FILE: ' . $file);
         // Do we want to delete all the files?
         $delete_all = false;
         if (count($files_to_delete) > 0) {
             do {
                 $answer = $this->ask('Do you want to delete all these files? (yes|no)');
             } while ($answer != 'yes' && $answer != 'no' && $answer != 'y' && $answer != 'n');
             if ($answer == 'yes' || $answer == 'y') {
                 $delete_all = true;
         // Loop through our files to delete.
         foreach ($files_to_delete as $file) {
             $remotepath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->remotePath . substr($file, 1));
             if ($delete_all) {
                 if (!$sftp->delete($remotepath)) {
                     return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO DELETE FILE: ' . $file);
                 } else {
                     $this->printTaskInfo('Deleted: ' . $file);
             } else {
                 do {
                     $answer = $this->ask('Do you really want to delete? (yes|no)' . $remotepath);
                 } while ($answer != 'yes' && $answer != 'no' && $answer != 'y' && $answer != 'n');
                 if ($answer == 'yes' || $answer == 'y') {
                     if (!$sftp->delete($remotepath)) {
                         return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO DELETE FILE: ' . $file);
                     $this->printTaskInfo('Deleted: ' . $file);
         // Same again but for folders
         $delete_all_folders = false;
         if (count($folders_to_delete) > 0) {
             do {
                 $answer = $this->ask('Do you want to delete all these folders? (yes|no)');
             } while ($answer != 'yes' && $answer != 'no' && $answer != 'y' && $answer != 'n');
             if ($answer == 'yes' || $answer == 'y') {
                 $delete_all_folders = true;
         foreach ($folders_to_delete as $file) {
             $remotepath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->remotePath . substr($file, 1));
             if ($delete_all_folders) {
                 if (!$sftp->rmdir($remotepath)) {
                     return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO DELETE FOLDER: ' . $file);
                 $this->printTaskInfo('Deleted Folder: ' . $file);
             } else {
                 do {
                     $answer = $this->ask('Do you really want to delete? (yes|no)' . $remotepath);
                 } while ($answer != 'yes' && $answer != 'no' && $answer != 'y' && $answer != 'n');
                 if ($answer == 'yes' || $answer == 'y') {
                     if (!$sftp->rmdir($remotepath)) {
                         return Result::error($this, 'FAILED TO DELETE FOLDER: ' . $file);
                     $this->printTaskInfo('Deleted Folder: ' . $file);
         $this->printTaskInfo('The remote server has been synced :)');
     } else {
         $this->printTaskInfo('Files that would have been uploaded: ');
         $this->printTaskInfo('Files that would have been deleted: ');
         $this->printTaskInfo('Folders that would have been created: ');
         $this->printTaskInfo('Folders that would have been deleted: ');
     // If we get to here we assume everything worked
     return Result::success($this);
  * @param string $source
  * @param string $identifier
  * @return string
 public function uploadFile($source, $identifier)
     return $this->sftp->put($identifier, $source, SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);