function action($item = null) { if (Core::$client->ip != "CLI") { Http::redirect("403"); } $node = Core::lib("ClusterCli"); echo chr(27) . "[96mThis node is: " . chr(27) . "[0m" . $node->id . " " . (!empty($node->loadbalancer) ? "LOADBALANCER" : "WORKER") . "\n"; }
/** * default action */ function action($item) { //! create a fake page parameter $name = "layoutadd"; $_SESSION['cms_param'][sha1("layoutadd_")] = new \PHPPE\AddOn\layoutadd([], $name, $name); //! if layout not given if (empty($item)) { //! check if we have to activate a sitebuild if (!empty($_REQUEST['set'])) { DS::exec("UPDATE " . Views::$_table . " SET id=sitebuild WHERE sitebuild!='' AND id='frame'"); DS::exec("UPDATE " . Views::$_table . " SET id='frame' WHERE sitebuild=?", trim($_REQUEST['set'])); Http::redirect(); } //! load layouts and sitebuilds $this->layouts = Views::find([], "sitebuild=''", "name"); $this->sitebuilds = Views::find([], "sitebuild!=''", "name"); } else { //! load layout $this->layout = new Views($item); if (!empty($this->layout->jslib)) { foreach ($this->layout->jslib as $j) { View::jslib($j); } } if (!empty($this->layout->css)) { foreach ($this->layout->css as $c) { View::css($c); } } $this->numPages = Page::getNum($item); //! get user input $layout = Core::req2arr("layout"); //! merge the new data with the loaded layout's properties if (!empty($this->layout->sitebuild) && !empty($layout)) { Core::$core->noframe = 1; $layout['sitebuild'] = $layout['id']; } if (Core::isTry("layout")) { //! delete a layout if (!empty($layout['delete'])) { $this->layout->delete(); } else { unset($layout['delete']); //! renamed? if ($this->layout->id != $layout['id']) { DS::exec("UPDATE " . Views::$_table . " SET id=? WHERE id=?", [$layout['id'], $this->layout->id]); Core::log('A', sprintf("Layout %s renamed to %s by %s", $this->layout->id, $layout['id'], Core::$user->name), "cmsaudit"); } //! save new data foreach ($layout as $k => $v) { $this->layout->{$k} = $v; } $this->layout->save(); } Http::redirect("cms/layouts"); } } }
public function testMultilingual() { $cnt = count(Core::$l); $this->assertNotEmpty(Core::$l, "Translations"); //try to load fake language for Developer Core::$client->lang = "xx"; Core::lang("Developer"); //check if there's a new entry $this->assertNotEquals('teststr', L('teststr'), "Loading new"); }
function edit() { $m = Core::lib("CMS")->metas; $v = is_array($this->value) ? $this->value : json_decode($this->value, true); $r = ""; foreach ($m as $k) { $r .= "<div style='width:20%;'><span><i>" . ucfirst(L($k)) . "</i></span></div><div style='width:80%;'><input class='input form-control' name='" . $this->fld . "[" . $k . "]' value='" . htmlspecialchars(!empty($v[$k]) ? $v[$k] : '') . "'></div>"; } return $r; }
function edit() { if (!Core::isTry()) { $page = new Page(); $page->template = "simple"; View::assign("page", $page); } $quickhelp = !Core::lib("CMS")->expert; View::assign("quickhelp", $quickhelp); return View::template("cms_pageinfo"); }
function edit() { $m = Core::lib("CMS")->metas; $v = is_array($this->value) ? $this->value : json_decode($this->value, true); $r = "<div class='infobox' style='padding:5px;overflow:auto;'>"; foreach ($m as $k) { $r .= "<b>" . ucfirst(L($k)) . "</b><br><input class='input form-control' name='" . $this->fld . "[" . $k . "]' value='" . htmlspecialchars(!empty($v[$k]) ? $v[$k] : '') . "'>"; } $r .= "</div>"; return $r; }
function save($params) { $v = new Views(); $v->id = $params['layoutid']; $v->name = $params['layoutname']; try { if ($v->save(true)) { die("<script>top.document.location.href='" . url("cms/layouts/" . $params['layoutid']) . "';</script>"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Core::error($e->getMessage()); } }
function __construct() { //! common check for all action handlers if (!Core::$user->has("install")) { Http::redirect("login", true); } //! if bootstrap extension not installed, use cdn version if (!Core::isInst("bootstrap")) { View::css(""); } View::css("extensions.css"); View::jslib("sha256.js"); View::jslib("extensions.js"); }
public function testFilters() { //! default filters $this->assertFalse(\PHPPE\Core::cf("csrf"), "CSRF"); $is = @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" ? true : false; $this->assertEquals($is, \PHPPE\Core::cf("get"), "GET"); $is = @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" ? true : false; $this->assertEquals($is, \PHPPE\Core::cf("post"), "POST"); //! Access Control Entry $this->assertEquals(\PHPPE\Core::$user->has("loggedin"), \PHPPE\Core::cf("@loggedin"), "ACE"); $old = \PHPPE\Core::$user->id; \PHPPE\Core::$user->id = 1; $this->assertTrue(\PHPPE\Core::cf("loggedin"), "loggedin"); \PHPPE\Core::$user->id = $old; }
/** * default action */ function action($item) { //! page history enabled? $this->revert = Core::lib("CMS")->revert; //! delete a page with all versions if (!empty($_REQUEST['pagedel'])) { Page::delete($_REQUEST['pagedel']); unset($_SESSION['cms_url']); Http::redirect(); } //! publicate a page if (isset($_REQUEST['publish']) && $this->revert) { $this->ispublish = true; $publish = array_keys(Core::req2arr('publish')); if (!empty($publish)) { Page::publish($publish); Http::redirect("cms/pages"); } } //! load languages $this->langs[''] = "*"; foreach (!empty($_SESSION['pe_ls']) ? $_SESSION['pe_ls'] : ['en' => 1] as $l => $v) { $this->langs[$l] = $l . " " . L($l); } //! unlock old pages for this user if any Page::unLock(Core::$user->id); //! get list of pages $pages = Page::getPages(intval(@$_REQUEST['order'])); $needcleanup = false; foreach ($pages as $p) { if ($this->ispublish && ($p['publishid'] != 0 || $p['ownerid'] != 0)) { continue; } if ($this->revert && $p['publishid'] == 0) { $this->needpublish = true; } if (!$this->revert && $p['versions'] > 1) { $needcleanup = true; } $this->pages[empty($_REQUEST['order']) ? 0 : (empty($p['template']) ? $p['tid'] : $p['template'])][] = $p; } //! this is required once after page history turned off if ($needcleanup) { Page::cleanUp($pages); } }
public function testConvert() { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US.utf-8'); \PHPPE\Core::validate("", "phone", false); \PHPPE\Core::validate("", "check", true); \PHPPE\Core::validate("obj.file", "file", false); $_FILES['obj_file']['error'] = 1; $_REQUEST['obj_phone'] = "+361234567"; $obj = \PHPPE\Core::req2obj("obj"); $this->assertInstanceOf("stdClass", $obj, "req2obj"); $this->assertFalse(\PHPPE\Core::isError(""), "validator"); $_REQUEST['obj_phone'] = "abc"; $obj2 = \PHPPE\Core::req2arr("obj"); $this->assertInternalType("array", $obj2, "req2arr"); $this->assertTrue(\PHPPE\Core::isError(""), "validator"); $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->field1 = "field1"; $obj->field2 = "field2's"; $obj->field3 = 3; $obj->field4 = 1.2; $this->assertEmpty(\PHPPE\Core::arr2str("aaa"), "arr2str str"); $this->assertEquals("field1='field1' field2='field2\\'s' field3='3' field4='1.2'", \PHPPE\Core::arr2str($obj), "arr2str"); $this->assertEquals("field1='field1' field2='field2\\'s' field3='3' field4='1.2'", \PHPPE\Core::obj2str($obj), "obj2str space"); $this->assertEquals("field1='field1',field2='field2\\'s',field3='3',field4='1.2'", str_replace("''", "\\'", \PHPPE\Core::obj2str($obj, "", ",")), "obj2str comma"); $this->assertEquals("field1='field1' field4='1.2'", \PHPPE\Core::obj2str($obj, "field2,field3"), "obj2str skip"); $obj2 = new \stdClass(); $obj2->test = "a:b:c"; $obj2->test2 = ["a", "b", "c"]; \PHPPE\View::assign("obj2", $obj2); $this->assertEquals("[\"a:b:c\"]", json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::val2arr("obj2.test")), "val2arr #1"); $this->assertEquals("[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::val2arr("obj2.test2")), "val2arr #2"); $this->assertEquals("[1,2]", json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::val2arr([1, 2])), "val2arr #3"); $this->assertEquals("[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::val2arr("obj2.test", ":")), "val2arr #4"); $this->assertEquals("[]", json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::val2arr("")), "val2arr #5"); $tree = [["id" => 1, "name" => "1"], ["id" => 2, "name" => "2", "_" => [["id" => 21, "name" => "21"], ["id" => 22, "name" => "22", "_" => [["id" => 221, "name" => "221"], ["id" => 222, "name" => "222"]]], ["id" => 23, "name" => "23"], ["id" => 24, "name" => "24"]]]]; $this->assertEquals('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2"},{"id":21,"name":" 21"},{"id":22,"name":" 22"},{"id":221,"name":" 221"},{"id":222,"name":" 222"},{"id":23,"name":" 23"},{"id":24,"name":" 24"}]', json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::tre2arr($tree)), "tre2arr selectbox #1"); $this->assertEquals('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2"},{"id":21,"name":" 21"},{"id":22,"name":" 22"},{"id":221,"name":" 221"},{"id":222,"name":" 222"},{"id":23,"name":" 23"},{"id":24,"name":" 24"}]', json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::tre2arr($tree, " ")), "tre2arr selectbox #2"); $this->assertEquals('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2\\n<div id=\'tree2_1\' style=\'padding-left:10px;\'>"},{"id":21,"name":"21"},{"id":22,"name":"22\\n<div id=\'tree2_3\' style=\'padding-left:10px;\'>"},{"id":221,"name":"221"},{"id":222,"name":"222\\n<\\/div>"},{"id":23,"name":"23"},{"id":24,"name":"24\\n<\\/div>"}]', json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::tre2arr($tree, "<div id='tree2_%d' style='padding-left:10px;'>", "</div>")), "tre2arr DOM"); $tree = json_decode('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2","_":[{"id":3,"name":"3"}]}]'); $this->assertEquals('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2"},{"id":3,"name":" 3"}]', json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::tre2arr($tree)), "tre2arr stdClass selectbox"); $this->assertEquals('[{"id":1,"name":"1"},{"id":2,"name":"2\\n<div id=\'tree2_1\' style=\'padding-left:10px;\'>"},{"id":3,"name":"3\\n<\\/div>"}]', json_encode(\PHPPE\Core::tre2arr($tree, "<div id='tree2_%d' style='padding-left:10px;'>", "</div>")), "tre2arr stdClass DOM"); }
function __construct() { //! check if executed from CLI if (Core::$client->ip != "CLI") { Http::redirect("403"); } //! run tests if (in_array("--tests", $_SERVER['argv'])) { echo "Running tests: "; ob_start(); $tests = Testing::doTests(); $d = ob_get_clean(); if (!$tests) { die("FAILED\n{$d}"); } echo "OK\n"; unset($d); } //! *** MKREPO Event *** Core::event("mkrepo"); //! create repository Repository::make(); die; }
public function testLog() { $s = Core::$core->syslog; $t = Core::$core->trace; Core::$core->syslog = true; Core::$core->trace = true; Core::log("B", "Should be Audit", "phpunit"); $o = Core::$core->runlevel; Core::$core->runlevel = 0; Core::log("D", "Should be skipped", "phpunit"); Core::$core->runlevel = $o; Core::$core->syslog = $s; Core::$core->trace = $t; }
function init() { Core::addon("boolean", "Boolean", "", "*obj.field"); }
function edit() { $quickhelp = !Core::lib("CMS")->expert; View::assign("quickhelp", $quickhelp); return View::template("cms_pageinfo"); }
if ($_FILES['upload']['type'] == "text/plain") { $choose = @file_get_contents($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); } elseif ($_FILES['upload']['type'] == "text/html") { $d = @file_get_contents($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); preg_match_all("|<body[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/body|ims", $d, $b, PREG_SET_ORDER); $choose = !empty($b[0][1]) ? $b[0][1] : $d; } else { $err = L("wyswyg_htmlonly"); } } die("<html><head><meta charset='utf-8'/></head><body>" . ($choose ? "<div>" . $choose . "</div><script type='text/javascript'>\"" . $_REQUEST['impform'] . "\");</script>" : View::_t("<!form>") . "<input type='hidden' name='impform' value='" . $_REQUEST['impform'] . "'>" . "<input type='file' name='upload' onchange='this.form.submit();' id='" . $_REQUEST['impform'] . ":import'>" . ($err ? "alert('" . $err . "');" : "") . "</form>") . "</body></html>"); } $bs = Core::isInst("bootstrap"); //! get toolbars $toolbar = []; $libs = Core::lib(); foreach ($libs as $l) { if (!empty($l->wyswyg_toolbar)) { $toolbar = array_merge($toolbar, $l->wyswyg_toolbar); } } ?> pe.wyswyg = { <?php if ($bs) { ?> classes: { "toggle": "glyphicon glyphicon-eye", "import": "glyphicon glyphicon-open", "font": "glyphicon glyphicon-font", //L("wyswyg_font") L("wyswyg_style") L("wyswyg_style<h2>") L("wyswyg_style<h3>") L("wyswyg_style<h4>") L("wyswyg_style<h5>") L("wyswyg_style<pre>") "bold": "glyphicon glyphicon-bold", //L("wyswyg_bold")
/** * default action, loaded via AJAX */ function action($item) { //! assets if (!empty($_REQUEST['assetn'])) { list($d, $f) = explode("/", $_REQUEST['assetn']); $fn = ".tmp/" . session_id() . "/" . $d . "/" . $f; if (file_exists($fn)) { header("Content-type: " . ($d == "i" ? "image/png" : ($d == "c" ? "text/css" : ($d == "j" ? "text/javascript" : "application/octet-stream")))); die(file_get_contents($fn) . ""); } } //! sitebuild import Core::$core->noframe = true; $import = Core::req2arr("import"); //! uncompress uploaded archive if (!empty($import['file']['tmp_name'])) { @Tools::rmdir(".tmp/" . session_id()); @mkdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/i", 0750, true); @mkdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/c", 0750, true); @mkdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/j", 0750, true); @mkdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/f", 0750, true); @mkdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/h", 0750, true); Tools::untar($import['file']['tmp_name'], function ($name, $body) { $fn = ""; if (substr($name, -4) == ".htm" || substr($name, -5) == ".html") { self::$success = true; $fn = "h/" . basename($name); } else { if (in_array(substr($name, -4), [".gif", ".png", ".pnm", ".jpg", ".svg"])) { $fn = "i/" . basename($name); } else { if (in_array(substr($name, -4), [".eot", ".ttf"]) || substr($name, -5) == ".woff" || substr($name, -6) == ".woff2") { $fn = "f/" . basename($name); } else { if (substr($name, -4) == ".css") { $fn = "c/" . basename($name); } else { if (substr($name, -3) == ".js") { $fn = "j/" . basename($name); } } } } } if (!empty($fn)) { file_put_contents(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/" . $fn, $body); } }); if (!self::$success) { Core::error("Bad archive"); return; } } //! choose a html $this->htmls = glob(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/h/*"); if (count($this->htmls) == 1) { $item = 1; } if (intval($item) > 0 && !empty($this->htmls[$item - 1])) { $html = $this->htmls[$item - 1]; unset($this->htmls); } if (empty($html)) { if (intval($item) > 0) { Core::error("Bad archive"); } return; } //! choose application area $data = preg_replace("/<script.*?\\/script>/ims", "", file_get_contents($html)); $files = glob(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/*/*"); $assets = ["i" => "images", "c" => "css", "j" => "js", "f" => "fonts"]; //! replace urls with temporary ones for the uploaded files foreach ($files as $f) { if (!empty($assets[basename(dirname($f))])) { $data = preg_replace("/[^=\\ \t\r\n\\'\",\\(\\[]+" . basename($f) . "/ims", url("cms/sitebuild") . "?assetn=" . basename(dirname($f)) . "/" . basename($f), $data); } if (basename(dirname($f)) == "c") { View::css(url("cms/sitebuild") . "?assetn=" . basename(dirname($f)) . "/" . basename($f)); } else { if (basename(dirname($f)) == "j") { View::jslib(url("cms/sitebuild") . "?assetn=" . basename(dirname($f)) . "/" . basename($f)); } } } //! get the main application tag $this->content = CMS::taghtml($data); if (empty($_REQUEST['chooseid']) && preg_match("/(<[^<>]*?id=[\\'\"]?content[^>]*?>)/ims", $this->content, $m) && !empty($m[0]) && preg_match("/data\\-chooseid=[\\'\"]?([0-9]+)/ims", $m[0], $M)) { $_REQUEST['chooseid'] = $M[1]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['chooseid'])) { //! replace with <!app> $t = CMS::splithtml($this->content, $_REQUEST['chooseid'], 0) . "<!app>" . CMS::splithtml($this->content, $_REQUEST['chooseid'], 2); //! replace temporary urls with final ones preg_match_all("/[^=\\ \t\r\n\\'\",\\(\\[]+\\?assetn=([a-z])\\/([^=\\ \t\r\n\\'\",\\)\\]]+)/ims", $t, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($m as $M) { $t = str_replace($M[0], $assets[$M[1]] . "/" . $M[2], $t); } //! figure out sitebuild name $name = strtr(basename($html), [".html" => "", ".htm" => ""]); if ($name == "index" || $name == "frame" || $name == "simple" || $name == "default") { $name = "sitebuild" . Core::$core->now; } $views = Views::find($name); if (!empty($views)) { $name .= Core::$core->now; } //! save sitebuild $view = new Views(); $view->id = $name; $view->name = $name; $view->sitebuild = $name; $view->data = preg_replace("/<!\\-\\-.*?\\-\\->/ms", "", $t); $view->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", Core::$core->now); foreach ($files as $f) { if (empty($assets[basename(dirname($f))])) { continue; } if (basename(dirname($f)) == "c") { $view->css[] = basename($f); } if (basename(dirname($f)) == "j") { $view->jslib[] = basename($f); } } if ($view->save(true)) { //! copy temporary files to public directory foreach ($assets as $k => $v) { chdir(".tmp/" . session_id() . "/" . $k); Tools::copy(glob("*"), "public/" . $v); chdir("../../.."); } //! clean up @Tools::rmdir(".tmp/" . session_id()); //! redirect user to the fresh new sitebuild layout Http::redirect("cms/layouts/" . $name); } Core::error("Unable to save sitebuild!"); } }
function init() { \PHPPE\Core::addon("test2", "Test AddOn 2", "test1", "*configuration"); }
public function edit() { $t = $this; $e = Core::isError($t->name); return '<input' . @View::v($t, $t->attrs[1], $t->attrs[0], $t->args) . " type='file' style='display:inline;' title='" . round(Core::$core->fm / 1048576) . "Mb'>"; }
* PHP Portal Engine v3.0.0 * * * Copyright LGPL 2016 bzt * * PHPPE Extension Manager * */ pe.extensions = { /*PRIVATE VARS*/ installed:[ <?php echo Core::lib("Extensions")->getInstalled(); ?> ], pkgs:[ <?php echo Core::lib("Extensions")->getPkgs(); ?> ], licenses:[], tmr:null, me:false, lastcmd:"", param:"",return:"",url:"", /*PUBLIC METHODS*/ search:function(str,installed) { var t="",up=false,down=false; if(str==""||str==null||str==undefined)str=document.getElementById("search").value; if(str=="<?php echo L("installed"); ?> "<?php echo L("installed") != "installed" ? "||str==\"installed\"" : "";
/** * Action handler */ function action($item) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); $lib = Core::lib("ClusterSrv"); $nodes = DS::query("*", self::$_table, "", "", "type,load DESC,id"); $master = DS::field("id", self::$_table, "type='master' AND modifyd>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-120"); //! check if executed from CLI if (Core::$client->ip != "CLI") { header("Content-type:application/json"); $loadavg = 0.0; $waspeek = 0; $minSync = ""; if (!empty($nodes)) { $minSync = reset($nodes)['syncd']; foreach ($nodes as $k => $node) { unset($nodes[$k]["cmd"]); $loadavg += floatval($node['load']); if ($node['load'] >= 0.5) { $waspeek = 1; } if ($node['load'] >= 0.75) { $waspeek = 2; } if ($node['syncd'] < $minSync) { $minSync = $node['syncd']; } } $loadavg /= count($nodes); } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $minSync = strtotime($minSync); $D = []; $d = $lib->_skeleton; if (substr($d, -1) != "/") { $d .= "/"; } foreach (['vendor/*', 'vendor/*/*', 'vendor/*/*/*', 'vendor/*/*/*/*', 'vendor/*/*/*/*/*'] as $v) { $D += array_fill_keys(@glob($d . $v, GLOB_NOSORT), 0); } $newfiles = 0; foreach ($D as $d => $v) { $t = filemtime($d); if ($t != 0 && $t > $minSync) { $newfiles = 1; break; } } die(json_encode(["status" => $loadavg < 0.1 ? "idle" : ($loadavg > 0.5 || $waspeek ? $loadavg > 0.75 || $waspeek == 2 ? "error" : "warn" : "ok"), "loadavg" => $loadavg, "peek" => $waspeek, "master" => $master, "newfiles" => $newfiles, "id" => Core::lib("ClusterSrv")->id, "nodes" => $nodes])); } else { echo chr(27) . "[96mThis node is: " . chr(27) . "[0m" . $lib->id . " " . chr(27) . "[" . (strtolower(trim($lib->id)) == strtolower(trim($master)) ? "91mMASTER" : "92mSLAVE") . chr(27) . "[0m\n" . chr(27) . "[96mCluster nodes:\n"; echo chr(27) . "[96m Id Type Load Last seen Last viewed Name\n -------------- --------- ----- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------" . chr(27) . "[0m\n"; foreach ($nodes as $node) { echo sprintf("%s%-16s%-8s%8s", strtolower(trim($node['id'])) == strtolower(trim($master)) ? chr(27) . "[93m*" : " ", $node['id'], $node['type'], $node['load']) . " " . (!empty($node['modifyd']) ? $node['modifyd'] : sprintf("%-19s", L("booting"))) . " " . (!empty($node['viewd']) ? $node['viewd'] : "????-??-?? ??:??:??") . " " . $node['name'] . chr(27) . "[0m\n"; } echo "\n"; if (Core::$core->action == "action") { $this->help(); } } }
/** * default action */ function action($item) { //! omit frame and panel and disable cache Core::$core->noframe = true; Core::$core->nopanel = true; Core::$core->nocache = true; //! if not called as it should, return if (empty($item) || $item != sha1("pageadd_") && (empty($_SESSION['cms_url']) || empty($_SESSION['cms_param'][$item]))) { Core::$core->template = "403"; return; } //! get height $this->height = intval(@$_REQUEST['height']); $this->adjust = intval(@$_REQUEST['adjust']); //! save current scroll position to session so that on next //! page load pe.cms.init() will use it if (isset($_REQUEST['scrx'])) { $_SESSION['cms_scroll'] = [$_REQUEST['scrx'], $_REQUEST['scry']]; } //! get available access control entries $this->ace = ClassMap::ace(); foreach ($this->ace as $k => $v) { $this->ace[$k] = "@" . $v; } $this->ace[] = "@siteadm|webadm"; $this->ace[] = "loggedin"; $this->ace[] = "csrf"; $this->ace[] = "get"; $this->ace[] = "post"; //! get the field we're editing $F = clone $_SESSION["cms_param"][$item]; $F->fld = "page_value"; if (get_class($F) == "PHPPE\\AddOn\\wyswyg") { $F->args = [0, "pe.cms.image"]; } if (method_exists($F, 'init')) { $F->init(); } $this->fieldTitle = $F->name; $this->heightClass = @$F->heightClass; $this->boxHeight = $this->height - @$F->headerHeight; //! get the page we're editing //! if parameter name starts with "frame", load frame page instead $page = new Page(substr($F->name, 0, 6) == "frame." ? "frame" : @$_SESSION['cms_url']); $this->editable = $page->lock(); View::assign("page", $page); $n = substr($F->name, 0, 6) == "frame." ? substr($F->name, 6) : (substr($F->name, 0, 4) == "app." ? substr($F->name, 4) : $F->name); if (!empty($page->data[$n])) { $F->value = $page->data[$n]; } //! load extra data if any if (method_exists($F, 'load')) { $F->load($this); } //! save page parameter $param = Core::req2arr("page"); if (!empty($param) && $this->editable) { //! if there was no validation error if (!Core::isError()) { if (method_exists($F, "save")) { //! if it's a special field with it's own save mechanism $param['pageid'] = $page->id; if (!$F->save($param)) { Core::error(L("Unable to save page!")); } } else { //! otherwise standard page parameter $page->setParameter($F->name, $param['value']); if (!$page->save()) { Core::error(L("Unable to save page!")); } } //! close the modal if save was successful if (!Core::isError()) { //! release the page lock $page->release(); die("<html><script>;</script></html>"); } } //! copy the form data. normally you don't need to do that //! but here form name and object name differs, so it's not automatic foreach ($param as $k => $v) { $page->{$k} = $v; } } //! get the input(s) if (method_exists($F, 'edit')) { $this->field = $F->edit(); } else { //! fallback to a simple input field. Should never happen $this->field = "<input type='text' class='input" . (Core::isError("page.value") ? " errinput" : "") . "' name='page_value' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($F->value) . "\">"; } //! focus first input View::js("init()", "var inp=document.querySelector('.reqinput,.input');if(inp!=null){inp.focus();inp.selectionStart=inp.selectionEnd=(inp.value!=null?inp.value:inp.innerHTML).length;}", true); }
/** * default action */ function action($item) { //! check access rights if (!Core::$user->has("siteadm|webadm")) { Http::redirect("403"); } //! if we have to delete a page version if (isset($_REQUEST['pagedel'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['created'])) { Page::delete($item, $_REQUEST['created']); } Http::redirect($item); } //! revert to an old version of the page if (isset($_REQUEST['revert'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['created'])) { Core::log('A', sprintf("Page %s reverted to %s by %s", $item, $_REQUEST['created'], Core::$user->name), "cmsaudit"); DS::exec("UPDATE pages set created=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,modifyd=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,modifyid=? WHERE id=? AND (lang='' OR lang=?) AND created=?", [Core::$user->id, $item, Core::$client->lang, $_REQUEST['created']]); } Http::redirect($item); } //! get the latest public version's date if (empty($_REQUEST['created'])) { $_REQUEST['created'] = DS::field("created", "pages", "(id=? OR ? LIKE id||'/%') AND (lang='' OR lang=?) AND publishid!=0", "", "id DESC,created DESC", [$item, $item, Core::$client->lang]); if (empty($_REQUEST['created'])) { $_REQUEST['created'] = DS::field("created", "pages", "(id=? OR ? LIKE id||'/%') AND (lang='' OR lang=?)", "", "id DESC,created ASC", [$item, $item, Core::$client->lang]); } } //! load frame page for page parameters and dds $frame = DS::fetch("data,dds", "pages", "id='frame' AND (lang='' OR lang=?) AND created<=?", "", "", [Core::$client->lang, $_REQUEST['created']]); $frame['dss'] = @json_decode($frame['dds'], true); $frame['data'] = @json_decode($frame['data'], true); View::assign("frame", $frame['data']); //! load archive version //! normally you would use Model, but that would only return the latest version $page = DS::fetch("*", "pages", "(id=? OR ? LIKE id||'/%') AND (lang='' OR lang=?) AND created=?", "", "id DESC,created DESC", [$item, $item, Core::$client->lang, $_REQUEST['created']]); $this->title = $page['name']; $title = L("ARCHIVE") . " " . $page['name']; if (is_string($page['data'])) { $page['data'] = @json_decode($page['data'], true); } if (is_array($page['data'])) { foreach ($page['data'] as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } } foreach (["id", "name", "lang", "filter", "template", "pubd", "expd", "dds", "ownerid", "created"] as $k) { $this->{$k} = $page[$k]; } $p = @array_merge($frame['dds'], @json_decode($page['dds'], true)); if (is_array($p)) { foreach ($p as $k => $c) { if ($k != "dds") { try { $this->{$k} = DS::query($c[0], $c[1], @$c[2], @$c[3], @$c[4], @$c[5], View::getval(@$c[6])); } catch (\Exception $e) { Core::log("E", $item . " " . $e->getMessage() . " " . implode(" ", $c), "dds"); } } } } $old = View::template($this->template); //! if we have to compare to an older (or the latest) version if (isset($_REQUEST['diff'])) { include_once "vendor/phppe/CMS/libs/simplediff.php"; //! load current version $frame = DS::fetch("data,dds", "pages", "id='frame' AND (lang='' OR lang=?) AND publishid!=0", "", "created DESC", [Core::$client->lang]); $frame['dss'] = @json_decode($frame['dds'], true); $frame['data'] = @json_decode($frame['data'], true); View::assign("frame", $frame['data']); $page = DS::fetch("*", "pages", "id=? OR ? LIKE id||'/%'", "", "id DESC,created DESC", [$item, $item]); if (is_string($page['data'])) { $page['data'] = @json_decode($page['data'], true); } if (is_array($page['data'])) { foreach ($page['data'] as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } } foreach (["id", "name", "lang", "filter", "template", "pubd", "expd", "dds", "ownerid", "created"] as $k) { $this->{$k} = $page[$k]; } $p = @array_merge($frame['dds'], @json_decode($page['dds'], true)); if (is_array($p)) { foreach ($p as $k => $c) { if ($k != "dds") { try { $this->{$k} = DS::query($c[0], $c[1], @$c[2], @$c[3], @$c[4], @$c[5], View::getval(@$c[6])); } catch (\Exception $e) { Core::log("E", $item . " " . $e->getMessage() . " " . implode(" ", $c), "dds"); } } } } $this->title = $page['name']; $curr = View::template($this->template); //! make sure diff splits on tag end $this->result = htmlDiff(preg_replace("/>([^\\ \t\n])/m", "> \\1", $old), preg_replace("/>([^\\ \t\n])/m", "> \\1", $curr)); //! remove diff inside tags $this->result = preg_replace("/(<[^<>]+)<ins>.*?<\\/ins>([^<>]*>)/ims", "\\1\\2", $this->result); $this->result = preg_replace("/(<[^<>]+)<del>(.*?)<\\/del>([^<>]*>)/ims", "\\1\\2\\3", $this->result); } else { $this->result = $old; } $this->title = $title; }