/** * Count the current number of messages on the queue. * * @param $queue Queue Name * * @return int Count */ public function getMessagesCurrentCountOnQueue($queue) { try { return $this->queue->statsTube($queue)['current-jobs-ready']; } catch (ConnectionException $e) { \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("queue [{$queue}] not found"); } }
protected function setUp() { $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk(getenv('BEANSTALK_HOST')); if (!$pheanstalk->getConnection()->isServiceListening()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Beanstalk service is not available.'); } }
/** * Esegue il worker ad libitum * * @param string $tube * @return void */ public function execute($tube) { $queue = new Pheanstalk($this->host); declare (ticks=1); $tube = !is_null($tube) ? QueueManager::resolveChannelName($tube) : null; $queue->watch($tube); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, function ($signal) use($tube) { $this->shouldClose = true; if ((int) QueueManager::getTubeStats($tube, 'current-jobs-ready') === 0) { exit; } }); while ($job = $queue->reserve()) { try { $this->log($job, "Starting Job..."); $this->jobRunner->execute($job, $this->logger); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log($job, "Job Failed and Buried: " . $e->getMessage(), LoggerInterface::SEVERITY_ERROR); $queue->bury($job); continue; } $this->log($job, "Job Finished Succesfully"); $queue->delete($job); $this->closeIfPossible(); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function putInTube($tube, $data, $priority = PheanstalkInterface::DEFAULT_PRIORITY, $delay = PheanstalkInterface::DEFAULT_DELAY, $ttr = PheanstalkInterface::DEFAULT_TTR) { try { $this->_beanstalk->useTube($tube); return $this->put($data, $priority, $delay, $ttr); } catch (ConnectionException $e) { Yii::error($e); return false; } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function put(AbstractTube $tube, $data) { $workload = array('tube' => $tube->getName(), 'data' => $tube->getDataTransformer()->sleepData($data)); $success = false; try { $success = $this->pheanstalk->put(json_encode($workload), $tube->getPriority(), $tube->getDelay(), $tube->getTtr()); } catch (\Pheanstalk\Exception $e) { $this->fallBack($tube, $data); } return $success; }
/** {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $srcHost = $input->getArgument(self::ATTR_SRC_HOST); $dstHost = $input->getArgument(self::ATTR_DST_HOST); $srcPort = $input->getOption(self::OPT_SRC_PORT); $dstPort = $input->getOption(self::OPT_DST_PORT); $src = new Pheanstalk($srcHost, $srcPort); $dst = new Pheanstalk($dstHost, $dstPort); foreach ($src->listTubes() as $tube) { var_dump($tube); } }
public static function delete(Job $job) { if ($job->getQueueId()) { $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk(Config::getInstance()->get('Octo.worker.host')); try { $beanstalkJob = $pheanstalk->peek($job->getQueueId()); $pheanstalk->delete($beanstalkJob); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // Job is not in beanstalk. } } self::getStore()->delete($job); }
/** * 获取队列数量 * * @param string tube * @param Pheanstalk pheanstalk * @return string|boolean */ public function getJob($tube, Pheanstalk $pheanstalk) { if (!isset($this->jobs[$tube])) { return false; } $timeout = 3; $job = $pheanstalk->watch($tube)->reserve($timeout); if (empty($job) || !is_object($job) || $job->getId() == 0 || empty($job->getData())) { return false; } $data = ['job' => $job, 'handle' => $this->jobs[$tube]]; return serialize($data); }
/** * @param Pheanstalk $transport * @param null $tube * @param MailWrappedMessage|null $message * @return int * @throws MailWrapperSendException * @throws MailWrapperSetupException */ public static function store(Pheanstalk $transport, $tube = null, MailWrappedMessage $message = null) { if (!$message || !$message instanceof MailWrappedMessage) { throw new MailWrapperSetupException('No Message'); } if (!is_string($tube)) { throw new MailWrapperSetupException('No Tube'); } try { $storageId = $transport->putInTube($tube, $message); return $storageId; } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new MailWrapperSendException('Message store failure'); } }
/** * Test if BeanstalkdPublisher works as expected. */ public function testLogging() { $container = $this->getContainer(); $publisher = $container->get('ongr_task_messenger.publisher.default.beanstalkd'); $logger = new NullLogger(); $publisher->setLogger($logger); $task = new SyncTask(SyncTask::SYNC_TASK_PRESERVEHOST); $task->setName('task_foo'); $task->setCommand('command_foo'); $publisher->publish($task); $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk($container->getParameter('ongr_task_messenger.publisher.default.beanstalkd.host'), $container->getParameter('ongr_task_messenger.publisher.default.beanstalkd.port')); $job = $pheanstalk->watch('general')->reserve(); $jobData = json_decode($job->getData(), true); $this->assertEquals($jobData['task'], 'ongr.task.task_foo'); $this->assertEquals($jobData['args'][0], 'command_foo -e test'); }
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) { $workerManager = $serviceLocator->get(WorkerManager::class); $writer = new CsvStream('data/logs/daemon.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv'); $writer->setFormatter(new Xml(['rootElement' => 'log'])); $logger = new Logger(); $logger->addWriter(new Stream(fopen('php://output', 'w'))); $logger->addWriter($writer); $config = $serviceLocator->get('Config'); $config = $config['zource_daemon']; $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['timeout']); foreach ($config['tubes'] as $tube) { $pheanstalk->watch($tube); } $pheanstalk->ignore('default'); return new Daemon($pheanstalk, $workerManager, $logger, $config['lifetime'], $config['interval']); }
public function work() { foreach ($this->limits as $index => $limit) { $counterName = "queue:{$this->tube}:throttle:{$index}"; $started = (bool) $this->redis->setnx($counterName, $limit['requests']); $counter = $this->redis->get($counterName); if ($started) { $this->redis->transaction(function (MultiExec $transaction) use($counterName, $limit) { $transaction->expire($counterName, $limit['seconds']); $transaction->decr($counterName); }); } else { if ($counter > 1) { $this->redis->decr($counterName); } else { $this->pheanstalk->pauseTube($this->tube, $this->redis->ttl($counterName)); } } } }
private function generateStatsTable(Pheanstalk $pheanstalk, $tube = null) { if ($tube) { $tubes[] = $tube; } else { $tubes = $pheanstalk->listTubes(); } $stats = array(); foreach ($tubes as $tube) { $stats[$tube] = (array) $pheanstalk->statsTube($tube); } $statsToDisplay = array('current-jobs-urgent', 'current-jobs-ready', 'current-jobs-reserved', 'current-jobs-delayed', 'current-jobs-buried', 'current-waiting', 'total-jobs'); foreach ($stats as &$tubeStats) { foreach ($tubeStats as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $statsToDisplay)) { unset($tubeStats[$key]); } } } return $stats; }
/** * @return int Status code to exit with */ public function run() { $env = $this->context->env; $tube = $env->get('BEANSTALKD_TUBE') ?: 'default'; $class = $env->get('BEANSTALKD_CONSUMER'); if (!$class) { $this->stdio->outln('<<red>>BEANSTALKD_CONSUMER environmental variable is not set<<reset>>'); return Status::USAGE; } if (!class_exists($class)) { $this->stdio->outln(sprintf('<<red>>BEANSTALKD_CONSUMER does not reference a locatable class: %s<<reset>>', $class)); return Status::DATAERR; } if (!in_array(ConsumerInterface::class, class_implements($class))) { $this->stdio->outln(sprintf('<<red>>BEANSTALKD_CONSUMER references a class that does not implement ConsumerInterface: %s<<reset>>', $class)); return Status::DATAERR; } $this->pheanstalk->watchOnly($tube); $consumer = call_user_func($this->resolver, $class); while (call_user_func($this->listener)) { $reserved = $this->pheanstalk->reserve(); if (!$reserved) { continue; } $job = new Job($reserved->getId(), $reserved->getData()); try { $result = $consumer->consume($job); if ($result === false) { $this->pheanstalk->release($job); continue; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->pheanstalk->release($job); throw $e; } $this->pheanstalk->delete($job); } return Status::SUCCESS; }
/** * Checks that the job received is actually from PHPCI, and has a valid type. * @param Job $job * @param $jobData * @return bool */ protected function verifyJob(Job $job, $jobData) { if (empty($jobData) || !is_array($jobData)) { // Probably not from PHPCI. $this->pheanstalk->delete($job); return false; } if (!array_key_exists('type', $jobData) || $jobData['type'] !== 'phpci.build') { // Probably not from PHPCI. $this->pheanstalk->delete($job); return false; } return true; }
/** {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $srcHost = $input->getArgument(self::ATTR_HOST); $srcPort = $input->getOption(self::OPT_PORT); $sort = $input->getOption(self::OPT_SORT); $order = $input->getOption(self::OPT_ORDER); $noZeros = $input->getOption(self::OPT_NO_ZEROS); $columns = ['name' => 'name', 'current-jobs-ready' => 'ready', 'current-jobs-reserved' => 'reserved', 'current-jobs-delayed' => 'delayed', 'current-jobs-buried' => 'buried']; $src = new Pheanstalk($srcHost, $srcPort); $table = new TableHelper(false); $table->setLayout(TableHelper::LAYOUT_BORDERLESS); $table->setHeaders($columns); $tubeNames = $src->listTubes(); ksort($tubeNames); $data = []; foreach ($tubeNames as $tube) { /** @var ArrayResponse $response */ $response = $src->statsTube($tube); $tubeData = $response->getArrayCopy(); $tubeData = array_intersect_key($tubeData, $columns); if ($noZeros) { foreach ($tubeData as $key => $value) { if ('0' === $value) { $tubeData[$key] = ''; } } } $data[] = $tubeData; } $column = array_search($sort, $columns); uasort($data, function (array $a1, array $a2) use($column, $order) { return strnatcmp($a1[$column], $a2[$column]) * $order; }); $table->addRows($data); $table->render($output); }
/** * Delete message from queue * * @param int $pid * @param callable $callback function handler * @throws \Deliveries\Exceptions\BrokerException * @return boolean */ public function delete($pid = null, callable $callback = null) { try { // get broker job by process id $job = $this->broker->peek($pid); // remove process $this->broker->delete($job); if (is_null($callback) === false) { $callback(); } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new BrokerException($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * * @return number */ public function is_message($queue = '') { try { if ($queue) { $result = $this->beanstalk->statsTube($queue); } else { $result = $this->beanstalk->stats(); } $messageCount = 0; foreach ($result as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, ['current-jobs-urgent', 'current-jobs-ready', 'current-jobs-reserved', 'current-jobs-delayed'])) { $messageCount += $val; } } return $messageCount; } catch (ServerException $e) { return 1; } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function flush() { try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekDelayed($this->name); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekBuried($this->name); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekReady($this->name); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } }
/** * Set up dependencies */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $configurationManager = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\Flow\\Configuration\\ConfigurationManager'); $settings = $configurationManager->getConfiguration(ConfigurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS, 'TYPO3.Jobqueue.Beanstalkd'); if (!isset($settings['testing']['enabled']) || $settings['testing']['enabled'] !== TRUE) { $this->markTestSkipped('beanstalkd is not configured (TYPO3.Jobqueue.Beanstalkd.testing.enabled != TRUE)'); } $queueName = 'Test-queue'; $this->queue = new BeanstalkdQueue($queueName, $settings['testing']); $clientOptions = $settings['testing']['client']; $host = isset($clientOptions['host']) ? $clientOptions['host'] : ''; $port = isset($clientOptions['port']) ? $clientOptions['port'] : '11300'; $this->client = new Pheanstalk($host, $port); // flush queue: try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekDelayed($queueName); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekBuried($queueName); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { while (true) { $job = $this->client->peekReady($queueName); $this->client->delete($job); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } }
/** * Start the worker. */ public function run() { // Set up pheanstalk: $this->pheanstalk->watch($this->queue); $this->pheanstalk->ignore('default'); while ($this->run) { $beanstalkJob = $this->pheanstalk->reserve(900); $jobData = json_decode($beanstalkJob->getData(), true); // Delete invalid jobs: if (empty($jobData) || !is_array($jobData) || empty($jobData['type'])) { $this->pheanstalk->delete($beanstalkJob); continue; } $job = new Job($jobData); // Delete jobs we don't have handlers for: if (!array_key_exists($job->getType(), $this->handlers)) { $this->pheanstalk->delete($beanstalkJob); Manager::update($job, Job::STATUS_FAILURE, 'No handler exists for this job type.'); continue; } // Try and load the job handler: $handlerClass = $this->handlers[$job->getType()]['handler']; try { $handler = new $handlerClass($job, $this); if (!$handler instanceof Handler) { throw new \Exception('Job handler does not extend \\Octo\\Job\\Handler.'); } Manager::update($job, Job::STATUS_RUNNING); // Try and run the job: $success = $handler->run(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->pheanstalk->delete($beanstalkJob); Manager::update($job, Job::STATUS_FAILURE, $ex->getMessage()); continue; } Manager::update($job, $success ? Job::STATUS_SUCCESS : Job::STATUS_FAILURE, $handler->getMessage()); // Remove the job when we're done: $this->pheanstalk->delete($beanstalkJob); } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function processed($job) { return (bool) $this->beanstalk->delete($job); }
/** * Delete a message from the Beanstalk queue. * * @param string $queue * @param string $id * @return void */ public function deleteMessage($queue, $id) { $this->pheanstalk->useTube($this->getQueue($queue))->delete($id); }
/** * @test */ public function submitSetsDefaultTtrIfNotSpecified() { $this->mockClient->expects($this->once())->method('putInTube')->with(new \PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything(), new \PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything(), new \PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything(), new \PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything(), PheanstalkInterface::DEFAULT_TTR); $this->beanstalkdQueue->submit('somePayload'); }
/** * Get the number of times the job has been attempted. * * @return int */ public function attempts() { $stats = $this->pheanstalk->statsJob($this->job); return (int) $stats->reserves; }
/** * * @param string $identifier * @return Message */ public function getMessage($identifier) { $pheanstalkJob = $this->client->peek($identifier); return $this->decodeMessage($pheanstalkJob->getData()); }
<?php /** * This file describes a Pheanstalk worker */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/vendor/autoload.php"; use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk; // Create a new connection to pheanstalk. $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk(''); // Watch the test tube. $pheanstalk->watch('test'); // While we can reserve a job... while ($job = $pheanstalk->reserve()) { sleep(5); // Process the data and write it to STDOUT. $data = $job->getData(); echo "{$data} \n"; // Delete the job from the queue. $pheanstalk->delete($job); sleep(5); // If the message was 'kill', exit this loop. if ($data == 'kill') { break; } }
<?php /** * This file describes a Pheanstalk stats client. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/vendor/autoload.php"; use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk; // Create a new connection to pheanstalk. $pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk(''); // Grab stats $stats = $pheanstalk->stats(); print_r($stats);
public function testProcessed() { $job = new \stdClass(); $this->beanstalk->expects($this->once())->method('delete')->with($job)->willReturn(true); $this->assertTrue($this->driver->processed($job)); }
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk; $stalk = new Pheanstalk(''); while (1) { $job = $stalk->watch('test')->ignore('default')->reserve(); echo $job->getData(); $stalk->delete($job); }