fromFullyQualifiedString() public static method

public static fromFullyQualifiedString ( string $fully_qualified_string ) : UnionType
$fully_qualified_string string A '|' delimited string representing a type in the form 'int|string|null|ClassName'.
return UnionType
文件: Clazz.php 项目: hslatman/phan
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Model
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Clazz
     $parent_fqsen = $row['parent_class_fqsen'] ? FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['parent_class_fqsen']) : null;
     $interface_fqsen_list = array_map(function (string $fqsen_string) {
         return FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
     }, array_filter(explode('|', $row['interface_fqsen_list'])));
     $trait_fqsen_list = array_map(function (string $fqsen_string) {
         return FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
     }, array_filter(explode('|', $row['trait_fqsen_list'])));
     $clazz = new ClazzElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags'], $parent_fqsen, $interface_fqsen_list, $trait_fqsen_list);
     return new Clazz($clazz);
文件: Clazz.php 项目: hslatman/phan
  * @return null
 public function addTraitFQSEN(FQSEN $fqsen)
     $this->trait_fqsen_list[] = $fqsen;
     // Add the trait to the union type of this class
     $this->getUnionType()->addUnionType(UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString((string) $fqsen));
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * The code base within which we're operating
  * @param $context $context
  * The context of the parser at the node for which we'd
  * like to determine a type
  * @param Node|mixed $node
  * The node for which we'd like to determine its type
  * @return UnionType
  * The UnionType associated with the given node
  * in the given Context within the given CodeBase
  * @return UnionType
  * The union type for a node of type \ast\AST_CLASS
 public static function unionTypeFromClassNode(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, $node) : UnionType
     // For simple nodes or very complicated nodes,
     // recurse
     if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node || $node->kind != \ast\AST_NAME) {
         return self::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $node);
     $class_name = $node->children['name'];
     // Check to see if the name is fully qualified
     if (!($node->flags & \ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ)) {
         if (0 !== strpos($class_name, '\\')) {
             $class_name = '\\' . $class_name;
         return UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($class_name);
     if ('parent' === $class_name) {
         $class = $context->getClassInScope($code_base);
         $parent_class_fqsen = $class->getParentClassFQSEN();
         $parent_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($parent_class_fqsen);
         return $parent_class->getUnionType();
     return UnionType::fromStringInContext($class_name, $context);
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * The code base within which we're operating
  * @param $context $context
  * The context of the parser at the node for which we'd
  * like to determine a type
  * @param Node|mixed $node
  * The node for which we'd like to determine its type
  * @return UnionType
  * The UnionType associated with the given node
  * in the given Context within the given CodeBase
  * @throws IssueException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find a class for
  * the given type
 public static function unionTypeFromClassNode(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, $node) : UnionType
     // For simple nodes or very complicated nodes,
     // recurse
     if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node || $node->kind != \ast\AST_NAME) {
         return self::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $node);
     $class_name = $node->children['name'];
     // Check to see if the name is fully qualified
     if (!($node->flags & \ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ)) {
         if (0 !== strpos($class_name, '\\')) {
             $class_name = '\\' . $class_name;
         return UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($class_name);
     if ('parent' === $class_name) {
         if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::ContextNotObject)($context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [$class_name]));
         $class = $context->getClassInScope($code_base);
         if ($class->isTrait()) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::TraitParentReference)($context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [(string) $context->getClassFQSEN()]));
         if (!$class->hasParentClassFQSEN()) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::ParentlessClass)($context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [(string) $context->getClassFQSEN()]));
         $parent_class_fqsen = $class->getParentClassFQSEN();
         if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($parent_class_fqsen)) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::UndeclaredClass)($context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [(string) $parent_class_fqsen]));
         } else {
             $parent_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($parent_class_fqsen);
             return $parent_class->getUnionType();
     return UnionType::fromStringInContext($class_name, $context);
文件: Method.php 项目: hslatman/phan
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Model
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Method
     list($scope, $name) = explode('|', $row['scope_name']);
     return new Method(new MethodElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags'], $row['number_of_required_parameters'], $row['number_of_optional_parameters'], (bool) $row['is_dynamic']), $scope, $name);
文件: Variable.php 项目: etsy/phan
  * @return UnionType|null
  * Returns UnionType (Possible with empty set) if and only if isHardcodedGlobalVariableWithName is true.
  * Returns null otherwise.
 public static function getUnionTypeOfHardcodedGlobalVariableWithName(string $name, Context $context)
     if (array_key_exists($name, self::_BUILTIN_SUPERGLOBAL_TYPES)) {
         // More efficient than using context.
         return UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString(self::_BUILTIN_SUPERGLOBAL_TYPES[$name]);
     if (array_key_exists($name, Config::get()->globals_type_map) || in_array($name, Config::get()->runkit_superglobals)) {
         $type_string = Config::get()->globals_type_map[$name] ?? '';
         return UnionType::fromStringInContext($type_string, $context);
     return null;
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Model
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Parameter
     if (false !== strpos($row['method_fqsen'], '::')) {
         $method_fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['method_fqsen']);
     } else {
         $method_fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['method_fqsen']);
     $primary_key_value = $row['id'] ?? null;
     $parameter = new Parameter(new ParameterElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags']), $method_fqsen, $primary_key_value);
     return $parameter;
文件: AST.php 项目: tmli3b3rm4n/phan
  * Get a fully qualified name form a node
  * @return string
  * @see \Phan\Deprecated\Util::qualified_name
  * From `function qualified_name`
 public static function qualifiedName(Context $context, $node) : string
     if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node || $node->kind != \ast\AST_NAME) {
         return (string) self::varUnionType($context, $node);
     $type_name = $node->children['name'];
     $type = null;
     // Check to see if the name is fully qualified
     if (!($node->flags & \ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ)) {
         if (0 !== strpos($type_name, '\\')) {
             $type_name = '\\' . $type_name;
         return (string) UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($type_name);
     $type = UnionType::fromStringInContext($type_name, $context);
     return (string) $type;
  * Look at elements of the form `is_array($v)` and modify
  * the type of the variable.
  * @param Node $node
  * A node to parse
  * @return Context
  * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
  * parsing the node
 public function visitCall(Node $node) : Context
     // Only look at things of the form
     // `is_string($variable)`
     if (count($node->children['args']->children) !== 1 || !$node->children['args']->children[0] instanceof Node || $node->children['args']->children[0]->kind !== \ast\AST_VAR || !$node->children['expr'] instanceof Node || empty($node->children['expr']->children['name'] ?? null) || !is_string($node->children['expr']->children['name'])) {
         return $this->context;
     // Translate the function name into the UnionType it asserts
     $map = array('is_array' => 'array', 'is_bool' => 'bool', 'is_callable' => 'callable', 'is_double' => 'float', 'is_float' => 'float', 'is_int' => 'int', 'is_integer' => 'int', 'is_long' => 'int', 'is_null' => 'null', 'is_numeric' => 'string|int|float', 'is_object' => 'object', 'is_real' => 'float', 'is_resource' => 'resource', 'is_scalar' => 'int|float|bool|string|null', 'is_string' => 'string', 'empty' => 'null');
     $functionName = $node->children['expr']->children['name'];
     if (!isset($map[$functionName])) {
         return $this->context;
     $type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($map[$functionName]);
     $context = $this->context;
     try {
         // Get the variable we're operating on
         $variable = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['args']->children[0]))->getVariable();
         if ($variable->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {
         // Make a copy of the variable
         $variable = clone $variable;
         $variable->setUnionType(clone $variable->getUnionType());
         // Change the type to match the is_a relationship
         if ($type->isType(ArrayType::instance()) && $variable->getUnionType()->hasGenericArray()) {
             // If the variable is already a generic array,
             // note that it can be an arbitrary array without
             // erasing the existing generic type.
         } else {
             // Otherwise, overwrite the type for any simple
             // primitive types.
         // Overwrite the variable with its new type in this
         // scope without overwriting other scopes
         $context = $context->withScopeVariable($variable);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         // Swallow it
     return $context;
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Constant
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Constant
     list($scope, $name) = explode('|', $row['scope_name']);
     $constant = new Constant(new ConstantElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags']), $scope, $name);
     if (false !== strpos($row['fqsen'], '::')) {
         $fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassConstantName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['fqsen']);
     } else {
         $fqsen = FullyQualifiedGlobalConstantName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['fqsen']);
     return $constant;
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Model
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Property
     list($scope, $name) = explode('|', $row['scope_name']);
     $property = new Property(new PropertyElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags']), $scope, $name);
     return $property;
  * @param array
  * A map from column name to value
  * @return Model
  * An instance of the model derived from row data
 public static function fromRow(array $row) : Method
     list($scope, $name) = explode('|', $row['scope_name']);
     $method_element = new MethodElement(unserialize(base64_decode($row['context'])), $row['name'], UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['type']), (int) $row['flags']);
     $method = new Method($method_element, $scope, $name);
     if (false !== strpos($row['fqsen'], '::')) {
         $fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['fqsen']);
     } else {
         $fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromFullyQualifiedString($row['fqsen']);
     return $method;