public function download($id) { $anexo = Anexo::findFirst($id); $response = new Response(); if ($anexo) { $response->setStatusCode(StatusCodes::OK); $response->setFileToSend($anexo->getCaminho(), $anexo->getOriginal()); } else { $response->setStatusCode(StatusCodes::NAO_ENCONTRADO); } return $response; }
/** * Выполняет все плагины по цепочке * * @param \Phalcon\Http\Request $request * @return string */ public function process(Request $request) { $response = new Response(); $pluginResult = new PluginResult(); foreach ($this->_arPlugins as $plugin) { $pluginResult = $plugin->process($request, $pluginResult); if ($pluginResult->terminate) { break; } } if ($pluginResult->error) { $response->setStatusCode($pluginResult->errorCode, $pluginResult->errorMessage); $response->setContent($pluginResult->errorMessage); return $response; } else { $response->setStatusCode(200, "OK"); } $callback = $request->getQuery('callback'); $result = ''; if ($callback) { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript'); $result .= $callback . '('; } else { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } $result .= json_encode(array('searchContext' => $pluginResult->searchContext, 'result' => $pluginResult->result)); if ($callback) { $result .= ');'; } if ($pluginResult->fileToSend) { $response->setFileToSend($pluginResult->fileToSend, 'data.txt'); } else { $response->setContent($result); } return $response; }
public function setFileToSend($filePath, $attachmentName = null, $attachment = true) { return parent::setFileToSend($filePath, $attachmentName, $attachment); }
public function download($url, $destination = "", $file_name = "") { // check URL and get token if necessary preg_match("/(.*)periscope\\.tv\\/w\\/(.*)/", trim($url), $output_array); if (isset($output_array[2])) { $periscope_token = $output_array[2]; } else { preg_match("/(.*)watchonperiscope\\.com\\/broadcast\\/(.*)/", trim($url), $output_array); if (isset($output_array[2])) { try { $watchonperiscope_response = $this->_guzzle->get("" . $output_array[2])->getBody(); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException $e) { throw new \Exception("URL error: Invalid URL", 2); } $watchonperiscope_json = json_decode($watchonperiscope_response, true); if (!isset($watchonperiscope_json["error"])) { preg_match("/(.*)periscope\\.tv\\/w\\/(.*)/", $watchonperiscope_json["share_url"], $output_array); $periscope_token = $output_array[2]; } else { throw new \Exception("URL error: Invalid URL", 2); } } else { throw new \Exception("URL error: Unsupported URL", 1); } } // construct filename and destination if ($file_name == "") { try { $periscope_details_response = $this->_guzzle->get("" . $periscope_token)->getBody(); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { throw new \Exception("Periscope error: Invalid token", 3); } $periscope_details_json = json_decode($periscope_details_response, true); $periscope_user = $periscope_details_json["user"]["username"]; $periscope_start_time = $periscope_details_json["broadcast"]["start"]; $date = substr($periscope_start_time, 0, 10); $hours = substr($periscope_start_time, 11, 2); $mins = substr($periscope_start_time, 14, 2); $file_name = $periscope_user . "_" . $date . "_" . $hours . "_" . $mins . ".ts"; } else { $file_name = rtrim($file_name, ".ts") . ".ts"; } if ($destination == "") { $destination = __DIR__ . "/"; } else { $destination = rtrim($destination, "/") . "/"; } // set up cookies try { $periscope_cookies_response = $this->_guzzle->get("" . $periscope_token)->getBody(); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { throw new \Exception("Periscope error: Invalid token", 3); } $periscope_cookies_json = json_decode($periscope_cookies_response, true); $replay_url = $periscope_cookies_json["replay_url"]; $base_url = str_replace("/playlist.m3u8", "", $replay_url); $cookies = array(); foreach ($periscope_cookies_json["cookies"] as $cookie) { $cookies[$cookie["Name"]] = $cookie["Value"]; } $cookie_jar = new \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar(); $periscope_cookies = $cookie_jar::fromArray($cookies, ""); // download playlist and all chunks $periscope_playlist_response = $this->_guzzle->get($replay_url, ["cookies" => $periscope_cookies])->getBody()->getContents(); preg_match_all("/chunk_(.*)\\.ts/", $periscope_playlist_response, $chunk_array); $tmp_folder = $destination . "/" . bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)) . "/"; shell_exec("mkdir " . $tmp_folder); $path = $destination . $file_name; if (!file_exists($path)) { shell_exec("cat " . $tmp_folder . $chunk_array[0][0] . " >> " . $path); } $response = new Response(); $filetype = filetype($path); $filesize = filesize($path); while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } $response->setHeader("Content-Description", 'File Transfer'); $response->setHeader("Cache-Control", 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); $response->setHeader("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename=' . $file_name); $response->setHeader("Content-Type", $filetype); $response->setHeader("Content-Length", $filesize); $response->setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", 'binary'); $response->setHeader("Expires", '0'); $response->setHeader("Pragma", 'public'); $response->setFileToSend($path, null, false); $response->send(); foreach ($chunk_array[0] as $chunk) { $chunk_response = $this->_guzzle->get($base_url . "/" . $chunk, ["cookies" => $periscope_cookies])->getBody()->getContents(); //, 'stream' => true // $chunk_size = $chunk_response->getHeader('content-length'); // $body = $chunk_response->getBody(); // // while ( ! $body->eof()) { // echo $body->read($chunk_size[0]); // } file_put_contents($tmp_folder . $chunk, $chunk_response); $chunk_size = filesize($tmp_folder . $chunk); if (file_exists($path)) { shell_exec("cat " . $path . ' ' . $tmp_folder . $chunk . " >> " . $path); } $fh = fopen($tmp_folder . $chunk, "rb"); echo fread($fh, $chunk_size); while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } flush(); fclose($fh); } // clean up shell_exec("rm -rf " . $tmp_folder); exit; return $destination . $file_name; }