 public function testSentAtGetterAndSetter()
     $entity = new Email();
     $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $this->assertEquals($date, $entity->getSentAt());
 public function testGetDate()
     $email = new Email();
     $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $this->assertSame($date, $this->provider->getDate($email));
 public function inapplicableEmailsProvider()
     $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $oldEmailDate = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $oldEmailDate->sub(\DateInterval::createFromDateString('2 day'));
     $applicableSubjectsAndBodies = [['not empty subject', 'This is email body with offer, sale and won words.', $date], [null, 'This email has nothing.', $date], [null, 'This is email body with sale and won words.', $oldEmailDate]];
     $data = array_map(function ($subjectAndBody) {
         list($subject, $bodyContent, $sentAt) = $subjectAndBody;
         $body = new EmailBody();
         $email = new Email();
         return [$email];
     }, $applicableSubjectsAndBodies);
     return $data;