  * @param \SimpleXMLElement $xml
  * @throws \Omnipay\Econtext\Exception\InvalidCredentialsException - if invalid gateway credentials were used (fragile)
  * @return \Omnipay\Econtext\Message\PurchaseMerchantResponse
 protected function createResponseOrThrow(\SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     //We want to detect if a duplicate-number (transactionReference) error happened.
     //However, we can't do that, as the error code is the same if we send a bad one
     //or a duplicate.
     //Since we self-generate the references in the same manner (and they should always be unique),
     //this should only happen in the other case - when the were asked to perform a charge
     //for a custom transactionReference, which turned out to be bad/duplicate.
     if ((string) $xml->infoCode === BaseMerchantResponse::INFO_CODE_BAD_ORDER_NUMBER) {
         throw new \Omnipay\Econtext\Exception\BadTransactionReferenceException(sprintf('Bad (possibly duplicate) transaction reference (original error: %s)', (string) $xml->info));
     return parent::createResponseOrThrow($xml);