  * Safe accessor for configuration values.
  * @param $name Config name, supports array names like "field[key]"
  * @param $default Default value if nothing is found
  * @return string
 public function getConfig($name = null, $default = null)
      * Return all config
     if (is_null($name)) {
         return $this->config;
      * Array field name, eg: field[key][key2][key3]
     $keyParts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($name);
      * First part will be the field name, pop it off
     $fieldName = array_shift($keyParts);
     if (!isset($this->config->{$fieldName})) {
         return $default;
     $result = $this->config->{$fieldName};
      * Loop the remaining key parts and build a result
     foreach ($keyParts as $key) {
         if (!is_array($result) || !array_key_exists($key, $result)) {
             return $default;
         $result = $result[$key];
     return $result;
 public function testNameToArray()
     $result = HtmlHelper::nameToArray('field');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('field', $result));
     $result = HtmlHelper::nameToArray('field[key1]');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('field', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('key1', $result));
     $result = HtmlHelper::nameToArray('field[][key1]');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('field', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('key1', $result));
     $result = HtmlHelper::nameToArray('field[key1][key2][key3]');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('field', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('key1', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('key2', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('key3', $result));
  * Returns a unique ID for this widget. Useful in creating HTML markup.
  * @param string $suffix An extra string to append to the ID.
  * @return string A unique identifier.
 public function getId($suffix = null)
     $id = class_basename(get_called_class());
     if ($this->alias != $this->defaultAlias) {
         $id .= '-' . $this->alias;
     if ($suffix !== null) {
         $id .= '-' . $suffix;
     return HtmlHelper::nameToId($id);
  * Returns a value suitable for the column id property.
  * @param  string $suffix Specify a suffix string
  * @return string
 public function getId($suffix = null)
     $id = 'column';
     $id .= '-' . $this->columnName;
     if ($suffix) {
         $id .= '-' . $suffix;
     return HtmlHelper::nameToId($id);
  * Since the locker does always contain the latest values, this method
  * will take the save data from the repeater and merge it in to the
  * locker based on which ever locale is selected using an item map
  * @return void
 protected function rewritePostValues()
      * Get the selected locale at postback
     $data = post('RLTranslateRepeaterLocale');
     $fieldName = implode('.', HtmlHelper::nameToArray($this->fieldName));
     $locale = array_get($data, $fieldName);
     if (!$locale) {
      * Splice the save data in to the locker data for selected locale
     $data = $this->getPrimarySaveDataAsArray();
     $fieldName = 'RLTranslate.' . $locale . '.' . implode('.', HtmlHelper::nameToArray($this->fieldName));
     array_set($_POST, $fieldName, json_encode($data));
  * Returns the final model and attribute name of a nested attribute.
  * Eg: list($model, $attribute) = $this->resolveAttribute('person[phone]');
  * @param  string $attribute.
  * @return array
 public function resolveModelAttribute($model, $attribute = null)
     if ($attribute === null) {
         $attribute = $this->valueFrom ?: $this->fieldName;
     $parts = is_array($attribute) ? $attribute : HtmlHelper::nameToArray($attribute);
     $last = array_pop($parts);
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $model = $model->{$part};
     return [$model, $last];
  * Returns a raw column value
  * @return string
 public function getColumnValueRaw($record, $column)
     $columnName = $column->columnName;
      * Handle taking value from model relation.
     if ($column->valueFrom && $column->relation) {
         $columnName = $column->relation;
         if (!array_key_exists($columnName, $record->getRelations())) {
             $value = null;
         } elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column, true)) {
             $value = $record->{$columnName}->lists($column->valueFrom);
         } elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column) || $this->isColumnPivot($column)) {
             $value = $record->{$columnName} ? $record->{$columnName}->{$column->valueFrom} : null;
         } else {
             $value = null;
     } elseif ($column->valueFrom) {
         $keyParts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($column->valueFrom);
         $value = $record;
         foreach ($keyParts as $key) {
             $value = $value->{$key};
     } else {
         if ($record->hasRelation($columnName) && array_key_exists($columnName, $record->attributes)) {
             $value = $record->attributes[$columnName];
         } else {
             $value = $record->{$columnName};
     return $value;
  * Returns an array of translated values for this field
  * @return array
 public function getLocaleSaveData()
     $values = [];
     $data = post('RLTranslate');
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         return $values;
     $fieldName = implode('.', HtmlHelper::nameToArray($this->fieldName));
     foreach ($data as $locale => $_data) {
         $values[$locale] = array_get($_data, $fieldName);
     return $values;
文件: Lists.php 项目: jiiis/ptn
  * Creates a list column object from it's name and configuration.
 protected function makeListColumn($name, $config)
     if (is_string($config)) {
         $label = $config;
     } elseif (isset($config['label'])) {
         $label = $config['label'];
     } else {
         $label = studly_case($name);
      * Auto configure pivot relation
     if (starts_with($name, 'pivot[') && strpos($name, ']') !== false) {
         $_name = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($name);
         $relationName = array_shift($_name);
         $valueFrom = array_shift($_name);
         if (count($_name) > 0) {
             $valueFrom .= '[' . implode('][', $_name) . ']';
         $config['relation'] = $relationName;
         $config['valueFrom'] = $valueFrom;
         $config['searchable'] = false;
     } elseif (strpos($name, '[') !== false && strpos($name, ']') !== false) {
         $config['valueFrom'] = $name;
         $config['sortable'] = false;
         $config['searchable'] = false;
     $columnType = isset($config['type']) ? $config['type'] : null;
     $column = new ListColumn($name, $label);
     $column->displayAs($columnType, $config);
     return $column;
  * Returns a unique ID for this widget. Useful in creating HTML markup.
 public function getId($suffix = null)
     $id = parent::getId($suffix);
     $id .= '-' . $this->fieldName;
     return HtmlHelper::nameToId($id);
  * Sets an attribute from a model/array with nesting support.
  * @param  mixed  $data
  * @param  string $attribute
  * @return mixed
 protected function setAttributeFromData(&$data, $attribute, $value)
     $keyArray = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($attribute);
     array_set($data, implode('.', $keyArray), $value);
     return $value;
  * Looks up the column
 public function getFieldValue($field)
     if (is_string($field)) {
         if (!isset($this->fields[$field])) {
             throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.form.missing_definition', compact('field')));
         $field = $this->fields[$field];
     $fieldName = $field->fieldName;
     $defaultValue = strlen($field->defaults) ? $field->defaults : null;
      * Array field name, eg: field[key][key2][key3]
     $keyParts = Helper::nameToArray($fieldName);
     $lastField = end($keyParts);
     $result = $this->data;
     // Sub fields are always the last field in the array
     return $result[$lastField];
  * Returns a value suitable for the scope id property.
 public function getId($suffix = null)
     $id = 'scope';
     $id .= '-' . $this->scopeName;
     if ($suffix) {
         $id .= '-' . $suffix;
     if ($this->idPrefix) {
         $id = $this->idPrefix . '-' . $id;
     return HtmlHelper::nameToId($id);
文件: ListColumn.php 项目: jiiis/ptn
  * Internal method to extract the value of a column name from a data set.
  * @param string $columnName
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param mixed $default
  * @return mixed
 protected function getColumnNameFromData($columnName, $data, $default = null)
      * Array column name, eg: column[key][key2][key3]
     $keyParts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($columnName);
     $result = $data;
      * Loop the column key parts and build a value.
      * To support relations only the last column should return the
      * relation value, all others will look up the relation object as normal.
     foreach ($keyParts as $key) {
         if ($result instanceof Model && $result->hasRelation($key)) {
             $result = $result->{$key};
         } else {
             if (!isset($result->{$key})) {
                 return $default;
             $result = $result->{$key};
     return $result;
  * Returns an array of translated values for this field
  * @return array
 public function getLocaleSaveData()
     $values = [];
     $data = post('RLTranslate');
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         return $values;
     $fieldName = implode('.', HtmlHelper::nameToArray($this->fieldName));
     $isJson = $this->isLocaleFieldJsonable();
     foreach ($data as $locale => $_data) {
         $value = array_get($_data, $fieldName);
         $values[$locale] = $isJson ? json_decode($value, true) : $value;
     return $values;
 protected function makeTableWidget()
     $config = $this->makeConfig((array) $this->config);
     $config->dataSource = 'client';
     $config->alias = studly_case(HtmlHelper::nameToId($this->fieldName)) . 'datatable';
     $config->fieldName = $this->fieldName;
     $table = new Table($this->controller, $config);
     $table->bindEvent('table.getDropdownOptions', [$this, 'getDataTableOptions']);
     return $table;
  * Returns postback data from a submitted form.
 public function getSaveData()
     $data = $this->arrayName ? post($this->arrayName) : post();
     if (!$data) {
         $data = [];
      * Number fields should be converted to integers
     foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
         if ($field->type != 'number') {
          * Handle HTML array, eg: item[key][another]
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->fieldName);
         $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
         if (($value = array_get($data, $dotted)) !== null) {
             $value = !strlen(trim($value)) ? null : (double) $value;
             array_set($data, $dotted, $value);
      * Give widgets an opportunity to process the data.
     foreach ($this->formWidgets as $field => $widget) {
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field);
         $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
         $widgetValue = $widget->getSaveValue(array_get($data, $dotted));
         array_set($data, $dotted, $widgetValue);
      * Handle fields that differ by fieldName and valueFrom
      * @todo @deprecated / Not needed? Remove if year >= 2016
     // $remappedFields = [];
     // foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
     //     if ($field->fieldName == $field->valueFrom) {
     //         continue;
     //     }
     //     /*
     //      * Get the value, remove it from the data collection
     //      */
     //     $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->fieldName);
     //     $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
     //     $value = array_get($data, $dotted);
     //     array_forget($data, $dotted);
     //     /*
     //      * Set the new value to the data collection
     //      */
     //     $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->valueFrom);
     //     $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
     //     array_set($remappedFields, $dotted, $value);
     // }
     // if (count($remappedFields) > 0) {
     //     $data = array_merge($remappedFields, $data);
     //     // Could be useful one day for field name collisions
     //     // $data['X_OCTOBER_REMAPPED_FIELDS'] = $remappedFields;
     // }
     return $data;
 protected function makeTableWidget()
     $config = $this->makeConfig((array) $this->config);
     $config->dataSource = 'client';
     // It's safe to use the field name as an alias
     // as field names do not repeat in forms. This
     // approach lets to access the table data by the
     // field name in POST requests directly (required
     // in some edge cases).
     $config->alias = studly_case(HtmlHelper::nameToId($this->fieldName)) . 'datatable';
     $table = new Table($this->controller, $config);
     $table->bindEvent('table.getDropdownOptions', [$this, 'getDataTableOptions']);
     return $table;
  * @deprecated Moved to October\Rain\Html\Helper::nameToArray
 public static function evalHtmlArray($string)
     traceLog('Str::evalHtmlArray has been deprecated, use October\\Rain\\Html\\Helper::nameToArray instead.');
     return HtmlHelper::nameToArray($string);
  * Internal method to extract the value of a field name from a data set.
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param mixed $default
  * @return mixed
 protected function getFieldNameFromData($fieldName, $data, $default = null)
      * Array field name, eg: field[key][key2][key3]
     $keyParts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($fieldName);
     $lastField = end($keyParts);
     $result = $data;
      * Loop the field key parts and build a value.
      * To support relations only the last field should return the
      * relation value, all others will look up the relation object as normal.
     foreach ($keyParts as $key) {
         if ($result instanceof Model && $result->hasRelation($key)) {
             if ($key == $lastField) {
                 $result = $result->getRelationValue($key) ?: $default;
             } else {
                 $result = $result->{$key};
         } elseif (is_array($result)) {
             if (!array_key_exists($key, $result)) {
                 return $default;
             $result = $result[$key];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result->{$key})) {
                 return $default;
             $result = $result->{$key};
     return $result;
  * Returns post data from a submitted form.
  * @return array
 public function getSaveData()
     $result = [];
      * Source data
     $data = $this->arrayName ? post($this->arrayName) : post();
     if (!$data) {
         $data = [];
      * Spin over each field and extract the postback value
     foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
          * Disabled and hidden should be omitted from data set
         if ($field->disabled || $field->hidden) {
          * Handle HTML array, eg: item[key][another]
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->fieldName);
         if (($value = $this->dataArrayGet($data, $parts)) !== null) {
              * Number fields should be converted to integers
             if ($field->type === 'number') {
                 $value = !strlen(trim($value)) ? null : (double) $value;
             $this->dataArraySet($result, $parts, $value);
      * Give widgets an opportunity to process the data.
     foreach ($this->formWidgets as $field => $widget) {
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field);
         $widgetValue = $widget->getSaveValue($this->dataArrayGet($result, $parts));
         $this->dataArraySet($result, $parts, $widgetValue);
     return $result;
  * Looks up the column value
 public function getColumnValue($record, $column)
     $columnName = $column->columnName;
      * Handle taking value from model relation.
     if ($column->valueFrom && $column->relation) {
         $columnName = $column->relation;
         if (!array_key_exists($columnName, $record->getRelations())) {
             $value = null;
         } elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column, true)) {
             $value = implode(', ', $record->{$columnName}->lists($column->valueFrom));
         } elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column) || $this->isColumnPivot($column)) {
             $value = $record->{$columnName} ? $record->{$columnName}->{$column->valueFrom} : null;
         } else {
             $value = null;
     } elseif ($column->valueFrom) {
         $keyParts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($column->valueFrom);
         $value = $record;
         foreach ($keyParts as $key) {
             $value = $value->{$key};
     } else {
         if ($record->hasRelation($columnName) && array_key_exists($columnName, $record->attributes)) {
             $value = $record->attributes[$columnName];
         } else {
             $value = $record->{$columnName};
     if (method_exists($this, 'eval' . studly_case($column->type) . 'TypeValue')) {
         $value = $this->{'eval' . studly_case($column->type) . 'TypeValue'}($record, $column, $value);
      * Apply default value.
     if ($value === '' || $value === null) {
         $value = $column->defaults;
      * Extensibility
     if (($response = Event::fire('backend.list.overrideColumnValue', [$this, $record, $column, $value], true)) !== null) {
         $value = $response;
     if (($response = $this->fireEvent('list.overrideColumnValue', [$record, $column, $value], true)) !== null) {
         $value = $response;
     return $value;
文件: Form.php 项目: ncusoho/october
  * Returns postback data from a submitted form.
 public function getSaveData()
     $result = [];
      * Source data
     $data = $this->arrayName ? post($this->arrayName) : post();
     if (!$data) {
         $data = [];
      * Spin over each field and extract the postback value
     foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
          * Handle HTML array, eg: item[key][another]
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->fieldName);
         $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
         if (($value = array_get($data, $dotted)) !== null) {
              * Number fields should be converted to integers
             if ($field->type == 'number') {
                 $value = !strlen(trim($value)) ? null : (double) $value;
             array_set($result, $dotted, $value);
      * Give widgets an opportunity to process the data.
     foreach ($this->formWidgets as $field => $widget) {
         $parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field);
         $dotted = implode('.', $parts);
         $widgetValue = $widget->getSaveValue(array_get($result, $dotted));
         array_set($result, $dotted, $widgetValue);
     return $result;