  * Join the query with a subquery. Warning, in order to use this method
  * properly, the join must be executed at the start of the query. If
  * it's added t the end of the query, the bindings won't match up.
  * @param  \October\Rain\Database\Builder   $query      Query being joined to
  * @param  \October\Rain\Database\Builder   $subquery   Subquery being joined
  * @param  string                           $alias      Joined table alias
  * @param  string                           $left       Left side of condition
  * @param  string                           $operator   Join condition operator
  * @param  string                           $right      Right side of condition
  * @param  string                           $join       Join type [ join, leftJoin ]
  * @return \October\Rain\Database\Builder
 public function scopeJoinSubquery($query, $subquery, $alias, $left, $operator, $right, $join = 'join')
     $self = $this->getTable() . '.*';
     if (!in_array($self, $query->getQuery()->columns)) {
     $subquery = $subquery->getQuery();
     $raw = DB::raw('(' . $subquery->toSql() . ') ' . $alias);
     return $query->{$join}($raw, $left, $operator, $right)->mergeBindings($subquery);
  * Left joins a subquery containing the product price
  * @param  \October\Rain\Database\Builder   $query
  * @return \October\Rain\Database\Builder
 public function scopeJoinPrice($query)
     $alias = 'prices';
     $grammar = $query->getQuery()->getGrammar();
     $subquery = Price::isRunning()->addselect('bedard_shop_prices.product_id')->selectRaw('MIN(' . $grammar->wrap('bedard_shop_prices.price') . ') as ' . $grammar->wrap('price'))->groupBy('bedard_shop_prices.product_id');
     return $query->addSelect($alias . '.price')->joinSubquery($subquery, $alias, 'bedard_shop_products.id', '=', $alias . '.product_id');