/** * @param Settings $pdo */ public function __construct(Settings $pdo = null) { parent::__construct($pdo); $this->_git = new \nzedb\utility\Git(); // Do not remove the full namespace/ PHP gets confused for some reason without it. $this->_vers = Misc::getValidVersionsFile(); $this->_setColourMasks(); }
/** * @param $tmux_session */ function window_sharing($tmux_session) { $pdo = new Settings(); $sharing = $pdo->queryOneRow('SELECT enabled, posting, fetching FROM sharing'); $t = new Tmux(); $tmux = $t->get(); $tmux_share = isset($tmux->run_sharing) ? $tmux->run_sharing : 0; if ($tmux_share && $sharing['enabled'] == 1 && ($sharing['posting'] == 1 || $sharing['fetching'] == 1)) { exec("tmux new-window -t {$tmux_session} -n Sharing 'printf \"]2;comment_sharing\"'"); } }
<?php require_once './config.php'; use nzedb\Tmux; $page = new AdminPage(); $tmux = new Tmux(); $id = 0; // Set the current action. $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'view'; switch ($action) { case 'submit': $error = ""; $ret = $tmux->update($_POST); $page->title = "Tmux Settings Edit"; $settings = $tmux->get(); $page->smarty->assign('ftmux', $settings); break; case 'view': default: $page->title = "Tmux Settings Edit"; $settings = $tmux->get(); $page->smarty->assign('ftmux', $settings); break; } $page->smarty->assign('yesno_ids', [1, 0]); $page->smarty->assign('yesno_names', ['yes', 'no']); $page->smarty->assign('backfill_ids', [0, 4, 2, 1]); $page->smarty->assign('backfill_names', ['Disabled', 'Safe', 'Group', 'All']); $page->smarty->assign('backfill_group_ids', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); $page->smarty->assign('backfill_group', ['Newest', 'Oldest', 'Alphabetical', 'Alphabetical - Reverse', 'Most Posts', 'Fewest Posts']); $page->smarty->assign('backfill_days', ['Days per Group', 'Safe Backfill day']);
<?php require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php'); use nzedb\Tmux; use nzedb\db\Settings; passthru("clear"); $pdo = new Settings(); $t = new Tmux(); $tmux = $t->get(); $powerline = isset($tmux->powerline) ? $tmux->powerline : 0; $tmux_session = 'NNTPProxy'; function python_module_exist($module) { exec("python -c \"import {$module}\"", $output, $returnCode); return $returnCode == 0 ? true : false; } $nntpproxy = $pdo->getSetting('nntpproxy'); if ($nntpproxy === '0') { exit; } else { $modules = array("socketpool"); foreach ($modules as &$value) { if (!python_module_exist($value)) { exit($pdo->log->error("NNTP Proxy requires " . $value . " python module but it's not installed. Aborting.")); } } } function window_proxy($tmux_session, $powerline) { global $pdo; $DIR = nZEDb_MISC;
<?php /** * This file makes the tmux monitoring script activate the processing cycle. * It does so by changing the running setting in the database, so that the monitor script knows to * (re)start applicable scripts. * * It will start the tmux server and monitoring scripts if needed. */ require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php'); use nzedb\Tmux; use nzedb\db\Settings; $pdo = new Settings(); $tmux = new Tmux(); $tmux_settings = $tmux->get(); $tmux_session = isset($tmux_settings->tmux_session) ? $tmux_settings->tmux_session : 0; $path = __DIR__; // Set running value to on. $tmux->startRunning(); // Create a placeholder session so tmux commands do not throw server not found errors. exec('tmux new-session -ds placeholder 2>/dev/null'); //check if session exists $session = shell_exec("tmux list-session | grep {$tmux_session}"); // Kill the placeholder exec('tmux kill-session -t placeholder'); if (count($session) == 0) { echo $pdo->log->info("Starting the tmux server and monitor script.\n"); passthru("php {$path}/run.php"); }
$DIR = nZEDb_MISC; $ROOTDIR = nZEDb_ROOT; $smarty = SMARTY_DIR . 'templates_c/'; $dbname = DB_NAME; function command_exist($cmd) { $returnVal = shell_exec("which {$cmd}"); return empty($returnVal) ? false : true; } if (command_exist('php5')) { $PHP = 'php5'; } else { $PHP = 'php'; } if (isset($argv[1])) { $tmux = new Tmux(); $restart = false; if ($argv[1] === 'true') { $restart = $tmux->stopIfRunning(); } if ($tmux->get()->patchdb == '1') { exec("cd {$ROOTDIR} && git pull"); //remove folders from smarty if (count(glob("{$smarty}*")) > 0) { echo $pdo->log->info('Removing old stuff from ' . $smarty); exec('rm -rf ' . $smarty . '*'); } else { echo $pdo->log->info('Nothing to remove from ' . $smarty); } echo $pdo->log->primary('Patching database - ' . $dbname); exec("{$PHP} {$ROOTDIR}/cli/update_db.php true");
/** * @param Settings $pdo */ public function __construct(Settings $pdo = null) { parent::__construct($pdo); $dateFormat = $this->pdo->getSetting(['section' => 'shell', 'subsection' => 'date', 'name' => 'format']); $this->_dateFormat = empty($dateFormat) ? '%Y-%m-%d %T' : $dateFormat; }